Odštampajte ovu stranicu
Datum kreiranja: 27.01.2014.

Milan Protić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 21.05.1979
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Mašinski Fakultet Niš
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Termoenergetika
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2003
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1.  Mitić, D., Stanković, M., Protić, M. (2009). Biomasa za toplotnu energiju, Fakultet zaštite na radu u Nišu, Niš

    2.  Mitić, D., Stanković, M.(2008). Šume srednjeg Ponišavlja, 12. i 13. poglavlje, Centar za naučna istraživanja Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti i Univerziteta u Nišu, Niš


  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Protić, M. Teorija paljenja i gorenja - zbirka zadataka, Fakultet zaštite na radu u Nišu, Niš, 2021, 1-192, ISBN 978-86-6093-099-8, COBISS.SR-ID 30284041 (Odlukom Nastavno-naučnog veća Fakulteta zaštite na radu u Nišu, br. 03-50/4 od 20.01.2021. godine rukopis je štampan kao zbirka zadataka)

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Protić, M., Fathurrahman, F., Raos, M. (2019). Modelling energy consumption of the Republic of Serbia using linear regression and artificial neural network technique. Tehnicki vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 26 (1), pp. 135-141, ISSN 1330-3651 (Print), ISSN 1848-6339 (Online), DOI:  10.17559/TV-20180219142019 (M23, SCIe, IF2019 = 0.683)

    2. Protić, M., Miltojević, A., Zoraja, B., Raos, M., Krstić, I. (2021). Application of thermogravimetry for determination of carbon content in biomass ash as an indicator of the efficiency of the combustion process, Tehnicki vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 28 (5), ISSN 1330-3651 (Print), ISSN 1848-6339 (Online), DOI: 10.17559/TV-20200508110940, (rad prihvaćen za štampu) (M23, SCIe, IF2019 = 0.683)

    3. Milošević, L., Mihajlović, E., Đorđević, A., Protić, M., Ristić, D. (2018). Identification of Fire Hazards Due to Landfill Gas Generation and Emission. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 27 (1), pp. 213-221, ISSN: 1230-1485, eISSN: 2083-5906, DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/75160 (M23, SCIe, IF2018 = 1.3)

    4. Petković, D., Protić, M., Shamshirband, S., Akib, S., Raos, M., Marković, D. (2015). Evaluation of the most influential parameters of heat load in district heating systems. Energy and Buildings, 104, pp. 264-274

    5. Protić, M., Shamshirband, S., Petković, D.,  Abbasi, A., Kiah, M. L. M., Unar, J. A., Živković, Lj.,  Raos, M.  (2015) Forecasting of consumers heat load in district heating systems using the support vector machine with discrite wavelet transform algorithm. Energy, 87, pp. 343-351

    6. Raos, M., Marjanović, Z., Živković, Lj., Živković, N., Protić, M., Radosavljević, J., Jovanović, M. (2015) Simulation of hybrid electrical vehicle for two differnet driving modes, The Journal Technical Gazzette, Vol. 23, No.2, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20150206113936

    7. Protić,  M., Shamshirband, S., Anisi, M. H., Petković, D., Mitić, D., Raos, M., Arif, M., Alam, K. A. (2015) Appraisal of soft computing methods for short term consumers heat load prediction in district heating systems. Energy, 82, pp. 697-704

    8. Petković, D., Shamshirband, S., Anuar, N. B., Saboohi, H., Abdul Wahab, A. W., Protić, M., Zalnezhad, E., Mirhashemi, S. M. A. (2014). An appraisal of wind speed distribution prediction by soft computing methodologies: A comparative study. Energy Conversion and Management, 84, 133–139

    9. Protić, M., Mitić, D., Stanković, M., Vasović, D. (2011) Renewable Energy Potentials in Serbia with Particular Regard to Forest and Agricultural Biomass, Energy Options Impact on Regional Security, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, pp. 309-325, Springer

