Odštampajte ovu stranicu
Datum kreiranja: 07.10.2013.

Slavisa Trajkovic

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 06.04.1965.
  • Mesto rođenja: Leskovac
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Gradjevinski fakultet Nis
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Hidrotehnicko-konstruktorski
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1990
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:


    1. Trajković, S. (2009) Metode proračuna potreba za vodom u navodnjavanju, ISBN 978-86-80295-85-5, COBISS.SR – ID 168054796, Gradjevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet Nis (M41)

    2. Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2015) Hidro-informacioni sistem za praćenje suše, Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet, Niš, str. 148, ISBN 978-86-88601-16-0, COBISS.SR-ID 211279372 (M41)

    Поглавља у монографијама

    1. Branković, S. and Trajković, S. (2007) The Nisava River water quality downstream of the Sicevo gorge, Monography „Sicevo and Jelasnica gorges environmental status monitoring, Trajkovic and Brankovic (eds.), Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Nis, ISBN 978-86-80877-26-3, ISBN 978-86-80295-80-0, COBISS.SR–ID 141861132, 83 – 92 (M45)

    2. Branković, S., Trajković, S., Simić, V. and Simić, Lj. (2007) Hydrobiological research of Sicevo and Jelasnica gorges, Monography „Sicevo and Jelasnica gorges environmental status monitoring, Trajkovic and Brankovic (eds.), Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ISBN 978-86-80877-26-3, ISBN 978-86-80295-80-0, COBISS.SR–ID 141861132, 59-82 (M45)

    3. Samadianfard, S., Sadraddini, A. A. and Trajkovic, S. (2011) Estimating reference evapotranspiration in a case of limited weather data using genetic programming, Thematic proceedings "Application of innovative techniques in engineering", Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Nis, ISBN 978-86-80295-8, 183 -198 (M14)

    4. Trajkovic, S. and Gocic, M. (2011) ANN-based model of estimating maximum discharge in the irrigation system, Thematic proceedings "Application of innovative techniques in engineering", Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Nis, ISBN 978-86-80295-8, 245-258 (M14)

    5. Milićevic, D., Trajkovic, S., Gocic. M. (2017) Application of Macrobiological Methods in the Settlement Wastewater Treatment in "Biological Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery", book edited by Robina Farooq and Zaki Ahmad, INTECH, ISBN 978-953-51-3046-8, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3045-1, DOI: 10.5772/65369 (M14)

    6. Трајковић, С. (2019) Просторно-временске карактеристика суша у Србији, Геохазард у Србији у 21. веку: знање је најбољи бедем против стихије, Циклус предавања/Српска академија наука и уметности; књ. 5, 45-64. Београд: САНУ (M44)

    7. Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., Milanovic, M. (2020) Precipitation and Drought Analysis in Serbia for the Period 1946–2017, In: Water Resources Management in Balkan Countries, Springer Water, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22468-4_11 (M14)

    8. Trajkovic, S., Gocic, M., Misic, D., Milanovic, M. (2020) Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Hydrological and Meteorological Droughts in the South Morava Basin. In: Natural Risk Management and Engineering. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering 225-242. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39391-5_11 (M13)

  • Knjige i udžbenici:


    Kolaković, S., Trajković, S. (2006) Hidrotehničke melioracije - Odvodnjavanje, FTN Novi Sad, GAF Niš, ISBN 86-7892-002-5

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Trajkovic, S., Stankovic, M., and Todorovic, B. (2000) Estimation of FAO Blaney-Criddle b Factor by RBF Network, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 126(4), 268-271, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2000)126:4(268) (M21)

    2. Trajkovic, S., Todorovic, B., and Stankovic, M. (2003) Forecasting of Reference Evapotranspirationn by Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 129(6), 454-457, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2003) 129:6 (454) (M21)

    3. Trajkovic, S. (2005) Temperature-Based Approaches for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 131(4), 316-323, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2005)131:4(316) (M21)

    4. Trajkovic, S., Todorovic, B., and Stankovic, M. (2005) Closure to “Forecasting of Reference Evapotranspirationn by Artificial Neural Networks”, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 131(4), 391-392, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2005)131:4(391) (M21)

    5. Trajkovic, S. (2007) Hargreaves versus Penman-Monteith under Humid Conditions, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 133(1), 38-42, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2007)133:1(38) (M21a)

    6. Trajkovic, S. (2009) Comparison of Radial Basis Function Networks and Empirical Equations  for Converting from Pan Evaporation to Reference Evapotranspiration, Hydrological processes, 23 (6), 874-880, https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.7221  (M21)

    7. Trajkovic, S. and Kolakovic, S. (2009a) Wind-adjusted Turc equation for estimating reference evapotranspiration at humid European locations. Hydrology Research, 40(1), 45- 52, https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2009.002  (M22)

    8. Trajkovic, S. and Kolakovic, S. (2009b) Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration Using Limited Weather Data, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 135(4), 443-449,               https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000094 (M21)

    9. Trajkovic, S. and Kolakovic, S. (2009c) Evaluation of Reference Evapotranspiration Equations under Humid Conditions. Water Resources Management, 23 (14), 3057-3067, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-009-9423-4 (M21a)

    10. Trajkovic, S. (2010) Testing hourly reference evapotranspiration approaches using lysimeter measurements in a semiarid climate, Hydrology Research, 41(1), 38-49, https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2010.015  (M22)

    11. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2010) Software for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration Using Limited Weather Data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 71, 158-162,                         https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2010.01.003 (M21)

    12. Trajkovic, S. and Kolakovic, S. (2010) Comparison of Simplified Pan-Based Equations for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 136(2),  137-140, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000133 (M21)

    13. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2011) Service-Oriented Approach for Modeling and Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 79, 153-158, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2011.09.001 (M21a)

    14. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2013a) Analysis of changes in meteorological variables using Mann-Kendall and Sen's slope estimator statistical tests in Serbia, Global and Planetary Change 100(1), 172-182, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.10.014 (M21)

    15. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2013b) Analysis of precipitation and drought data in Serbia over the period 1980–2010, Journal of Hydrology 494, 32-42, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jhydrol.2013.04.044 (M21a)

    16. Kolaković S., Stefanović D., Milićević D., Trajković S., Milenković S., Kolaković S., Anđelković Lj. (2013) Effects of reactive filters based on modified zeolite in dairy industry wastewater treatment process, Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 19 (4), 583-592, https://doi.org/10.2298/CICEQ120629092K (M23)

    17. Tabari, H., Grismer, E. M. and Trajkovic, S. (2013) Comparative analysis of 31 reference evapotranspiration methods under humid conditions, Irrigation Science, 31(2):107-117, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-011-0295-z (M21a)

    18. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2014a) Spatiotemporal characteristics of drought in Serbia, Journal of Hydrology 510, 110-123, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.12.030 (M21a)

    19. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2014b) Drought characterisation based on Water Surplus Variability Index, Water Resources Management 28(10), 3179-3191, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11269-014-0665-4 (M21a)

    20. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2014c) Analysis of trends in reference evapotranspiration data in a humid climate, Hydrological Sciences Journal 59 (1), 165-180, https://doi.org/10.1080/ 02626667.2013.798659 (M22)

