Odštampajte ovu stranicu
Datum kreiranja: 26.09.2013.

Saša Pantelić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 1975-03-12
  • Mesto rođenja: Kragujevac
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Fizička kultura
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2000
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Пантелић, С., Костић, Р., Братић, М., Узуновић, С., Ранђеловић, Н., Драгић, Б., Нуркић, М., Коцић, М., Бјелаковић, Љ. и Јоргић, Б. (2016). Релацијe морфолошких карактеристика и моторичких способности  деце различитог степена ухрањености. Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања Универзитета у Нишу.

    Братић, M., Костић, Р., Пантелић, С., Окичић, T., Савић, З., Узуновић, С., Радовановић, Д., Херодек, К., Милановић, З., Станковић, Н. и Стојиљковић, Н. (2016). Морфо-моторички статус девојчица различитог степена ухрањености. Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања Универзитета у Нишу.

    Пантелић, С. (2013). Физичка активност и фитнес компоненте старих особа. Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Министарство просвете науке и технолошког развоја РС

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Bjelakovic LJ, Vukovic V, Stankovic S, Ciric M, Lukic S, Bratic M, Pantelic S, Saranac L, and Bjelakovic B (2021). Insulin resistance surrogates and left ventricular hypertrophy in normotensive obese children. Cardiology in the Young, 1-6. doi: 10.1017/S1047951121001049 [М23]

    Pantelić S., Rađa A., Erceg M., Milanović Z., Trajković N., Stojanović E., Krustrup P., Randers M.B., (2019). Relative pitch area plays an important role in movement pattern and intensity in recreational male football. Biology of Sport, 36(2), 119-124. (IF=1.729) [М23]

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Čović, N., Sporiš, G., Mohr, M. & Krustrup, P. (2018). Broad-spectrum physical fitness benefits of recreational football: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, Published Online First: 25 January 2018. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097885.   (IF= 7.867) [М2]

    Bjelaković LJ., Vuković V., Jović M., Banković S., Kostić T., Radovanović D., Pantelić S., Živković M., Stojanović S & Bjelaković B. (2017). Heart Rate Recovery Time in Metabolically Healthy and Metabolically Unhealthy Obese Children. Physician and Sportsmedicine, 45(4), 438-442. (IF= 1.545) [М22]

    Stojiljković, N., Bratić, M. & Pantelić, S. (2017). Healthy aging – the role of sport science. In T. Iancheva, S. Djobova and M. Kuleva (ed.) International Scientific Congress “Applied Sports Sciences” (pp. 313-317). Sofija: NSA.

    Sporiš, G., Bratić, M., Pantelić, S., Milanović, Z., Pavlović, Lj., Djekić, P. & Stojiljković, N. (2017). Application of Infrared Thermography in Basketball. In Milanović, D., Sporiš, G., Šalaj, S., Škegro, D. (Ed.) Proceedings 8th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology (pp. 123-127). Opatija: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Čović, N., Sporiš, G., & Krustrup, P. (2015). Is Recreational Soccer Effective for Improving VO2max A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine, 45(9), 1339-1353.  (IF= 5.579) [М2]

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Sporiš, G., Mohr, M., & Krustrup, P. (2015). Health-related physical fitness in healthy untrained men: effects on VO2max, jump performance and flexibility of soccer and moderate-intensity continuous running. PLOS One, 10(8), e0135319.  (IF= 3.057) [М21]

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Kostić, R., Trajković, N., & Sporiš, G. (2015). Soccer vs. running training effects in young adult men: which programme is more effective in improvement of body composition? Randomized controlled trial. Biology of Sport, 32(4), 301-305. (IF= 1.135) [М23]

    Kostić, R., Uzunović, S., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Miletić, D., Katsora, G., Pantelić, S., & Milanović, Z. (2015). Effects of Dance Training Programme on Postural Stability of Middle Aged Women. Central European Journal of Public Health, 23 (Suppl), S67–S73.   (IF= 0.525) [М23]

    Badrić, М., Sporiš, G., Prskalo, I., Milanović, Y., Krakan, I., Šafarić, Y., Miljković, Y. & Pantelić, S. (2014). Differences in Motor Abilities of Pupils According to Nutritional Status. In D. Milanović & G. Sporiš (ed.) 7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology Fundamental and Applied Kinesiology – Steps Forward (pp. 247-252). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb.

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Trajković, N., Jorgić, B., Sporiš, G., Bratić, M. (2014). Reliability of the Serbian version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) for elderly people. Clinical Intervention in Aging, 9, 581-587. [М22]

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Trajković, N., Sporiš, G., Kostić, R., & James, N. (2013). Age-related decrease in physical activity and functional fitness among elderly men and women. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 8, 549-556. [М22]

    Pantelić S., Milanović Z., Goran Sporiš & Stojanovic-Tošić, J. (2013). Effects of a twelve-week aerobic dance exercises on body compositions parameters in young women. International Journal of Morphology, 31(4), 1243-1250. [М23]

    Tomić, V., Sporiš, G., Tomić, J., Milanović, Z., Zigmundovac-Klaić, D., & Pantelić, S. (2013). The effect of maternal exercise during pregnancy on abnormal fetal growth. Croatian Medical Journal, 54(4), 362-368. [М22]

