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Datum kreiranja: 02.11.2013.

Đorđe Vidanović

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 27. 6. 1951
  • Mesto rođenja: Zaječar, Srbija
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Engleski jezik i književnost
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1975
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Vidanović, Ð. (1989)  Problems of Language and Mind (Problemi jezika i uma). Beograd: ICSSOS. 

    Dimitrijević, N., Vidanović, Đ. (1991) (eds) Introduzione alla neurolinguistica.  Bologna: Il Mulino.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1994) An Outline of English Morphology with Elements of Lexicology, Niš: Prosveta. 

    Vidanović, Đ. (2009) An Outline of English Morphology with Elements of Lexicology (second revised edition). USEE (Universities of South Eastern Europe), Novi Sad: Prometej. 

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Vidanović, Đ. (1984)  An Attempt at the Experimentum Crucis in Modern Linguistic Theory. Studi Italiani di linguistica teorica ed aplicata, 2-3, 235-256. 

    Vidanović, Ð. (1986)  On pragmatic archetypes and linguistic evidence, Acta analytica, 1, 25-45.

    Vidanović, Ð. (1987)  Subject-Predicate Metaphysics and Prepositional Phrases, Darshana International, 3,  57-60.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1987) Rationalism or Empiricism:  Chomsky or Popper?  Synthesis philosophica, vol. 2, no.3., 179-189.  

    Vidanovic, Ð. (1991)  Rules and Strategies Revisited: A Comment on Robinson 1986.  Journal of Pragmatics, 16, 349-362.

    Oakley, T. and Vidanović, Đ. (2014) Autism, intersubjectivity, and fluidity-to-inelasticity hypothesis.  Cognitive Semiotics, 7/2, 191-225.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Vidanović, Đ. (1974) Some remarks on the semiotic diagram and meaning in general.  ELTI, Belgrade, vol. 2, 35-37.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1978)  On the justification of simultaneous investigation of meaning and semantic stuctures through two linguistic criteria (O opravdanosti simultanog ispitivanja značenja i jezičkih struktura kroz dva jezička aspekta). Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta, Univerzitet u Nišu, vol. 5, 305-318.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1978)  Philosophical and methodological foundations of linguistic semantics (Filosofsko-metodološki osnovi lingvističke semantike). Gradina, 3-4, 59-70.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1979)  Tradition and individual talent in the work of T. S. Eliot (Tradition and individual talent u radu T. S. Eliota). Gradina, 5, 66-73.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1980)  On some aspects of reduced relative clauses in English (O nekim problemima skraćenih relativnih klauza u engleskom jeziku). Zbornik radova Katedre za anglistiku, sv. I, 101-111.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1980)  Substance-attribute metaphysics and prepositional phrases (Metafizika supstance i atributa i predloške fraze).  Theoria, 1-4, 89-95.

    Vidanović, Ð. (1981) Linguistic Analysis of ictal speech mechanisms in sensory aphasia (Lingvistička analiza iktalnih govornih mehanizama kod senzorne afazije), Zbornik radova Katedre za anglistiku, sv. II, 317-327.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1982)  A linguistic approach to the poetic language of James Joyce (Lingvistička analiza poetskog jezika Džejmsa Džojsa).  Gradina, 3-4, 93-102.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1983)  Feyerabend’s epistemological anarchism (Fajerabandov epistemološki anarhizam). Naučni podmladak, 3, 71-75.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1984)  How should one read erudition? (Kako čitati erudiciju?), Književna reč, 224, 11-12.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1985)  On the linguistic basis of literary fiction (O lingvističkoj osnovi književne fikcije).  Gradina, 11, 75-80.

    Vidanović, Đ.  (1985)  Rationalism or empiricism:  Chomsky or Popper? (Racionalizam ili empirizam: Čomski ili Poper?).  Filozofska istraživanja, 14-3, 517-525.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1986)  Semantics and the Human Mind (Semantika i ljudski um).  Polja, 328-9, 281-285.

