Odštampajte ovu stranicu
Datum kreiranja: 23.01.2014.

Slađana Ugrenović

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 22.11.1971
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Medicinski
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Medicina
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1998
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1.Stefanović N, Čukuranović R, Savić V, Antić S, Pavlović S, Jovanović I, Stojanović V, Ugrenović S. Neke mogućnosti primene morfometrijskih i stereoloških metoda pri analizi bubrežnih biopsija. In: Gudović R, Srdić B, editors. Primena anatomskih istraživanja u kliničkoj praksi. Novi Sad: Ortomedics; 2003. p.164-68. (M45)

    2.Ljiljana Vasović, Milena Trandafilović, Ivan Jovanović, Slađana Ugrenović, Slobodan Vlajković and Jovan Stojanović (2011). Types and Subtypes of the Posterior Part of the Cerebral arterial Circle in Human Adult Cadavers, Forensic Medicine - From Old Problems to New Challenges, Duarte Nuno Vieira (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-262-3, InTech,  Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/types-and-subtypes-of-the-posterior-part-of-the-cerebral-arterial-circle-in-human-adult-cadavers; (M13)

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Стефановић Н, Влајковић С, Даковић Бјелаковић М, Угреновић С, Јовановић И. АНАТОМИЈА ЧОВЕКА – ГРУДНИ КОШ за студенте медицине. Ниш: Свен; 2008.

    2. Васовић Љ, Влајковић С, Даковић-Бјелаковић М, Јовановић И, Угреновић С. Анатомија човека за основне струковне студије (струковни зубни протетичар. Ниш: Галаксија; 2010. (M44; 2/1)

    3. Чукурановић Р, Јовановић И, Васовић Љ, Антић С, Павловић С, Арсић С, Влајковић С, Даковић-Бјелаковић М, Угреновић С. Водич кроз практични испит из анатомије. Ниш: Свен; 2012.

    4.Арсић С, Влајковић С, Даковић Бјелаковић М, Јовановић И, Угреновић С, Стојановић В. Општа анатомија човека. Ниш: Аутори и Свен; 2016.

    5.Влајковић С, Стефановић Н, Даковић-Бјелаковић М, Угреновић С, Јовановић И. АНАТОМИЈА ЧОВЕКА – ГРУДНИ КОШ за студенте медицине. Ниш: Аутори; 2013. 

    6. Čukuranović R, Antić S, Arsić S, Bakić V, Daković Bjelaković M,Jovanović I, Pavlović S, Stefanović N, Stojanović V, Ugrenović S, Vasović Lj, Vlajković S, Vučetić R. Anatomija čoveka. Niš: Medicinski fakultet u Nišu; 2019. 

    7. Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Stojanović V, Pavlović M, Kundalić B. Anatomija glave i vrata za osnovne strukovne studije (strukovni zubni protetičar). Niš: Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu; 2020. 

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1.Ugrenovic SZ, Jovanovic ID, Vasovic LP, Stefanovic BD. Extraneural Arterial Blood Vessels of Human Fetal Sciatic Nerve. Cells Tissues Organs. 2007; 186 (2): 147-153. (M21; IF=1,776)

    2.Vasović LP, Jovanović ID, Ugrenović SZ, Anđelković ZP. The posterior part of the human cerebral arterial circle (CAC): arterial caliber from gestational weeks 13 to 24. J Anat. 2007; 211: 162-169. (M21; IF=2,547)

    3.Ugrenovic S, Jovanovic I, VasovicLj, Stefanovic N, Kovacevic P, Stojanovic V. Neurovascular stalk of the superficial sural flap: human fetus anatomical study. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2005; 116 (2): 546-550. (M22; IF=1,692)

    4.Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Antić S, Stefanović N, Mihailović D. Morphometric and Some Immunohistochemical Characteristics of Human Choroids Plexus Stroma and Psammoma Bodies. Microsc Res Tech. 2007; 70 (7):617-627. (M22; IF=1,644)

