Odštampajte ovu stranicu
Datum kreiranja: 09.01.2014.

Dejan Madić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 1.1.1971.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: FSFV
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1995
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1. Madić, D., Okičić, T., & Aleksandrović, M. (2010). Компаративна биомеханичка анализа стартног скока у пливању код мушкараца и жена. Ин: Станковић, Р. (Ед.), Кинематика спортских техника, (пп. 69-72). Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Madić, D., Okičić, T., & Aleksandrović, M. (2007). Plivanje. Niš: Sven.

    2. Madić. D., Nikolić, M., & Stojiljković, D. (2015). Merni instrumenti – u sportu fizičkom vaspitanju i rekreaciji.  FSFV. Niš: Medivest.

    3. Okičić, T., Ahmetović, Z., Madić, D., Dopsaj, M., & Aleksandrović, M. (2007). Plivanje – praktikum. Niš: Mkops, Niš.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Aleksandrović, M., Radovanović, D., Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Georgiev, G. (2011). Functional Abilities as a Predictor of Specific Motor Skills of Young Water Polo Players. Journal of Human Kinetics, 29, 123-132.

    Thanopoulos V., Rozi G., Okičić T., Dopsaj M., Jorgić B., Madić D., Veličković S., Milanović Z., Spanou F., Batis E. (2012). Differences in the Efficiency Between the Grab and Track Starts for Both Genders in Greek Young Swimmers. Journal of Human Kinetics, 32, 43-51.

    Dimitrijević L., Aleksandrović M., Madić D., Okičić D., Radovanović D., Daly D. (20120. The Effect of Aquatic Intervention on the Gross Motor Function and Aquatic Skills in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Human Kinetics32, 167-174.

    Pešić, M., Okičić, T., Madić, D., Dopsaj, M., Djurovic, M., &Djordjevic, S. (2015). The effects of additional strength training on specific motor abilities in young swimmers. FactaUniversitatis – Series Physical Education and Sport, 13(2), 291-301.

    Stanković, S., Ahmetović, Z., Madić, D.,Međedović. B., Perić, M. (2017): Morphological characteristics and functional abilities in predicting performance insynchronized swimming. FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Physical Education and Sport Vol. 15, No 1, 2017, pp. 93 – 101. 

    Đurović, M., Nikolić, M., Paunović, M., Madić, D., &Okičić, T. (2018). Differences between lower body muscle potential during unloaded and loaded squat jump in elite male sprint swimmers. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 16 (2), 319-327.

    Đurović, M.,Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović, D., Paunović, M., Madić, D.,&Okičić, T. (2019). A comparison of race performance characteristics between elite male 50-m and 100-m freestyle swimmers based on their results. FactaUniversitatis, Series Physical Education and Sport, 17 (3), 453-462. 

    Đurović, M.,Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović, D., Paunović, M., Madić, D.,&Okičić, T. (2020). A comparison of race performance characteristics between elite male 50-m and 100-m freestyle swimmers based on their results. FactaUniversitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 453-462.

    Vasić, A., Đurović, M., Madić, D. &Okičić, T. (in press). Differences in split times between the elite breaststroke swimmers. Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Jorgić B., Okičić T., Stanković R., Dopsaj M., Madić D., Thanopoulos V. (2011).  Parameters of situational motor skills of Serbian swimmers and their influence on swimming results. Facta Universitatis – Series Physical Education and Sport, 9 (4), 399-405.

    Aleksandrović, M., Đurašković, R., & Madić, D. (2003). Antropometrijski karakteristiki i funkcionalni sposobnosti na vaterpolistite kadeti (Anthropometric characteristics and functional abilities of cadet water polo players). Fizička kultura (Skopje), (1), 41-42.

    Madić, D., Aleksandrović, M., & Džambazovska, M. (2003). Промена на антрополошкиот простор кај пливачките под влијание на тренажниот процес (Changes pf antropologic space at female swimmers under the influence of training process). Fizička kultura (Skopje), (2), 50-51.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2004). Defining the motor factor structure in the initialend and final stage in the swimmers.Fizička kultura (Skopje), 1, 88-91.

    Madić, D., Okičić, T., & Aleksandrović, M. (2004). Connection between motoric abilities and results in sprint breast stroke-classic style with perspective swimmers of both sexes. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 2, 41-42.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2004). Plan and program proposal for maintenance of water polo players’ and specific abilities during the transitional period. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 2, 53-54.

