Ukoliko želite, kartone naučnog osoblja ovog fakulteta možete da pogledate i na sajtu Elektronskog fakulteta.
Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Dragan S. Antić
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 10.02.1963.
- Mesto rođenja: Vranje
- Fakultet: Elektronski fakultet
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Automatika
- Godina diplomiranja: 1987
Spisak publikacija
Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:
Antić, D., Nikolić, V., Contribution to the Conversion of Bond Graph Models into State Space Equations and Block Diagram Simulation Models, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Budapest, 2002.
Debeljković, D., Stojanović, S., Antić, D., Stabilnost sistema automatskog upravljanja na konačnom vremenskom intervalu, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakukltet u Beogradu, Beograd, 2013.
Antić, D., Dimitrijević., S., Vuković, P., "Modelling and Simulation of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Tracking Control with Matlab and Simulink", Advances in Inteligent Systems, Series: Frontiers in Artificial Inteligence and Applications, (F.C. Morabito, ed), IOS Press, Amsterdam & OHMSHA Tokyo, Vol 41, 1997, (pp. 429-433).
Dimitrijević., S., Antić, D., Vuković, P., "Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control System: Modelling and Simulation with Matlab and Simulink ", Advances in Inteligent Systems, Series: Frontiers in Artificial Inteligence and Applications, (F.C. Morabito, ed), IOS Press, Amsterdam & OHMSHA Tokyo, Vol 41, 1997, (pp. 424-428).
Antić, D., Stanković P., Stanković M., "The Choice of the Signal Error Dynamics for System with Polynomial Controller", Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation: Neural Networks & Advanced Control Strategies, Series: Concurrent Systems Engineering, edited by Masoud Mohammadian, IOS Press, Amsterdam & OHMSHA Tokyo, Vol 54, 1999, (pp. 380-383).
Antić, D., Stanković M., Danković B., Dimitrijević, S., "Analysis of Nonlinear Computing Anticipatory Systems with Bounded Attractors", Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation: Neural Networks & Advanced Control Strategies, Series: Concurrent Systems Engineering, edited by Masoud Mohammadian, IOS Press, Amsterdam & OHMSHA Tokyo, Vol 54, 1999, (pp. 384-389).
Dimitrijević, S., Antić, D., "Third Order Non-Minimum Phase Plant Control via Fuzzy Sliding Mode", Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation: Evolutionary Computation & Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Control, Knowledge Acquisition & Information Retrieval, Series: Concurrent Systems Engineering, edited by Masoud Mohammadian, IOS Press, Amsterdam & OHMSHA Tokyo, Vol 55, 1999, (pp. 323-328).
Aleksandrov, S., Jovanović, Z., Antić, D., "The new approach to training engineers for applying programmable logic controllers in modern systems of automatic control", Reengineering and Entrepreneurship under the Contemporary Conditions of Enterprise Business - Thematic collection of papers of international significance, Edited by Prof. dr. Biljana Predić, Project Manager, Publisher: University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering & Faculty of Economics, Niš, Serbia, 2012, (pp. 34-52).
Dragan S. Antić, Darko B. Mitić, Zoran D. Jovanović, Staniša Lj. Perić, Marko T. Milojković, Saša S. Nikolić,“Sliding Mode Based Anti-Lock Braking System Control”, Chapter 27 in Complex Systems Relationships between Control, Communications and Computing, Series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol. 55, Ed. Georgi M. Dimirovski, pp. 557-580, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-28858-1, (Doi No: 10.1007/978-3-319-28860-4_27), Publisher: Springer International Publishing.
Vesna Paunović, Zoran Prijić, Dragan Antić, "Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Nanomaterial - Basic Properties, Characterization and Applications", Chapter 6 in Commercialization of Nanotechnologies–A Case Study Approach, Ed. D. Brabazon et al. (eds.), pp. 117-151, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-56978-9, ISBN 978-3-319-56979-6 (eBook), (Doi No: 10.1007/978-3-319-56979-6_6), Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG .
Darko Mitić, Goran Jovanović, Mile Stojčev, Dragan Antić, Phase Control Loops in Analog and Digital Circuits, (2020), ISBN: 978-86-7181-111-8, Publisher: University of Niš, Serbia (This manuscript was approved for publishing as the scientific monograph by the Decisison of the Senate of the University of Niš, No. 8/16-01-009/20-041 on 18.09.2020.)
Knjige i udžbenici:
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Golo, G., Mitić, D., Vuković, P., Sistemi automatskog upravljanja - ispitni zadaci, zbirka zadataka, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Niš, 1995 (Odlukom Nastavno-naučnog veća Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 1/0-05-009/95-006, od 23. 10. 1995. godine, rukopis je štampan kao pomoćni univerzitetski udžbenik).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Upravljanje procesima - Identifikacija procesa, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Niš, 1996 (Odlukom Nastavno-naučnog veća Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 1/0-05-010/96, od 12. 01. 1996. godine, rukopis je štampan kao univerzitetski udžbenik).
Antić, D., Golo, G., Programski paketi za simulaciju dinamičkih sistema, Kantakuzin i Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Beograd-Kragujevac-Niš, 1996 (Nastavno-naučno veće Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, na svojoj sednici od 14. 03. 1996. godine, rešenjem br. 1/0-05-033/96-003, donelo je odluku da se rukopis štampa kao pomoćni univerzitetski udžbenik).
Antić, D., Priručnik za modeliranje i simulaciju dinamičkih sistema, Niš, 1999. (Nastavno-naučno veće Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, na svojoj sednici od 22. 01. 1999. godine, rešenjem br. 1/0-05-007/99-002, donelo je odluku da se rukopis štampa kao pomoćni univerzitetski udžbenik).
Antić, D., Danković, B., Modeliranje i simulacija dinamičkih sistema, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2001. (Nastavno-naučno veće Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, na svojoj sednici od 28. 12. 2000. godine, rešenjem br. XXX1/0-05-007/99-002, donelo je odluku da se rukopis štampa kao pomoćni univerzitetski udžbenik).
Antić, D., Priručnik za modeliranje i simulaciju dinamičkih sistema, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2006. (Nastavno-naučno veće Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, na svojoj sednici od 22. 01. 1999. godine, rešenjem br. 1/0-05-007/99-002, donelo je odluku da se rukopis štampa kao pomoćni univerzitetski udžbenik).
Antić, D., Mitić, D., Jovanović, Z., Regulacija elektromotornih pogona -zbirka rešenih zadataka, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2010. (Nastavno-naučno veće Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, na svojoj sednici od 01. 04. 2010. godine, rešenjem br. 07/05-004/10-003, donelo je odluku da se rukopis štampa kao pomoćni univerzitetski udžbenik).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Identifikacija procesa, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Niš, 2010.
Jovanović, Z., Antić, D., Mitić, D., Regulacija elektromotornih pogona -Praktikum za laboratorijske vežbe, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2010. (Nastavno-naučno veće Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, na svojoj sednici od 1. 04. 2010. godine, rešenjem br. 07/05-005/10-003, donelo je odluku da se rukopis štampa kao pomoćni univerzitetski udžbenik).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Upravljanje procesima, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2010. (Nastavno-naučno veće Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, na svojoj sednici od 23. 12. 2010. godine, rešenjem br. 07/05-010/10-003, donelo je odluku da se rukopis štampa kao univerzitetski udžbenik).
Stojanović, S., Debeljković, D., Antić, D., Stabilnost posebnih klasa sistema automatskog upravljanja na konačnom vremenskom intervalu, Univerzitet u Nišu, Tehnološki fakultet u Leskovcu, Leskovac, 2015.
Marko Milojković, Dragan Antić, Saša Nikolić, Praktikum za modeliranje i simulaciju dinamičkih sistema, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 2016. (Odlukom Nastavno-naučnog veća Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 07/05-001/16-006 od 20.06.2016. godine rukopis je odobren za štampu kao pomoćni udžbenik). ISBN: 978-86-6125-161-0
Saša Nikolić, Bratislav Danković, Dragan Antić, Zoran Jovanović, Marko Milojković, Identifiukacija procesa, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 2020. (Odlukom Nastavno-naučnog veća Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 07/05-008/20-007 od 06.10.2020. godine rukopis je odobren za štampu kao univerzitetski udžbenik). ISBN: 978-86-6125-228-0.
Vojislav Miltenović, Dragan Antić, Inženjering Pametnih Proizvoda i Usluga, Univerzitet u Nišu, 2020. (Odlukom Senata Univerziteta u Nišu, br. 8/16-01-014/20-017 od 16.11.2020. godine rukopis je odobren za štampu kao univerzitetski udžbenik). ISBN: 978-86-7181-112-5.
Nerecenzirane publikacije
Milojković, M., Antić, D., Modeliranje i simulacija dinamičkih sistema, Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2013. (U okviru IPA projekta prekogranične saradnje Bugarska-Srbija More Synergy Between Higher and Secondary Education in Informatics, Computing and Electrotechnics).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Upravljanje sistemima, Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2013. (U okviru IPA projekta prekogranične saradnje Bugarska-Srbija More Synergy Between Higher and Secondary Education in Informatics, Computing and Electrotechnics).
Antić, D., Mitić, D., Milojković, M., Nikolić, S. S., Perić, S., Sistemi automatskog upravljanja u vozilima, Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Niš, 2014. (U okviru TEMPUS projekta Development and Improvement of Automotive and Urban Engineering Studies u Serbia).
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
D. Antić, S. Dimitrijević: "Non-minimum phase plant control using fuzzy sliding mode", Electronics Letters, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 1156-1158, 1998.
D. Antić, S. Dimitrijević, "One application of low-pass filter in sliding mode control system with PI action", Archiv fur Elektrotechnik, (Electrical Engineering), vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 33-37, 1999.
S.Lj. Perić, D.S. Antić, V.D. Pavlović, S.S. Nikolić, M.T. Milojković, ''Ultra selective low-pass linear-phase FIR filter function'', Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 595-597, 2013.
V.D. Pavlović, D.S. Antić, S.S. Nikolić, S.Lj. Perić, ''Low complexity lowpass linear-phase multiplierless FIR filter'', Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 18, pp. 1133-1135, 2013.
M.T. Milojković, D.S. Antić, S. S. Nikolić, Z.D. Jovanović, S.Lj. Perić, ''On a new class of quasi-orthogonal filters'', International Journal of Electronics, vol. 100, no. 10, pp. 1361-1372, 2013.
D. Antić, B. Danković, S. Nikolić, M. Milojković, Z. Jovanović, ''Approximation Based on Orthogonal and Almost Orthogonal Functions'', Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 349, no. 1, pp. 323-336, 2012.
S. Stojanović, D. Debeljković, D. Antić, "Robust finite-time stability and stabilization of linear uncertain time-delay systems", Asian Journal of Control, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1548-1554, 2013.
M. Milojković, S. Nikolić, B. Danković, D. Antić, Z. Jovanović, "Modelling of dynamical systems based on almost orthogonal polynomials", Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 133-144, 2010.
D. Antić, M. Milojković, Z. Jovanović, S. Nikolić, ''Optimal Design of the Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for a DC Servo Drive'', Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 56, no. 7-8, 2010, pp. 455-463, 2010.
D. Antić, Z. Jovanović, V. Nikolić, M. Milojković, S. Nikolić, N. Danković, ''Modeling of cascade-connected systems using quasi-orthogonal functions'', Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 3-8, 2012.