    Vidanović, Ð. (1986)  On pragmatic archetypes and linguistic evidence, Acta analytica, 1, 25-45.

    Vidanović, Ð. (1986)  Naturalism and intentionality in language (Naturalizam i jezicka intencionalnost).  Filozofska istraživanja, 18, 737-743

    Vidanović, Ð. (1987)  Subject-Predicate Metaphysics and Prepositional Phrases, Darshana International, 3,  57-60 (modified and updated version of #3 above).

    Vidanović, Ð. (1987)  Linguistic argumentation and evidence (Lingvistička argumentacija i evidencija). Gradina, 5-6, 174-188.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1987) Rationalism or Empiricism:  Chomsky or Popper?  Synthesis philosophica, vol. 2, no.3., 179-189.  (Modified English version of the paper from 1985, by request from the publisher).

    Ristić, S., Vidanović, Đ., Obrenović, J. (1987)  The influence of the the sentential transformation type on the reaction time of auditory perceptual recognition (Uticaj transformacija rečenica na vreme njenog prepoznavanja u situaciji auditivne prezentacije rečenice).  Zbornik radova jugoslovenskog kongresa psiholingvista, Skopje, 253-64.

    Vidanović, Ð. (1988)  On the problem of explanation of language change (O problemu objašnjenja jezičkih promena). SOL, 5, 31-39.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1989) P. F. Strawson and the social context in language (P. F. Strawson i socijalni kontekst u jeziku). Filozofska istraživanja, 30, sv. 3, 1003-1010.

    Vidanović, Ð. (1990)  Cognitive linguistic theory and the problem of meaning (Kognitivna lingvisticka teorija i problem znacenja).  SOL, 1-2, 75-95.

    Vidanovic, Ð. (1991) Davidson, metaphor and infinity (Davidson, metafora, beskonačnost). Gradina, 7-8-9, 203-208.

    Vidanović, Ð (1991) Kant, Chomsky and the apriori synthetic category (Kant, Chomsky i kategorija a priori, sintetičko).  Gradina, 7-8-9,  209-214. 

    Vidanović, Đ. (1991) On an Aporia of the Human Brain (O jednoj aporiji mozga), Nissa, 3-4, 347-350.

    Vidanović, Ð. (1995)  Metaphoring and metaphor:  a research proposal, Facta universitatis, vol. 1, no. 2, 158-162.

    Vidanović, Ð. (1996) Popper’s World 3 and Survival (Poperov svet 3 i preživljavanje). Gradina, 1-2, 33-39.

    Vidanović, Đ. (1996) On the quantificational analysis of aphasic samples in linguistics (O kvantifikacionoj analizi afazičnog materijala u lingvistici).  Studies of and about Language, Festschrift for Naum Dimitrijević, Belgrade, 297-304.

    Đ. Vidanović, B Misic Ilic, S. Kitić, T. Paunović and  N. Popović (2000)   Forms of Address in Contemporary Serbian , Congress Proceedings of The First International Congress of the Macedonian Applied Linguistics Association,  Filozofski fakultet,  Skoplje, 41-50.

    Vidanović, Ð. (2005)  Semantic horror vacui, the first twenty four hours, Facta universitatis, vol. 3, no. 2, 273-275.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2006) The Kuhnian Aspects of the Chomskyan Scientific Paradigm.  Facta

    universitatis, vol. 4, no. 1, 19-26.

    Vučković, V., Vidanović, Đ. (2007) An Algorithm for the Detection of Move Repetition without the Use of Hashkeys.  Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, vol. 17, no. 2, 257-74.

    Vidanović, Đ. i M. Radulović (2007) Linguistic aspects of proverbs (Lingvistička perspektiva poslovica). Uspenja 1, Leskovac, Fileks, 79.

    Vidanović, Đ. i M. Radulović (2007) Agrammaticality of proverbs (Negramatičnost poslovica). Uspenja  2, Fileks, 1415.