    Potić, M., Madić, D. & Aleksandrović, M. (2005). Ефекти програмских садржаја спортске гимнастике на трансформацију моторичких способности студената (The effects of sports gimnastisc curricula on transformation of students moto abilities). Sport & Science (Sofia), 1, 235-239.

    Aleksandrović, M., Okičić, T., Madić, D., Popovski, A., & Meškovska, N. (2005). Determining motor space structure in water polo players of pre-puberty age using different methods of factor analysis. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 1, 12-15.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2005).Measurements and procedures for controlling and track the swimming results. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 1, 33-34.

    Aleksandrović, M., Popovski, D., & Madić, D. (2005). Повезаност базично-моторичких и пливачко ситуационих способности ватерполиста (Connection of basic-motorical and swim-situational abilities of selected water polo players). Sport mont, (6-7), 313-319.

    Popovski, D., Aleksandrović, M., & Madić, D. (2005). Релације морфолошких карактеристика и пливачко-ситуационих  способности селекционисаних ватерполиста (Relations of morphological characteristics and situational-swim abilities of selected water polo players). Sport mont, (6-7), 19-24.

    Madić, D., & Okičić, T. (2006). Утицај програмираног пливања на респираторни статус (Influence of programmed swimming on respiratory status). Sport mont, (10-11), 345-349

    Okičić, T., & Madić, D. (2006). Значај нутријената у исхрани пливача (The influence of nutrients in swimmers eating).Sport  mont, (10-11), 531-537.

    Madić, D., Okičić, T., & Aleksandrović, M. (2006). Training of young swimmer. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 1, 32-33.

    Okicić, T., & Madić, D. (2006). Процена адаптивних способности пливача (Estimation of adaptive abilities of swimmers), Glasnik ADJ, 42, 241-249.

    Nikolić, M., & Madić, D. (2006.) Рекреативна настава из пливања као фактор побољшања моторичких и функционалих способности студената (Recreative class of swimming as factor of increasing of motor and functional abilities at university students). Glasnik ADJ, 42, 389- 401.

    Madić, D., Okičić, T. (2007). Фактори од којих зависи замор код пливача. (Factors which affect fatigue of swimmers). Sport mont, (12,13-14), 602-608.

    Madić, D., Đurašković, R., & Okičić, T. (2008).Тежинско висински односи као фактори селекције у пливању (Weight-height relation as a factors during selection in swimming), Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije, (43), 245-250.

    Aleksandrović, M., Madić, D., Okičić, T., & Malezanov, N. (2008). Prediction of final placement in top water polo based on some game characteristics (In Macedonian: Предвидуване на пласманот во врвното ватерполо врз основа одделни показатели на играта). Fizička kultura (Skopje), 2, 278-280.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2008). Influence of graded classes on acceptness on swimming knowledge (In Macedonian: Влијание на  степенаста настава врз усвојувањето на знањето за пливање). Fizička kultura (Skopje), 2, 284-287.

    Jorgić, B., Aleksandrović, M., Okičić, T., & Madić, D. (2009). The influence of flexibility onto the swimming results in students of sport and physical education. Sport Science, 91-94.

    Jorgić, B., Okičić, T., Aleksandrović, M., & Madić, D. (2010). Influence of basic and specific motor abilities on swimming results. Acta Kinesiologica, 4 (2), 73-77.

    Rašović D., Madić D., Okičić T., Okičić S., Petrović V. (2011). Развој снаге у годишњем циклусу тренинга пливача. Sport mont, (25-27/VIII), 353-358.

    Madić, D., Okičić, T. Rašović D., Okičić S. (2011). Снага у пливању. Sport mont, (25-27/VIII), 359-365.

    Jorgić, B., Dimitrijević, L., Aleksandrović, M., Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Radovanović, D. (2012). The swimming program effects on the gross motor function, mental adjustment to the aquatic environment, and swimming skills in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 11(1), 51-66.


    Džabazovska, M., Madić, D., & Conkova, D. (2002). Кинезиолошко специјалистичко обликување на тренингот (Kinesiological specialist forming of the training). Prosvetno delo (Skopje), 42-51.

    Madić, D. (2002). Тело бира стил пливача (The body choose swimmers style). Psihologija danas, 17,  6-9.