V. Potkonjak, G. Djordjević, Č. Milosavljević, D. Antić, D. Popović, "Variable structure systems for control of redundant robot", Robotics and autonomous systems, No 13, 1994, (pp. 13-24).
V. Potkonjak, G. Djordjević, Č. Milosavljević, D. Antić, D. Popović, "Kinematic redundancy and Sensor Redundancy for Enhancement of Robot Tracking Performance", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (Kluwer Academic Publishers), No 15, 1996, (pp. 263-289).
Potkonjak, V., Djordjević, G., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Design of Tactical and Executive Level of Redundant Robot Control Via Distributed Positionining", International Journal of Robotic & Automation (IASTED), Vol 11, Issue 3, 1996, (pp. 102-110).
Z. Perić, S. Bogosavljević, D. Antić, M. Milojković, "Optimal Uniform Polar Quantization for Variable Variance", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol 4(11), No 2(22), 2004, (pp. 5-8).
J. Nikolić, D. Antić, Z. Perić, "Simply Construction Method for Exponential Source's Scalar Quantizers", Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol 58, No 2, 2005, (pp. 18-21).
S. Nikolić, D. Antić, B. Danković, M. Milojković, Z. Jovanović, S. Perić, "Orthogonal Functions Applied in Antenna Positioning", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 10, No 4, 2010, (pp. 35-42).
J. Nikolić, Z. Perić, D. Antić, A. Jovanović, D. Denić, "Low Complex Forward Adaptive Loss Compression Algorithm and its Application in Speech Coding", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 62, No 1, 2011, (pp. 19-24).
B. Petković, S. Ilić, S. Aleksić, N. Raičević, D. Antić, "A novel approach to the positive DC nonlinear corona design", Electromagnetics, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 505-524, 2011.
D. Antić, S. Nikolić, M. Milojković, N. Danković, Z. Jovanović, S. Perić, ''Sensitivity analysis of imperfect systems using almost orthogonal filters'', Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 79-94, 2011.
G. Jovanović, D. Mitić, M. Stojčev, D. Antić, "Phase-Synchronizer Based on gm-C All-Pass Filter Chain", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 12, No 1, 2012, (pp. 39-44).
J. Nikolić, Z. Perić, A. Jovanović, D. Antić, "Design of Forward Adaptive Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantizer with Optimized Reproduction Level Distribution per Segments", Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 119, No. 3, 2012, (pp. 19-22).
Z. Fedra, B. Dimitrijević, N. Milošević, D. Antić, Z. Nikolić, "Variance Based OFDM Frame Synchronization", Radioengineering, vol. 21, no. 21 pp, (409 - 413), 2012.
S. Stošović, Z. Nikolić, B. Dimitrijevič, D. Antić, N. Milošević, "A Novel OFDM/DQPSK Receiver with Adaptive Remodulation Filter", Radioengineering, vol. 21, no. 4 pp, (1125 - 1129), 2012.
D.B. Mitić, S.Lj. Perić, D.S. Antić, Z.D. Jovanović, M.T. Milojković, S.S. Nikolić, ''Digital sliding mode control of anti-lock braking system'', Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 33-40, 2013.
G. Jovanović, D. Mitić, M. Stojčev, D. Antić, "Self-tuning biquad band-pass filter", Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 22, no. 3, 2013.
D.M. Trajković, V.D. Nikolić, D.S. Antić, S.S. Nikolić, S.Lj. Perić, ''Application of the hybrid bond graphs and orthogonal rational filters in sag voltage effect reduction'', Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 25-30, 2013.
S. Aleksandrov, Z. Jovanović, D. Antić, S. Nikolić, S. Perić, R. Aleksandrov, ''Analysis of the Efficiency of Applied Virtual Simulation Models and Real Learning Systems in the Process of Education in Mechatronics'', Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 10, no. 6, (2013), pp. 59-76.
Nikolić, J., Perić, Z., Aleksić, D., Antić, D., "Linearization of Optimal Compressor Function and Design of Piecewise Linear Compandor for Gaussian Source", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 13, no. 4, (2013), pp. 73-78. Print ISSN: 1582-7445.
G. T. Đorđević, D. Antić, “Outage Probability of Interference-limited Switch and Stay Diversity System over Gamma Shadowed Nakagami-m Fading Channels“, Frequenz. Volume 67, Issue 11-12, pp. 387–392, ISSN (Online) 2191-6349, ISSN (Print) 0016-1136, 2013.
S. Perić, D. Antić, V. Nikolić, D. Mitić, M. Milojković, S.S. Nikolić, “A New Approach to the Sliding Mode Control Design: Anti-lock Braking System as a Case Study“, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 37-43, 2014.
V. Pavlović, D. Antić, S. Perić, S.S. Nikolić, M. Milojković, “Transitional Selective Linear Phase 1D FIR Filter Function Generated by Christoffel-Darboux Formula for Chebyshev Polynomials“, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 3-10, 2014.
S.B. Stojanović, D. Debeljković, D. Antić, "The application of different Lyapunov-like functionals and some aggregate norm approximations of the delayed states for finite-time stability analysis of linear discrete time-delay systems", Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 351, no. 7, pp. 3914 - 3931, 2014.
Darko B. Mitić, Goran S. Jovanović, Mile K. Stojčev, Dragan S. Antić, “Phase-synchroniser based on gm-C all-pass filter chain with sliding mode control”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 102, no. 3, pp. 362-375, 2015.
Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan S. Antić, Staniša Lj. Perić, Nikola B. Danković, Marko T. Milojković, “Design of Generalised Orthogonal Filters: Application to the Modelling of Dynamical Systems”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 103, no. 2, (2016), pp. 269-280. ISSN: 0020-7217, (DOI:, Publisher: Taylor & Francis.
Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan S. Antić, Marko T. Milojković, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Staniša Lj. Perić, Darko B. Mitić, “Application of Neural Networks with Orthogonal Activation Functions in Control of Dynamical Systems”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 103, no. 4, (2016), pp. 667-685. Print ISSN: 0020-7217, (Doi No:, Publisher: Taylor & Francis.
Marko Milojković, Dragan Antić, Miroslav Milovanović, Saša S. Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Muhanad Almawlawe, “Modeling of Dynamic Systems Using Orthogonal Endocrine Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems”, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 137, no. 9, (2015), pp. DS-15-1098. Print ISSN: 1528-9028, (DOI:, Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Miroslav Milovanović, Dragan Antić, Miodrag Spasić, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, “Improvement of DC Motor Velocity Estimation Using Feedforward Neural Network”, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 12, no. 6, (2015), pp. 107-126. ISSN: 1785-8860, (DOI:, Publisher: Óbuda University, Hungary.
Staniša Lj. Perić, Dragan S. Antić, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Darko B. Mitić, Marko T. Milojković, Saša S. Nikolić, "Quasi-Sliding Mode Control with Orthogonal Endocrine Neural Network-Based Estimator Applied in Anti-Lock Braking System", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 21, no. 2, (2016), pp. 754-764. Print ISSN: 1083-4435, (Doi No:, Publisher: IEEE.
Djordjevic Goran T, Petkovic Milica I, Spasic Miodrag, Antic Dragan S, “Outage capacity of FSO link with pointing errors and link blockage“, Optics Express, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 219–230, ISSN (Online) 1094-4097, DOI:, 2016.
Goran Jovanović, Darko Mitić, Mile Stojčev, Dragan Antić: "Self-Tuning OTA-C Notch Filter with Constant Q-Factor", Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 25, No. 5, (2016), ISSN: 0218-1266, (DOI: Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.
Nikola B. Danković, Zoran H. Perić, Dragan S. Antić, Staniša Lj. Perić, Saša S. Nikolić, “Robustness of the Prediction Filter in Differential Pulse Code Modulation System”, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 22, no. 5, (2016), pp. 74-78. Print ISSN: 1392-1215, (Doi No:, Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology. October 2016.
Miodrag D. Spasić, Morten Hovd, Darko Mitić, Dragan S. Antić, "Tube Model Predictive Control with an Auxiliary Sliding Mode Controller" Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol 37, No 3, pp. 181-193., Doi No: 10.4173/mic.2016.3.4, Publisher: Norwegian Society of Automatic Control, 2016.
Miroslav B. Milovanović, Dragan S. Antić, Marko T. Milojković, Saša S. Nikolić, Staniša Lj. Perić, Miodrag D. Spasić, “Adaptive PID Control Based on Orthogonal Endocrine Neural Networks”, Neural Networks, vol. 84, (2016), pp. 80-90, Print ISSN: 0893-6080, (Doi No:, Publisher: Elsevier Ltd. December 2016.
Nikola B. Danković, Zoran H. Perić, Dragan S. Antić, Staniša Lj. Perić, Saša S. Nikolić, "Robustness of the Prediction Filter in Differential Pulse Code Modulation System", Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 22, no. 5, (2016), pp. 74-78. Print ISSN: 1392-1215, (Doi No:, Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology. October 2016.
Miodrag D. Spasić, Morten Hovd, Darko Mitić, Dragan S. Antić, "Tube Model Predictive Control with an Auxiliary Sliding Mode Controller" Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol 37, No 3, pp. 181-193., Doi No: 10.4173/mic.2016.3.4, Publisher: Norwegian Society of Automatic Control, 2016.
Nikola B. Danković, Dragan S. Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, Staniša Lj. Perić, Marko T. Milojković, "A New Class of Cascade Orthogonal Filters based on a Special Inner Product with Application in Modeling of Dynamical Systems", Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 13, no. 7, (2016), pp. 63–82. Print ISSN: 1785-8860, (Doi No: 10.12700/APH.13.7.2016.7.4), Publisher: Obuda University, Hungary. December 2016.
Miroslav Milovanović, Dragan Antić, Marko Milojković, Saša S. Nikolić, Miodrag Spasić, Staniša Perić, "Time Series Forecasting with Orthogonal Endocrine Neural Network Based on Postsynaptic Potentials", Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 139, no. 4, (2017), pp. 041006-1÷041006-9, DS-15-1656. Print ISSN: 0022-0434, (Doi No:, Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. April 2017
Mohamed Almawlawe, Darko Mitić, Dragan Antić, Zoran Icic: "An Approach to Microcontroller-Based Realization of Boost Converter with Quasy-Sliding Mode Control", Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 26, No. 7, (2017), 1750106, (DOI: Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd. SCIe (M23)
Miroslav B. Milovanović, Dragan S. Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, Staniša Lj. Perić, Marko T. Milojković, Miodrag D. Spasić, "Neural Network Based on Orthogonal Polynomials Applied in Magnetic Levitation System Control", Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 23, no. 3, (2017), pp. 24–29. Print ISSN: 1392-1215, (Doi No:, Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology. June 2017.
Nikola B. Danković, Dragan S. Antić, Zoran H. Perić, Aleksandar V. Jocić, Saša S. Nikolić, Staniša Lj. Perić, ''The Probability of Stability Estimation of an Arbitrary Order DPCM Prediction Filter: Comparison between the Classical Approach and the Monte Carlo Method'', Information Technology and Control, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 28–38. Print ISSN: 1392-124X, (Doi No:, Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology. June 2017.