    21. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2014d) Spatio-temporal patterns of precipitation in Serbia, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 117(3-4), 419-431, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-013-1017-7 (M22)

    22. Kolakovic, S. Stefanovic, D., Lemic J., Milicevic, D., Tomovic, S.,  Trajkovic, S., Milenkovic, S. (2014) Forming a Filter Medium from Zeolite Modified with Sdbac for Wastewater Treatment Process, Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 20 (3), 361-369,                       https://doi.org/10.2298/CICEQ121218018K (M23)

    23. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2015) Water Surplus Variability Index as an indicator of drought. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20(2), 04014038, https://doi.org/10.1061/ (ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001008 (M21)

    24. Petkovic, D., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., Shamshirband, S., Motamedi, S., Hashim, R., Bonakdari, H. (2015) Determination of the most influential weather parameters on reference evapotranspiration by adaptive neuro-fuzzy methodology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 114, 277-284, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2015.04.012 (M21)

    25. Shamshirband, S., Amirmojahedi, M., Gocic, M., Akib, S., Petkovic, D., Piri, J., Trajkovic, S. (2015) Estimation of reference evapotranspiration using neural networks and cuckoo search algorithm. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineeringhttps://doi.org/10.1061/ (ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000949, 04015044 (M21)

    26. Gocic, М., Shamshirband, S., Razak, Z., Petkovic, D., Sudheer Ch, and Trajkovic, S. (2016) Long-term precipitation analysis and estimation of precipitation concentration index using three support vector machine methods, Advances in Meteorologyhttps://doi.org/10.1155/2016/ 7912357 (M23)

    27. Petkovic, D., Gocic, M., Shamshirband, S., Qasem, S.N., Trajkovic, S. (2016) Particle swarm optimization-based radial basis function network for estimation of reference evapotranspiration, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 125(3), 555-563, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-015-1522-y (M22)

    28. Trajkovic, S., Kisi, O., Markus, M., Tabari, H.,Gocic, M., Shamshirband, S. (2016) Hydrological Hazards in a Changing Environment: Early Warning, Forecasting, and Impact Assessment, Advances in Meteorologyhttps://doi.org/10.1155/2016/2752091 (M23)

    29. Frank, A., Armenski, T., Gocic, M., Popov, S., Popovic, L., Trajkovic, S. (2017) Influence of mathematical and physical background of drought indices on their complementarity and drought recognition ability, Atmospheric Research 194, 268-280, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres. 2017.05.006 (M21)

    30. Petkovic, D., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., Milovancevic M., Sevic, D. (2017) Precipitation concentration index management by adaptive neuro-fuzzy methodology, Climatic Change, 141 (4),  655-669, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-017-1907-2 (M21)

    31. Adnan, R.M., Liang, Z., Trajkovic, S., Zounemat-Kermani. M., Li, B., Kisi, O. (2019) Daily streamflow prediction using optimally pruned extreme learning machine, Journal of Hydrology 577, 123981, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.123981 (M21a)

    32. Farzanpour, H., Shiri, J., Sadraddini, A. A., Trajkovic, S. (2019) Global comparison of  20 reference evapotranspiration equations in a semi-arid region of Iran, Hydrology Research,  50(1), 282–300,  https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2018.174 (M22)

    33. Ivanoski, D., Trajkovic, S., Gocic, M. (2019) Estimation of sedimentation rate of Tikvesh Reservoir in Republic of Macedonia using SWAT. Arabian Journal ofGeosciences 12, 438, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-019-4583-x (M23)

    34. Stankovic, S., Vasovic, D., Trajkovic, S. (2019) Model of sustainable water resources management in the conditions of extreme hydrological phenomena, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 20(3), 1393–1401. (M23)

    35. Trajkovic, S., Gocic, M., Pongracz, R., Bartoly, J. (2019) Adjustment of Thornthwaite equation for estimating evapotranspiration in Vojvodina, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 138 (3-4), 1231, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-019-02873-1 (M22)

    36. Gocic, M., Velimirovic, L., Stankovic, M., Trajkovic, S. (2020) Determining the best fitting distribution of annual precipitation data in Serbia using L-moments method, Earth Science Informatics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-020-00543-9 (M22)

    37. Khodayvandie, B., Nazemi, A. H., Shiri, J., Trajkovic, S. (2020) Adopting regional calibration scenarios for ensuring reliable ETo estimates in semi-arid regions: assessing the ancillary data supply method, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineeringhttps://doi.org/10.1080/09715010. 2020. 1784803 (Scopus)

    38. Kis, A., Pongracz, R., Bartholy, J., Gocic, M., Milanovic, M., Trajkovic, S. (2020) Multi-scenario and multi-model ensemble of regional climate change projections for the plain areas of the Pannonian Basin, Idojaras 124(2), 157–190, https://doi.org/10.28974/idojaras.2020.2 (M23)

    39. Kisi, O., Alizamir, M., Trajkovic, S., Shiri, J., Sungwon, K. (2020) Solar Radiation Estimation in Mediterranean Climate by Weather Variables Using a Novel Bayesian Model Averaging and Machine Learning Methods. Neural Process Letters  52, 2297–2318. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11063-020-10350-4 (M22)

    40. Trajkovic, S,, Gocic, M., Pongracz, R., Bartoly, J., Milanovic, M. (2020) Assessment of Reference Evapotranspiration by Regionally Calibrated Temperature-Based Equations, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 24(3), 1020-1027. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-020-1698-2 (M23)

    41. Trajkovic, S., Milicevic, D, Milanovic, M., Gocic, M. (2020) Comparative study of different LID technologies for drainage and protection of atmospheric stormwater quality in urban areas, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13, 1101. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-020-06093-0 (M23)

    42. Trajkovic, S., Gocic, M. (2021) Evaluation of three wind speed approaches in temperature-based methods: A case study in Serbia, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 35. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-020-06331-5 (M23)

    43. Ilić, A., Prohaska, S., Radivojević, D., Trajković, S. (2021) Multidimensional Approaches to Calculation of Design Floods at Confluences—PROIL Model and Copulas. Environmental Modeling and Assessment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10666-021-09748-8 (M22)

    44. Mandic, V, Seslija, D, Kolakovic, S., Kolakovic, S., Jeftenic, G, Trajkovic, S. (2021) Mountain Road-Culvert Maintenance Algorithm, Water 13(4), 471. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13040471  (M22)

    45. Gocic, M., Velimirovic, L., Stankovic, M., Trajkovic, S. (2021) Regional precipitation-frequency analysis in Serbia based on methods of L-moment, Pure and Applied Geophysics https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-021-02688-0 (M22)

    46. Kolakovic, Sl., Kolakovic, Sr., Fabian, J, Jeftenic, G, Trajkovic, S. (2021) Floodplains Modeling with Recent LiDAR DTM Technology Combined with 1D/2D Hydraulic Model, Tehnički vjesnik 28(3), 880–890 https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20200429024034 (M23)

    47. Gocic, M., Velimirovic, L., Stankovic, M., Trajkovic, S. (2021), Determining the best fitting distribution of annual precipitation data in Serbia using the L-moments method, Earth Science Informatics, 14(2), 633–644, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-020-00543-9 (M22)

