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Datum kreiranja: 05.02.2014.

Ljubica Velimirović

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 04.12.1955.
  • Mesto rođenja: Pirot, Srbija
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Univerzitet u Nišu, Filozofski fakultet
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Matematika
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1979.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Infinitesimal Bending, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš, 2009, ISBN 86-83481-42-5

    2. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Predrag S. Stanimirović, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with MathematicaFaculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš, 2010.

    3. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Differential Geometry of Manifolds, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš, 2011.

    4. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Mića S. Stanković, Generalized Riemannian Spaces and Spaces of Non-Symmetric Affine Connection, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš, 2013.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. P. Protić, B. Stamenković, Ljubica S. Velimirović, N. Stevanović, S. Tričković, Zbirka zadataka za prijemni ispit na Gradjevinskom fakultetu, Gradjevinski fakultet, Niš, 1995. 

    2. Ljubica S. Velimirović,Geometrija sa primenama u Geografiji, Prirodno matematički fakultet u Nišu, 2003, SVEN, Niš, ISBN 86-83481-12-3. 

    3. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Diferencijalna geometrija krivih i površi, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Nišu,  2006, Niš, ISBN 86-83481-34-4. 

    4. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Tenzorski račun, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Nišu,  2006, Niš,  2009, ISBN 86-83481-39-5.

    5. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Milan Zlatanović, Marija Najdanović: Analitička geometrija, Prirodno matematički fakultet u Nišu, 2019 ISBN 978-86-6275-086-0

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

      1. Marija S. Najdanović, Ljubica S. Velimirović & Nenad O. VesićGeodesic Infinitesimal Deformations of Generalized Riemannian Spaces Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics volume 19, Article number: 145 (2022)

      2. MaksimoviĆ, M., VelimiroviĆ, L., NajdanoviĆ, M.Infinitesimal Bending of DNA Helices Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2020, 45(1), pp. 520–528

      3. The total torsion of knots under second order infinitesimal bending Najdanović Marija S., Velimirović Ljubica S. Rančić Svetozar R. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2021 OnLine-First (00):35-35

      4. Petrović, M.Z., Velimirović, L.S. Generalized Almost Hermitian Spaces and Holomorphically Projective Mappings. Mediterr. J. Math. 17, 74 (2020).

      5. Svetozar Rancic, Marija Najdanovic, Ljubica Velimirovic Total normalcy of knots Filomat Vol 33, No 4 (2019)

      6. Milica Cvetkovic, Ljubica VelimirovicApplication of Shape Operator Under Infinitesimal Bending of Surface Filomat Vol 33, No 4 (2019)


        Louis H. Kauffman, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Marija S. Najdanović and Svetozar R. Rančić  Infinitesimal bending of knots and energy changeJournal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications  Vol. 28, No. 11

      8. Petrovic Milos Z  Velimirovic Ljubica S A New Type of Generalized Para-Kahler Spaces and Holomorphically Projective Transformations  BULLETIN OF THE IRANIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, (2019), vol. 45 br. 4, str. 1021-1043

      9. Marija S. Najdanović, Svetozar R. Rančić, Louis H. Kauffman and Ljubica S. Velimirović The total curvature of knots under second-order infinitesimal bending Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications Vol. 28, No. 01, 1950005 (2019)

      10. Petrovic Milos Z , Ljubica Velimirović S, Generalized Kahler Spaces in Eisenhart's Sense Admitting a Holomorphically Projective Mapping, MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, (2018), vol. 15 br. 4 M21

      11.  Ljubica  Velimirović S  Majhi Pradip  De Uday Chand , Almost pseudo-Q-symmetric semi-    Riemannian manifolds, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN PHYSICS, (2018), vol. 15 br. 7. M23   

      12.   Najdanovic Marija S , Ljubica S. Velimirović, Second Order Infinitesimal Bending of Curves, FILOMAT, (2017), vol. 31 br. 13, str. 4127-4137 M22

      13. De Uday Chand , Velimirovic Ljubica S , Mallick Sahanous  On a type of spacetime INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN  PHYSICS, (2017), vol. 14 br. 1, str. -M22 IF 1.041

      14. Najdanovic Marija S Velimirovic Ljubica S On the Willmore Energy of Curves Under Second Order  Infinitesimal Bending MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES, (2016), vol. 17 br. 2, str. 979-987 M23 0.362