Miroslav Milovanović, Dragan Antić, Milena Rajić, Pedja Milosavljević, Ana Pavlović, Cristiano Fragassa, "Wood Resource Management Using an Endocrine NARX Neural Network" European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 687–697, Print ISSN: 0018-3768 (Doi No:, Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, March 2018.
Nikola Danković, Dragan Antić, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Miodrag Spasić, ''Generalized Cascade Orthogonal Filters based on Symmetric Bilinear Transformation with Application to Modeling of Dynamic Systems'', FILOMAT, vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 4275–4284. Print ISSN: 2406-0933, (Doi No:, Publisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis. December 2018.
Miodrag D. Spasić, Darko B. Mitić, Morten Hovd, Dragan S. Antić, ''Predictive Sliding Mode Control Based on Laguerre Functions'', Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, Vol. 21, No. 1, (2019), pp. 12-20, ( ISSN: 1454-8658. Publisher: SRAIT - Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics
Staniša Perić, Dragan Antić, Darko Mitić, Saša Nikolić, Marko Milojković, ''Generalized Quasi-Orthogonal Polynomials Applied in Sliding Mode Based Minimum Variance Control of ABS'', Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 17, no. 4, (2020), pp. 165–182. Print ISSN: 1785-8860, Publisher: Obuda University, Hungary. March 2020. DOI
Maja Stanković, Dragan Antić, "Distributed non-linear robust consensus-based sensor calibration for networked control systems ", IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 14, no. 9, (2020), pp. 1200-1208. Online ISSN 1751-8652, Print ISSN 1751-8644 (Doi No: 10.1049/iet-cta.2019.0672)
Milena N. Rajić, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Dragan S. Antić, Rado M. Maksimović, Pedja M. Milosavljević, Dragan Lj. Pavlović, ''Analyzing energy poverty using intelligent approach'', Energy & Environment, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1448-1472, (Doi No:, Publisher: SAGE, 2020.
Darko B. Mitić, Goran S. Jovanović, Mile K. Stojčev, Dragan S. Antić: ''Fast Locking Time Biquadratic Band-Pass Filter Utilizing Non-Linear Sliding-Mode Controller'', Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, (2020) (DOI : Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Ptd .
Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Sergiu-Dan Stan, Milan Banić, Dragan Antić, "Dealing with Low Quality Images in Railway Obstacle Detection System", Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no. 6, 3041, (2022). (Doi No:, Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Switzerland. March 2022.
M. B. Milovanović, D. S. Antić, M. T. Milojković and M. D. Spasić, "Adaptive Control of Nonlinear MIMO System With Orthogonal Endocrine Intelligent Controller," IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 1221-1232, Feb. 2022,
Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan S. Antić, Nikola B. Danković, Aleksandra A. Milovanović, Darko B. Mitić, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Petar S. Đekić, "Generalized Quasi-Orthogonal Functional Networks Applied in Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Complex Dynamical Systems", Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 28, no. 4, (2022), pp. 19–26. Print ISSN: 1392-1215, (Doi No:, Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology. August 2022.
Saša S. Nikolić, Igor B. Kocić, Dragan S. Antić, Darko B. Mitić, Nikola B. Danković, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Petar S. Djekić, "Speed and Tensile Force Control of the Pulling Devices of the Continuous Line", Thermal Sciences, vol. 27, no. 6A, (2023), pp. 4447–4460. Print ISSN: 0354-9836, (Doi No:, Publisher: Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. November 2023.
Maja Stanković, Dragan Antić, Saša Nikolić, "Computation of Convergence Rate of Distributed Macro Calibration of Sensor Networks Based on Consensus", Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 20, no. 4, (2023), pp. 161–179. Print ISSN: 1785-8860, Publisher: Óbuda University, Hungary. April 2023.
Nikola B. Dankovic, Zoran H. Peric, Dragan S. Antic, Aleksandar V. Jocic, Sasa S. Nikolic, Petar B. Djekic, ''Robustness Stability Analysis of Higher-Order DPCM Prediction Filters '', Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, vol. 30, no. 2, 2024, pp. 43–51. Print ISSN: 1392-1215, (Doi No:, Publisher: Kaunas University of Technology. August 2024.
Miodrag Spasić. Darko Mitić, Dragan Antić, Nikola Danković, Saša S. Nikolić, ''Generalized Malmquist orthogonal functions based model predictive control'', Measurement and Control, Print ISSN: 0020-2940, (Doi No:, Publisher: SAGE. 2024.
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
Nikolić, V., Stokić, D., Antić, D., "Hierarchical procedure for choosing optimal control of a one continual large nonlinear mechanical system", Nonlinear vibration problems, No 25, 1992, (pp. 27-35).
Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., Djordjević, G., "DC motor speed regulation using PI type variable structure regulator with identity observer", Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 5, No 1, 1992, (pp. 69-78).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Djordjević, G.," Comparative analysis of the diferent methods or speed control of separately excited DC motor ", Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol 1, No 3, 1993, (pp. 373-387).
Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., Mitić, D., Djordjević, G., "Comparative analysis of variable structure systems (VSS) with proportional-plus-integral (PI) control", Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 1, 1995, (pp. 1-9).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Vuković P., Golo G., "Decomposition principle based on sliding mode in variable structure system (VSS) with proportional-plus-integral (PI) action", Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol 2, No 6, 1996, (pp. 155-162).
Antić, D., "Proportional-plus-integral action in variable structure system (VSS) with identity observer", Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 10, No 2, 1997, (pp. 193-204).
Antić, D., Dimitrijević., S., Vuković, P., "Modelling and Simulation of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Tracking Control with Matlab and Simulink", Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol 42 (56), 1997, (pp. 57-64).
Antić, D., Stanković, L., Danković, B., "Systematic procedure for obtaining state space model from bond graphs using signal graph theory", Journal of Electrotechnics and Mathematics, No 1, 1998, (pp. 27-36).
Antić, D., Dimitrijević, S., "Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller Design for Non-minimum Phase System", Control and Intelligent Systems (ranije: Control and Computers) (IASTED), Vol. 27, No 2, 1999, (pp 45-49).
Antić, D., Stanković, P., Stanković, M., "Algorithm for Non-minimum Phase Plant Controller Design Based on Chebyshev's Polynomials", Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 12, No 3, 1999, (pp. 25-34).
Antić, D., Vidojković, B., "Obtaining the System Block Diagrams Based on the Bond Graph Models and Application of Bondsim Tools", International Journal of Modelling & Simulation (IASTED), Vol 21, Issue 4, 2001, (pp. 257-262).
Antić, D., Nikolić, V., Mihajlov, M., Aleksić, K., "Sliding Mode Control with Fuzzy Tuning for Position Tracking of an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator", Machine Dynamics Problems, Vol 26, No. 1, 2002, (pp. 81-93).
Antić, D., Stanković, L., "Signal Flow Graph Theory Application for Obtaining The State Space Model from Bond Graph Model with Derivative Causality", Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol 3, No. 2, 2003, (pp. 49-54).
Antić, D., Stanković, L., "Obtaining State-Space Model from Bond Graph Model with Derivative Causality Using Laplace Transform", International Journal of Modelling & Simulation (IASTED), Vol 23, Issue 4, 2003, (pp. 213-217).
Mihajlov, M., Nikolić, V., Antić, D., "Position Control of an Electro-Hydraulic Servo System Using Slindig Mode Control Enhanced by Fuzzy PI Controller", Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, Vol 1, No 9, 2002, (pp. 1217-1230).
Nikolić, V., Antić, D., Trajković, D., Vidojković, B., "Modelling and Simulation of the Self-Excited Stick-Slip System Using Bondsim Tools", Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, Vol 2, No 1, 2004, (pp. 49-58).
Perić, Z., Milojković, M., Antić, D., Jovanović., A., "Adaptive Uniform Polar Quantization", Data Recording, Storage & Processing, Vol 7, No 1, 2005, (pp. 24-31).
Danković, D., Jovanović, Z., Antić, D., "Peak Power Optimization Based on the Nonlinear Prediction and Fuzzy Logic", Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 18, No 3, 2005, (pp. 431-437).
Trajković, D., Nikolić, V., Antić, D., Danković, B., "Analyzing, Modeling and Simulation of the Cascade Connected Transporters in Tire Industry Using Signal and Bond Graphs", Machine Dynamics Problems, Vol 29, No. 3, 2005, (pp. 91-106).
Jovanović, Z., Danković, B., Antić, D., "Reliability Estimation of the Discrete-Time Control Systems with Random Parameters", Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol 5, No. 4, 2005, (pp. 18-23).
Jovanović, Z., Danković, B., Antić, D., "Peak Power Optimization Based on Nonlinear Prediction and Fuzzy Logic", Scientific Bulletin of UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol 50 (64), 2005, (pp. 47-50).
Antić, D., Samardžić, B., "On the Modeling and Simulation of Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamic Systems using Bondsim Library", Scientific Bulletin of UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol 51 (65), 2006, (pp. 19-24).
D. Mitić, D. Antić, M. Milojković " On Error-Signal Based Design of Digital Minimum Variance Control with Fuzzy-Sliding Mode", Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 7, No. 1, 2008., (pp. 121-129).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Nikolic, S., Milojković, M., "System Modeling Based on Orthogonal Rational Functions", Scientific Bulletin of UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol 54 (68), 2009, (pp. 149-154).
Z., Jovanović, D., Antić, S., Perić, S., Nikolić "Multistage Fuzzy Otimization of the Peak Power", Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 8, No. 1, 2009., (pp. 99-110).
D., Antić, M., Milojković, S., Nikolić "Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control with Additional Fuzzy Control Component", Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 8, No. 1, 2009., (pp. 25-34).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Mitić, D., "Sensitivity - Identificability Correlation of Dynamical Systems", Scientific Bulletin of UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol 55 (69), 2010, (pp. 109-116).
Antić, D., Nikolić, V., Mitić, D., Milojković, M., Perić, S., "Sliding Mode Control of Anti-Lock Braking System: An Overview", Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 9, No. 1, 2010., (pp. 41-58).
Nikolić, S., Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., "On Identification of Discrete Systems", Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 9, No. 1, 2010., (pp. 59-67).
Radić, M., Stajić, Z., Antić, D., "Variable Speed Constant Capacitance Operation of Self-Excited Induction Generator", Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 9, No. 1, 2010., (pp. 113-121).
Antić, D., Milojković, M., Nikolić, S., Perić, S., "Optimal Moving Sliding Mode Control with Application to Electric Servo Drive", Scientific Bulletin of UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol 55 (69), No 4, 2010, (pp. 217-222).
Jovanović, Z., Antić, D., Stajić, Z., Milošević, M., Nikolić, S., Perić, S., "Genetic Algorithms Applied in Parameters Determination of the 3D Crane Model", Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 10, No. 1, 2011., (pp. 19-27).
Jovanović, G., Mitić, D., Stojčev, M., Antić, D., "Delay Locked Loop Clock Generator in Low Power VLSI IC Design", Scientific Bulletin of UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol 56 (70), 2011, (pp. 131-136).
Antić, D., Milojković, M., Mitić, D., Antić, Lj., Stoiljković, B., ''On a New Approach to the Business Processes Modeling'', Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 10, no. 2, 2011.
Antić, D., Jovanovic, Z., Perić, S., Nikolic, S., Milojkovic, M., Milosevic, M., "Anti-Swing Fuzzy Controller Applied in 3D Crane System", ETASR- Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Vol 2. No. 2, 2012.