    48. Mirbolouki, Amin,  Heddam, Salim, Singh Parmar, Kulwinder, Trajkovic, Slavisa, Mehraein, Mojtaba, Kisi, Ozgur, (2022) Comparison of the advanced machine learning methods for better prediction accuracy of solar radiation using only temperature data: A case study, International Journal of Energy Research, 46(3), 2709 - 2736, https://doi.org/10.1002/er.7341 (M21a)

    49. Ikram, Rana Muhammad Adnan, Goliatt, Leonardo, Kisi, Ozgur; Trajkovic, Slavisa Shahid, Shamsuddin (2022) Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy for Improving Machine Learning Approaches in Streamflow Prediction,  Mathematics 10(16), 2971 https://doi.org/10.3390/math10162971 (M21a)

    50. Popovic, P., Gocic, M., Petkovic, K, Trajkovic, S. (2023) Neural network based system in evapotranspiration time series prediction, Earth Science Informatics 16(1), 919 - 928, 10.1007/s12145-023-00935-7 (M22)


    51. Milan Stojković; Dusan Marjanović; Dragan Rakić; Damjan Ivetić; Višnja Simić; Nikola Milivojević; Slaviša Trajković (2023) Assessment of water resources system resilience under hazardous events using system dynamic approach and artificial neural networks, Journal of Hydroinformatics (2023) 25 (2): 208–225. https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2023 (M22)

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1. Trajković, S. (1992) Uticaj poljoprivrednih kultura na stepen zadržavanja nutrijenata prilikom perkolacije vode, Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 13-14, 145-150

    2. Trajković, S. (1994) Zagađenost zemljišta i voda pesticidima, Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 15-16, str. 245-252

    3. Trajković, S. i Opricović,S. (1995) Višekriterijumska optimizacija hidromelioracionog sistema, Vodoprivreda, 156-157, str.163-171, Beograd

    4. Trajković, S. (1997a) Selen i zaštita životne sredine, Ecologica, 4(1), str. 35-37, Beograd

    5. Trajković, S. (1997b) Uticaj zemljišta i poljoprivrednih kultura na stepen zadržavanja  nutrijenata prilikom perkolacije vode, Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 17, 185-188

    6. Trajković, S. i Stevanović, N. (1997) Modeliranje dinamike rasta biomase poljoprivrednih kultura u uslovima navodnjavanja, Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 17, str. 179-184

    7. Avakumović, D. i Trajković, S. (1998) Mogućnost primene fazi skupova na modeliranje zagađenja podzemne vode, Izgradnja, 52 (2), str. 105-108

    8. Trajković, S., Stanković, M. i Todorović, B. (1998) Proračun vrednosti pan koeficijenta neuronskom mrežom,  Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 18, str. 119-128

    9. Trajković, S. (1998) Uticaj promene klime na navodnjavanje Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 18, str. 129-138

    10. Trajković, S. (1999) Proračun gubitaka vode iz kanala sistema za navodnjavanje “Klina”, Nauka + Praksa, 3, str. 35-38, Niš

    11. Avakumović, D., Potić, O. i Trajković, S. (2000) Analiza mogućnosti korišćenja voda akumulacije Barje za navodnjavanje, Vodoprivreda, JDON, 32 (183-185), 39-47

    12. Marinkov, Lj. i Trajković, S. (2003) Fazi model zagađenja drenažnih voda selenom, Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 19, 119-124

    13. Trajković, S. i Kolaković, S. (2004) Okvirna direktiva o vodama i razvoj navodnjavanja, Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 20, 215-222

    14. Trajković, S., Todorović, B., Stanković, M. i Stojnić, V. (2004) Predikcija referentne evapotranspiracije SARIMA i ANN modelima, Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta u Nišu, 20,  197-214

    15. Blagojević, B., Trajković, S., Potić, O. i Prohaska, S. (2005) Hidrološke analize i proračuni za kompleks deponije ’’NIŠ ’97’’ u svetlu EU Direktive o deponijama otpada, Nauka+Praksa, 8, 117-124

    16. Kolaković, S., Trajković, S., Nikolić, A., Pakai, M. i Marković, M. (2005) Akcioni planovi za održivu odbranu od poplava, Nauka+Praksa, 8, 133-141

    17. Gocić, M, Stanković, P., Trajković, S., Branković, S. i Stanković, M. (2006) Integrisani monitoring životne sredine osnova razvoja održivog turizma, Naučni skup Prirodni resursi – osnova turizma, Ecologica, 13 (12), 147 – 152

    18. Ignjatović, M., Branković, S., Trajković, S. (2006) Pravni i ekološki okviri održivog razvoja turizma u zaštićenim oblastima, Integrisani monitoring životne sredine – osnova razvoja održivog turizma, Ecologica, 13 (12), 95-103

    19. Kostić, L. i Trajković, S. (2006) Stanje i predlog mera za održivo korišćenje seoskih vodovodnih sistema u opštini Niška Banja, Nauka+Praksa, 9, 9-14

    20. Branković, S., Simić, V. i Trajković, S. (2007) Hidrobiološka istraživanja reke Nišave prema Okvirnoj direktivi o vodama, Zbornik radova Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 22, 143 – 148

    21. Gocić, M.,  Stanković, M. i Trajković, S. (2007) Monitoring baziran na Webu za ocenjivanje kvaliteta površinskih voda, Zbornik radova Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 22, 149 – 158

    22. Jovanović, A.,  Milić, J., Trajkovic, S. i Đelic, M. (2007) Projekat “Zelena oaza” kao model za buduće akcije zaštite životne sredine Nauka+Praksa 10, 87-93

    23. Potić, O. i Trajković, S. (2007) Analiza mogućnosti navodnjavanja korišćenjem vode iz akumulacije “Zavoj”, Vodoprivreda 39 (229-230), 391-396

    24. Stevanović, S., Đorđević, A. i Trajković, S. (2007) Značaj solarne energije u zelenoj arhitekturi, Nauka+Praksa 10, 73-80

    25. Trajković, S. (2007a) Jednostavna empirijska formula za proračun referentne evapotranspiracije, Vodoprivreda 39(229-230), 397-400

    26. Trajkovic, S. (2007b) Održivo upravljanje građevinskim otpadom, Zbornik radova Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 21, 115-122

    27. Ilic, O. i Trajkovic, S. (2008) Upravljanje otpadom u skladu sa EU ekološkim standardima. Studija slučaja: Sanitarna deponija „Vrbak“, Nauka+Praksa 11, 83-90

    28. Radivojevic, D., Milicevic, D., Blagojevic, B. i Trajkovic, S. (2008a) IWA tehnički pokazatelji uspešnosti, studija slučaja vodovod u Pirotu, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta u Nišu 23, 173-192

    29. Radivojevic, D., Milicevic, D., Blagojevic, B. i Trajkovic, S. (2008b) Razvoj strategije za upravljanje gubicima vode u vodovodnim sistemima, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta u Nišu 23, 193 – 230

    30. Stamenkovic, M. i Trajkovic, S. (2008) Prikaz rezultata ekološkog projekta “Niš - naše čisto dvorište”, Nauka+praksa 11, 91-101