    Ujević, T., Sporiš, G., Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., & Neljak, B. (2013). Differences between Health-Related Physical Fitness Profiles of Croatian Children in Urban and Rural Areas. Collegium Antropologicum, 37(1), 75-80. [М23]

    Pantelić, S., Kostić, R., Đurašković, R., Uzunović, S., Milanović, Z., & Trajković, N. (2013). Relationship Between Physical Fitness, BMI, WHR and Hypertension in Elderly Men and Women. Slovenian Journal of Public Health [Zdravstveno Varstvo], 52(4), 275-284. [М23]

    Pantelić, S., Popović, M., Miloradović, V., Kostić, R., Milanović, Z., & Bratić, M. (2013). Effects of Short-term Exercise Training on Cardiorespiratory Fitness of Male Adults with Myocardial Infarction. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 25(8), 929–935. [М23]

    Jorgić, B., Milanović, Z., Aleksandrović, M., Pantelić, S., & Daly, D. (2012). Effects of deep water running in older adults. A Systematic review. HealthMEd, 6(9), 3219-3227. [М23]

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Trajković, N., Sporiš, G., & Aleksandrović, M., (2012). The Effects of Physical Exercise on Reducing Body Weight and Body Composition of Obese Middle Aged People. A Systematic review. HealthMEd, 6(6), 2171-2184. [М23]

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Bjelaković, L., Bratić, M., Pantelić, S., Ranđelović, N., Lilić, A., & Piršl, D. (2020). Gluten-Free Diet in Non-Celiac Athletes-Benefits and Potential Harmful Effects. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 118(2), 509-514. [М24]

    Čokorilo, N., Vasić, G., Prebeg, G.,Tomašević, D., and Pantelić, S. (2020). Effects of Group Exercise Program on Morphological Status of Female University Students. Internal Journal of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3:12. DOI: 10.28933/ijsmr-2020-08-2605

    Александар Ивановски, А., Угринић, Б., Ћирић Дувњак, К., Пантелић, С. и Митић, Д. (2019). Квантитативна анализа рекреативних програма анимације у туризму. СПОРТ - Наука и Пракса, 9(1), 36-48. [М52]

    Dejan Stošić, D., Uzunović, S., Pantelić, S., Veličković, S., Đurović, M., & Piršl, D. (2019). Effects Of An Exercise Program On The Coordination And Explosive Power Of University Dance Students. Facta Universitatis Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(3), 579-589 [М24]

    Živković, D., Ranđelović, N., Đorđević, M., Pantelić, S. & Malobabić, M. (2018). Relations of fitness parameters and morphological characteristics of seven-year-old obese children. Facta Universitatis Series: Physical Education and Sport, 16(1), 1-9. [М24]

    Golubović, M., Pantelić, S., & Veličković, S. (2018). The relations between body composition and specific fitness abilities of members of the special brigade of the serbian armed forces. Facta Universitatis Series: Physical Education and Sport, 16(2), 387-397.  [М24]

    Pantelić, S., Uzunović, S., Đorđević, N., Stošić, D., Nikolić, D. & Piršl, D. (2018). The impact of the experimental dance program on the motor coordination of children. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 16(3), (in press). (потврда) [М24]

    Stamenković, S., Bratić, M., Berić, D., & Pantelić, S. (2017). The level of morpho-motor skills of seven-year-old boys of various nutritional status. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 15 (1), 125–137.  [М24]

    Ignjatović, M., Stanković, D., Pantelić, S. & Puletić, M. (2017). The influence of certain anthropometric parameters on the results in lead climbing. Facta Universitatis Series: Physical Education and Sport, 15(2), 321-328. [М24]

    Đorđević, M., Kostić, R., Pantelić, S., Uzunović, S., Milanović, Z. & Mitrović, B. (2016). Morpho-Motoric Status And Level Of Nutrition In Nine-Year-Old Girls. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 14(1), 1 – 11. [М24]

    Mitrović, B., Janković, R., Dopsaj, M., Vučković, G. Milojević, S., Pantelić, S. & Nurkić, M. (2016). How An Eight-Month Period Without Specialized Physical Education Classes Affects The Morphological Characteristics And Motor Abilities Of Students Of The Academy Of Criminalistic And Police Studies. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 14(2), 167 – 178. [М24]

    Mustedanagić, J., Bratić, M., Milanović, Z. & Pantelić, S. (2016). The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Program on the Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Composition of Female College Students. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 14(2), 145 – 158.   [М24]

    Đorđević, M., Pantelić, S., Kostić, R. & Uzunović, S. (2014). The correlation between anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities in seven-year-old girls. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 12(3), 251-260. [М24]

    Uzunović, S. Milanović, D., Pantelić, S., Kostić, R., Milanović, Z. & Milić, V. (2014). The physical characteristics and explosive strength of schoolchildren. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 12(3), 241-250. [М24]

    Jorgić, B., Pantelić, S., & Milanović, Z. (2013). Functional fitness changes regarding the level of physical activity. in older adults. Acta Kinesiologica,  7(1), 17‐21.  [М51]