Nikolić, S., Antić, D., Perić, S., Jovanović, Z., Milojković, M., "Almost Orthogonal Functional Networks Applied in Approximation of Signals", International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology IJSA, vol. 2, no. 2, pp, (108 - 112), 2012.
Stojanović, S., Debeljković, D., Antić, D., ''Finite-time Stability and Stabilization of Linear Time-delay Systems'', Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 11, no. 1, 2012, pp. 25-36.
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Milojković, M., Nikolić, S., Perić, S., "Input-Output Based Quasi-Sliding Mode Control of DC-DC Converter'', Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 69-80, April 2012.
Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Danković, N., Spasić, M., Stankov, S., "Probability Estimation of Defined Properties of the Real Technical Systems with Stochastic Parameters", Scientific Bulletin of UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol. 57 (71), 2012, No. 2, (pp. 67-74).
D. Antić, M. Milovanović, S. Nikolić, M. Milojković, S. Perić, "Simulation Model of Magnetic Levitation Based on NARX Neural Networks", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications IJISA, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 25-32, April 2013.
Trajković, D., Antić, D., Nikolić, S. S., Perić, S., Milovanović, M., ''Fuzzy Logic - Based Control of Three - Dimensional Crane System'', Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 12, no. 1, 2013, pp. 31-42.
Antić, D., "Računarsko projektovanje regulacione konture sa dopunskim informacionim kanalom", Naučni podmladak, 1-2/89 Niš, (str. 39-47).
Nikolić, V., Stokić, D., Antić, D., "Hierarchical procedure for choosing optimal control of a one continual large non-linear mechanical system", Kibernetika, Beograd, 3-4/90 , (str. 20-27).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., "Regulacija objekata višeg reda regulatorima promenljive strukture sa modifikovanim Smith-ovim prediktorom", Automatika, Zagreb, 1-2/91, (str. 47- 52).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., "Uslovi odr`anja kliznog re`ima u sistemu promenljive strukture sa modifikovanim Smith-ovim prediktorom pri upravljanju objektima prvog reda sa transportnim kašnjenjem", Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 1-2/91 , (str. 6-10).
Potkonjak, V., Djordjević, G., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Hierarchical control of redundant robot via distributed positioning concept", Publikacije Elektrotehničkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu, Serija Automatika, No. 1, 1993, pp. 19-38.
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Djordjević, G., "Pozicioni servosistem promenljive strukture PI tipa", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 5-6/94 (str. E10-E15).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Mitić, D., Golo, G.,Vuković, P., "Primena neinteraktivnog i regulatora promenljive strukture sa PI delovanjem u upravljanju multivaribilnim sistemima", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 2/95 (str. E8-E12).
Antić, D., Dimitrijević S., Vuković, P., "Modeliranje fuzzy regulatora promenljive strukture za upravljanje nelinearnim objektom u MATLAB/SIMULINK-u", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 3-4/97 (str. E13-E18).
Antić, D., Vidojković B., "Bondsim-simulink biblioteka za modeliranje i simulaciju primenom bond grafova", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 3/98 (str. E1-E6).
Antić, D., Stanković, L., Danković, B., "Modeliranje i simulacija mehaničkih sistema primenom bond grafova", Tehnika-Mašinstvo, Beograd, 4/98 (str. M19-M25).
Antić, D., Vidojković B., "Formiranje blok dijagrama sistema na osnovu bond graf modela i primena Bondsim alata", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 1/2000 (str. E16-E22).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Dimitrijević, S., "A block diagram simulation approach for algebraic equations roots localization", Electronics, Vol 3, No 1, 1999, (pp. 69-72).
Antić, D., Peulić, A., "Modeliranje, simulacija i upravljanje sistemom aktivnog oslanjanja vozila zasnovano na bond graf modelu", Tehnika-Mašinstvo, Beograd, 6/2000 (str. M11-M15).
Antić, D., Vidojković, B., Nikolić, V., "Dobijanje Bondsim simulacionog modela iz bond graf modela sa diferencijalnim kauzalitetom", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 2/2001 (str. E15-E20).
Antić, D., Stanković, L., "Application of signal flow graph theory for obtaining the state space model from non-linear bond graph model", Electronics, Vol 6, No 2, 2002, (pp. 77-80).
Antić, D., Nikolić, V., Mihajlov, M., "Upravljanje pozicijom elektrohidrauličkog sistema primenom regulatora promenljive strukture sa fazi podešavanjem širine graničnom sloja", Tehnika-Mašinstvo, Beograd, 2/2003 (str. M1-M7).
Antić, D., Trajković, D., Vidojković, B., Nikolić, V., "Modelovanje i simulacija samopobudnog sistema drugog reda primenom bond grafova", Tehnika-Mašinstvo, Beograd, 2/2004 (str. M9-M16).
Antić, D., Trajković, D., Vidojković, B., Nikolić, V., "Primena signalnih i bond grafova u modelovanju i simulaciji hidrauličkih procesa", Tehnika-Mašinstvo, Beograd, 2/2005 (str. M11-M18).
Antić, D., Milojković, M., "Upravljanje nelinearnim sistemima primenom genetičkih algoritama i fazi kliznih re`ima", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 3/2007 (str. E9-E15).
Antić, D., Danković, B., Milojković, M., Nikolić S., "Modeliranje dinamičkih sistema Ležandrovim ortogonalnim funkcijama", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 5/2009 (str. E1-E6).
Nikolić S., Milojković, M., Antić, D., Danković, B., Jovanović, Z., Perić, S., "Skoro ortogonalni i kvaziortogonalni filtri", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 5/2010 (str. E1-E6).
Antić, D., Milojković, M., Mitić D., Nikolić S., Perić, S., "Sliding Mode Control Based on Orthogonal Models", Scientific Publications of the State University of Novi Pazar, Series A: Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 55-64, 2012.
Perić, S., Antić, D., Nikolić S., Mitić D., Milojković, M., Spasić M., "Upravljanje sistemom sa više rezervoara primenom linearnog kvadratnog regulatora", Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Beograd, 6/2012 (str. 963-969).
D. Antić, M. Milovanović, S. Nikolić, S. Perić, M. Milojković, "Primena NARX neuronske mreže za simulaciju rada sistema magnetne levitacije", TEHNIKA, vol. 62, no. 3, (2013), pp. 473-479.
Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan S. Antić, Nikola B. Danković, Staniša Lj. Perić, Marko T. Milojković, “A New Type of Discrete Euler-Lagrange Equation with Applications in Optimal Control”, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 12, no. 3, (2013), pp. 181-188.
Dragan S. Antić, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Staniša Lj. Perić, Saša S. Nikolić, Marko T. Milojković, “Input Data Preprocessing Method for Exchange Rate Forecasting via Neural Network”, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, (2014), pp. 597-608, Publisher: Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak, Serbia, Print ISSN: 1451-4869, December 2014.
Nikola Danković, Zoran Perić, Dragan Antić, Darko Mitić, Miodrag Spasić, ''On the Sensitivity of the Recursive Filter with Arbitrary Order Predictor in DPCM System'', Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, 2014, pp. 609-616, Print ISSN: 1451-4869, Publisher: Faculty of Technical sciences, Čačak, Serbia. December 2014.
Miroslav Milovanović, Dragan Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Darko Mitić, "Empirical training process selection for three lazer feedforward neural network learning procedure", International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery, RG Education Society (India), Vol. 5, Issue 1, Jan, 2015, pp. 9-13, ISSN Print Edition 2231-2021, ISSN Electronic Edition 2231-0312.
Staniša Perić, Dragana Trajković, Dragan Antić, Vlastimir Nikolić, Saša S. Nikolić, Miroslav Milovanović, “Fuzzy-PI Control of Water Pumps Modelled by Hybrid Bond Graphs”, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 14, no. 1, (2015), pp. 29-42. Print ISSN: 1820-6417, Publisher: University of Niš. July 2015.
Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Staniša Perić, Nikola Danković, Miodrag Spasić, Miroslav Milovanović, "Orthogonal Hybrid-Fuzzy Controllers", FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 16, no. 1, (2017), pp. 25–35. Print ISSN: 1820-6417, Publisher: University of Niš. May 2017.
Stanko Stankov, Dragan Antić, Jovanović, Milutin Petronijević, Saša Arsić, "Control and Monitoring System of Themineral Wool Packaging Process", Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara – International Journal of Engineering, Vol 15 (Issue 2), 2017, (pp. 43-46) Print ISSN: 1584-2665.
Miodrag Spasić, Dragan Antić, Nikola Danković, Staniša Perić, Saša S. Nikolić, ''Digital Model Predictive Control of the Three Tank System based on Laguerre functions'' , FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 17, no. 3, (2018), pp. 153–164. Print ISSN: 1820-6417, ( Publisher: University of Niš. December 2018.
Marko T. Milojković, Dragan S. Antić, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Darko B. Mitić, ''Implementation of modern intelligent control methods within the control systems study module'', FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 143-151, ISSN: 1820-6417, 2018.
Stanko Stankov, Dragan Antić, Milutin Petronijević, Nikola Danković, ''Automatizacija vodozahvata i mehaničkog prečišćavanja vode u fabrici vode "Mediana 2"'', Procesna tehnika, vol. 30, no. 2, 2018, pp. 18-22., Print ISSN:2217-2319, Publisher: Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Beograd. Decembar 2018.
Nikola Danković, Dragan Antić, Saša Nikolić, Marko Milojković, Staniša Perić, “New class of digital Malmquist-type orthogonal filters based on the generalized inner product: Application to the modeling DPCM system”, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Mechanical Engineering, vol. 17, no. 3, (2019), pp. 385–396. Print ISSN: 0354-2025, Publisher: University of Niš. December 2019. (M24)
Maja Stanković, Dragan Antić, ''Distributed Consensus-Based Calibration of Networked Control Systems'', FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 95-111, ISSN: 1820-6417, 2019.
Darko Mitić, Goran Jovanović, Mile Stojčev, Dragan Antić, ''On Design of Self-tuning Active Filters'', FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 059-085, DOI Number, Print ISSN: 1820-6417, Online ISSN: 1820-6425, 2020.
Sreten Stojanović, Miloš Stevanović, Dragan Antić, Milan Stojanović, ''Stability, Finite-Time Stability and Passivity Criteria for Discrete-Time Delayed Neural Networks'', FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 199-230, DOI Number, Print ISSN: 1820-6417, 2020.
Saša S. Nikolić, Igor Kocić, Dragan Antić, Darko Mitić, Nikola Danković Aleksandra Milovanović, Petar Đekić, "The Winder Dancer Position Control Model Using Different PID Control Structures and Micrologix PLC", FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 21, no. 2, (2022), pp. 77–93. Print ISSN: 1820-6417, Publisher: University of Niš. November 2022.
Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan S. Antić, Nikola B. Danković, Miroslav B. Milovanović, Darko B. Mitić, Petar S. Đekić, Igor B. Kocić, Marko Ž. Živković, "Application of Orthogonal Controllers in Control of the Nonlinear Industrial Dynamical Systems", Electrotechnica & Electronica (Е+Е), vol. 58, no. 4, (2023), pp. 93–99. Print ISSN: 0861-4717, Publisher: The Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications /CEEC/, Bulgaria. December 2023.