    31. Trajkovic, S., Zivkovic, S. i Todorovic, B. (2008) Proračun časovnih vrednosti evapotranspiracije veštačkim neuronskim mrežama, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta u Nišu 23, 231 – 242

    32. Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2009) Ontološki hidrološki informacioni sistem, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta u Nišu 24, 173-178

    33. Trajković, S. i Vučković, D. (2009) Anketa korisnika komunalnih usluga kao način učešća javnosti u upravljanju komunalnim otpadom, Ecologica 16(53), 53-57

    34. Zivković, S. i Trajković, S. (2009) Globalni modul elastičnosti kao mera interpretacije ponašanja hidrotehničkih konstrukcija. Studija slučaja: lučna brana Mratinje, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta u Nišu 24,159-171

    35. Gocić, M., Kolaković, S. i Trajković, S. (2010a) Softverski paket za interaktivno učenje, Nauka+Praksa 13, 21-24

    36. Gocić, M., Radivojević, D. i Trajković, S. (2010b) Otpadne vode u zaštićenim oblastima Jelašničke i Sićevačke klisure, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 25, 79-85

    37. Milićević, D., Milenković, S. i Trajković, S. (2011) Definisanje problema i zahteva u procesu razvoja prostornog sistema podrške odlučivanju za integralno upravljanje vodnim resursima, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta u Nišu 26, 27-40

    38. Trajković, S., Gocić, M. i Milićević, D. (2011) Upoređivanje tri temperaturne metode proračuna referentne evapotranspiracije, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 26, 139-146

    39. Gocic, M. i Trajkovic, S. (2012) COST akcija kao vid povezivanja naučnih institucija u klaster, Nauka+Praksa 15, 21-25

    40. Milanović, M., Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2012a) Analiza modifikovanog Torntvajtovog indeksa vlažnosti na području Srbije za vremenski period od 1980. do 2000. godine, Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta u Nišu 27, 29-36

    41. Milanović, M., Trajković, S. i Gocić, M. (2012b) Klastersko povezivanje institucija u cilju ublažavanja efekta suše, Nauka+Praksa 15, 77-82

    42. Gocić, M., Milanović, M. i Trajković, S. (2013) Softverski paket za proračun indeksa suše, Nauka + Praksa 16, 7-12, UDK 632.112:004.4

    43. Lukić, P., Gocić. M. i Trajković, S. (2013) Predviđanje godišnjih padavina na teritoriji južne Srbije primenom Markovljevih lanaca, Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta 108, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Šumarski fakultet, Beograd, 81-92, DOI:10.2298/GSF1308081L

    44. Milanović, M., Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2013a) Analiza softverskog rešenja za predikciju i ranu najavu suše, Zbornik radova Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 28, 45-54, UDK:551.576.6:551.509:004.4

    45. Milanović, M., Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2013b) Primena matrica kovarijanse i korelacije na podacima dobijenim standardizovanim idneksom padavina, Zbornik radova Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 28, 103-112, UDK:551.576.3:519.233.4/.5

    46. Milanović, M., Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2014a) Analiza koštanja i benefita preventivnih mera za ublažavanje suša, Zbornik radova Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 29, 141-152, ISSN 1452-2845, UDK 551.577.6

    47. Milanović, M., Gocić, M., Velimirović, L. i Trajković, S. (2014b) Primena Furijeovih transformacija za predstavljanje vremenskih serija padavina na teritoriji Niša, Nauka + Praksa 17, 19-24, ISSN 1451-8341, UDK 517.443:551.577(497.11 Niš)

    48. Trajković M., Milićević D. i Trajković S. (2014), Analiza izvorišta podzemnih voda za potrebe navodnjavanja poljoprivrednih površina u okolini Niša, Nauka + Praksa 17, 69-81, ISSN 1451-8341, UDK 556.3:626.81/.84 (497.11 Niš)

    49. Milanović, M., Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2015a) Uporedna analiza globalnih solarnih radijacionih modela na teritoriji Srbije, Zbornik radova Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 30, 1-9, ISSN 1452-2845.

    50. Milanović, M., Gocić, M. i Trajković, S.  (2015b) Modeliranje suše, Nauka+Praksa 18, 1-4, ISSN 1451-8341.

    51. Milićević, D., Trajković, S., Gocić, M. (2018) Kružna ekonomija u upravljanju vodnim resursima Zbornik radova Građevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta 33, 30-46 

    52. Trajkovic, S., Avakumovic, D., Opricovic, S. (1997) Multicriteria optimization of an irrigation system, Facta Universitatis, Series:  Architecture and Civil Engineering, 1(4), 547 – 552

    53. Trajkovic, S. (1998) Comparison of prediction models of reference crop evapotranspiration, Facta Universitatis, Series:  Architecture and Civil Engineering, 1(5), 617-626

    54. Trajkovic, S., Todorovic, B., and Stankovic, M. (2001) Estimation of FAO Penman c factor by RBF networks, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2(3), 185-192

    55. Trajkovic, S. (2004) Irrigation water quality as indicator of sustainable development, Spatium, 11, 106-108

    56. Trajkovic, S., Kolakovic, S., and Ignjatovic, M. (2005) Public opinion survey as a form of public participation in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive- Leskovac field irrigation, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 3(2), 173 -183

    57. Branković, S. and Trajković, S. (2007) The Nišava River water quality as the indicator of the sustainable development of the city of Niš, Spatium, 15 – 16, 80 -84

    58. Trajkovic, S., and Stojnic, V. (2007) Effect of wind speed on accuracy of Turc method in a humid climate, Facta Universitatis, Series Architecture and Civil Engineering, 5(2), 107-113

    59. Trajkovic, S. and Stojnic, V. (2008) Simple daily ET0 estimation techniques, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 6(2), 187-192, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE0802187T

    60. Momcilovic, A, Trajkovic, S. and Randjelovic, V. (2009) Anthropogenic effects on environment. Case study: peat islands of lake Vlasina, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 7(1), 95-105, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE0901095M

    61. Stankovic, I., Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2009) Forming scientific and technology park as an aspect of  Civil engineering, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 7(1), 57-64, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE0901057S

    62. Trajkovic, S. and Zivkovic, S. (2009) Effect of actual vapor pressure on estimating evapotranspiration at Serbia, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 7(2), 171-178, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE0902171T

    63. Petrovic, M. and Trajković, S. (2010) Air pollution as the cause of urban stress. A case study: Nemanjica Boulevard, Nis, Serbia, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 8 (4), 403-412, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE1004403P

    64. Trajkovic, S. and Gocic, M. (2010) Comparison of some empirical equations for estimating the daily reference evapotranspiration, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 8(2), 163-168, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE1002163T

    65. Trajkovic, S., Stojnic, V. and Gocic, M. (2011) Minimum data requirements for estimating evapotranspiration, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 9(2) 335 - 345, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE1102335T

    66. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2012) Hydro-information System for Drought Monitoring, Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 10(2), 209-214,                                     https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE1202209G

    67. Gocić, M. and Trajković, S. (2013) Trend analysis of water quality parameters for the Nisava River, Facta Universitatis – Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 11(3), 199-210,                          https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE1303199