    Milanović, Z., Sporiš, G., Trajković, N., Vračan, D., Andrijašević, M., Pantelić, S., & Baić, M. (2013). Attitudes Towards Exercise And The Physical Exercise Habits Of University Of Zagreb Students. Annales Kinesiologiae, 4(1), 57-70.  [М51]

    Jorgić, B., Pantelić, S., Milanović, Z., Aleksandrović, M., Kostić, R. (2013). Decreasing of functional fitness among elderly men and women. HealthMed, 7(1), 296-303.  [М51]

    Kostić, R., Pantelić, S., Miletić, Đ., Uzunović, S., & Aleksandrović, M. (2012). Indicators of Physical Fitness Among the Elderly Based on the Values of Their BMI. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 10(1), 1 - 11. [М24]

    Пантелић, С., Костић, Р., Ђурашковић, Р., Узуновић, С., и Ранђеловић, Н. (2012). Моторичке способности ученица првог разреда основних школа различитог степена ухраwености. Настава и васпитање, (4), 741-753. [М24]

    Pantelić, S., Ranđelović, N., Milanović, Z., Trajković, N., Sporiš, G. & Kostić, R. (2012).  Physical Activity of Elderly Women in Terms Of Age. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education and Sport, 10(4) Special Issue, 189-286. [М24]

    Bratić, M., Pavlovićm R., Kostić, R., & Pantelić, S. (2012). Anthropometric characteristics – the determinants of vertical and horizontal jumping ability. Acta Kinesiologica, 6 (2),  13‐19.  [М51]

    Mitić, D., Stojiljković, S., Pantelić, S., & Čokorilo, N. (2012). The Students Interest In Introducing Physical Education Classes At Faculties. OvidiusUniversity Annals, Series Physical education and Sport, Science, Movement and Health, 12(2), 215-221.  [М51]

    Živanović, N., Randjelović, N., Pantelić, S. & Piršl, D. (2012). Health-Recreation Exercise System-Isoton and its Influence on the Organism. Activities in Physical Education and Sport, 2(2), 231-236.

    Randjelović, N., & Pantelić, S. (2012). The Systems of Health-Recreational Physical Exercise. Activities in Physical Education and Sport, 2(2), 247-250.  [М51]

    Ђурашковић, Р., Пантелић, С., Николић, М., Поповић-Илић, Т. (2012). Разлике у тежинско висинским односима и ухрањености ученика старих 7 године мерених 1988. и 2008. године. Гласник Антрополошког друштва Србије, 47, 181-191.  [М52]

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., & Jorgić, B. (2012). Changes in Physical Fitness of Men Older Than 60 Years - a Pilot Study. SportLogia, 8(1), 43–49.  [М52]

    Kostić, R., Uzunović, S., Pantelić, S., &Djurašković, R., (2011). A comparative analysis of the indicators of the functional fitness of the elderly. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 9(2), 161-171. [М24]

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Trajković, N., & Sporiš, G. (2011). Basic anthropometric and body composition characteristics in an elderly population: a systematic review. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 9(2), 173-182. [М24]

    Kostić, R., Uzunović, S., & Pantelić, S. (2011). The prediction of competitive success indisco dance. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 9(3), 229-238. [М24]

    Pantelić, S., Kostić, R., Milanović, Z., Uzunović, S., & Aleksandrović, M. (2011). Physical activities of the elederly population of southeast Serbia: a pilot study. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 9(4) Special Issue, 427 - 438.  [М24]

    Jorgić, B., Pantelić, S., Milanović, Z., & Kostić, R. (2011). The effects of physical exercise on the body composition of the elderly: a systematic review. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 9(4) Special Issue, 427 - 438. [М24]

    Savić, Z., Pantelić, S., & Stojiljković, N. (2011). Student’s self-evaluation and evaluation of organizing practical course of activities in the nature in FSPE Niš. Research in kinesiology, 39(1), 97-102.  [М51]

    Ђурашковић, Р., Николић, М., Пантелић, С., Величковић, С., и Бојић, И. (2011). Тежинско висински односи врхунских спортиста различитих спортских грана. Гласник Антрополошког друштва Србије, 46, 25-32.  [М52]

    Савић, З., Пантелић, С., и Милетић, К. (2011). Вредновање ученика према одређеним програмским садржајима наставе у природи. Спорт и здравље, 1, 72-79. [М52]

    Pantelić, S., Mikalački, M., Jović, D., Čokorilo, N., &Korovljev, D. (2010). The influence of physical activity on the volume, body mass and index an individuals suffering from infarct miocard. Fizička kultura, (1), 37-41.  [М51]

    Pantelić, S., Mikalački, M., Čokorilo, N., & Korovljev, D. (2010). The influence of body composition and indexes on succes in sport aerobic (aerobe gymnastic). Fizička kultura, (2), 9-13. [М51]  

    Kostić, R., Đurasković, R., Pantelić, S., Uzunović, S., Veselinović, N., & Mladenović-Cirić, I. (2010). A Comparison of the Explosive Strength, Coordination and Speed of seven-year-old boys. European Psychomotricity Journal, 3(1), 23-30. [М51]

    Пантелић, С., Николић, М., и Ђурашковић, Р. (2010). Развојне карактеристике седмогодишњих дечака из различитих временских периода. Гласник Антрополошког друштва Србије, 45, 319-326.  [М52]