      15.  NO Vesić, LS Velimirović, MS Stanković Some Invariants of Equitorsion Third Type Almost Geodesic MappingsMediterranean Journal of Mathematics 13 (6), 4581-4590 (2016)M21  IF 0.605

      16. Milan Lj. Zlatanović Ljubica S. Velimirović,Mića S. Stanković Necessary and sufficient conditions for equitorsion geodesic mapping  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 435 (2016), pp. 578-592 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.10.052 M21

      17. Zlatanovic Milan Lj  Mincic Svetislav M  Velimirovic Ljubica S On Integrability Conditions of Derivation Equations in a Subspace of Asymmetric Affine Connection Space      FILOMAT, (2015), vol. 29 br. 10, str. 2421-2427 M22

      18. Svetislav M. Mincić  Ljubica S. Velimirović Academician Mileva Prvanović the First Doctor of Geometrical Sciences in Serbia Filomat 29:3 (2015), 375–383 DOI 10.2298/FIL1503375 M 22

      19. U. C. De, Ljubica Velimirović Spacetimes with Semisymmetric Energy-Momentum Tensor International Journal of Theoretical Physics (2015), vol. 54 br. 6, str. 1779-1783 

      20. Velimirovic Ljubica , Stankovic Mica The 18th Geometrical Seminar Preface (Editorial Material).Filomat (2015), vol. 29 br. 3 M22

      21. Velimirovic Ljubica , Stankovic Mica The 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress Preface (Editorial Material). Filomat (2015), vol. 29 br.10 M22

      22. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Milica D. Cvetkovic:Gaudi surfaces and curvature based functional variations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 228: 377-383 (2014) M21 

      23. Svetislav M. Mincic, Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Mica S. Stankovic: Integrability conditions of derivational equations of a submanifold of a generalized Riemannian space. Applied Mathematics and Computation 226: 3-9 (2014)

      24. Svetislav M. Mincic, Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Mica S. Stankovic: On spaces with non-symmetric affine connection, containing subspaces without torsion. Applied Mathematics and Computation 219(9): 4346-4353 (2013)

      25. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Milica D. CvetkovicMarija S. NajdanovicNikola M. Velimirovic: Variation of shape operator under infinitesimal bending of surface. Applied Mathematics and Computation 225: 480-486 (2013)

      26. Marija S. CiricMilan Lj. ZlatanovicMica S. Stankovic, Ljubica S. Velimirovic: On geodesic mappings of equidistant generalized Riemannian spaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218(12): 6648-6655 (2012)

      27. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Milica D. CvetkovicMarija S. CiricNikola M. Velimirovic: Analysis of Gaudi surfaces at small deformations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218(13): 6999-7004 (2012)

      28. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Svetozar R. RancicMilan Lj. Zlatanovic: Rigidity and flexibility analysis of a kind of surfaces of revolution and visualization. Applied Mathematics and Computation 217(9): 4612-4619 (2011)

      29. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Marija S. Ciric: On the total mean curvature of piecewise smooth surfaces under infinitesimal bending. Appl. Math. Lett. 24(9): 1515-1519 (2011)

      30. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Marija S. CiricNikola M. Velimirovic: On the Willmore energy of shells under infinitesimal deformations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 61(11): 3181-3190 (2011)

      31. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Marija S. CiricMilica D. Cvetkovic: Change of the Willmore energy under infinitesimal bending of membranes. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 59(12): 3679-3686 (2010)

      32. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Svetozar R. Rancic: Higher order infinitesimal bending of a class of toroids. Eur. J. Comb. 31(4): 1136-1147 (2010)

      33. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Svetislav M. MincicMica S. Stankovic: Infinitesimal rigidity and flexibility of a non-symmetric affine connection space. Eur. J. Comb. 31(4): 1148-1159 (2010)

      34. Mića S. Stanković,  Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Equitorsion holomorphically projective mappings of generalized Kahlerian space of the first kind,Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 60, No. 3 (2010), 635-653. 

      35. Mića S. Stanković,  Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, On equitorsion geodesic mappings of general affine connection spaces,Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Della Universita di Padova, 124 (2010), 77-90.