    68. Milanović, M., Gocić, M. and Trajković, S. (2014) Analysis of meteorological and agricultural droughts in Serbia, Facta Universitatis – Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 12(3), 253-264, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE1403253M

    69. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2015a) Analysis of climatic parameters in Serbia over the period 1981-2010, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 4/2015, 167-174,               https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aaspro.2015.03.020

    70. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2015b) Analysis of extreme climatic indices in the area of Nis and Belgrade for the period 1974-2003, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 4/2015, 408-415, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.aaspro.2015.03.046

    71. Gocic, M., Milanovic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2016) Effect of solar radiation models on evapotranspiration estimation, Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 14(2), 247-255, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE1602247G

    72. Dobrev, Y., Trajkovic, S., Gocic,M., Milićevic, D. and Lissev, N. (2018) Rock Ramp Impact on the Riverine Hydraulic, Facta Universitatis – Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering 16(1), 113-123, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE170425009D

    73. Ivanoski, D., Trajkovic, S., Gocic, M. (2018) Bathymetric Surveys of Shpilje Reservoir, Facta Universitatis – Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering 16(1), 149-157,                                     https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE170915012I

    74. Kis, A., Pongrаcz R., Bartholy J., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., Milanovic, M. (2018) Aszályindexek összehasonlító elemzése a pannon-régió alföldi területeire. Egyetemi Meteorológiai Füzetek, 30, 103-108, https://doi.org/10.31852/EMF.30.2018.103.108

    75. Gocic, M., Misic, D., Trajkovic, S., Milanovic, M. (2020) Using GIS tool for presenting spatial distribution of drought, Facta Universitatis – Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering 18 (1), 77-84, https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE200409006G.

    76. Milicevic, D., Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S. (2020) Sensitive planning and design of stormwater management in urban watersheds, Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy 53 (1), 63-70, ISSN 1310-814X.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1. Trajkovic, S. (1997) Streamflow droughts – risks in irrigation, Proceedings of International Conference “Risk in technological systems and the environment”, p. 47-52, Nis

    2. Marinkov, Lj., Trajkovic, S., Mladenovic, S. (1997) Multicriteria ranking of alternatives of raising the level of tailings pond, Proceedings of International Conference “Risk in   technological systems and the environment”, p. 53-56, Nis

    3. Mladenovic, S., Trajkovic, S., Marinkov, Lj. (1997) Copper in waters of Bor Lake watershed, Proceedings of International Conference “Risk in technological systems and the environment”, p. 125-128, Nis

    4. Trajkovic, S., Stojnic, V., Todorovic, B., and Stankovic, M. (2000a) Converting from pan evaporation to evapotranspiration using radial basis function networks, In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference Hydroinformatics, Paper No. 289, Cedar Rapids, USA, 23-27 July 2000

    5. Trajkovic, S., Stojnic, V., Todorovic, B., and Stankovic, M. (2000b) Forecasting of evaporation rate from evaporation pan using neural networks, In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference Hydroinformatics, Paper No. 290, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA, 23-27 July 2000

    6. Trajkovic, S., Todorovic, B., Stankovic, M., and Stojnic, V. (2002) Forecasting of Crop Water Demands by ARIMA and ANN Models, 2nd International workshop on Research on Irrigation and Drainage, p. 79-86, Macedonian national ICID committee on irrigation and drainage, Skopje, Macedonia, March 19, 2002

    7. Trajkovic, S. (2002a) Estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration in Humid Regions, 2nd International workshop on Research on Irrigation and Drainage, 95-100, Macedonian national ICID committee on irrigation and drainage, Skopje, Macedonia, March 19, 2002.

    8. Trajkovic, S. (2002b) Environmental Indicators of Sustainable Irrigation, 2nd International workshop on Research on Irrigation and Drainage, p.149-154, Macedonian national ICID committee on irrigation and drainage, Skopje, Macedonia, March 19, 2002.

    9. Trajkovic, S., Todorovic, B., and Stankovic, M. (2003a) Estimation of FAO Radiation Ađustment Factor by RBF Networks, 3rd International workshop on Research on Irrigation and Drainage, p.307-312, Macedonian national ICID committee on irrigation and drainage, Skopje, Macedonia, March 19, 2003.

    10. Trajkovic, S., Todorovic, B., and Stankovic, M. (2003b) ANN Model for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration, SYMOPIS 03, 53-56, Herceg Novi, 29.09.-03.10.2003.

    11. Trajkovic, S. (2004) Estimating reference evapotranspiration at French humid locations by modified Hargeaves method, International Conference BALWOIS 2004, fp-112, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 24-29 2004

    12. Blagojevic, B., and Trajkovic, S. (2006) Usage of Artificial Neural Network for Generating Monthly Average Flows at the Ungaged River Profiles, International Conference BALWOIS 2006, Topic: Hydrological modeling, fp-605, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 23 – 26, 2006

    13. Brankovic, S., Simic, V., and Trajkovic, S. (2006) The hydrobiological research of Nisava River in protected area “Sicevo gorge”, International Conference BALWOIS 2006, Book of abstracts, 188, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 23 – 26, 2006

    14. Kolakovic, S., and Trajkovic, S. (2006) The analysis of the pump station operations on the drainage systems in Vojvodina, International Conference BALWOIS 2006, Topic: Integrated water resources management, fp-565, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 23 – 26, 2006

    15. Trajkovic, S., Brankovic, S., and Simic, V. (2006) Analysis of pressures and impacts on the watershed of Studena River according to the Water Framework Directive, Conference BALWOIS 2006, Topic: Integrated water resources management, fp-564, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 23 – 26

    16. Gocic, M. and  Trajkovic, S. (2008) Web Based System for Remote Reading of Water Level, 2008-073/1-5, BALWOIS08, Ohrid, Macedonia, 27-31 May 2008

    17. Gocic, M.,  Trajkovic, S., and Brankovic, S. (2008) Mobile Communication Services in the Function of Surface Water Quality Parameter Monitoring, 2008-074/1-5, BALWOIS08, Ohrid, Macedonia, 27-31 May 2008.

    18. Blagojevic, B., Trajkovic, S., Zivkovic, N. (2008) Spatial interpolation of hydrologic series by artificial neural network, XXIV Danube Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 2-4 June, 2008, CONFERENCE  E-PAPERS ISBN 978-961-91090-2-1

    19. Ignjatović, M. and Trajković, S. (2011) The Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development of the Natural Park „The Sicevo Gorge“, Proceedings Conference "Ecology and Law", June 18th 2011, , Publication center, Faculty of Law, Nis, 551 -558

    20. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2011a) Software for Analyzing Reference Evapotranspiration using Statistical Parameters, Proceedings III International PHIDAC 2011 Symposium, 427-431, Novi Sad, 21.09.- 23.09.2011.

    21. Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2011b) An Approach to Specify Reference Evapotranspiration, Conference proceedings "Innovation as a Function of Engineering Development" – IDE 2011, ISBN 978-86-801295-5,  133-138, Nis, November 25 - 26 2011.