    10. Protić, M., Stanković, M., Mitić, D., Todorović, B. (2012) Application of Fractional Calculus in Ground Heat Flux Estimation, Thermal Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 373-38


  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1.Protić, M., Miltojević, A., Raos, M., Đekić, P. (2019). Determination of Kinetic Parameters of cheery tree pyrolysis using Kissinger method. Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection, 16 (3), pp. 135-145, ISSN   0354-804X (Print), ISSN 2406-0534 (Online), UDC 582.734.6:628.475, DOI: 10.22190/FUWLEP1903135P

    2.Protić, M., Mišić, N., Raos, M., Sekulić, S. (2020) Solid wood flammability testing. Safety Engineering, 10 (1), pp. 09 - 12, ISSN 2406-064X (print), ISSN 2217-7124 (online), COBISS.SR-ID 187159820, UDC 614.841.41-035.31, DOI: 10.5937/SE2001009P

    3.Mišić, N., Protić, M. (2020). Evaluating fire effluents during combustion of wood boards. Safety Engineering, 10 (2), pp. 85-88, ISSN 2406-064X (print), ISSN 2217-7124 (online), COBISS.SR-ID 187159820, UDC 614.84:662.63, DOI: 10.5937/SE2002085M

    4.Protić, M., Mitić, D., Stefanović, V. (2011) Wood pellets production technology, Safety Engineering, 1,1, 23 -26, Fakultet zaštite na radu u Nišu, Niš, 2009

    5.Protić, M., Raos, M., Radosavljević, J., Živković, L, Živković, N., Mihajlović, E. (2015). Application of Time-Series Methods for the Modeling of Sunshine Duration Sequences. Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection, 11(2), 153-161



  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1. Mišić, N., Protić, M. Experimental investigation of the thermal degradation of forest litter - pine needles, In the Proceedings of 10th International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2020), pp. 324 - 329, 08. - 09. Oct. 2020., Zrenjanin, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-7672-340-9, COBISS.SR-ID 22384393

    2. Protić, M., Milošević, L., Raos, M., Mihajlović, E. Flammability testing of pipe insulation materials, In the Proceedings of 14th International Conference Management and Safety, Proceedings of 14th International Conference Management and Safety, pp. 33 - 39, 07. - 08. Jun 2019., Budva, Crna Gora, ISBN 978-953-48331-1-7, UDC 005.4:331.45(063)

    3. Miltojević, A., Protić, M., Đekić, P., Radosavljević, J., Đorđević, A. Thermogravimetric analysis of oak tree – the influence of heating rate on the pyrolysis, In the Proceedings of 9th International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2019 (IIZS 2019), University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“, pp. 140 - 144, 03. - 04. Oct, 2019., Zrenjanin, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-7672-324-9, COBISS.SR-ID 330863111

    4. Protić, M., Miltojević, A., Raos, M., Đorđević, A., Golubović, T., Vukadinović,A. Thermogravimetric analysis of biomass and sub-bituminous coal, In the Proceedings of 8th International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2018), University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“, pp. 368 - 373, 11. - 12. Oct. 2018., Zrenjanin, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-7672-309-6, COBISS.SR-ID 325938183

    5. Vukadinović, A., Radosavljević, J., Đorđević, A., Protić, M., Nikolić, Z. Analysis and optimisation of energy performance in residential buildings with sunspaces, In the Proceedings of 8th International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2018), University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“, pp. 466 - 472, 11. - 12. Oct. 2018., Zrenjanin, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-7672-309-6, COBISS.SR-ID 325938183

    6. Protić, M., Mančić, M., Blagojević, M., Raos, M., Stanković, P. Ignitibility studies of common forest fuels, In Proceedings of 18th Conference of the Series Man and Working Environment International Conference - 50 Years of Higher Education, Science and Research in Occupational Safety Engineering, pp. 57 - 60, 06. - 07. Dec. 2018., Niš, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-6093-089-9, COBISS.SR-ID 270808332