Nikola Danković, Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Miodrag Spasić, Petar Đekić, “A Comprehensive Review of Orthogonal Polynomials and Functions with Aapplication in Filter Design”, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, vol. 23, no. 2, (2024), pp. 179–195. Print ISSN: 1820-6417, Publisher: University of Niš. December 2024.
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
Milosavljević, Č., Djordjević, G., Antić, D., "Control of objects with transport delay using variable structure regulator and modified Smith predictor", Proc. VSS '90, IEEE International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems and Their Aplications, Sarajevo, 19-20. march 1990 (pp. 232-241).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Djordjević, G., "Comparative analysis of the diferent methods for speed control of separately excited DC motor", Proc. AUTOMATION '92, Budapest, 18-19. february 1992, Vol. 1 (pp. 114-124).
Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., Djordjević, G., "DC motor speed regulation using PI type variable structure regulator with identity observer" , Proc. AUTOMATION '92, Budapest, 18-19. february 1992, Vol. 1 (pp. 214-223).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Potkonjak, V., Djordjević, G., "Variable structure systems with proportional-integral control" Proc. IEEE Workshop on Variable Structure and Lyapunov Control of Uncertain Dynamical systems, 7-9. september, 1992, Sheffield.
Potkonjak, V., Djordjević, G., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Design of tactical and Executive level of control via Distributed Positioning Concept", Proc. IASTED, international Conference on CONTROL AND ROBOTICS, 4-7. august, 1992, Vancouver.
Potkonjak, V., Djordjević, G., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Solution of constrained motion robot tasks via kinematic redundancy", Proc. CONTI '94, International Conference on Technical Informatics, 16-19. november, 1994, Timisoara, Vol. 2, (pp. 22-27).
Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., Mitić, D., "Comparative analysis of variable structure systems (VSS) with proportional-plus-integral (PI) control", Proc. CONTI '94, International Conference on Technical Informatics, 16-19. november, 1994, Timisoara, Vol. 3, (pp. 49-57).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Mitić, D., Djordjević, G., "Decomposition principle based on sliding mode in variable structure system (VSS) with proportional-plus-integral (PI) action", Proc. CONTI '94, International Conference on Technical Informatics, 16-19. november, 1994, Timisoara, Vol. 3, (pp. 58-66).
Antić, D., "Design of variable structure load frequency controller with roportional-plus-integral (PI) action", Proc. CONTI '96, International Conference on Technical Informatics, 14-16. november, 1996, Timisoara, Vol. 2, (pp. 97-104).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Stanković, M., "On the existence of limit sets for nonlinear discrete-time systems", Proc. CONTI '96, International Conference on Technical Informatics, 14-16. november, 1996, Timisoara, Vol. 1, (pp. 37-44).
Antić, D., Dimitrijević, S., "Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller Design for Satellite Antena Positioning", Proc. TELSIKS '97, 3rd International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (IEEE & MTT), 8-10. october, 1997, Niš, Vol. 2, (pp. 736-739).
Dimitrijević, S., Antić, D., "Knowledge based variable structure system: Matlab/Simulink modeling and simulation", Proc. INCON '97, International Workshop on Intelligent Control, 13-15. october, 1997, Sofia, (pp. 99-102).
Antić, D., Dimitrijević, S., "Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Non-Minimum Phase Plants ", Proc. INCON '97, International Workshop on Intelligent Control, 13-15. october, 1997, Sofia, (pp. 113-117).
Antić, D., Dimitrijević, S., "Matlab/Simulink Model for Simulation of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Tracking Control ", Proc. INCON '97, International Workshop on Intelligent Control, 13-15. october, 1997, Sofia, (pp. 119-122).
Antić, D., Danković, B., Vidojković, B., "Modelling and Simulation of the Force Control System Using Bond Graphs, Matlab and Simulink", Proc. RISK '97, Risk in Technological Systems and the environment, 30-31. october, 1997, Niš, (pp. 61-66).
Vidojković, B., Antić, D., Danković, B., "Bond Graph Modelling and Simulation of Mechanical Systems Using Matlab/Simulink", Proc. RISK '97, Risk in Technological Systems and the environment, 30-31. october, 1997, Niš, (pp. 67-72).
Stanković, L., Antić, D., Stanković, M., "Systematic Procedure for Modelling Electric Systems Using Bond Graphs", Proc. RISK '97, Risk in Technological Systems and the environment, 30-31. october, 1997, Niš, (pp. 73-76).
Stanković, L., Antić, D., Danković, B., "One approach to bond graphs simplification", Proc. of the seventh Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, 6-9 november 1997, Timisoara, (pp. 233-238).
Antić, D., Stanković, L., Danković, B., "Obtaining state space model from bond graphs with derivative causality using signal graph theory", Proc. of the seventh Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, 6-9 november 1997, Timisoara, (pp. 19-24).
Antić, D., Mladenović, M., Stanković, L., "Algorithmical assumptions of the dynamic systems modelling through the application of the BONDLAB software", Proc. of the seventh Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, 6-9 november 1997, Timisoara, (pp. 13-18).
Vidojković, B., Antić, D., Danković, B., "Bondsim-SIMULINK Tools for Bond Graph Modelling and Simulation ", Proc. of the seventh Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, 6-9 november 1997, Timisoara, (pp. 243-248).
Mladenović, M., Antić, D., Ivanov, S., "BONDLAB Graphical Editor - the Tool of the BONDLAB Software for Bond Graph Modelling ", Proc. of the seventh Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, 6-9 november 1997, Timisoara, (pp. 167-172).
Dimitrijević, S., Danković, B., Antić, D., "Symbolic Method to construct Solutions of Complex Coefficients Complex Equation", Etc.'98, Proc. of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, 17-18 september 1998, Timisoara, (pp. 58-60).
Antić, D., Stanković, P., Stanković, M., "One Approach to the Control Systems Design in Time Domain using Orthogonal Polynomials", SAUM'98, Proc. of the VI International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 28-30. september 1998, Niš, (pp. 169-171).
Stanković, L., Antić, D., "Obtaining State Space Model from Bond Graph Model with Derivative Causality Using Laplace Transform", SAUM'98, Proc. of the VI International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 28-30. september 1998, Niš, (pp. 438-440).
Peulić, A., Antić, D., "Simulation Model of Special Testing Table for Vehicle Design", SAUM'98, Proc. of the VI International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 28-30. september 1998, Niš, (pp. 525-527).
Antić, D., Stanković, L., "An approach to obtaining the state space model from the bond graph model", Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Special Issue Dedicated to The Third International Conference on Technical Informatics, CONTI'98, 29-30. october, 1998, Timisoara, Vol 43 (57), No 2 of 4, 1998, (pp. 68-70).
Vidojković, B., Antić, D., "Bond graph modelling and simulation of hydraulic system using BONDSIM-SIMULINK tools", Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Special Issue Dedicated to The Third International Conference on Technical Informatics, CONTI'98, 29-30. october, 1998, Timisoara, Vol 43 (57), No 2 of 4, 1998, (pp. 71-80).
Antić, D., Dimitrijević, S., Stanković, M., "Fuzzy logic functions based on Lukashiewicz extension principle in identification problem", Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Special Issue Dedicated to The Third International Conference on Technical Informatics, CONTI'98, 29-30. october, 1998, Timisoara, Vol 43 (57), No 2 of 4, 1998, (pp. 89-95).
Peulić, A., Antić, D., "Linear active suspensions: A bond graph approach", Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Special Issue Dedicated to The Third International Conference on Technical Informatics, CONTI'98, 29-30. october, 1998, Timisoara, Vol 43 (57), No 2 of 4, 1998, (pp. 104-109).
Stanković, P., Antić, D., Stanković, M., "The spark advance corection at the internal combustion engine by means of PID controller", Buletinul Stiintific al UPT, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Special Issue Dedicated to The Third International Conference on Technical Informatics, CONTI'98, 29-30. october, 1998, Timisoara, Vol 43 (57), No 2 of 4, 1998, (pp. 118-124).
Peulić, A., Antić, D., "Bond Graph modelling one class of dynamics system of vehicles", Proc. International scientific symposium motor vehicles and engines, 5-7. october, 1998, Kragujevac, (pp. 313-316).
Antić, D., Vidojković, B., Mladenović, M., "An Introduction to Bond Graph Modelling of Dynamic Systems", Proc. TELSIKS '99, 4rd International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (IEEE & MTT), 13-15. October, 1999, Niš, Vol. 2, (pp. 661-664).
Dimitrijević, S., Antić, D., "Satellite Antenna Positioninnig Using Two Inputs Single Output Robust Fuzzy Controller", Proc. TELSIKS '99, 4rd International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (IEEE & MTT), 13-15. October, 1999, Niš, Vol. 2, (pp. 427-429).
Antić, D., Vidojković, B., Nikolić, V., "Obtaining the Bondsim Simulation Model from Bond Graph Models with Derivative Causality", Proc. 7th Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 28-30. September, 2000, Struga, (pp. 257-228).
Antić, D., Nikolić, V., Mihajlov, M., Aleksić, K., "Sliding Mode Control with Fuzzy Tuning for Position Tracking of an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator", SAUM '01, Proc. of the VII International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 26-28. September 2001, Vrnjačka Banja, (pp. 41-46).
Mitić, D., Jovanović, Z., Antić, D., "Test Device for Motor Vehicle Breaking System", Proc. TELSIKS '03, 6rd International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (IEEE & MTT), 1-3. October, 2003, Niš, Vol. 2, (pp. 795-797).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., "2D-Linear Motion Controller for Step Motors Based on a 8-bit Microcontroller", Proc. ICEST 2004, XXXIX International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 16-19. June, 2004, Bitola, Macedonia (pp. 469-471).
Antić, D., Danković, B., Vidojković, B, Vidojković, B, "Bond Graph Modelling and Simulation of Stochastic Systems using Bondsim - Simulink Tools", Proc. ICEST 2004, XXXIX International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 16-19. June, 2004, Bitola, Macedonia (pp. 425-428).
Danković, B., Jovanović, Z., Antić, D., "On a Class of the Discrete Oscillators with Several Attractors", Proc. ICEST 2004, XXXIX International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 16-19. June, 2004, Bitola, Macedonia (pp. 433-435).
Antić, D., ., Vidojković, B, Vidojković, B, "The Probability Stability of Continuous Systems with Randomly Selected parameters", Proc. ICEST 2005, XL International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, June 29 - July 1, 2005, Niš, Serbia (pp. 579-582).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Milojković, M., "System Sensitivity and Identification Error Correlation for Discrete-time Dynamic Systems", Proc. ICEST 2005, XL International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, June 29 - July 1, 2005, Niš, Serbia (pp. 583-585).
Antić, D., Danković, B., Jovanović, Z., "Correlation between System Sensitivity and Identification Error for Continuous Systems", Proc. TELSIKS '05, 7rd International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (IEEE & MTT), 28-30. September, 2005, Niš, Vol. 2, (pp. 542-544).
Antić, D., Perić, Z., Milojković, M., "Construction of Optimal Uniform polar Swithed Quantizer in Wide Volume Range", Proc. of. the Third IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 5-7. September, 2005, Sofia, (pp. 536-539).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Milojkovic, M., "Genetic Algorithms applied in Parameter Optimization of Cascade Connected Systems", Proc. ICEST 2007, XLII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 24-27. June, 2007, Bitola, Macedonia (pp. 557-560).