    22. Gocic, M. and Trajkovic, S. (2012) Seasonal аnd Annual Trend Analysis in Penman–Monteith Reference Evapotranspiration using Sen’s Method in Humid Regions Of Serbia, 2nd International Scientific Meeting State аnd Trends оf Civil Енgineering, GTZ 2012, Tuzla, Bosnia аnd Herzegovina, June 7 - 9 2012, 1045-1050.

    23. Gocic, M. Lj., Trajkovic, S., and Milicevic, D. (2012) Querying Hydrologic Information with Web Services and ETSpec, Sixth International Conference BALWOIS 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 28 May-02 June 2012

    24. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2012) Analysis of the SPI in the area of Nis for the period from 1980 to 2010, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference PhIDAC 2012, Nis, Serbia, 27-28 September 2012, pp. 371-378, ISBN 978-86-88601-05-4.

    25. Milicevic, D., Trajkovic, S., and Gocic, M. (2012) Application of Spatial Decision Support System in the Integrated Water Resources Management - Toplica River Basin Case Study, Sixth International Conference BALWOIS 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 28 May-02 June 2012

    26. Stankovic, I., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2012) Representing Reference Evapotranspiration Values оn Android Operating System, 2nd International Scientific Meeting State аnd Trends оf Civil Engineering, GTZ 2012, Tuzla, Bosnia аnd Herzegovina, June 7 - 9 2012, 1031-1036.

    27. Trajkovic, S., Gocic, M., Milicevic, D. (2012) The Effect of Solar Radiation Estimates on Reference Evapotranspiration Rates in Serbia, Sixth International Conference BALWOIS 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 28 May-02 June 2012

    28. Blagojevic, B., Mihailovic, V., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2013) Streamflow Drought Index modelling through Standard Precipitation Index assisted by service-oriented paradigm, Proceedings of the 1st CIGR Inter-Regional Conference on Land and Water Challenges, Bari (Italy), 10-14 September 2013, USB\Full papers\Session 9\S9-2, 10 p., ISBN 2-85352-519-8.  http://www.landandwater2013.iamb.it/

    29. Gocic, M., Milanovic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2013) Analysis of drought using SPEI and RDI indices in Serbia over the period 1980-2010, Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources, 17-18 October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia

    30. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., and Blagojevic, B. (2013) Analysis of hydrological drought in the southeast Serbia for the period 1961-2011, Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources, 17-18 October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 146-151, ISBN 978-86-82565-41-3.

    31. Milićevic, D., Blagojevic, B., and Trajkovic, S. (2013) Agent-based study of stormwater reuse system operational capabilities during drought, Digital Conference Proceedings of the 1st CIGR Inter-Regional Conference on Land and Water Challenges – Bari ( Italy ), 10-14 September, 2013. USB\Full papers\Session 7\ S7-10, 6 p. Lamaddalena, N., Todorovic, M., Pereira, L.S. (Eds.). ISBN 2-85352-519-8. http://www.landandwater2013.iamb.it/

    32. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2014a) Effect of anti-hail nets on design of irrigation systems, Proceedings of the International conference on Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering, 24-25 April 2014, Subotica, Serbia, 619-624, ISSN 0352-6852, https://doi.org/10.14415/konferencijaGFS2014.083, UDK 699.83:626.81/.84.

    33. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2014b) Analysis of climatic parameters in Serbia over the period 1981-2010, 1st International Symposium regarding the Effects of Irrigation and Drainage on Rural and Urban Landscapes (IRLA 2014), Patras, Greece, 25-27 November 2014, Paper 58, Book of abstracts.

    34. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2014c) Analysis of extreme climatic indices in the area of Nis and Belgrade for the period 1974-200, 1st International Symposium regarding the Effects of Irrigation and Drainage on Rural and Urban Landscapes (IRLA 2014), Patras, Greece, 25-27 November 2014, Paper 59, Book of abstracts.

    35. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2015a) Analysis of trend in annual precipitation on the territory of Serbia. Proceedings of the International conference on Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering, 24 April 2015, Subotica, Serbia, 535-541, ISBN 978-86-80297-62-0, https://doi.org/10.14415/konferencijaGFS 2015.066, UDK 551.578.1 (497.11)” 1946/2012”.

    36. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2015b) Residual analysis of annual precipitation for Serbia during the period 1948-2012. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements, 25-29 May 2015, Zlatibor, Serbia, 377-382, ISBN 978-86-88897-06-8, UDC 556.12 (497.11)”1948/2012”.

    37. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2015c) Determination of spectral density for precipitation time series using Lagrange multipliers. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements, 25-29 May 2015, Zlatibor, Serbia, 383-388, ISBN 978-86-88897-06-8, UDC 551.577.2:519.87

    38. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2015d) Analysis of one parameter global solar radiation models for Serbia. Proceedings of the first virtual international conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy - eNergetics 2015, 2-3 July 2015, Nis, Serbia, 89-94, ISBN 978-86-80593-54-8.

    39. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2015e) A maximum entropy spectral analysis of precipitation for the territory of Serbia, 17th Conference of Serbian Association of Hydraulic Research (SDHI) and Serbian Association for Hydrology (SDH), Vrsac, Serbia, 5-6 October 2015, 923-929, ISBN 978-86-7518-183-5.

    40. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2015f) Survey of recommendations for drought management, 13th International  scientific conference on planning, design, construction and building renewal INDIS 2015, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-27 November 2015, 655-662, UDK: 005.334:504, ISBN 978-86-7892-750-8.

    41. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., Mitkovic, M., Kondic, S., and Trajkovic, S. (2015g) Indicators of sustainable green building, 13th International  scientific conference on planning, design, construction and building renewal INDIS 2015, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-27 November 2015, 595-602, UDK: 502.131.1, ISBN 978-86-7892-750-8.

    42. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2016a) The role of local community in drought mitigation. Proceedings of the Fourth International conference on Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering 2016, 22 April 2016, Subotica, Serbia, 881-886, ISBN 978-86-80297-63-7, https://doi.org/10.14415/konferencijaGFS 2016.089, UDK 551.577.38

    43. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2016b) Analysis of solar radiation models based on different meteorological parameters in Serbia.Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Meeting: State and Trends of Civil and Environmental Engineering, EGTZ 2016, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 2 - 4 2016, 733-741, ISSN 2490-2535, ISBN 978-9958-628-18-4.

    44. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2016c) Applied hydroinformatics network as a form of cluster linking, Proceedings of 7th Balkan and Black Sea Conference DAYS OF CLUSTERS: Creating Cluster-Based Economic Development for a Sustainable Region, Ohrid, Macedonia, 70-75,  ISBN 978-608-65790-1-2

    45. Jeremic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2017) Variability of annual precipitation in Serbia for the period 1946-2015, Proceedings of the III international scientific conference Safety and crisis management – theory and practise safety for the future – 2017, Obrenovac, Serbia, 28-29 September 2017, 315-320. ISBN- 978-86-80698-07-6.

    46. Jovanovic, S., Milicevic, D., Trajkovic, S. and Gocic, M. (2017) Methodology for a Stormwater Sensitive Urban Watershed Design. Case Study: Pirot, Serbia, International Jubilee Scientific Conference “75th Anniversary of UACEG” University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 1 – 3 November 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, paper 3.4, http://conference2017.uacg.bg/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Water-Engineering.pdf

    47. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., and Trajkovic, S. (2017a) Drought risk management under climate change, Proceedings of the International scientific conference Impact of changes in operational environment on preparation and execution (design) of operations – POKO 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, 2-3 November 2017, 567-573. ISBN 978-86-335-0582-9.