    7. Protić, M., Mančić, M., Raos, M., Miltojević, A. Proximate analysis of biomass fuels, In the Proceedings of 18th Conference of the Series Man and Working Environment International Conference - 50 Years of Higher Education, Science and Research in Occupational Safety Engineering, pp. 137 - 140, 06. - 07. Dec. 2018., Niš, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-6093-089-9, COBISS.SR-ID 270808332

    8. Mančić, M. Raos, M., Medenica, M., Malenović-Nikolić, J. Mančić, M., Protić, M. Application of the energy balance method on the milk and dairy processing plant, In Proceedings of 18th Conference of the Series Man and Working Environment International Conference - 50 Years of Higher Education, Science and Research in Occupational Safety Engineering, pp. 121 - 125, 06. - 07. Dec. 2018., Niš, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-6093-089-9, COBISS.SR-ID 270808332

    9. Jovanović, D., Raos, M., Jovanović, M., Stanković, M., Živković, Lj., Protić, M. Vibration analysis of the boiler fan for the fresh air – a case study, In Proceedings of 14th International Conference „Acoustics & vibration of mechanical structures”, Chapter 27, Springer, pp. 227-237, 25. - 26. May 2017., Timişoara, Romania, ISBN 978-3-319-69822-9, ISBN 978-3-319-69823-6 (eBook), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69823-6_27

    10. Marjanović, Z., Raos, M. Jovanović, M., Protić, M. The state of air pollution in Kragujevac caused by the operation of Energetika, LLC, In the Proceedings of 2nd International conference on Quality of Life, Center for Quality, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, pp. 167 - 173, 08. - 10. Jun 2017., Kragujevac, Srbija, ISBN  978-86-6335-043–4

    11. Protić, M., Petković, D., Vukadinović, A., Raos, M., Radosavljević, J., Milošević, L. Analyses of the most influential factors affecting occurrence of forest fires by adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique, In Proceeding of Požární ochrana 2016, Sborník přednášek XXV. ročníku mezinárodní conference pod záštitou rektora Vysoké školy báňské - Technické univerzity Ostrava, pp. 389 - 392, 21. - 22. Sep. 2016., Ostrava, Češka, ISBN 978-80-7385-177-4, ISSN 1803-1803

    12. Vukadinović, A., Radosavljević, J., Đorđević, A., Protić, M., Ristić, D. Fire safety of exterior façade materials and systems for energy efficiency of buildings, In Proceeding of Požární ochrana 2016, Sborník přednášek XXV. ročníku mezinárodní conference, pp. 479 - 482, 21. - 22. Sep. 2016, Ostrava, Češka, ISBN 978-80-7385-177-4, ISSN 1803-1803

    13. Vukadinović, A., Radosavljević, J., Đorđević, A., Protić, M., Malenović-Nikolić, J. Estimation of environmental impact of building energy by life cycle assessment, In the Proceedings of 6th International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2016), University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“, pp. 95 -99, Srbija, 13. - 14. Oct. 2016, Zrenjanin, Srbija, ISBN: 978-86-7672-293-8, COBISS.SR-ID 309054983

    14. Milošević, L., Mihajlović, E., Radosavljević, J., Đorđević, A., Protić, M. Using mathematical models to predict the emissions of landfill gas and its components from landfills, In the Proceedings of  6th International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2016 (IIZS 2016), University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“, pp. 105 - 109, 13. - 14. Oct. 2016., Zrenjanin, Srbija, ISBN: 978-86-7672-293-8, COBISS.SR-ID 309054983

    15. Vukadinović, A., Radosavljević, J., Đorđević, A., Protić, M., Vasović, D. Evaluation of noise pollution by strategic noise maps and urban planning, In the Proceedings of 25th International Conference Noise and Vibration, pp. 55 - 59, 27. - 29. Oct. 2016, Tara, Srbija, ISBN: 978-86-6093-076-9, COBISS.SR-ID 229503500