    Aleksandrović, M., Georgiev, G., Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Malezanov, N. (2007): Basic motor skills structure in 12-year-old water polo players and non – sportsmen, Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 1 (3), 79-88.

    Dopsaj, M., Madić, D., Okičić, T. (2007). The assessment of the acquisition of various crawl style modes in water polo players with respect to age and competitive levels. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 5(2), 109-120.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., Dopsaj, M., Đorđević, M. (2007). The math modeling of the stages of result development in high profile elite swimmers for the 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m and 1500m freestyle. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 5(2), 121-137.

    Aleksandrović, M., Vukanić, N., Madić, D., Okičić, T., Janković, I. (2009). Changing rules and play of the center forward in water polo. SPORT – Science and Practice, 1 (1), 105-111.

    Okičić T., Jorgić B., Madić D, Thanopoulos V., Jovanović P. (2012). Релације базичних и специфичних моторичких способности са резултатима пливања у прсној техници код младих пливача (Relations of Basic and Specific Motor Abilities With the Results Of Breaststroke Swimming Technique in Young Swimmers). Sportske nauke i zdravlje, 2 (1), 16-21.

    Đorđević, S., Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Đurović, M. (2016). Effects of program of dry strength training in swimmers between 14to 18 years: systematic review study. 3th International conference “Anthropological and Teo-anthropological views on physical activity from the time of Constantine the Great to modern times”

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Pivač, M., Madić, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2001). Influence of situation-motorical abilities on results in swimming. [In Serbian: (Утицај ситуационо-моторичких способности на резултате у пливању) In: Dolga, M. (Ed.), IX Congress «Sport, physical activity and health of young people». (pp. 80-85). Novi Sad: Novi Sad's Marathon.

    Aleksandrović, M., Madić, D., & Okičić, T. (2004). Canonical correlations of some functional and situation-motor abilities at perspective water polo players. In: Dasheva, D. (Ed.) 3rd International Scientific Congress “Sport, Stress, Adaptation” (515-518). Sofia: National Sports Academy.

    Okicić, T., Madić, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2005). Influence of swimming speed at young 12 and 14 aged selections in water polo [In Serbian: Утицај тренинга на брзину пливања код селекције 12 и 14 година у ватерполу]. In: Hadžikanudić, M. (Ed.), 1st International Symposium of New Technologies in Sports. (pp. 453-455). Sarajevo: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

    Madić, D., Okicić, T., & Aleksandrović, M. (2005). Tests metric characteristics for estimatisation of success in swimming [In Serbian: Метријске карактеристике за процену успешности у пливању]. In: Hadžikanudić, M. (Ed.), 1st International Symposium of New Technologies in Sports. (pp. 90-94). Sarajevo: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

    Aleksandrović, M., Radovanović, D., Okičić, T., & Madić, D. (2005). Morphological space structure of 12 years old water polo players and non-sportsmen. In: Milanović, D. & Prot, F. (Eds.), 4th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology ”Science and Profession – Challenge for the Future”. (pp. 710-712). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Radojković. N. (2006).A goalkeeper,s motionions technique in water polo. In: Dasheva, D. (Ed.) 4rd International Scientific Congress “Sport, Stress, Adaptation” (135-138). Sofia: National Sports Academy.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D. (2007). Класификација тренажних метода и оптерећења у пливању (Influence of swimming speed at young 12 and 14 aged selections in water polo). In: Smajlović, N. (Ed.), 2st International Symposium of New Technologies in Sports. (pp. 108-112). Sarajevo: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.


    Aleksandrović, M., Georgiev, G., Radovanović, D., Madić, D., Okičić, T., Malezanov, N., & Jorgić, B. (2008). Correlation between latent morphological and specific motor skills factors of 12 year old water polo players. In: Milanović, D. & Prot, F. (Eds.), 5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology”Research Trends and Aplications”. (pp. 673-676), Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., Aleksandrović, M., Kamenov, L., Dopsaj, M. (2009). The influence of some anthropological dimensions on the speed of swimming. In D. Mitić & al. (Eds.), FISU Conference 25th Universiade Proceedings „The role of University sports in education and society – a platform for change (pp. 205-210). Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade.