    5.Ugrenovic S, Vasovic L, Jovanovic I, Stefanovic N. Peculiarities of the sural nerve complex morphologic types in human fetuses. Surg Radiol Anat. 2005; 27 (1): 25-29. (M23; IF=0,307)

    6.Vasović LP, Jovanović ID, Ugrenović SZ, Andjelković ZP. Normal subtypes of the posterior part of the cerebral arterial circle in human fetuses. Surg Neurol. 2008; 70(3):287-294. (M22; IF = 1,556)

    7.Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Vasović L, Cukuranović R, Stoiljković N. Morphometric characteristics of choroid plexus epithelial cells in cases with significantly different psammoma bodies' presence. Microsc Res Tech. 2009; 72 (1): 32-41. (M22; IF = 1,850)

    8.Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Vasović L. Morphometric analysis of human sciatic nerve perineurial collagen type IV content. Microsc Res Tech. 2011;74(12):1127-33. (M22; IF = 1,792)

    9.Vasović L, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Vlajković S, Jovanović P, Stojanović V.Trigeminal artery: a review of normal and pathological features. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012; 28 (1): 33-46. (M22; IF = 1,542)

    10.Vasović L, Trandafilović M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Vlajković S. Vertebral and/or basilar dolichoectasia in human adult cadavers. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2012;154(8):1477-88. (M22; IF = 1,520)

    11.Sladjana UZ, Ivan JD, Bratislav SD. Microanatomical structure of the human sciatic nerve. Surg Radiol Anat. 2008; 30 (8): 619-626. (M23; IF = 0,307)

    12.Vasović L, Ugrenović S, Jovanović I. Human fetal medial striate artery or artery of Heubner. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2009; 3 (4): 296-301. (M23; IF = 0,171)

    13.Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Vasović L, Petrović D, Cekić S. Psammoma bodies -friends or foes of the aging choroid plexus. Med Hypotheses. 2010; 74 (6):1017-20. (M23; IF = 1,389)

    14.Vasović L, Arsić S, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Jovanović P, Ugrenović S,Andjelković Z. Otic artery: a review of normal and pathological features. Med Sci Monit. 2010;16 (5): RA101-9. (M23; IF = 1,699)

    15.Vasović L, Trandafilović M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Antović A, Karadžić R,Stojanović I. Human Basilar Artery Abnormalities in the Prenatal and Postnatal Period. World Neurosurg. 2012 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:22728664. (M23; IF = 0,846)

    17. Stojanović VR, Jovanović ID, Ugrenović SZ, Vasović LP, Živković VS, Jocić MV, Kundalić BK, Pavlović MN. Morphometric analysis of nonsclerosed Glomeruli sizeand connective tissue content during the aging process. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:845046. (M24; IF = 0)

    18.Cukuranovic J, Ugrenovic S, Jovanovic I, Visnjic M, Stefanovic V. Viral infection in renal transplant recipients. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:820621. (M24; IF = 0)

    19.Vasović L, Trandafilović M, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Persistent primitive olfactory artery in Serbian population. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:903460. doi: 10.1155/2013/903460. (M24)

    20.Trandafilović M, Vasović L, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Discovery of the PPHA. Neurosurgery. 2013;73(1):E195-7. (M21; IF = 2,532)

    21.Vasović L, Trandafilović M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Vlajković S, Milić M, Dorđević G. Morphology of the cerebral arterial circle in the prenatal and postnatal period of Serbian population. Childs Nerv Syst 2013; 29: 2249-2261. (M23; IF = 1,241)

    22.Pavlović M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Vasović L, Krstić M, Bakić M, Živković V, Stojanović V. Morphometric analysis of the human anterior pituitary's folliculostellate cells during the aging process. Ann Anat 2013; 195: 231-237. (M22; IF = 1,960)

    23.Vasović L, Trandafilović M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Antović A, Karadžić R, Stojanović I. Human basilar artery abnormalities in the prenatal and postnatal period. World Neurosurg  2013; 79: 593. e15-23. (M22; IF = 1,765)