    16. Protić, M., Mitić, D. (2013). Determination of Ignition time Delays for Coal Briquettes; III International Congress Engineering, environment and materials in Processing Industry, Jahorina, 629-637

    17.  Protić, M., Mitić, D. (2013). Techno-Economic Analysis of Wood Pellets Production; III International Congress Engineering, environment and materials in Processing Industry, Jahorina, 637-645  

    18.  Protić, M., Mitić, D.,Stefanović, V.(2011). Effects of Straw Bale Fragmentation on Rotational Chopper of Novel Design, Conference - Innovation as a function of engineering development, Niš, 289-294

    19.  Protić, M., Mitić, D.,Stefanović, V.(2011). Wood Pellets Production Technology, International conference - Safety of technical systems in living and working environment, Niš, 2011, 179-183

    20.  Mitić, D., Protić, M., Stefanović, V.(2011). Control Principles of Boilers for Chopped Straw Bales Combustion, 15th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Soko Banja, 928-933

    21. Jovanović, D., Jovanović, M., Raos, M., Živković, N., Stanković, M., Protić, M. (2015). Vibration Analysis of Insufficiently  Repaired Well Pump - A case study, XIII international Symposium "Acoustic & Vibration of mechanical structures" AVMS 2015, Temisoara, Romania, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 801, Chapter 4, Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Zurich - Durniten, Switzerland, http://www.ttp.net, pp. 207, ISBN-13:978-3-03835-628-8

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Jovanović, M., Medenica, M., Raos, M., Protić, M., Malenović-Nikolić, J. Uslovi tehničkog komfora i performanse zaposlenih, Zbornik radova - Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem, Unapređivanje sistema zaštite na radu, pp. 228 - 237, 27. - 30. Oct. 2016, Tara, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-919221-1-5, COBISS.SR-ID 309405703

    2. Protić, M., Janković, Ž., Blagojević, M. Mogućnosti primene kalorimetra za merenje toplotne snage sa termoparovima, Zbornik radova 16. Međunarodna konferencija zaštita od požara i eksplozije, pp. 57 - 63, 26. - 27. Sep. 2018., Novi Sad, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-6211-114-2, COBISS.SR-ID 325556231

    3. Protić, M., Mitić, D., Stanković, M. (2008) Posledice eksploatacije šuma srednjeg Ponišavlja kao obnovljivog energetskog resursa, Zbornik radova sa nacionalne konferencije sa međunarodnim učešćem Održivi razvoj i klimatske promene, Niš

    4. Protić, M., Mitić, D. (2008) Radna oblast kod hidrauličkih sistema sa pumpama sa promenljivim brojem obrtaja, XXXIX Međunarodni kongres o grejanju, hlađenju i klimatizaciji, Beograd

    5. Stanković, M., Mitić, D., Protić, M. (2008) Odnos potencijala i rezervi šuma srednjeg Ponišavlja kao obnovljivog energenta, Zbornik abstrakata sa regionalne konferencije Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope, Zlatibor

    6. Stojanović, B., Protić, M., Blagojević,B., Janevski, J., Ignjatović, M. (2005) Primena Matlab® okruženja za termički proračun toplovodnog kotla za sagorevanje drvenih peleta, Zbornik abstrakata sa XII Simpozijuma termičara, Soko Banja

    7. Protić, M., Raos, M., Živković, LJ.,  Jovanović, M. (2015) Savremeni alati za upravljanje sistemom daljinskog grejanja u cilju unapređenja termičkog komfora radne sredine", 12. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem: Unapređenje sistema zaštite na radu, zbornik radova, ISBN 978-86-919221-0-8, COBISS.SR-ID 299650311, Tara, pp. 281-286

Poslednji put izmenjeno sreda, 10 februar 2021 05:09