    Vidanović, Đ. i M. Radulović  (2007) The internal semantics of proverbs (Interna semantika poslovica). Uspenja 3, Fileks, 23-24.

    Vidanović, Ð. (2008)  Can globalization be a referential object in semantics or not?, Zbornik radova "Jezik, književnost, globalizacija", Filozofski fakultet u Nišu, 19-24.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2008)  On a limitation of Searle's critique of Dennett's Concept of Consciousness, e-publication of the University of Maribor,

    Slovenija, http://oddelki.ff.uni-mb.si/filozofija/files/Festschrift/Dunjas_festschrift/vidanovic.pdf

    Vidanović, Đ. (2009)  Searle’s Critique of the Multiple Drafts Model of Consciousness. Facta universitatis, vol. 7, no. 2, 173-182.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2009) Understanding Reality in John Searle’s Work: The Structure of the World and Social Facts (Poimanje realnosti kod Džona Serla:  Struktura sveta i društvene činjenice).  Teme, vol. 33, no.4, 1157-1167.

    Vidanović, Đ.  (2012)  Conceptual Blending and Intentionality. Facta Universitatis, vol. 10,  no.1,  41-52.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2012)  On the Concept of  Consciousness in Contemporary Cognitive Science:  the Example of  „Biologization“ of Morality in the Framework of Block's and Chalmers's Classification of Types of Consciousness (O pojmu svesti u savremenoj kognitivnoj nauci:  primer “biologizacije” morala u okviru Blokove i Čalmersove klasifikacije tipova svesti). Obrazovanje i savremeni univerzitet, Tematski zbornik radova, Univerzitet u Nišu, Filozofski fakultet, 267-280.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2014).  "I" and the dimension of ostension in Wittgenstein ("Ja" i dimenizija pokaznosti kod Vitgenštajna" u: Rad, ličnost i društvo, ur. J. Obrenović, S. Stojiljković, V. Nešić, (ur.), Zbornik radova, Rad, licnost, drustvo, 209-216.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2014) (On the relationship between semantics and nonexistent objects) O odnosu semantike i nepostojećih objekata. Ur. Bojana Dimitrijevic. Zbornik Jezik, književnost i kultura (IV tom). Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, ISBN 978-86-7379-349-8, 450-459.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2017) Dexis and Personhood:  A New Philosophical Account.  Facta Universitatis, Vol. 15, No.1,  pp. 1-9.






  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Is there a pragmatic archetype? Conference Between Semantics and Pragmatics, Inter-university center for graduate studies, Dubrovnik, May, 1984.

    On the epistemologically privileged status of first person utterances, Conference on Physicalism, Section for Logic of the Slovenian Philosophical Society, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, December, 1985.

    Psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics: their import for linguistic theory, Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, March, 1985.

    Is language a natural kind? Section for Logic of the Slovenian Philosophical Society, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, December, 1985.

    On the problem of transphonemization of foreign names in Serbocroat, Slavisk Seminar, University of Aarhus, Denmark, April, 1988.

    Semantics:  Mathematics or Psychology?, Colloquium Linguisticum, University of Aarhus, Denmark, April, 1988.

    Philosophical and Methodological Problems in Neurolinguistic Investigations, Seminar in Linguistics and Speech Recognition, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, April, 1990.

    Metaphor and Metaphoring:  A Research Proposal, Istituto di Psicologia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, Italy, July, 1999.

    Conceptual Blending and Intentionality, Department of Cognitive Science, CogSci Colloquium, Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A., January, 2011.

    Vidanović, Đ., (2013) "Theoretical Aspects of Deixis and Personhood: An Ongoing Debate", predavanje sa prof. dr Toddom Ouklijem, po pozivu Centra za kognitivne nauke Univerziteta u Nišu i centra SANU, februar 2013. 

    On the possibility of empirical validation of general-linguistic concepts by means of neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic investigations.  7th congress of psychologists of Yugoslavia, Zagreb, 1981.