    Николић, М., Ђурашковић, Р. Пантелић, С., и Никовски, Г. (2010). Поређење показатеља раста и развоја седмогодишњих девојчица из различитих временских периода. Гласник Антрополошког друштва Србије, 45, 327-334.  [М52]

    Јовић, Д., Ђурашковић, Р., Пантелић, С., и Чокорило, Н. (2010). Конституционалне разлике студената спорта и физичког васпитања у нишу. Гласник Антрополошког друштва Србије, 45, 335-342.  [М52]

    Čokorilo, N. Mikalački, M., Pantelić, S., Vasić, G., & Korovljev, D. (2009). Nordic walking as an activity for the aged. Fizička kultura, (1), 37-40. [М51]

    Čokorilo, N. Mikalački, M., Pantelić, S., & Korovljev, D. (2009). Effects of exercise with load on female fat tissue. Fizička kultura, (2), 313-315. [М51]

    Pantelić, S., Jović, D., Đurašković, R., Kostić, R., & Živković, D. (2009). The effects of a physical activity program on the volume and subcutaneous fatty tissue among people who suffered myocardial infarctions. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 7(1), 55-67.  [М53]

    Đurašković, R., Kostić,R., Pantelić, S., Živković, D., Uzunović, S., Purenović, T., & Živković, M. (2009). A comparative analysis of the anthropometric parameters of seven-year-old children. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 7(1), 79-90.  [М53]

    Kostić,R., Đurašković, R., Pantelić, S., Živković, D., Uzunović, S., & Živković, M. (2009). The relations between anthropometric characteristics and coordination skills. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 7(1), 101-112.  [М53]

    Čokorilo, N., Mikalački, M., & Pantelić, S. (2008). Advantage of recreatin walkin in relation to running in elderly - aged persons, Fizička kultura, 1, 11-15. [М51]

    Pantelić, S., Čokorilo, N., & Mikalački, M. (2008). Analysis of load of recreational activities in individuals with miocard infarct. Fizička kultura, 1, 26. [М51]

    Ђурашковић, Р., Дондур, С. и Пантелић, С. (2008). Разлике у развојним карактеристикама ученика старости 10 година мерених 1985 и 2007 године. Гласник Антрополошког друштва Србије, 43, 409-416.  [М53]

    Пантелић, С., Савић, З. и Ранђеловић, Н. (2008). Промене кардиоваскуларног фитнеса након реализације програмских садржаја физичких активности. Гласник Антрополошког друштва Србије, 43, 429-439.  [М53]

    Савић, З., Пантелић, С., и Ранђеловић, Н. (2008). Трансформација у снази руку и ногу након реализације програма активности у природи. Гласник Антрополошког друштва Србије, 43, 573-580.  [М53]

    Pantelić, S., Kostić, R., Mikalački, M., Đurašković, R., Čokorilo, N., & Mladenović, I. (2007). The effects of a recreational aerobic exercise model on the functional abilities of women. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 5(1), 19-35.  [М53]

    Mikalački, M., Čokorilo, N., & Pantelić, S. (2006). Requirements and possibilities of organising recreation in secondary school hostels. Fizička kultura, (2), 253-254. [М51]

    Pantelić, S., Mikalački, M., & Čokorilo, N. (2006). Transformation functional abilitys of woman who are recreationally engaged in hi-lo aerobics. Fizička kultura, (2), 158-164. [М51]

    Pantelić, S., Mikalački, M., & Čokorilo, N. (2006). Comparative analysis of fat body mass and alimentation of female students from different cities who are engaged in recreational exercise. Fizička kultura, (1), 45-48. [М51]

    Ranđelović, N., Mikalački, M., Čokorilo, N., & Pantelić, S. (2006). Vegetarian nutrition as the way of nutrition in physical education. Fizička kultura, (1), 28-31. [М51]

    Čokorilo, N., Mikalčki, M., & Pantelić, S. (2005). Weight lifting for females. Fizička kultura, (2), 77-79. [М51]

    Pantelić, S., & Mladenović, I. (2004). Changes of some anthropometrical characteristic and body comosition at women after four months of aerobics exercise. Fizička kultura, (1), 76-78. [М51]

    Kostić, R., Pešić, M., & Pantelić, S. (2003). The effects of resistance exercises on muscule strength in the recreation of women. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical education and sport, 1(10), 23-32.  [М53]

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Bratić, M., Kovač, R., Đošić, A., Pantelić, S. i Nikodijević, M. (2020).  Barijere za fizičku aktivnost adolescenata. U O. Bajić i Đ. Nićin (Ur) 10. Međunarodna konferencija "Sportske nauke i zdravlje" (str. 22-30). Banja Luka: Panevropski univerzitet "Apeiron", elektronski optički disk (CD-ROM). [М33]

    Pantelić S., Milanović Z., Bratić M., Đošić A., Ivanovski A., Čokorilo N. & Mikalački M. (2018). The Relations Between Fitness and BMI and the Arterial Blood Pressure of Elderly Men From an Urban Environment. In M. Kocić (Ed.) XXI Scientific Conference “FIS Communications 2018” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation (pp. 228-233). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. [М33]