    48. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., and Milicevic, D. (2017b) Legislative and normative regulations for the protection of the Krupac springs, Proceedings of the International scientific conference Impact of changes in operational environment on preparation and execution (design) of operations – POKO 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, 2-3 November 2017, 633-639. ISBN 978-86-335-0582-9.

    49. Milanovic, M., Trajkovic, S., and Gocic, M. (2017c) Comparative analysis of methods for the calculation on the pan coefficient, Proceedings of the International conference Contemporary achievements in civil engineering, Subotica, Serbia, 21 April 2017, pp 645-650. UDK:551.573, https://doi.org/10.14415/konferencijaGFS2017.069.

    50. Sibinovic, N., Milicevic, D., Trajkovic, S. and Gocic, M. (2017) Irrigation Under Water Scarcity. Case Study: Nis, Serbia, International Jubilee Scientific Conference “75th Anniversary of UACEG” University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 1 – 3 November 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, paper 5.3.

    51. Jeremic, M., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S. and Milic, M. (2018) Visualization of finite potential wells, 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2018, 12 – 14 February 2018, Nis, Serbia, paper 13.

    52. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S. (2018a) Аpplication of smoothing techniques on reference evapotranspiration in Serbia, Proceedings of the 6th International conference Contemporary achievements in civil engineering, Subotica, Serbia, 20 April 2018, pp 383-391. UDK:551.573(497.11), https://doi.org/10.14415/konferencijaGFS2018.037

    53. Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., and Stanojevic Gocic M. (2018b) Smoothing Techniques on Precipitation Time Series, 9th GRACM 2018 International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chania, Crete, Greece, 04-06 June 2018, 189-194. ISBN 978-618-81537-5-2.

    54. Pongracz, R., Bartholy, J., Gocic, M., Kis, A., Kolakovic, S., Milanovic, M., Szabo, J., Trajkovic, S. (2018) Comparison of hydrological hazards in Serbia and Hungary, Proceedings of the EMS Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018, pp 15, EMS2018-724.

    55. Milicevic, D., Milanovic, M., Trajkovic, S., Gocic, M. (2019) Sustainable stormwater management in Pirot, Serbia. Proceedings of International Conference Sustainable Urban Drainage Solutions SUDS, Oslo, Norway, 17-18 June 2019, pp 1.

    56. Pongracz, R., Bartholy, J., Kis, A., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., Milanovic, M. (2019) Detected and projected drought trends in the Pannonian lowlands: Comparison for Serbia and Hungary. Proceedings of 5th PannEx Workshop, Building PannEx Task Teams to address environmental needs in the Pannonian basin, Novi Sad, Serbia, 3-5 June 2019, pp 47, ISBN 978-953-7871-85-7.

    57. Pongracz, R., Bartholy, J., Kis, A., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., Milanovic, M. (2019) Analysis of detected and projected drought trends in the plain regions of Serbia and Hungary. Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly 2019, 21, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019, pp 1, EGU2019-12284

    58. Pongracz, R., Bartholy, J., Kis, A., Gocic, M., Trajkovic, S., Milanovic, M. (2019) Projections of hydroclimatic conditions using an ensemble of regional climate model simulations for the Pannonian region – a comparison of the plain area in Hungary and Serbia. Proceedings of the EMS Annual Meeting, 16, Copenhagen, Denmark, 9-13 September 2019, pp 1, EMS2019-835.

    59. Stankovic, S., Vasovic, D., Trajkovic, S. (2019) Solving the challenges imposed by extreme hydrological phenomena: Case study on selected water supply systems in southeastern Serbia, V International Symposium for PhD Students in the Fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Protection PhIDAC 2019 – Proceedings, 275-279, 24 – 25 October 2019, Nis

    60. Trajkovic, S., Milicevic, D., Milanovic, M., Gocic, M. (2019a) Comparative analysis of different LID technologies for drainage of urban areas, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM19(3.1), pp. 89-96 July 02-06, Albena, Bulgaria. https://doi.org/105593/sgem2019/3.1/S12.012

    61. Trajkovic, S., Milanovic, M., Gocic, M., Bartholy, J., Pongracz, R. (2019b) Assessment of extreme precipitation indices: A case study Hungary, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM19(4.1), pp. 867-873, July 02-06, Albena, Bulgaria. https://doi.org/10.5593/sgem2019/4.1/S19.110

    62. Trajkovic, S., Milicevic, D., Milanovic, M., Gocic, M. (2019c) Application of Different LID Technologies for the Drainage of Urban Areas: a Case Study – Pek Settlement, Serbia, 2nd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2nd CAJG), 25 - 28 November 2019, Sousse, Tunisia

    63. Trajkovic, S., Gocic, M. (2019) Impact of estimated wind speed on temperature-based ET0 methods, 2nd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2nd CAJG), 25 - 28 November 2019, Sousse, Tunisia

    64. Trajkovic, S., Milanovic, M., Milicevic, D., Gocic, M. (2020) The Assessment оf Exposure to Climate Change in South-Eastern Serbia Regions, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM2020, 16 - 25 August, Albena, Bulgaria

    65. Markovic, M., Milanovic, M., Trajkovic, S., 2021. Water quality evaluation in Bovan reservoir for irrigation purpose. Proceedings of the International Symposium Water Resources Management: New Perspectives and Innovation Practices, 23-24 September 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-30, ISBN 978-86-6022-367-0. (M33) 

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Vukadinović, S. i Trajković, S. (1995) Izbor optimalne tehnologije prečišćavanja površinskih voda, Naša ekološka istina ’95 , str. 193-197, Bor

    2. Trajković, S. (1995a) Zagađenost vodotokova Jugoistočne Srbije pesticidima, Naša ekološka istina ’95 , str. 237-240, Bor

    3. Trajković, S. (1995b) Procena kvaliteta voda reka Leskovačke kotline na lokalitetima mogućih izvorišta za navodnjavanje, Naša ekološka istina ’95, str. 241-243, Bor

    4. Avakumović, D. i Trajković, S. (1996) Standardi za korišćenje otpadnih voda u navodnjavanju,  Međunarodna konferencija „Preventivni inžinjering i životna sredina“, A6, Niš

    5. Avakumović, D. i Trajković, S. (1996) Fazi model zagađenja podzemne vode azotom iz đubriva, Megunarodna konferencija „Odveduvanje i prečistuvanje otpadni vodi, opasen i cvrst otpad i zaštita na životnata sredina“, Ohrid, Makedonija, p. 221-226

    6. Trajković, S. (1996) Transport pesticida u podzemnoj vodi,  Međunarodna konferencija „Preventivni inžinjering i životna sredina“, A17, Nis

    7. Trajković, S. i Avakumović, D., Opricović, S. (1996) Višekriterijumsko rangiranje varijantnih rešenja zalivne mreže kod kišenja samohodnim kišnim krilima, Symopis ’96, 902-905, Zlatibor

    8. Marinkov, Lj. i Trajković, S. (1997) Modeliranje sadržaja rastvorenog kiseonika i zasićenja vode kiseonikom Borskog jezera tokom leta, Naša ekološka istina ’97, str. 116-121, Donji Milanovac

    9. Trajković, S. i Marinkov, Lj. (1997a) Višekriterijumska optimizacija nadvišenja jalovišta "Veliki Krivelj", I Kongres Jugoslovenskog društva za visoke brane, Budva, 121-124.