    24.Ugrenovic SZ, Jovanovic I D, Kovacevic P, Petrović S, Simic T. Similarities and dissimilarities of the blood supplies of the human sciatic, tibial, and common peroneal nerves. Clin Anat 2013; 26: 875–882. (M23; IF = 1,159)

    25.Bakic MD, Jovanovic ID, Ugrenovic SZ, Vasovic LP, Krstic MS, Stefanovic NJ, Pavlovic MN, Zivkovic VS. Parahippocampal corpora amylacea and neuronal lipofuscin in human aging. Cent Eur J Med 2013; 8: 749 – 761. (M23; IF = 0,262)

    26.Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Vasović L, Stojanović I.Immunohistochemical and morphometric analysis of immunoglobulin light-chain immunoreactive amyloid in psammoma bodies of the human choroid plexus.Anat Sci Int. 2014. Mar;89(2):71-8.doi:10.1007/s12565-013-0201-2

    27.Kundalić B, Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Stefanović N, Petrović V, Kundalić J, Stojanović V, Živković V, Antić V.Morphometric analysis of connective tissue sheaths of sural nerve in diabetic and nondiabetic patients.Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:870930. doi: 10.1155/2014/870930

    28.Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Ljubomirović M, Vasović L, Cukuranović R, Stefanović V. Folliculo-stellate cells - potential mediators of the inflammaging-induced hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy elderly individuals. Med Hypotheses. 2014 Oct;83(4):501-5. IF 2014=1.132

    29.Vlajković S, Vasović L, Trandafilović M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Đorđević G. Fenestrations of the human posterior cerebral artery. Childs Nerv Syst 2015; 31: 381–387. IF2015=1,288

    30.Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Vasović L, Kundalić B, Čukuranović R, Stefanović V. Morphometric analysis of the diameter and g-ratio of the myelinated nerve fibers of the human sciatic nerve during the aging process. Anat Sci Int. 2016 Jun;91(3):238-45. IF 2016 =0.874

    31.Petrović S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Radovanović Z, Pešić Z, Vučković I, Stojković N, Petrović F. Morphometric analysis of the stylohyoid complex. Surg Radiol Anat. 2017 May;39(5):525-534. IF 2016 =1.193

    32.Čukuranović Kokoris J, Jovanović I, Pantović V, Krstić M, Stanojković M, Milošević V, Ugrenović S, Stojanović V. Morphometric analysis of the folliculostellate cells and luteinizing hormone gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary of the men during the aging process. Tissue Cell. 2017 Feb;49(1):78-85.  IF 2016 =1.314

    33.Pavlović MN, Jovanović ID, Ugrenović SZ, Kostić AV, Kundalić BK, Stojanović VR, Vlajković S, Trandafilović MM, Čukuranović-Kokoris JR, Antić MM. Position and size of massa intermedia in Serbian brains. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2020;79(1):21-27.

    34.Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Kundalić B, Stojanović V, Pavlović M, Antović A, Milić M, Kokoris JČ.Morphometric analysis of the epineurial and endoneurial blood vessels of the human sciatic nerve in relation to aging.Tissue Cell. 2020 Oct;66:101389.

    35.Pavlović M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Stojanović V, Živković V, Kundalić B, Trandafilović M, Antić M, Čukuranović-Kokoris J. Human anterior pituitary's ACTH cells during the aging process: immunohistochemic and morphometric study.. Anat Sci Int. 2021 Mar;96(2):250-257.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1.Jovanović I, Stefanović N, Antić S, Ugrenović S, Djindjić B, Vidović N. Morphological and morphometric characteristics oh choroid plexus psammoma bodies during the human aging. Ital J Anat Embryol 2004; 109 (1): 19-33. (M51)

    2.Antić S, Jovanović I, Stefanović N, Pavlović S, Rančić G, Ugrenović S. Morphology and histochemical characteristics of human pineal gland acervuli during the aging. FactaUniversitatis 2004; 63 (1): 63-68. (M52)