    Čokorilo, N., Mikalacki, M., Cvetković, M., Dimitrić, G. & Pantelić, S. (2019). Effects of the group exercise program on the morphological status of female university students. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation (Abstracts from the 5th International Scientific Conference on Exercise and Quality of Life Novi Sad, Serbia, 11-13 April 2019), 11(Suppl 1): O18 [М33]

    Ivanovski, A., Pantelić, S., Dimitrijević, M., Prebeg, G., Markov Čikić, I., Srećković, S., Ugrinić, B., & Mitić, D. (2019). Significance And Presence Of Sport - Recreational Activities In Mediterranean. In A. Ivanovski, I. Markov Čikić, S. Lazarević (Ed) Third International Scientific Conference „Sport, Recreation, Health“ (pp. 186-194). Belgrade: College of sports and health. [М33]

    Đošić, A., Živković, D., Živković, M., Čokorilo, N. and Pantelić, S. (2019). Effects of Physical Activity on Fitness Abilities and Bone Density in Postmenopausal Women. In N. Stojiljković (Ed) XXII Scientific Conference "FIS Communications 2019" in physical education, sport and recreation, Book of Proceedings (pp 178-189). Niš: Faculty of sport and physical education. [М33]

    Živković, D., Pantelić, S., Đorđević, M.m Randjelović, N., Bjelaković, LJ. & Raković, A. (2018). Relations of fi tness parameters and morphological characteristics of nine-year -old obese children. In D. Škegro, I. Belčić, G. Sporiš, T. Krističević (ed.) XII World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport XII (pp. 322-328). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb.  [М33]

    Pantelić S., Milanović Z., Bratić M., Đošić A., Ivanovski A., Čokorilo N. & Mikalački M. (2018). The Relations Between Fitness and BMI and the Arterial Blood Pressure of Elderly Men From an Urban Environment. In M. Kocić (Ed.), XXI Scientific Conference “FIS Communications 2018” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation (pp. 228-233). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. [М33]

    Golubović, M. & Pantelić S. (2018). The influence of strenght on the speed of navigating an infantry training obstacle course. In M. Kocić (Ed.), XXI Scientific Conference “FIS Communications 2018” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation (pp. 234-240s). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Pavlović, LJ., Stojiljković, N., Bratić, M., Sporiš, G. & Krističević, T. (2018). Monitoring of intensity and caloric consumption during skiing. In S. Kovač (ed.) 2nd Scientific Conference SPE BALKAN SKI - Science, Practise & Education (pp. 36-37). Sarajevo: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, BiH.  [М34]

    Minčić, S., Stojiljković, N., Pavlović, LJ. & Pantelić, S. (2018). Analysis of skiing and snowboarding injuries – science in the service of injuries prevention. In S. Kovač (ed.) 2nd Scientific Conference SPE BALKAN SKI - Science, Practise & Education (pp. 58-61). Sarajevo: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, BiH.  [М34]

    Pantelić, S. (2017). Zdravstveni fitnes i nivo uhranjenosti dece. U O. Bajić i Đ. Nićin (ur.) 7th International Conference on "Sport Science and Health" (pp. 8-15). Banja Luka: Panevropski univerzitet "Apeiron". [М32]

    Sporiš, G., Bratić, M., Pantelić, S., Milanović, Z., Pavlović, Lj., Djekić, P. & Stojiljković, N. (2017). Application of Infrared Thermography in Basketball. In Milanović, D., Sporiš, G., Šalaj, S., Škegro, D. (Ed.) Proceedings 8th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology (pp. 123-127). Opatija: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Kitanović, M., Milanović, Z., Trajković, N., Đorđević, M., Ivanovski, A., & Uzunović, S. (2017). Physical activity of middle‐aged people: a comparative study. In S. Pantelić (Ed.), XX Scientific Conference “FIS Communications 2017” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation (pp. 138-143). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.  [М33]

    Đorđević, M., Živković, D., Ranđelović, N., Pantelić, S. & Mitrović, B. (2017). Trend of changes in morpho‐motoric status of normal weight girls. In S. Pantelić (Ed.), XX Scientific Conference “FIS Communications 2017” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation (pp. 172-179). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Veličković, S., Kocić, M., Mitić, P., Bratić, M. (2017). Quality of Life in University Students Skiers. In S. Pantelić (ed.) 1st Scientific Conference SPE BALKAN SKI - Science, Practise & Education (pp. 58-59). Niš: Faculty of sport and physical education , University of Niš.  [М34]

    Ranđelović, N., Savić, Z., Pantelić, S., Živković, D., & Rajić, A. (2016). Злоупотреба допинг средстава - сазнања и ставови. In V. Stanković & T. Stojanović (ed.) 3rd International Conference “Anthropological And Teo-Anthropological Views On Physical Activity From The Time Of constantine The Great To Modern Times” (pp. 249-257). Leposavić: Faculty for Sport and Physical Education.  [М33]

    Mitrović, B., Djordjević, M., Marković, M., Kocić, M., Pantelić, S. & Nurkić, M. (2016). Impact Of Engaging In Sport On Differences In Motor Skills Of Male Adolescents. In Pantelić S. (ed.) XIX International Scientific Conference „Fis Communications 2016" In Physical Education, Sport And Recreation (pp. 261-267 ). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.  [М33]