      36. Svetоzar R. Rančić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, CurveBend graphical tool for presentation of infinitesimal bending of curvesFilomat 23:2 (2009),108-116.

      37. Mića S. Stanković, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Some relation in the generalized Kahlerian spaces of the second kind, Filomat 23:2 (2009), 82-89.

      38. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, On generalized Riemannian spaces containing Riemannian subspaces, Russian Mathematics, Vol. 51, No. 11, (2007),30-34.

      39. Mića S. Stanković, Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, On equitorsion holomorphically projective mappings of generalised Kahlerian spaces, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 54 (129) (2004), No.3, 701-715.

      40. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, O podprostranstvah obob. Rimanova prostranstva, Siberian Mathematical Journal, Dep. v VINITI No.3472-V 98.  1998.

      41. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Beskonechno malye izgibaniya torobraznoi poverhnosti vrashcheniya s mnogougol'nim meridianom, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., (1997), no. 9, 3–7.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

      1. M. Najdanovic, Maksimovic, Velimirovic Curves on Ruled Surfaces Bulletin of Natural Sciences Research  VOL. 11 NO. 1 (2021) 

      2. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Marija S. Najdanović and Svetozar R. Rančić Knot Energies Proceedings of The 22nd International Workshop on Differential Geometry of Submanifolds in Symmetric Spaces & Related Problems, volume 22, Daegu, Korea ISSN:2093-9485

      3. Milica D. Cvetković, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Nikola M. Velimirović, Shape of surfaces analysis,Proceedings of 4th International Scientific Conference on Geometry and Graphics moNGeometrija 2014, June 20th - 22nd 2014, Vlasina, Serbia M33

      4. Mića S. Stanković, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Equitorsion holomorphically projective mappings of generalized Kahlerian space of the second kind, International Electronic Journal of Geometry, Vol. 3, No.2 (2010), 26-39.

      5. Mića S. Stanković, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Svetislav M. Minčić, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Equitorsion conform mappings of generalized Riemannian spaces, Matematički vesnik, 61 (2009), 119-129.

      6. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Grozdana D. Radivojević, Mića S. Stanković, Dragan S. Kostić, Minimal surfaces for architectural constructions,  Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol. 6 No. 1, (2008), 89-96.

      7. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Milica D. Cvetković, Developable surfaces and applications, Proceedings of 24 th national and 1st international scientific conference moNGeometrija 2008, (2008).

      8. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Spaces with non-symmetric affine connection, Novi Sad J. Math, Vol. 38, No. 3, (2008), 157-164.

      9. Svetozar R. Rančić, Ljubica S. Velimirović,  Visualization of infinitesimal deformation of  some class of toroids, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 42,  No. 4, (2008), 507-514.

      10. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Svetislav M. Minčić, Mića S. Stanković, Infinitesimal deformation of basic tensor at generalized Riemannian space, Filomat 21:2 (2007), 237-244.

      11. Ljubica S. Velimirović,  Svetozar R. Rančić, Rigidity of toroid formed by revolution of  parallelogram, Filomat 21:2 (2007), 111-122.

      12. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović,  Derivational formulas of a submanifold of a generalized Riemannian spaces, Novi Sad J. Math. Vol. 36, No. 2, (2006), 91-100.

      13. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Infinitesimal bending of a subspace of a space with non-symmetric basic tensor, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomouc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 44 (2005), No.1, 115-130.

      14. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Svetislav M. Minčić, Infinitesimal bending of a subspace of a generalized Riemannian space, Tensor, N. S. 65(2004), No. 3, 212-224.

      15. Grozdana D. Radivojević, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Dragan S. Kostić, Application of hyperbolic paraboloid at architecture with theoretical analysis of surfaces in case of small deformations (in Serbian), Zbornik radova Gradjevinsko-arhitektonskog fakulteta Vol.19, (2003) 91-100.

      16. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Svetislav M. Minčić, Mića S. Stanković, Infinitesimal Deformations and Lie Derivative of a Non-symmetric Affine Connection Space, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomouc., Fac. Rer. Nat., Mathematica Vol.42, No.1, (2003), 111-121.

      17. Ljubica S. Velimirović, On variation of the volume bounded by rotational surface under infinitesimal bending of meridian, Scientific Bulletin, University of Temisoara, Romania, Transactions on Mathematics & Phisics t. 47(61), F.1, (2002), 6-13.