    3.Ugrenovic S, Jovanovic I, Krstic V, Stojanovic V, Vasovic L, Antic S, Pavlovic S. The level of the sciatic nerve division and its relations to the piriform muscle. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2005; 62 (1): 45-49. (M51)

    4.Vuksanović A, Ugrenović S, Jovanović I. VASCULAR STALK ANALYSIS OF THE TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE FLAP. Facta Universitatis 2006; 13 (1): 1-5. (M51)

    5.Miljković P, Čukuranović R, Golubović E, Stojanović M, Stefanović N, Stojanović V, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Anatomske karakteristike renalnog sinusa kod zdrave dece istraživane ultrazvukom. Acta Medica Medianae 2001; 6: 5-14. (M52)

    6.Ugrenović S, Pavlović S, VasovićLj, Bakić V, Jovanović I. The sural nerve: Types of derivation, course and relationship of its components. Folia anatomica 2001; 29: 35-42. (M52)

    7.Jovanović I, VasovićLj, Ugrenović S, Zdravković D, Vlajković S, Daković-Bjelaković M, Stojanović V. Variable foramen of  Hyrtle of the human skull. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42 (1): 1-5. (M52)

    8.Krivokuća Z, Gajanin V, Bucma T, Ugrenović S, Zdravković D, Jovanović I. Stereological analysis of the human pons vascular network. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42 (2): 17-21. (M52)

    9.Stojanović V, Jovanović I, Čukuranović R, Pavlović S, Ugrenović S, Vlajković S. Morfometrijske karakteristike bubrežnog sinusa i parenhima u toku procesa starenja kod čoveka. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 43 (1): 5-9. (M52)

    10.Čukuranović R, VasovićLj, Pavlović S, Vlajković S, Daković-Bjelaković M, Jovanović I, Stojanović V, Ugrenović S, Zdravković D. Four decades of endemic nephropathy in Mezgraja. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42 (3): 27-29. (M52)

    11.Čukuranović R, Marinković D, Pavlović S, Vasović Lj, Vlajković S, Daković-Bjelaković M, Stojanović V, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Zdravković D. Populaciono-genetički aspekti Balkanske endemske nefropatije u slivu Južne Morave. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43 (1): 11-18. (M52)

    12.Jovanović I, Stefanović N, Ugrenović S, Antić S, Čukuranović R, Stojanović V, Stojanović J, Ilić G, Karadžić R, Kostić L, Zdravković M, Antović S. Morfometrijske i pojedine histohemijske karakteristike corpora amylacea humanog entorinalnog polja tokom procesa starenja. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43 (3): 17-22. (M52)

    13.Jovanović I, Stefanović N, Ugrenović S, Čukuranović R, Antić S, Stojanović V, Vlajković S, Zdravković D. Morfometrijske karakteristike acervulusa pinealne žlezde tokom starenja čoveka. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43 (1): 33-38. (M52; 1,5/1,5)

    14.Stojanović V, Stefanović N, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Čukuranović R, Pavlović S, Zdravković D. Kvantifikacija zapremine glomerula u toku procesa starenja čoveka. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43 (4): 5 - 7. (M52)

    15.Stojanović V, Čukuranović R, Jovanović I, VasovićLj, Vlajković S, Ugrenović S, Pavlović S, Logkou Dimitra. The quantification of glomerular endothelial and mesangial cells during the human aging. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 2004; 21 (2): 73-77. (M52)

    16.Stojanović V, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Pavlović S. Quantification ofsclerotic renal glomeruli during the aging process in humans. Med Pregl. 2010; 63(11-12): 775-8. (M51)

    17.Vasovic L, Jovanovic I, Ugrenovic S, Stojanovi D, Radovanovic Z. Basilar bifurcation: a comparison of prenatal and postnatal cases. Neuroanatomy 2008, 7: 66-71. (M52)

    18.Čukuranović R, Vlajković S, Daković-Bjelaković M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Čukuranović J. Medicinska revija 2009, 1 (2): 41-44. (M52)