    Đorđević, M., Pantelić, S., Uzunović, S. & Mitrović, B. (2016). The Correlation Between Morphological Characteristics And Motor Abilities In Eight‐Year‐Old Girls. In Pantelić S. (ed.) XIX International Scientific Conference „Fis Communications 2016" In Physical Education, Sport And Recreation (pp. 283-290). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.    [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Đošić, A., Veličković, M., Ozsary, M., Valantine, I.,  Pavlović, LJ., Milanović, Z. (2016). Sports And Recreational Activities Of Children Aged 15. In Pantelić S. (ed.) XIX International Scientific Conference „Fis Communications 2016" In Physical Education, Sport And Recreation (pp. 192-197). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Đošić, A., Milanović, Z., Trajković, N. & Đorđević , M. (2016). Physical Activity In Middle Aged Adults. In Madić D. (ed) 4th International Scientific Conference Exercise and Quality of Life Book of abstracts (27). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.  [М34]

    Pantelić S., Milanović Z., Kostić R., Uzunović S., Bratić M., Veličković S., Okičić T. & Stojiljković N. (2015). The connection between body composition and fitness performance among elderly men. In Grgantov, Z., Krstulović, S., Paušić, J., Bavčević, T., Čular, D., Kezić, A., Miletić (Ed.), 5th International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Kinesiology“ (pp. 371-379). Split: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Spilt.  [М33]

    Uzunović, S., Zdravković, G., Kostić, R., Pantelić, S., Milanović, Z., Jorgić, B.  & Aleksandrović, M. (2015). A comparison of the static balance of children with and without visual impairment. In Grgantov, Z., Krstulović, S., Paušić, J., Bavčević, T., Čular, D., Kezić, A., Miletić (Ed.), 5th International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Kinesiology“ (pp. 380-387). Split: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Spilt.  [М33]

    Popović R., Pantelić S. & Đurašković, R. (2015). Gender Specific Cross-Sectional Comparison of Some Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level in the Elderly Men and Women. Reviewed Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on „Sapere Aude 2015 – Todays concepts“ (pp. 184-197). Hradec Králové: Magnanimitas.  [М33]

    Đorđević, M., Kostić, M., Pantelić, S., Uzunović, S., Milanović, Z., & Živković, D. (2015). Motor abilities of eight-year-old girls of different nutritional status. In S. Pantelić (ed.) XVIII Scientific Conference "FIS Communications 2015" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 236-243). Niš: Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.  [М33]

    Đošić, A & Pantelić, S. (2015). Somatotype of athletic and non‐athletic female students. In S. Pantelić (Ed). XVIII Scientific Conference "FIS Communications 2015" in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 247-252). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of  Niš.  [М33]

    Mitrović, B., Marković, M., Pantelić, S. & Herodek, K. (2015). Differences in motor skills of the high school students from urban and rural areas of the community of Lebane. In G. Kasum & M. Mudrić (ed.) International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Activity Application to Anthropological Status With Children, Youth and Adults (pp. 155-161). Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade.  [М33]

    Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., Čular, D., Sporiš, G. & Krustrup, P. (2015). Effect of recreational football on aerobic fitness: systematic review and meta-analysis.In  J. Bangsbo, Krustrup P. (ed.) 8th Congress on Science and Football [Abstract] (pp. 252). Copenhagen: Copenhagen centre for team sport and health, Universit y of Copenhagen.  [М34]

    Ранђеловић, Н., Савић, З., Пантелић, С., Пиршл, Д., Живановић, Н. и Живковић, Б. (2014). Хуманистички аспекти савременог спорта. У Н. Живановић (ур.) Антрополошки и теоантрополошки поглед на физичке активности од константина великог до данас (стр. 105-114). Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања Универзитета у Нишу.  [М33]

    Badrić, М., Sporiš, G., Prskalo, I., Milanović, Y., Krakan, I., Šafarić, Y., Miljković, Y. & Pantelić, S. (2014). Differences in Motor Abilities of Pupils According to Nutritional Status. In D. Milanović & G. Sporiš (ed.) 7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology Fundamental and Applied Kinesiology – Steps Forward (pp. 247-252). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb.  [М33]

    Milanović, Z., Trajković, N., Đorđević, M., Uzunović, S., Kostić, R. & Pantelić, S. (2014). The impact of physical activity on the quality of life of elderly people. In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in physical education, sport and recreation and II International Scientific Conference (pp. 384-387). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.  [М33]

    Randjelović, N., Savić, Z., Pantelić, S., Piršl, D., Živanović, N., & Živković, D. (2014). Analysis of reporting from olympics in london 2012 in the daily blic. In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in physical education, sport and recreation and II International Scientific Conference (pp. 479-490). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Kostić, R., Milanović, Z., Uzunović, S., Trajković, N., & Jović, D. (2013). The urban-rural difference in the physical activity level and functional fitness between older men. In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2013" in physical education, sport and recreation and I International Scientific Conference (277-282). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Milanović, Z., Sporiš, G.,  Mustedanagid-Hinton, J.,  Dimitrijević, M., & Aleksandrović, M.  (2013). Do the physical activity level and functional fitness differ in older women from urban and rural areas? In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2013" in physical education, sport and recreation and I International Scientific Conference (283-288). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Milanović, Z., Kostić, R., Uzunović, S., Jorgić, B. & Trajković, N. (2013). Does Quality of Life and Physical Fitness Depend on Physical Activity Level in Older Adults? In Madić D. (Ed) 3rd International Scientific Conference Exercise and Quality of Life (425-430). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education u Novom Sadu.  [М33]