Antić, D., Milojković, M., Jovanović, Z., "Genetic Algorithms Applied in Fuzzy_Sliding Mode Control of Nonlinear Systems", Proc. TELSIKS '07, 8rd International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (IEEE & MTT), 26-28. September, 2007, Niš, Vol. 2, (pp. 490-493).
Mitić, D., Milojković, M., Antić, D., "Tracking System Design Based on Digital Minimum Variance Control with Fuzzy Sliding Mode", Proc. TELSIKS '07, 8rd International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (IEEE & MTT), 26-28. September, 2007, Niš, Vol. 2, (pp. 494-497).
Antić, D., Milojković, M., Mitić, D., "An Implementation of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Nonminimum Phase Plants by Using Genetic Algorithms", SAUM'07, Proc. of the IX International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 22-23. November 2007, Niš, (pp. 129-132).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Milojković, M., "On Design of Digital Minimum Variance Control With Fuzzy Sliding Mode in the Case of Unknown Reference Input Signal", SAUM'07, Proc. of the IX International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 22-23. November 2007, Niš, (pp. 156-159).
Denić, N., Milošević, N., Dimitrijević., Antić, D., "MIMO Systems with Distributed Transmit Antennas Analysis", TELFOR'08, Proc. of the XVI Telecommunications Forum, 25-27. November 2008, Belgrade, (pp. 359-361).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Nikolić, S., Milojković, M., "Systems Modeling Based on Legendre Polynomials, Proc. of SACI 2009, 5th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (IEEE), 28-29. May, 2009, Timisoara, (pp. 241-246).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Milojković, M., Stankov, S., "Systems Modelling based on Orthogonal Filters", Proc. TELSIKS '09, 9rd International Conference on Telecomunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (IEEE & MTT), 7.-9. October, 2009, Niš, Vol. 2, (pp. 510-513).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., "Frequency Based Design of Generalized Minimum Variance Control with Quasy-Sliding Mode", Proc. of the Ee 2009, XV International Symposium on Power Electronics, 28.-30. October 2009, Novi Sad, (Paper No. T4-1.8, pp. 1-5).
Antić D., Milojković M., Nikolić S., Perić S., ''Optimal Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control with a Time-Varying Sliding Surface'', Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and 9th International Conference on Technical Informatics, ICCC-CONTI 2010, Timisoara, Romania, May 27.-29., 2010, pp. 149-153. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-7431-8), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Dankovic B., Antic D., Jovanovic Z, Mitic D.,''On a Correlation between Sensitivity and Identificability of Dynamical Systems'', Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and 9th International Conference on Technical Informatics, ICCC-CONTI 2010, Timisoara, Romania, May 27.-29., 2010, pp. 361-366. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-7431-8), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Nikolić, S., Milojković, M., "Identification of the Multitank System Using Genetic Algorithm", Proc. ICEST 2010, XLV International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 23-26. June, 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia (pp. 453-456).
Antić, D., Danković, B., Jovanović, Z., Perić, S., "Legendre Orthogonal Functional Network Applied in Modelling of Dynamical Systems", Proc. ICEST 2010, XLV International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 23-26. June, 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia (pp. 449-452).
Antić, D., Nikolić, V., Mitić, D., Milojković, M., Perić, S., "Sliding Mode Control of Anti-lock Braking System: An Overview", SAUM' 2010, Proc. of the IX International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 10-12. November 2010, Niš, (pp. 41-48).
Spasić, M., Antić, D., Danković, N., "On the Multiple Attractors in the Nonlinear Systems", SAUM' 2010, Proc. of the IX International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 10-12. November 2010, Niš, (pp. 49-51).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Nikolić, S., "On a Identification of Discrete Systems", SAUM' 2010, Proc. of the IX International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 10-12. November 2010, Niš, (pp. 339-342).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Perić, S., Milojković, M., Nikolić, S., "Sliding Mode Control of Anti-lock Braking System based on Reaching Law Method", Proc. ICEST 2011, XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 29. June - 1. July, 2011, Nis, Serbia (pp. 387-390).
Antić, D., Milojković, M., Nikolić, S., Mitić, D., Perić, S., "The Concept of Quasi Orthogonality Applied in Technical Systems ", Proc. ICEST 2011, XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 29. June - 1. July, 2011, Nis, Serbia (pp. 379-382).
Antić, D., Mitić, D., Jovanović, Z., Perić, S., Milojković, M., Nikolić, S., " On Anti-lock Braking System Sliding Mode Control Techniques", Proc. Special International Conference on Complex Systems: Synergy of Control, Communications and Computing - COSY 2011, 16-20. September, 2011, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (pp. 369-380).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Milojković, M., Nikolić, S., Perić, S., "Quasi-Sliding Mode Control of a DC-DC Converter", Proc. International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - PES 2011, 25-29. September, 2011, Nis, Republic of Serbia (electronic edition).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Perić, S., Milojković, M., Nikolić, S., "Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Anti-lock Braking Systems, Proc. of SACI 2012, 7th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 24-26. May, 2012, Timisoara, (pp. 217-222).
Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Danković, N., Spasić, M., Stankov, S., "Probability Estimation of Cetain Properties of the Imperfect Systems, Proc. of SACI 2012, 7th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 24-26. May, 2012, Timisoara, (pp. 213-216).
Antić, D., Rančić, D., Stoiljković, B., Stoiljković, P., Janković, Ž., Zirojević, Gačnik, M., Magoutas, B., Antić, Lj., Petrović, E., Milojković, M., Mitić, D., Antolović, I., Predić, B., "Reinforcing Flexibility of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises by Dynamic Business Process Management", SAUM' 2012, Proc. of the XI International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 14-16. November 2012, Niš, (pp. 467-470).
Nikolć, V., Antić, D., Ćojbašić, Ž., Ćirić, I., Nikolić, S., Perić, S., "Evolutionary Computation in Hybrid Aeroturbine Fuzzy Control", SAUM' 2012, Proc. of the XI International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 14-16. November 2012, Niš, (pp. 176-184).
Aleksandrov, S., Jovanović, Z., Antić, D., Perić, S., Nikolić, S., Mitić, D., "Web Access to the Real Mechatronic Laboratory", SAUM' 2012, Proc. of the XI International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 14-16. November 2012, Niš, (pp. 431-434).
Antić, D., Stojanović, S. B., Debeljković, D. Lj., "Finite-time Stability and Stabilization of Singular Discrete Time-delay Systems", SAUM' 2012, Proc. of the XI International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 14-16. November 2012, Niš, (pp. 160-163).
Stojanović, S. B., Debeljković, D. Lj., Antić, D., "Finite-time Stability and Stabilization of Singular Time Delay Systems", SAUM' 2012, Proc. of the XI International SAUM Conference on Systems Automatic Control and Measurements, 14-16. November 2012, Niš, (pp. 228-231).
Milojković, M., Antić, D., Jovanović, Z., Nikolić, S. S., Perić, S., "General Concept of Orthogonality Applied in Technical Systems", TELFOR' 2012, Proc. of the 20th Telecomunications Forum (TELFOR), 20-22. November 2012, Belgrade, (pp. 1005-1011).
D. Antić, N. Danković, S. Perić, S. Nikolić, M. Milojković, ''One Form of Discrete Euler-Lagrange Equation With Application in Optimal Control'', Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, PES 2013, Niš, Serbia, September 01.-04., 2013, Proceedings of full papers on CD, Session P1-15, (ISBN: 978-86-6125-090-3), Publisher: University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Republic of Serbia.
D. Antić, D. Trajković, S. Nikolić, S. Perić, M. Milojković, ''Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation of the 3D Crane System Using Dymola'', Proceedings of the XLVIII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 26.-29., 2013, vol. 2, pp. 821-824. (ISBN: 978-9989-786-89-1), Publisher: Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola.
I. Ćirić, Ž. Ćojbašić, V. Nikolić, D. Antić, "Computationally Intelligent System for Thermal Vision People Detection and Tracking in Robotic Applications", Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, TELSIKS 2013, Niš, 16-19 October, 2013, pp. 587-590.
S. B. Stojanović, D. Lj. Debeljković, T. N. Nestorović, D. S. Antić, "Finite-Time Boundedness Analysis of a Class of Linear Discrete Descriptor Systems: an LMI Approach", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, Algiers, Algeria, October 29-31, 2013, ThCD.1.
S. B. Stojanović, D. Lj. Debeljković, T. N. Nestorović, D. S. Antić, " Further Results on Stability of Singular Time Delay Systems in the Sense of Non-Lyapunov: a New Delay Dependent Conditions", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, Algiers, Algeria, October 29-31, 2013, WeAD.2.
M. Almawlawe, D. Mitić, M. Milojković, D. Antić, Z. Icić, “Quasi-Sliding Mode Based Generalized Minimum Variance Control of DC-DC Boost Converter”, Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2014, Niš, Serbia, November 12.-14., 2014., pp. 156-159. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-117-7), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
M. Milovanović, D. Antić, S. Perić, S. S. Nikolić, M. Milojković, N. Danković, “Artificial Approach for Achieving Two Position Levitation Motion of Magnetic Levitation System”, Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2014, Niš, Serbia, November 12.-14., 2014., pp. 168-171. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-117-7), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
S. S. Nikolić, D. Trajković, D. Antić, V. Nikolić, S. Perić, M. Milovanović, “Fuzzy Control Applied on the Three Parallel Pumps Modelled by Bond Graphs”, Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2014, Niš, Serbia, November 12.-14., 2014., pp. 171-175. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-117-7), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
S. B. Stojanović, D. LJ. Debeljković, D. S. Antić, “Robust Finite-Time Stability of Uncertain Singular Time Delay Systems”, Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2014, Niš, Serbia, November 12.-14., 2014., pp. 298-302. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-117-7), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
S. B. Stojanović, D. LJ. Debeljković, D. S. Antić, “New Finite-Time Stability Criteria for Discrete Time Singular Systems with Time-Delay”, Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2014, Niš, Serbia, November 12.-14., 2014., pp. 303-307. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-117-7), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Marko Milojković, Dragan Antić, Miroslav Milovanović, Staniša Perić, Saša S. Nikolić, Darko Mitić, Marko Živković,“Time Series Forecasting Using Endocrine Neural Network”, Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2016, Niš, Serbia, November 09.-11., 2016., pp. 71-74. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-170-2), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Staniša Perić, Nikola Danković, Miodrag Spasić, Miroslav Milovanović, “Hybrid-Fuzzy Controllers Applied in DC Servo Drive”,Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2016, Niš, Serbia, November 09.-11., 2016., pp. 128-131. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-170-2), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Nikola Danković, Dragan Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, Staniša Perić, Marko Milojković, Miroslav Milovanović, “New Classes of the Orthogonal Polynomials - An Overview”, Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2016, Niš, Serbia, November 09.-11., 2016., pp. 221-224. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-170-2), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Stanko Stankov, Dragan Antić, Milutin Petronijević, Saša Arsić, ''Control and Monitoring System of the Mineral Wool Packing Process'', Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Enviromental Protection, (IIZS 2016), Zrenjanin, Serbia, October 13.-14., 2016., pp. 152-157. (ISBN: 978-86-7672-293-8), Publisher: Technical Faculty ''Mihajlo Pupin'', Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Miodrag Spasić, Darko Mitić, Morten Hovd, Dragan Antić, ''Tube Model Predictive Control based on Laguerre functions with an Auxiliary Sliding Mode Controller'', Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, SISY 2017, Subotica, Serbia, September 14.-16., 2017., pp. 243-248. (ISBN: 978-1-5386-3855-2).