    19.Vasović Lj, Jovanovic I, Ugrenovic S, Trandafilovic M. Remnants of embryonic arteries on the brain base: A case report. World Journal of Neuroscience. 2012; 2: 133-137. (M52)

    20.Ugrenović S, Topalović M, Jovanović I, Antović A, Milić M, Ignjatović A. MORPHOLOGICAL AND MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF FASCICULAR STRUCTURE OF TIBIAL AND COMMON PERONEAL NERVES. Facta Universitatis 2014; 16: 18-22. (M51)


    21. Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Stojanović V, Krstić M, Trandafilović M, Čukuranović J. MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF JUGULAR FORAMEN AND SIGMOID SINUS GROOVE: THEIR POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS WITH HIGH JUGULAR BULB PRESENCE. Facta Universitatis 2014; 16: 12-17. (M51)


    22. Stojanović V, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Kundalić B, Pavlović M. HISTOCHEMICAL AND MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE IN HUMAN GLOMERULES DURING AGING. 2014; Facta Universitatis 16: 31-35. (M51)


    23. Kundalić B, Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Stefanović N, Petrović V, Kundalić J, Pavlović M, Antić V. ANALIZA FASCIKULARNE STRUKTURE I VEZIVNOTKIVNIH OMOTAČA SURALNOG NERVA SA STARENJEM. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 2014; 31: 113-120. (M51)


    24. Vasović L, Trandafilović M, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Anterior cerebral-anterior communicating complex in the postnatal period: from a fenestration to the multiplication of arteries. Facta Universitatis, Series: Medicine & Biology 2014;16(1): 1-11. (M51)


    25. Trandafilović M, Vasović L, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Milić M. Relations of the initial segment of the oculomotor nerve and adjacent arteries in fetal and adult period. Facta Universitatis, Series: Medicine & Biology 2014;16(1):36-42. (M51)


    26. Čukuranović Kokoris J, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Stojanović V, Pavlović M, Kundalić B, Živković V, Antić M, Čukuranović R. IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL AND MORPHOMETRIC STUDY OF ADENOHYPOPHYSEAL GONADOTROPIC CELLS IN MALE CADAVERS OF DIFFERENT AGES. Acta Medica Medianae 2020;59(4):49-61. (M51)

    27.Janković S, Ugrenović S, Janković I, Jovanović I, Ilić D, Petrović F, Radomirović D, Petrović S, Stojanov D, Radovanović Z. RADIOMORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF HUMAN PITUITARY GLAND DURING THE AGING PROCESS. Acta Medica Medianae 2019;58(2):126-134. (M51)

    28.Janković S, Ugrenović S, Janković I, Jovanović I, Ilić D, Petrović F, Radomirović D, Petrović S, Stojanov D, Radovanović Z. RADIOMORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF HUMAN PITUITARY GLAND DURING THE AGING PROCESS. Acta Medica Medianae 2019;58(2):126-134. (M51)


  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1.Jovanović I, Antić S, Pavlović S, Stefanović N, Čukuranović R, Stojanović V, Ugrenović S. Morphology and stereological analysis of a shape of a human pineal gland acervuli. Scripta Scientifica Medica 2002; 34 Supp 1: 62. (M34)

    2.Stojanović V, Stefanović N, Čukuranović R, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Quantification of changes in mesangial cells in glomerulus during the ageing process in human. Scripta Scientifica Medica 2002; 34 Supp 1: 99. (M34)

    3.Ugrenović S, Vasović Lj, Stefanović N, Jovanović I, Stojanović V. Artery to sural cutaneus nerve: report of two fetal cases. Scripta Scientifica Medica 2002; 34 Supp 1: 104. (M34)

    4.Čukuranović R, Vlajković S, Daković-Bjelaković M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Stojanović V, Živković V, Pavlović M, Kundalić B. Arterial line placement – an anatomical overview. PROCEEDING OF SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM. ADVANCES IN CRITICAL CARE MANAGEMENT SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM. 15-17. April 2011; Niš, Serbia; 2011.p.69-73. (M33)

    5.Trandafilović M, Vasović L, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Abnormalities of the posterior communicating artery in the human prenatal and postnatal period. Abstract book of 6th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy, Malinska, Krk Island, Croatia 2014; p. 20.