    10. Trajković, S. i Marinkov, Lj. (1997b) Transformacija sadržaja bakra u slivu Borskog jezera, Naša ekološka istina ’97, 110 – 115, D. Milanovac

    11. Trajković, S., Stanković, M. i Todorović, B. (1998) Predikcija temperature vazduha ANN i ARIMA modelima, rad saopšten na skupu Drugi soft-computing workshop, 6 p., Niš

    12. Ignjatovic, M. i Trajkovic, S. (2004a) Koncept održivog razvoja i ekološko pravo u državnoj zajednici Srbija i Crna Gora, Ekološka konferencija ”Sistemi upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine”, Zbornik radova (CD), Zakonska regulativa/2, Novi Sad, 20-22.05.2004.

    13. Ignjatovic, M. i Trajkovic, S. (2004b) Pravo na informisanje o životnoj sredini, Ekoist’04, Ekoloski menadzment, 403-406, Borsko jezero, 30.05. – 02.06.2004.

    14. Trajkovic, S. (2005) Učešće javnosti u implementaciji projekata zaštite životne sredine, 706 -709, Ekoist’05, Borsko jezero, 01-04.06.2005.

    15. Ignjatović, M., Dimitrijević, P. i Trajković, S. (2006) Harmonizacija propisa domaćeg zakonodavstva sa pravom EU. Pristup javnosti ekološkim informacijama, EnE06 – Druga regionalna konferencija „Životna sredina ka Evropi“,II/4, Beograd, 04 – 07.06.2006.

    16. Branković, S, Trajković, S., Kumanović, N. i Filipović, P. (2007) Hidrobiološka istraživanja Sićevačke klisure, III međunarodna konferenija Ribarstvo, 1– 3. februar 2007., Beograd, 236-241

    17. Ristić N., Marković-Branković, J. i Trajković, S. (2009) Abrazija betona kao indikator održivog upravljanja hidrotehničkim objektima, INDIS09, 377-382, Novi Sad, Novembar 25-27

    18. Stamenković, M., Djordjević, M., i  Trajković, S. (2009) Primena savremenih tehnologija učenja u oblasti arhitekture, Zbornik radova, INDIS09, 405-411, Novi Sad, Novembar 25-27

    19. Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2010a)  Standardi i specifikacije za prenos podataka u hidrološkim informacinim sistemima, TEIK konferencija, E46-51, Niš, 18 i 19.03.2010.

    20. Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2010b) Semantički web i hidrološki informacioni sistemi, Zbornik radova II simpozijuma studenata doktorskih studija iz oblasti građevinarstva, arhitekture i zaštite životne sredine PHIDAC 2010, 283-288, Novi Sad, 17 i 18 septembar 2010.

    21. Milanović, M., Gocić, M. i Trajković, S. (2012b) Analiza tržišta za potrebe uvođenja zelene gradnje, Zbornik radova, INDIS12, 164-171, Novi Sad, Novembar 28-30.

    22. Milanović, M., Gocić, M., Trajković, S. i Aranđelović, D. (2012a) Uporedna analiza standardizovanog indeksa padavina i modifikovanog Torntvajtovog indeksa vlažnosti na području grada Niša za vremenski period od 1980. do 2010. godine, 16. savetovanje SDI i SDH, Donji Milanovac, 391-400.

    23. Ivanoski, D., Trajković, S., Gocić, M. i Milićević, D. (2016) Održivo upravljanje zasipanjem akumulacionih jezera nanosom, Zborik radova 37. Međunarodnog stručno–naučnog skupa "VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA 16“, Vrdnik, 11.-14. oktobar, 301-309

    24. Jovanović, S., Milićević, D., Trajković, S. i Gocić, M. (2017) Metodologija senzitivnog planiranja i projektovanja odvodnje atmosferskih voda, studija slučaja: Urbani sliv u Pirotu, Zborik radova 38. Međunarodnog stručno–naučnog skupa "VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA 17“, Kragujevac, 10.-13. oktobar, 95-104, ISBN 978-86-80067-36-0

    25. Sibinović, N., Trajković, S., Milićević, D. i Gocić, M. (2017) Navodnjavanje u uslovima nedostatka vode, studija slučaja: selo Hum kod Niša, Zborik radova 38. Međunarodnog stručno–naučnog skupa "VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA 17“, Kragujevac, 10.-13. oktobar, 88-94

  • Tehnička rešenja:

    1. Трајковић, С. и Тодоровић, Б. (2000) SABNET софвер за прорачун ФАО-24 коефицијената. Корисници: Инжењеринг плус пројекат, Београд;

    2. Трајковић, С. и Тодоровић, Б. (2002) Софтвер за прорачун протока воде у систему за наводњавање. Корисници: Инжењеринг плус пројекат, Београд;

    3. Трајковић, С. и Колаковић, С. (2009) Побољшање Тирк методе за прорачун референтне евапотранспирације у хумидним климатским условима. Корисници: Инжењеринг плус пројекат, Београд; ФТН Центар за хидротехнику и геодезију;

    4. Гоцић, М. и Трајковић, С. (2010) Софтвер за прорачун референтне евапотранспирације, Одлука ННВ ГАФ бр. 8/130 од 30.06.2010. Корисници: Инжењеринг плус пројекат, Београд; ЈВП Воде Војводине, Нови Сад, Републички хидрометеоролошки завод (РХМЗ) Србије

    5. Гоцић, М. и Трајковић, С. (2014) Индекс варијабилности суфицита воде, Одлука ННВ ГАФ бр. 8/109 од 21.05.2014.  Корисници: ФТН Центар за хидротехнику и геодезију; ЈВП Воде Војводине, Нови Сад, РХМЗ Србије

    6. Трајковић, С. и Гоцић, М. (2017) Модификација Харгривс методе за прорачун референтне евапотранспирације у климатским условима Србије, Одлука ННВ ГАФ бр. 8/58 од 20.12.2017. Корисници: ФТН Центар за хидротехнику и геодезију; ЈВП Воде Војводине, Нови Сад, РХМЗ Србије

    7. Трајковић, С., Франк, А. и Гоцић, М. (2017) Примена индекса ефикасности сушења ваздуха као индикатора суше, Одлука ННВ ГАФ бр. 8/59 од 20.12.2017. Корисници: ФТН Центар за хидротехнику и геодезију; ЈВП Воде Војводине, Нови Сад

    8. Трајковић, С. и Гоцић, М. (2020) Побољшање Торнтвајт методе за прорачун референтне евапотранспирације. Одлука ННВ ГАФ бр. 8/85 од 20.05.2020. Корисници: ФТН Центар за хидротехнику и геодезију

Poslednji put izmenjeno nedelja, 28 maj 2023 13:49