Stanko Stankov, Dragan Antić, Nikola Danković, Zoran Icić, Dejan Mitić, Saša Arsić, ''Control of the Water Wells'', Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Enviromental Protection, (IIZS 2017), Zrenjanin, Serbia, October 12.-13., 2017., pp. 105-112. (ISBN: 978-86-7672-303-4), Publisher: Technical Faculty ''Mihajlo Pupin'', Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Stanko P. Stankov, Dragan S. Antić, Nikola B. Danković, Milutin P. Petronijević, ''Upravljanje linijom za beljenje i bojenje prediva u tekstilnoj industriji'', zbornik radova 31. međunarodnog kongresa o procesnoj industriji, Procesing 2018, Bajina Bašta, Serbia, June 06.-08., 2018, pp. 15-22, (ISBN 978-86-81505-86-1), Publisher: Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Društvo za procesnu tehniku, Beograd.
Marko T. Milojković, Dragan S Antic, Miroslav B Milovanović, Nikola B Danković, ''Adaptation of the Study Module Control Systems in Accordance with the Concepts of Industry 4.0'', Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2018, Niš, Serbia, November 14.-16., 2018., pp. 236-239. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-205-1), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
N. B. Danković, D. S. Antić, S. S. Nikolić, M. T. Milojković, S. Lj. Perić, ''New class of digital orthogonal filters based on bilinear transformation with one application'', Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2018, Niš, Serbia, November 14.-16., 2018., pp. 110-113. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-205-1), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Stanko Stankov, Dragan Antić, Nikola Danković, Milutin Petronijević, ''Control and monitoring of hot dip galvanizing process'', Proceedings of the XXXII International Congress on Process Industry,Procesing 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, May 30.-31., 2019, pp. 17-31, (ISBN 978-86-81505-94-6), Publisher: Serbian Union of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers and Technicians (SMEITS), Society for Process Engineering, Belgrade.
Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Nikola Danković, Marko Milojković, Staniša Perić, ''New Classes of the Orthogonal Filters - An Overview'', Proceedings of the 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2020, Niš, Serbia, February 12.-14., 2020., pp. 117–122. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-220-4), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš.
I. Kocić, P. Đekić, A. Milovanović, D. Antić, S. S. Nikolić, N. Danković, ''Application of KEPServerEX Applications for Acquisition and Supervision of Production Processes'', Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2021, Niš, Serbia, September 09.-10., 2021., pp. 17–20. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-243-3), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
S. Stankov, N. Danković, D. Antić, M. Milojković, S. Perić, N. Jotović, ''The Control System of Fluid Transport Process'', Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2021, Niš, Serbia, September 09.-10., 2021., pp. 86–89. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-243-3), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Marko T. Milojković, Dragan S. Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, Nebojša S. Jotović, ''Implementation of Jean Monnet Module ''Smart Products and Services Engineering'' at the University of Niš'', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering-IcETRAN 2022, Novi Pazar, Serbia, June 06.–09., 2022., pp. 137–139. (ISBN: 978-86-7466-930-3), Publisher: Društvo za ETRAN.
Saša S. Nikolić, Igor Kocić, Dragan Antić, Darko Mitić, Aleksandra Milovanović, Petar Đekić, Nikola Danković, ''Torque Regulation of the Output Pulling Device of the Cable Line for Insulation'', Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia - SIMTERM 2022, Niš, Serbia, October 18.-21., 2022., pp. 558–572. (ISBN: 978-86-6055-163-6), Publisher: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
S. B. Stojanović, D. S. Antić, M. T. Milojković, D. B. Mitić, S. Lj. Perić, S. S. Nikolić, ''Finite-Time Boundedness of Discrete-Time Neural Networks With Norm-Bounded Distrubances and Time-Varying Delays'', Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2022, Niš, Serbia, November 17.-18., 2022., pp. 127–130. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-258-7), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
N. B. Danković, Z. H. Perić, D. S. Antić, A. V. Jocić, S. S. Nikolić, I. B. Kocić, ''Stability Study of the Second Order Recursive Filter in DPCM System'', Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2022, Niš, Serbia, November 17.-18., 2022., pp. 57–60. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-258-7), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
N. Vukić, S. Perić, D. Antić, D. Mitić, S. Stojanović, ''Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Traffic Sign Recognition for Autonomous Driving System Perception'', Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2022, Niš, Serbia, November 17.-18., 2022., pp. 131–135. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-258-7), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Nikola Danković, Saša S. Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Miodrag Spasić, Petar Đekić, “Orthogonal Polynomials – Development and Design”, Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024, Niš, Serbia, November 14.-15., 2024., pp. 104–111. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-282-2), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Miodrag Spasić, Xiaolei Li, Dragan Antić, Nikola Danković, Jelena Dimitrijević, Nebojša Jotović, ''Orthogonal Functions Based Model Predictive Control of Magnetic Levitation System'', Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024, Niš, Serbia, November 14.-15., 2024., pp. 117–120. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-282-2), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Dušan Simjanović, Dragan Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, Branislav Ranđelović, “The Fuzzy AHP Ranking of Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Technologies Criteria”, Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024, Niš, Serbia, November 14.-15., 2024., pp. 112–116. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-282-2), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia.
Marko Milojković, Vojislav Miltenović, Zoran Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Staniša Perić, Milan Banić, Miroslav Milovanović, Miodrag Spasić, Aleksandar Miltenović, Dragana Dimitrijević Jovanović, “the Experience of Joint Mechanical and Electronic Education in the Field of Smart Products and Services Engineering”, Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024, Niš, Serbia, November 14.-15., 2024., pp. 129–133. (ISBN: 978-86-6125-282-2), Publisher: Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, Serbia
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
Antić, D., "Automatizacija izbora optimalnih parametara podešenja industrijskih linearnih P, PI i PID regulatora ", zbornik radova JUREMA 33, Zagreb (1988), 1. sveska (str. 57-60).
Antić, D., "Izbor parametara podešenja diskretnih regulatora primenom računara", zbornik radova HIPNEF 88, Niš (1988), (str. 352-359).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., "Analiza postojanja kliznog re`ima u sistemu promenljive strukture sa modifikovanim Smith-ovim prediktorom primenom frekventne metode Popova", zbornik radova JUREMA 36, Zagreb - Tuheljske Toplice (1991), 2. sveska (str. 126-129).
Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Regulacija napona generatora jednosmerne struje primenom tajmera 555 u ulozi dvopozicionog regulatora", zbornik radova JUREMA 36, Zagreb - Tuheljske Toplice (1991), 2. sveska (str. 130-133).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Djordjević, G., "Pozicioni servosistem promenljive strukture PI tipa ", zbornik radova IV konferencije SAUM-a, 17 - 18. 06. 1992g., Kragujevac, (str. 168-176).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Djordjević, G., "Izučavanje karakteristika pozicionog servosistema promenljive strukture PI tipa projektovanog na osnovu uprošćenog modela izvršnog organa - DC motora", zbornik radova XXXVI konfrencije ETAN-a, 8-11. 06. 1992g., Kopaonik, VIII sveska (str. 113-120).
Milosavljević, Č., Peruničić, B., Antić, D., Djordjević, G., "Sinteza regulatora promenljive strukture za regulaciju brzine obrtanja motora jednosmerne struje sa nezavisnom pobudom", zbornik radova XXXVI konfrencije ETAN-a, 8 -11. 06. 1992g., Kopaonik, VIII sveska (str. 121-128).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Djordjević, G., Mitić, D., "Analiza stabilnosti sistema promenljive strukture drugog reda sa PI zakonom upravljanja i observerom identiteta", zbornik radova XXXVII konferencije ETAN-a, 20 - 23. 09. 1993g., Beograd, sveska VII - A (str. 141-146).
Mitić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D.,"Regulacija brzine obrtanja DC-motora regulatorom promenljive strukture sa konvencionalnom konturom regulacije struje", zbornik radova XXXVII konferencije ETAN-a, 20 - 23. 09. 1993g., Beograd, sveska VII - A (str. 111-116).
Potkonjak, V., Djordjević, G., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Poboljšanje preciznosti robota uvodjenjem redundanse", zbornik radova XXXVII konferencije ETAN-a, 20 - 23. 09. 1993g., Beograd, sveska XII - ME, RO (str. 111-118).
Mitić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Regulacija brzine obrtanja DC-motora uz ograničenje struje rotora primenom regulatora promenljive strukture", zbornik radova konferencije HIPNEF' 93, 26. - 27. 10. 1993g., Beograd, (str. 149-154).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., "Uporedna analiza sistema promenljive strukture (SPS) sa proporcionalno-integralnim (PI) delovanjem", zbornik radova XXXVIII konferencije ETRAN-a, 7 - 9. 06. 1994g., Niš, sveska I (str. 199-200).
Antić, D., Djordjević, G., Stoimenov, P., "Princip dekompozicije zasnovan na kliznom re`imu u sistemu promenljive strukture (SPS) sa proporcionalno-integralnim (PI) delovanjem", zbornik radova XXXVIII konferencije ETRAN-a, 7 - 9. 06. 1994g., Niš, sveska I (str. 201-202).
Djordjević, G., Mitić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Pozicioni servosistem promenljive strukture sa konvencionalnom konturom regulacije struje", zbornik radova XXXVIII konferencije ETRAN-a, 7- 9. 06. 1994g., Niš. sveska I (str. 217-218).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Golo, G., Jovanović, Z., "Relejni sistem promenljive strukture drugog reda sa PI zakonom upravljanja i opserverom identiteta", V konferencija SAUM-a, 2 - 3. 09. 1995g., Novi Sad, (str. 171-174).
Antić, D., Milosavljević, Č., Jovanović, Z., Golo, G., "Regulacija frekvencije elektroenergetskog sistema regulatorima promenljive strukture sa proporcionalno-integralnim (PI) delovanjem", VIII simpozijum ENERGETSKA elektronika Ee' 95, 27-29. 09. 1995g., Novi Sad, (str. 537-544).
Jovanović, Z., Antić, D., Golo, G., "Diskretni pozicioni servosistem promenljive strukture sa proporcionalno-integralnim (PI) delovanjem", VIII simpozijum ENERGETSKA elektronika Ee' 95, 27-29. 09. 1995g., Novi Sad, (str. 573-579).
Jovanović, Z., Golo, G., Milosavljević, Č., Antić, D., "Diskretni sistem promenljive strukture sa proporcionalno-integralnim dejstvom", XXXIX konfrencija ETRAN-a, 6-9. 06. 1995g., Zlatibor, sveska I (str. 415-418).
Mitić, D., Antić, D., Vuković, P., "Adaptivni sistem promenljive strukture PI tipa sa referentnim modelom", XXXIX konfrencija ETRAN-a, 6 -9. 06. 1995g., Zlatibor, sveska I (str. 422-424).
Antić, D., "Primena NF filtra u sistemu promenljive strukture sa proporcionalno integralnim delovanjem", XL konfrencija ETRAN-a, 4-7. 06. 1996g., Budva, sveska I (str. 447-450).