    6.Trandafilović M, Vasović L, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Disconnection of vascular components of constant carotid-basilar anstomosis on the brain base. Abstract book of 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy, Bratislava, Slovakia 2015; p. 93.

    7. Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Stojanović V, Kundalić B, Trandafilović M. The blood supply of the human fetal sciatic, tibial and common peroneal nerves. Book of abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA). September 17 – 20, 2015; Bratislava, Slovakia; p. 94.

    8. Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Trandafilović M, Stojanović V, Kundalić B. Morphometric characteristics of choroid plexus epithelium in cases with significantly different presence of psammoma bodies. Book of abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA). September 17 – 20, 2015; Bratislava, Slovakia; p. 72.

    9.Trandafilović M, Vasović Lj, Vlajković S, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Disconection of vascular components of constant carotid-basilar anastomosis of the brain base. Book of abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA). September 17 – 20, 2015; Bratislava, Slovakia; p. 93.

    10.Kundalić B, Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Petrović V. Collagen IV expression in the perineurium of sural nerve in ageing and peripheral vascular disease. Book of abstracts. 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA). September 17 – 20, 2015; Bratislava, Slovakia; p. 146.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Ugrenović S, Pavlović S, Bakić V, Jovanović I, Stojanović V, Zdravković D. The sural nerve: Types of derivation, course and relationship of its components. Folia anatomica 2001; 29 Suppl 1: 62. (M64)

    2. Čukuranović R, Miljković P, Stefanović N, Stojanović M, Pavlović S, Daković-Bjelaković M, Vlajković S, Stojanović V, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Anatomical standardes for normal kidney parameters in children estimated by ultrasonography. Folia anatomica 2001; 29 Suppl 1: 83. (M64)

    3. Jovanović I, Stefanović N, Antić S, Ugrenović S, Vlajković S, Stojanović V, Daković- Bjalaković M. Morfološke i morfometrijske karakteristike psamoma telašaca horoidnog spleta bočne moždane komore u toku starenja čoveka. Folia anatomica 2003; 31 Suppl 1: 24. (M64)

    4. Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Vasović Lj, Pavlović S, Stojanović V, Zdravković D. N. ischiadicus- nivo završne račve i odnos sa piriformnim mišićem. Folia anatomica 2003; 31 Suppl 1: 67. (M64)

    5..Stojanović V, Stefanović N, Čukuranović R, Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Zdravković D. Kvantifikacija promena endotelnih ćelija glomerula u toku procesa starenja čoveka. Folia anatomica 2003; 31 Suppl 1: 60. (M64)

    6. Vasović Lj, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Normalni (sup) tipovi zadnjeg dela moždanog arterijskog prstena (CAC) kod fetusa. Knjiga sažetaka. I KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA; 2006 12-15 septembar; Novi Sad, Srbija. Novi Sad: ORTOMEDICS; 2006. p. 37. (M64)

    7. Čukuranović R, Vlajković S, DakovićBjelaković M, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Anatomija centralnog venskog puta. ZBORNIK PREDAVANJA. TRAUMA I ANESTEZIJA NAUČNI SIMPOZIJUM. 8-10. april 2010.;Niš, Srbija; 2010.p.52-55. (M63)

    8.Jovanović I, Drekić D, Malobabić S, Macut N, Ugrenović S, Ranković V. Morfometrijska analiza polnih razlika tokom postnatalnog razvoja plexus choroideusa pacova. Zbornik sažetaka. II KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA; 2008 18-20 septembar; Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija. Univerzitet (Priština). Medicinski fakultet (Kosovska Mitrovica); 2008. p. 14. (M64)