    Stojanović-Tošić, J. & Pantelić, S. (2013). Influence of physical activity of varying intensity on the functional fitness of female students. In Madić D. (Ed) 3rd International Scientific Conference EXERCISE AND QUALITY OF LIFE (389-393). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.  [М33]

    Dondur, S., & Pantelić, S. (2013). Effects of pilates with a ball on the flexibility of women. In A. Nedeljković (Ed.) International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Activity Application to Anthropological Status With Children, Youth and Adults (pp. 716-726). Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade.  [М33]

    Đorđević, M., Milanović, Z. & Pantelić, S. (2013). Correlation between body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in physically active women. In A. Nedeljković (Ed.) International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Activity Application to Anthropological Status With Children, Youth and Adults (pp. 745-752). Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade.  [М33]

    Живковић, М., Стаменковић, М., и Пантелић, С. (2013). Заинтересованост за спортско - рекреативне активности ученика и ученица града ниша - пилот студија. У М. Јовановић и Ђ. Нићин (Ur.) 3rd Conference on Sports Science and Health  (стр. 115-122). Бања Лука: Паневроспки универзитет Апеирон.  [М33]

    Ranđelović, N., Savić, Z., Pantelić, S., Piršl, D. & Živanović, N. (2013). Habits and knowledge of the faculty of sport and physical education students about physical activity and exercise. In S. Simović & V. Stanković (ed.) 5th International Scientific Confernece Anthropological Aspects of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (pp. 136-143). Banja Luka: University Banja Luka, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport.  [М33]

    Пантелић, С., Костић, Р., Милановић, З., и Узуновић, С. (2012). Функционални фитнес жена старијих од 60 година - пилот студија. У Ђ. Милетић, С. Крстуловић, З. Гргантов, Т. Бавчевић, А. Кезић (ур.) 4. Међународни знанствени конгрес „Сувремена кинезиологија“ (429-435). Сплит: Кинезиолошки факултет, Свеучилиште у Сплиту, Хрватска.  [М33]

    Sporiš G., Milanović, Z., Pantelić, S., & Miljković, Z. (2012). Are Rural Elderly People Less Physical Active Than Those Living in Urban Areas? In M. Živić & T. Galeta (eds.) 4th International Scientific and Expert Conference TEAM 2012 Technique, Education, Agriculture & Management (191-194). Osijek: Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod University of Osijek and International TEAM Society, 2012.  [М33]

    Miljković, Z., Sporiš G., Vukić, Ž., Milanović, Z., & Pantelić, S. (2012). Differences in Body Composition and Physical Fitness in Elderly Men and Women? In M. Živić & T. Galeta (eds.) 4th International Scientific and Expert Conference TEAM 2012 Technique, Education, Agriculture & Management (195-198). Osijek: Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod University of Osijek and International TEAM Society, 2012.  [М33]

    Живковић, М., Стаменковић, М., Пантелић, С., и Ивановски, А. (2012). Интересовања и мишљења деце о програму рекреативне наставе. У Допсај М., Јухас И., Касум Г. (Ур.) Међународна научна конференција Ефекти примене физичке активности на антрополошки статус деце, омладине и одраслих (226-234). Београд: Универзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М33]

    Mikalački,M., Korovljev, D., Čokorilo, N., & Pantelić, S. (2011). Body composition of females of different age. In Mikalački M. (Ed.) International Scientific Conference Exercise and Quality of Life Exercise and Quality of Life (55-60). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Novi Sad.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Rannelović, N., Mikalački, M., Čokorilo, N., & Korovljev, D. (2011). Effect of aerobic exercise on BMI and body composition in women. In Mikalački M. (Ed.)  International Scientific Conference Exercise and Quality of Life Exercise and Quality of Life (73-81). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Novi Sad.  [М33]

    Aleksandar Ivanovski, A., Ninković, Z., & Pantelić, S. (2011). Importance and organizational structure of recreational education. In International Scientific Conference Effects of Physical Activity Application to Anthropological Status With Children, Youth and Adults (439-443). Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade.  [М33]

    Пантелић, С., Ранђеловић, Н., Чокорило, Н., Микалачки, М., и Коровљев, Д. (2010). Физичка активност студената нишког универзитета - пилот студија. У Међународна научна конференција Теоријски, методолошки и методички аспекти такмичења и припреме спортиста (91-100). Београд: Универзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М33]

    Čokorilo, N., Mikalački, M., & Pantelić, S. (2009). The effects of weight exercising on adipose tissue of female students. In Mikalački M. (Ed.) International Scientific Conference Exercise And Quality of Lifeexercise and Quality of Life (369-376). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Novi Sad.  [М33]

    Pantelić, S., Đurašković, R., Mikalački, M., & Čokorilo, N (2009). Analysis of load intensity during the walk on the path of health in individuals with myocardial infarct. In Mikalački M. (Ed.) International Scientific Conference Exercise And Quality of Lifeexercise and Quality of Life (207-212). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Novi Sad.  [М33]