Dimitrijević, S., Antić, D., "Upravljanje neminimalno faznim objektima primenom kliznih re`ima baziranih na fuzzy logici", XLI konfrencija ETRAN-a, 3-6. 06. 1997g., Zlatibor, sveska I (str. 362-365).
Antić, D., Stanković, L., Danković, B., Mladenović, M., "Modeliranje i simulacija jedne klase hidrauličnih sistema primenom bond grafova", XLI konfrencija ETRAN-a, 3-6. 06. 1997g., Zlatibor, sveska I (str. 489-492).
Veselić, B., Antić. D., "Modelovanje direktnog umpulsnog DC/DC pretvarača primenom bond grafova", IX simpozijum ENERGETSKA elektronika Ee' 97, 22-24. 10. 1997g., Novi Sad, (str. 179-186).
Stanković, L., Antić. D., Danković, B., "Modeliranje i simulacija električnih sistema primenom bond grafova", IX simpozijum ENERGETSKA elektronika Ee' 97, 22-24. 10. 1997g., Novi Sad.
Antić. D., Danković, B., Vidojković, B., "Formiranje modela u prostoru stanja jednosmernih pretvarača primenom bond grafova i simulacija u Matlab/Simulink-u", IX simpozijum ENERGETSKA elektronika Ee' 97, 22-24. 10. 1997g., Novi Sad, (str. 193-200).
Stanković, L., Antić. D., Danković, B., "Modeliranje i simulacija električnih mašina primenom bond grafova i paketa 20SIM", IX simpozijum ENERGETSKA elektronika Ee' 97, 22-24. 10. 1997g., Novi Sad, (str. 340-347).
Dimitrijević, S., Antić. D., "Regulacija brzine motora jednosmerne struje primenom kliznih re`ima baziranih na fuzzy logici", IX simpozijum ENERGETSKA elektronika Ee' 97, 22-24. 10. 1997g., Novi Sad, (str. 324-331).
D. Antić, L. Stanković, B. Danković, "Obtaining the state space model of nonlinear system from their bond graph model by applying the theory of signal graphs", First workshop on soft computing in preventive engineering, Niš, October 1997.
S. Dimitrijevic, D. Antić, "Systematic procedure for fuzzy sliding mode controller modelling", First workshop on soft computing in preventive engineering, Niš, October 1997.
Peulić, A., Antić. D., "Bond graf modeliranje vešanja vozila", YU INFO' 98, 23-27. 03. 1998g., Kopaonik, (str. 457-461).
Stanković, L., Antić, D., "Dobijanje modela u prostoru stanja iz bond graf modela u prisustvu algebarske petlje", XLII konfrencija ETRAN-a, 2-5. 06. 1998g., Vrnjačaka Banja, sveska I (str. 159-160).
Vidojković, B., Antić, D., Danković, B., "Formiranje blok dijagrama sistema na osnovu bond graf modela", XLIII konfrencija ETRAN-a, 20-22. 09. 1999g., Zlatibor, sveska I (str. 240-243).
Peulić, A., Stanković, M., Antić, D., "Modeliranje i simulacija sistema oslanjanja i ocena vibroudobnosti", Buka i vibracije 2000, XVII Jugoslovenska konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem, 09-10. 10. 2000g., Niš, (12.1-12.4).
Antić, D., Peulić, A., Stanković, M., "Modeliranje i simulacija sistema oslanjanja vozila", Preventivno inženjerstvo i osiguranje motornih vozila, radnih mašina, transportnih sredstava, sistema i opreme, 14-15. 12. 2000g., Beograd (str. 142-147).
Stanković, P., Antić, D., Stanković, M., "Modeliranje i simulacija ABS - kočionog sistema kod motornih vozila sa aspekta procene kritičnih vrednosti parametara", Preventivno in`enjerstvo i osiguranje motornih vozila, radnih mašina, transportnih sredstava, sistema i opreme, 14-15. 12. 2000g., Beograd (str. 136-141).
Perić, Z., Bogosavljević, S, Antić, D. Milojković, M., "Optimalna uniformna polarna kvantizacija u širokom opsegu volumena", XIX Conference with International Participation Noise and Vibration, 14-15. October, 2004, Niš, Serbia (ID: 19-42).
Ćojbašić, Ž., Antić, D., Nikolić, V., Ćirić, I., "Fazi modeliranje i upravljanje jednog hidrauličkog sistema", zbornik radova konferencije HIPNEF' 2008, 15. - 17. 10. 2008g., Vrnjačka Banja, (str. 371-376).
Antić, D., Milojković, M., Jovanović, Z., "Genetic Algorithms, Applied to Optimal Design of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for a DC Servo Drive", zbornik radova konferencije HIPNEF' 2008, 15. - 17. 10. 2008g., Vrnjačka Banja, (str. 363-368).
Danković, B., Antić, D., Nikolić, S., "Imperfect Filters Based on Almost Orthogonal Polynomials", zbornik radova konferencije HIPNEF' 2008, 15. - 17. 10. 2008g., Vrnjačka Banja, (str. 334-338).
Stankov, S., Antić, D., Icic, Z., Nikolić, S., "Uredjaj za zaštitu asinhronih motora", zbornik radova konferencije HIPNEF' 2009, 14. - 16. 10. 2009g., Vrnjačka Banja, (str. 171-176).
Antić, D., Danković, B., Jovanović, Z., Mitić, D., "Realization of the almost orthogonal filters", zbornik radova konferencije HIPNEF' 2009, 14. - 16. 10. 2009g., Vrnjačka Banja, (str. 159-163).
Antić, D., Nikolić, S., Perić, S., Milojković, M., "Primena genetičkih algoritama u pozicioniranju 3D krana", LV konfrencija ETRAN-a, 06-09. 06. 2011g., Banja Vrućica, (Elektronski zbornik: AU5.4-1-4).
Perić, S., Mitić, D., Antić, D., Nikolić, S., Milojković, M., Mitić, D., "Digitalno upravljanje sistemom protiv blokiranja kočnica sa kvazi-kliznim režimom", LV konfrencija ETRAN-a, 06-09. 06. 2011g., Banja Vrućica, (Elektronski zbornik: AU5.5-1-4).
D. Antić, M. Spasic, D. Mitić, M. Milojković, S. Perić, S. Nikolić, "LABSE – Edukaciona maketa bazirana na programabilno logičkom kontroleru", Zbornik radova 56. konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 04.-07., 2012, pp. AU5.6-1-4, (ISBN: 978-86-8050).
S. Stankov, D. Antić, N. Dankovic, Z. Jovanović, D. Mitić, D. Mitić, S.Nikolić, "Jedan način merenja velicina trofaznog sistema" Zbornik radova 56. konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 04.-07., 2012, pp. ML1.5-1-4.
Z. D. Jovanović, D. S. Antić, Z. D. Icić, S. S. Nikolić, S. Lj. Perić, ''Informacioni sistem za praćenje autobusa - TERMINUS'', zbornik radova 57. konferencije ETRAN 2013, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 03.-06., 2013, pp. AU5.5-1-4, (ISBN: 978-86-80509-68-6).
M. D. Spasić, D. S. Antić, D. B. Mitić, S. Lj.Perić, S. S. Nikolić, ''Primena digitalnog prediktivnog upravljanja zasnovanog na modelu procesa za upravljanje hidrauličkim sistemom sa tri rezervoara'', zbornik radova 57. konferencije ETRAN 2013, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 03.-06., 2013, pp. AU4.4-1-5.
Dimitrijević, S., Antić, D., "Computational Procedure for Non-minimum Phase Fuzzy Sliding Mode System", Proc. of the SCAN-98, IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Aritmetic and Validated Numerics, 22-25 september 1998, Budapest, (pp. 31-32).
Dimitrijević, S., Danković, B., Antić, D., Stanković, M., "Data Representation Based on Fuzzy Logic Functions using Flexible Fuzzy Structures", Proc. of the SCAN-98, IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Aritmetic and Validated Numerics, 22-25 september 1998, Budapest, (pp. 33-34).
Stanković, P., Antić, D., Stanković, M., "Algorithm for Non-minimum Phase Plant Controller Design Based on Chebyshev's Polynomials", Proc. of the SCAN-98, IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Aritmetic and Validated Numerics, 22-25 september 1998, Budapest, (pp. 162-163).
Dimitrijević, S., Danković, B., Antić, D., "Simulation Approach for Localizing Roots of Real Coefficients Complex Equation", Proc. of the Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science, 18-22 july 1998, Szeged, (pp. 35-35).
Dimitrijević, S., Antić, D., Stanković, P., "Fuzzy Spark Advance Schedulling for Internal Combustion Engine", Proc. of the Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science, 18-22 july 1998, Szeged, (pp. 36-36).
Miroslav B. Milovanović, Dragan S. Antić, Ljilja M. Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, Marko T. Milojković, “Metoda za selekciju ulaznih parametara veštačke neuronske mreže”, zbornik radova 58. konferencije ETRAN 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, June 02.-05., 2014, pp. AU1.4-1-5, (ISBN: 978-86-80509-70-9), Publisher: Društvo za ETRAN.
Miodrag D. Spasić, Darko B. Mitić, Staniša Lj. Perić, Dragan S. Antić, Saša S. Nikolić, “Feedback linearizacija i upravljanje kliznim režimima serijskim DC motorom”, zbornik radova 58. konferencije ETRAN 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, June 02.-05., 2014, pp. AU2.3-1-6, (ISBN: 978-86-80509-70-9), Publisher: Društvo za ETRAN.
Marko T. Milojković, Dragan S. Antić, Darko B. Mitić, Nebojša S. Jotović, Staniša Lj. Perić, “Doprinos razvoju društva znanja u Srbiji kroz realizaciju IPA projekta ADRIA HUB”, zbornik radova 58. konferencije ETRAN 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, June 02.-05., 2014, pp. AU2.7-1-3, (ISBN: 978-86-80509-70-9), Publisher: Društvo za ETRAN.
Darko Mitić, Nenad D. Pavlović, Dragan Antić, Dejan Mitić, Nebojša Jotović, "Prikaz LiReX platforme ", zbornik radova 59. konferencije ETRAN 2015, Srebrno jezero, Serbia, June 08.-11., 2015, pp. AU2.7-1-4, Publisher: Društvo za ETRAN.
Tehnička rešenja:
Vlastimir Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Žarko Ćojbašić, Zoran Jovanović, Ivan Ćirić, Saša Nikolić, Staniša Perić, "Hibridno upravljanje vetro turbinama nove generacije bazirano na fazi logici, genetskim algoritmima i ortogonalnim polinomima", Istraživačko razvojni centar „ALFATEC“ Niš, 2012.
Darko Mitić, Dejan Mitić, Dragan Antić, Zoran Icić, Marko Milojković, Milutin Petronijević, Nikola Danković, Stanko Stankov, "Upravljačko-nadzorni sistem mašina za urezivanje navoja navrtki", 2014.
Dejan Mitić, Dragan Antić, Zoran Icić, Nikola Danković, Stanko Stankov, "Upravljački sistem električnih toplovodnih kotlova", 2015.
Dragan Antić, Zoran Icić, Nikola Danković, Stanko Stankov, "Upravljački sistem pilane s jednom trakastom testerom", 2015.