    9. Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Stojanović V, Kundalić B. Kvantitativna analiza mijelinskih vlakana humanog ishijadičnog nerva. Zbornik sažetaka. II KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA; 2008 18-20 septembar; Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija. Univerzitet (Priština). Medicinski fakultet (Kosovska Mitrovica); 2008. p. 30. (M64)

    10.Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Bakić M, Stojanović V. Morphometric characteristics of human skull jugular foramen and sigmoid sinus groove: Their possible connection with high jugular bulb presence. Zbornik sažetaka. II KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA; 2008 18-20 septembar; Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija. Univerzitet (Priština). Medicinski fakultet (Kosovska Mitrovica); 2008. p. 73. (M64)

    11. Stojanović V, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Živković V, Pavlović M. Morfometrijske karakteristike glomeruloskleroze u toku starenja čoveka. Zbornik sažetaka. II KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA; 2008 18-20 septembar; Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija. Univerzitet (Priština). Medicinski fakultet (Kosovska Mitrovica); 2008. p. 93. (M64)

    12. Stojanović V, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Živković V, Pavlović M, Kundalić B, Trandafilović M. Morfometrijska analiza kolagena tipa IV u humanim glomerulima tokom procesa starenja. ZBORNIK SAŽETAKA. III KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA SRBIJE SA MEĐUNARODNIM UČEŠĆEM. 6-8. SEPTEMBAR 2012; Niš, Srbija; 2012.p.88. (M64)

    13. Trandafilović M, VasovićLj, Jovanović I, Ugrenović S. Neurovaskularni odnosi okulomotornog nerva na bazi mozga humanih adultnih kadavera. ZBORNIK SAŽETAKA. III KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA SRBIJE SA MEĐUNARODNIM UČEŠĆEM. 6-8. SEPTEMBAR 2012; Niš, Srbija; 2012.p.96. (M64)

    14.Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, VasovićLj, Stojanović V, Bakić M, Pavlović M, Cekić S, Živković V, Trandafilović M. Prisustvo amiloida i imunohistohemijska analiza reaktivnosti psamomatoznih telašaca horoidnog pleksusa na slobodne lake lance. ZBORNIK SAŽETAKA. III KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA SRBIJE SA MEĐUNARODNIM UČEŠĆEM. 6-8. SEPTEMBAR 2012; Niš, Srbija; 2012.p.103. (M64)

    15.Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, VasovićLj, Dimov I, Stojanović V, Kundalić B, Živković B. Analiza dijametra i debljine mijelinskog omotača nervnih vlakana (G index) ishijadičnog nerva sa godinama. ZBORNIK SAŽETAKA. III KONGRES SRPSKOG ANATOMSKOG DRUŠTVA SRBIJE SA MEĐUNARODNIM UČEŠĆEM. 6-8. SEPTEMBAR 2012; Niš, Srbija; 2012.p.105. (M64)

    16. Ugrenović Slađana.  Structural and functional characteristict of the connective tissue neural sheths – their role in the reparation and regeneration of nerve and possibilities of the application of artificial  grafts. Abstract book of 4th Congress of Serbian Anatomical Society of Serbia, Belgrade, 2014; p. 95.

    17. Ugrenović S, Jovanović I, Stojanović V, Kundalić B, Trandafilović M, Čukuranović J. Značaj morfoloških karakteristika peronealnog nerva i njegovog odnosa sa susednim strukturama u nastanku peronealne neuropatije. Zbornik sažetaka. V Kongres srpskog anatomskog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem,  8 -10. septembar 2016; Novi Sad, Srbija; 2016.p.24

    18. Jovanović I, Ugrenović S, Čukuranović R, Stojanović V, Pavlović M, Kundalić B, Čukuranović Kokoris J, Trandafilović M, Antić M. Folicculo-stellate cells– potential mediators of the inflammaging- induced hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy elderly individuals Zbornik sažetaka. V Kongres srpskog anatomskog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem,  8 -10. septembar 2016; Novi Sad, Srbija; 2016.p.13

Poslednji put izmenjeno ponedeljak, 28 jun 2021 13:22