    Bojić, I., Pantelić, S., Đurašković, R., & Ilić, D. (2009). The influence of a programmed training process on the body composition of young female handball players. In 5‐th FIEP European Congress (156-163). Niš: Panoptikum.  [М33]

    Пантелић, С., Раковић, А., Павловић, И., и Александровић, М. (2009). Промене експлозивне снаге ногу од утицајем плиометријског метода тренинга – пилот студија. У Међународна научна конференција теоријски, методолошки и методички аспекти такмичења и припреме спортиста (351-357). Београд: Универзитет у Београду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М33]

    Stojiljković, N. Pantelić, S., Savić, Z., & Jović, D. (2009). Differences in somatotype and the level of subcutaneous fat tissue among physicaly active and inactive women. In 14th annual Congress of the European College Of Sport Science Book Of Abstracts (160).European College of Sport Science.  [М34]

    Чокорило, Н., Микалачки, М., и Пантелић, С. (2007). Ефекти вежбања са теретом на масно ткиво и мишићну масу студенткиња. У Међународна научна конференција Физичка активност и здравље (87-91). Београд: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања у Београду и Олимпијски комитет Србије.  [М33]

    Пантелић, С. (2004). Модел аклиматизације као предуслов спречавања висинске болести приликом освајања највишег врха Европе. У Живановић, Н. (Ур.) II Европски конгрес ФИЕП-а и I Српски конгрес педагога физичке културе (349-352). Ниш: Паноптикум.  [М33]

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Пантелић, С. (2016). Ниво ухрањeности и фитнес способности деце. У Манић Д. (ед) Трећи годишњи конгрес удружења за превентивну педијатрију Србије (стр. 70-73). Ниш: Наис принт.  [М62]

    Пантелић, С., Милановић, З. и Митић, Д. (2014). Физичка активност и вежбање: ставови, навике и баријере ученика – пилот студија. У А. Игњатовић и Ж. Марковић (ур.) Физичка култура и модерно друштво (стр. 143-149). Јагодина: Факултет педагошких наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу.  [М63]

    Цветковић, Н.. Милановић, З. и Пантелић, С., (2014). Динамика развоја снаге деце старијег школског узраста. У А. Игњатовић и Ж. Марковић (ур.) Физичка култура и модерно друштво (стр. 365-370). Јагодина: Факултет педагошких наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу.  [М63]

    Милановић, З., Пантелић, С., Спориш, Г., Кракан, И., и Мудроња, Л. (2012). Разлике у нивоу тјелесне активности код мушкараца и жена преко 60 година старости. У 21. Љетна школа кинезиолога Републике Хрватске Интензификација процеса вјежбања у подручјима едукације, спорта,

    Ivanovski, A., Pantelić, S., & Ilić, V. (2011). Importance of recreational activities for the animator’s profile in sports tourism. У Станковић, Р. (Ур.) XV научни скуп ФИС КОМУНИКАЦИЈЕ 2011 (127-132). Ниш: Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М63]

    Пантелић, С., Ранђеловић, Н., Милановић, З., Виденовић, С., Ивановски, А., Микалачки, М., Чокорило, Н., Коровљев, Д. (2011). Физичка активност студената и студенткиња универзитета у нишу - пилот студија. У Станковић, Р. (Ур.) XV научни скуп ФИС КОМУНИКАЦИЈЕ 2011 (570-583). Ниш: Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М63]

    Ивановски, А., Пантелић, С., и Пребег, Г. (2010). Комуникација као важно средство за реализацију програма анимације рекреативних активности. У XIV научни скуп ФИС КОМУНИКАЦИЈЕ 2010 (558-563). Ниш: Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М63]

    Пантелић, С., Ранђеловић, Н., и Ивановски, А. (2010). Ангажовање студенткиња нишког универзитета у спортско рекреативним активностима - пилот студија. У XIV научни скуп ФИС КОМУНИКАЦИЈЕ 2010 (573-586). Ниш: Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М63]

    Коровљев, Д., Микалачки, М., Чокорило, Н., и Пантелић, С., (2010). Утицај телесне композције на перформансе снаге код мушкараца старих 19 година. У XIV научни скуп ФИС КОМУНИКАЦИЈЕ 2010 (634-640). Ниш: Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М63]

    Pantelić, S., Mikalački, M., & Čokorilo, N. (2007). Differences in heart rate in various aerobic exercise models. In XIII scientific conference FIS Komunikacije 2007 (182-189). Niš: University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.  [М63]

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    Микалачки, М., Чокорило, Н., и Пантелић, С. (2006). Предлог развоја рекреације ученика - корисника дома. У Зборник радова XIV међународни интердисциплинарни симпозијум Екологија, спорт, физичка активност и здравље младих (104-108). Нови Сад: Универзитет у Новом Саду, Новосадски маратон.  [М63]

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    Микалачки, М., Чокорило, Н., и Пантелић, С. (2006). Повезаност физичке активности дечака и њихових родитеља са односом родитеља према физичкој активности. У Интердисциплинарна научна конференција са међународним учешћем Антрополошки статус и физичка активност деце и омладине (265-269). Нови Сад: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.  [М63]

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