    Aleksandrović, M., Mladenović-Ćirić, I., Madić, D., Okičić, T., Jorgić, B., Milojević, N. (2010). Influence of anthropometric characteristics on results of specific-motor tests of life guards – a pilot study (In Serbian: Утицај антропометријских карактеристика на резултате специфично-моторичких тестова спасиоца на води – пилот студија). In N. Živanović (Ur.), Proceedings of the 5th European FIEP Congress (pp. 738-744). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., Dopsaj, M., Aleksandrović, M., Jorgić, B., Ignjatović, B., Bogojević, D., Momčilović, V., Okičić, S., & Rašović, D. (2010). Frontal extended classes of non-swimmer training. In: Dimitrov, L. (Ed.) 5th International Scientific Congress “Sport, Stress, Adaptation” (pp. 222-225). National Sports Academy: Sofia.

    Aleksandrović, M., Čoh, M., Daly, D., Madić, D., Okičić, T., Radovanović, D., Dimitrijević, L., Hadžović, M., Jorgić, B. & Bojić, I. (2010). Effects of adapted swimming program onto orientation in water of children with neuromuscular impairments. In Kovač, M., Jurak, G., & Starc, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Congress “Youth Sport” (pp. 135-140). Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana.

    Jorgić, B., Aleksandrović, M., Madić, D., & Okičić, T. (2011). Effects of adaptive swimming program on mental adjustment, independent movement and swimming in children with cerebral palsy. In M. Mikalački, & G. Bala (Eds.), 2nd International Scientific Conference „Exercise and Quality of Life“ Proceedings (pp. 357-360). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad.

    Jorgić, B., Aleksandrović, M., Okičić, T., Madić, D., Stanković, V. (2010). Influence of streinght on results of specific-motor tests of life guards – a pilot study (In Serbian: Утицај снаге на резултате специфично-моторичких тестова спасиоца на води – пилот студија). In N. Živanović (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th European FIEP Congress (pp. 730-737). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.


    Okičić, T., Jorgić, B., Madić, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2011). Effects of basic and specific motor abilities on swimming results. In M. Mikalački, & G. Bala (Eds.), 2nd International Scientific Conference „Exercise and Quality of Life“ Proceedings (pp. 357-360). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad.

    Okičić T., Jorgić B., Madić D., Dopsaj M., Toskić D., Thanpoulos V., Ignjatović B. (2012). The influence of various types of non swimmer training on the acquisition of knowledge of swimming. In: Geshev, P. et al. (Eds.), Proceeding book of XVI International Scientific Congress „Olympic Sports and Sport for All“ & VI International Scientific Congress „Sport, Stress, Adaption“ . (pp. 125-129). Sofia: National Sports Academy „Vassil Levski“.

    Томислав Окичич, Дейан Мадич, Небойша Ранжелович, Марко Чурович, Василиос Танапулос. (2016). Контратака в водном поло. Стратегические направления реформирования вузовской системы физической культуры. Сборник материалов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, посвященной памяти В.Г.Стрельца. Отв. редактор А.Ю.Липовка, СПб: изд-во СПбПУ, 2015, С.217-221, 275 с.

    Đorđević, S., Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Đurović, M. (2016). Effects of program of dry strength training in swimmers between 14to 18 years: systematic review study. 3th International conference “Anthropological and Teo-anthropological views on physical activity from the time of Constantine the Great to modern times”.

    Ђуровић, М., Окичић, Т., Мадић, Д., & Александровић, М. (2017). Структурална анализа основних елемената без лопте у ватерполу код студента Факултета спорта и физичког васпитања. Физическое воспитание и спорт в высших учебных заведениях: XIII междунар. науч. Конф.:сб. статьи, Белгород, 25 – 26 апр. 2017 г.: в2ч./Белгор. гос. технол. ун-т.- Белгород: Изд-во БГТУ, 2017. 54-60 с.

    Đurović, M., Okičić, T., Madić, D., Dopsaj, M., Thanopoulos, V., Gina R.,Pešić, M.&Trivun, M. (2017).The influence of flexibility on the specific motor skills in boy-swimmers aged 10-12. 1st International Scientific Congress “Applied Sports Sciences”. In P.Geshev (Ed.),1stInternational Scientific Congress (in press). National Sports Academy “VassilLevski”, University of Sofia, Bulgaria.