    An analysis of the linguistic identity relation in aphasic performative utterances.  3rd Congress of applied linguists of Yugoslavia, Faculty of Philsophy, Sarajevo, 1983 (co-authored with Naum Dimitrijević).

    Neurolinguistic parameters in teaching foreign languages.  Serbian Applied Linguistics Society, Belgrade, 1985 (co-authored with Naum Dimitrijević).

    The concept of cliché in teaching foreign languages.  Linguistic varieties in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, Faculty of Philosophy, Zadar, 1985.

    Consciousness and the perception of language.  1st Conference on the physiology of speech and sound, Faculty of Philosophy and University of Niš, 1985.  

    Naturalism and intentionality in language. Conference on Philosophy, Science and Society, Association of Yugoslav Philosophical Societies, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, 1986.

    On Noam Chomsky’s Philosophy of Science.  International Colloquium in Philosophy of Science, Section for Logic of the Slovenian Philosophical Society, Faculty of Philosophy, Ljubljana, 1986.

    Practical problems of error analysis.  Interdepartmental conference of English Departments, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, 1988.

    Grammatical transformation and sentential perception during a visual task.  9th Congress of psychologists of Yugoslavia, Vrnjacka Banja, 1988 (co-authored with Joviša Obrenović and Sladjana Ristić).

    Đ. Vidanović, B. Misic Ilic, S. Kitić, T. Paunović  and N. Popović.  Forms of Address in Contemporary Serbian,  Language and Society at the Turn of the XXI Century.  Filozofski fakultet,  Skoplje,  May, 1998.

    Can globalization be a referential object in semantics or not? Plenary talk at the Language, literature, globalization international conference, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, April, 2008.

    Wittgenstein and Ostension.  Plenary talk at the Language, literature, identity international conference, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, April, 2009.

    In defence of cognitive minimalism (co-authored with Mihailo Antović).  Talk at the Language, literature, change international conference, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, April, 2010.

    On the Concept of Consciousness in Contemporary Cognitive Science.  40th anniversary of the Faculty of Philosophy International Conference,  University of Niš, November, 2011.

    The Social Mind.  First Cognitive Science Symposium. The Cognitive Science Forum of  the University of Niš and the SANU center, December, 2011.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2012). „Deixis and personhood”. Konferencija Jezik, književnost, vrednosti, Filozofski fakultet, Niš, april 2012

    “I” and the psychological  dimension of  ostension in Wittgenstein.  ("Ja" i psihološka  dimenzija pokaznosti kod Vitgenštajna”),  VIII Konferencija "Dani primenjene psihologije", Filozofski fakultet  Univerziteta u Nišu,  September, 2012.

    Vidanović, Đ.& T. Oakley (2013) “Theoretical aspects of deixis and personhood: An ongoing debate”, predavanje po pozivu Centra za kognitivne nauke Univerziteta u Nišu i Centra za naučnoistraživački rad SANU i Univerziteta u Nišu, mart 2013.

    Vidanović, Đ. (2014). “On the tractability of conceptual blending”. The Second Cognitive Science Workshop CogSciNiš2014. Center for Cognitive Sciences, University of Niš, May 2014.

    Vidanović, Đ. & T. Oakley (2015) “The fluidity-to-elasticity hypothesis: The perspectives”, predavanje po pozivu Centra za kognitivne nauke Univerziteta u Nišu i Centra za naučnoistraživački rad SANU i Univerziteta u Nišu, maj 2015.

    "Hedges Revisited — Are Fuzzy Concepts in Language a Necessity?", 3rd Cognitive Science Symposium, May, 2016.

    "The semantics of consciousness", Center for Cogntive Sciences International Workshop, March, 2017.

    "Space-time and Counterfactuals:  two Great Cognitive Leaps in the Development of Homo Sapiens".  Medjunarodna konferencija Jezik, knjizevnost, prostor.  Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, April, 2017.


Poslednji put izmenjeno ponedeljak, 18 septembar 2017 16:57