    Nikolić, M., Đurović, M., Jovanović, P., Madić, D., &Okičić, T. (2018). Eurofit physical fitness test battery for assessment of swimming skills in
    adolescents. In:Aleksovska, L. (Ed.), 3rd International Scientific Conference” Research in Physical Education, Sport, and Health”,(pp. 145-148). Skopje: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Physical Education, Sport, and Health, Skopje.

    Đurović, M., Nikolić, M., Madić, D., &Okičić, T. (2018). Differences in kinematic parameters between elite sprint swimmers. In Skegro,D., Belčić,I., Sporiš,G., Krističević,T., James,N., Jelešković,E., Sasaki,K., VučkovićG., Vučetić, V.,&Pišot, R. (Eds.), World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport XII,(pp. 248). Opatija: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

    Đurović, M., Dopsaj, M., Madić, D., Bojić, I., &Okičić, T. (2018). Differences between the influence of squat jump performance and lower body isometric muscle force in the function of the swimming start performance efficiency. In: Takagi, H., Ohgi, Y., Sengoku, Y., Gonjo, T. (Eds.), XIII th International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Proceedings, (pp. 356-363). Tsukuba:  University of Tsukuba, Japan. 

    Đurović, M.,Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović, D., Paunović, M., Stojanović, N., Madić, D.,&Okičić, T. (2019). The influence of starting parameters on time to 10 m in male sprint swimmers. In: Iancheva, T., Djobova, S., &Kuleva, M. (Eds.), (pp. 159-162). International Scientific Congress “Applied Sports Sciences” 15 - 16 november 2019 Sofia, Bulgaria Proceeding Book. Sofia: NSA



  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Džambazovski, A., Madić, D., Džambazovski, M. (1998).Телесното вежбање како причина за оформувањето на човекот и појавата на првите наставни дисциплини. In Vuckovic, S. (Ed.), Zbornik radova FISKomunikacije 1998. (pp. 303-306). Niš. Faculty of Physical Education.

    Madić, B., Radovanović, Đ., & Madić, D. (2001). Утицај годишње примене програма диференциране наставе физичког васпитања на морфолошки и моторички статус ученица шестих разреда основне школе југоисточне Србије. In Vučkovic, S. (Ed.), Zbornik radova FIS  Komunikacije 2001. (pp. 9-13). Niš. Faculty of Physical Education.

    Madić, D., Pivač, M. & Aleksandrović, M. (2001). Релације морфолошких карактеристика и моторичких способности са успехом неких техника пливања (Relations of morphological characteristics and mothorical abilities with success of some swimming techniques). In: Vučković, S. (Ed.): VIII International Scientific Conference FIS communications. (pp. 129-132). Niš: Faculty of Physical Education.

    Conkova, D., Stradelova, M., & Madić, D. (2002). От физическа култура към кинезиология (Physical education to kinesiology). In: Petrov, Lj. (Ed.), International Scientific Conference Kineziologija 2002. (pp. 32-33). Veliko Trnovo. VTU «Sv. Kiril i Metodij».

    Stradelova, M., Madić, D.  & Conkova, D. (2002). Кинезиологическо специјализирано опредељење на тренировката (Kinesiology – specialized shaping training). In: Petrov, Lj. (Ed.), International Scientific Conference Kineziologija 2002. (pp. 255-260). Veliko Trnovo. VTU «Sv. Kiril i Metodij».

    Madić, D., Aleksandrović, M., & Ilić, D. (2003).: Промене функционалних способности под утицајем програма обуке непливача (Changes of functional abilities by influence of non-swimmers training programme). In: Jovanović-Golubović, D. (Ed.), X International Scientific Conference FIS communications. (182-185). Niš. Faculty of Physical Education.

    Radovanović, Đ., Madić, D., Nikolić, M. (2003). Мишљење ученика петог разреда о настави физичког васпитања у млађим разредима основне школе In: Jovanović-Golubović, D. (Ed.), X International Scientific Conference FIS communications. (70-81). Niš. Faculty of Physical Education.

    Okičić, T., Madić, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2005). Пут до Лиге шампиона (Road to the Champions League). In: Joksimović, S., Bubanj, R., Živanović, N., Kostić, R., & Đurašković, R. (Eds.), XI International Scientific Conference FIS Communications. (pp. 181-186). Niš. Faculty of Physical Education.

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