      18. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Bending of hyperbolic paraboloid, Scientific Bulletin, University of Temisoara, Romania, Transactions on Mathematics & Phisics t. 47(61), F.1, (2002), 14-19.

      19. Mića S. Stanković, Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, On Holomorphically Projective Mappings of Generalized Kahlerian Spaces, Matematički vesnik 54(2002), 195-202.

      20. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Svetislav M. Minčić, Mića S. Stanković, Infinitesimal Deformations of Curvature Tensors at Non-Symmetric Affine Connection Space, Matematički vesnik 54(2002), 219-226.

      21. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Mića S. Stanković, Grozdana D. Radivojević, Modeling Conoid Surfaces, Facta Universitatis - Series Architecture and Civil Engineering Vol.2, No 4, (2002), 261-266.

      22. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Svetislav M. Minčić, Mića S. Stanković, On Comutativity of the Lie Derivative and Covariant Derivative at Non-symmetric Affine Connection Space, Proceedings of the Workshop Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 15-21 May 2002, World Scientific, (2002), 425-430.

      23. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Change of geometric magnitudes under infinitesimal bending, Facta Universitatis - Series: Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics Vol.3, No 11,  (2001), 135-148.

      24. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Infinitesimal bending of curves, Matematički bilten Skopje, Makedonija 25(LI), (2001), 25-36.

      25. Svetislav M. Minčić, Mića S. Stanković, Ljubica S. Velimirović (2001), Generalized Kahlerian Spaces, Filomat 15(2001), 167-174.

      26. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Mića S. Stanković, Infinitesimal Deformations of a Non-Symmetric Affine Connection Space, Filomat 15(2001), 175-182.

      27. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Grozdana D. Radivojević, On Conoid Surfaces in Function of Space Roof Construction, Annuaire de l'Universite d'Architecture, de Genie Civil et de Geodesie-Sofia,  (2000-2001), 43-52.

      28. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Change of area under infinitesimal bending of border curve, Buletins for Applied Mathematics (BAM) Hungary PC-129, (2000).

      29. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Grozdana D. Radivojević, Dragan S. Kostić, Geometric analysis of hyperbolic paraboloid as building technic element, Buletins for Applied Mathematics (BAM) Hungary PC-129, (2000).

      30. M. Velimirović, A.Vulić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Generation of Goal Function at Mechanical Variators, Buletins for Applied Mathematics (BAM) Hungary PC-129, (2000).

      31. Ljubica S. Velimirović, On variation of the volume under infinitesimal bending of a closed rotational surface, Novi Sad J. Math. Vol. 29, No. 3, (1999), 377-386.

      32. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Analysis of bending of surfaces using program package Mathematica, Facta Universitatis - Series Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol.2, No. 1, (1999), 15-21.

      33. Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Riemannian Subspaces of Generalized Riemannian Spaces, Universitatea Din Bacau Studii Si Cercetari Stiintifice, Seria Matematica, No. 9 (2001), 111-128.

      34. Ljubica S. Velimirović, A new proof of theorem of Belov, Publ. Inst. Math. ( Beograd ) (N.S.) 63(77), (1998),102-114.

      35. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Grozdana D. Radivojević, Dragan S. Kostić, Analysis of hyperbolic paraboloids at small deformations, Facta Universitatis - Series Archicture and Civil Engineering, Vol. 1. No. 5.  (1998), 627-636.

      36. Ljubica S. Velimirović, Infinitesimal bending of a torus-like surface with polygonal meridian, Russian Mathematics Vol 41, Num. 9, 1-5, (1997).

      37. Ljubica S. Velimirović, On the second order infinitesimal bendings of the class of toroids, Matematički vesnik 49 (1997), 51-58.

      38. Ljubica S. Velimirović, On infinitesimal deformations of a toroid rotational surfaces generated by a quadrangular meridian, Filomat 9:2 (1995), 197-204.

      39. Ljubica S. Velimirović, On the infinitesimal rigidity of a class of toroid surfaces of rotation, Collection of the scientific papers of the Faculty of Science Kragujevac 16(1994), 123-130.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

      1. Ljubica S. Velimirovic Shape and Energies of Geometric Objects, Geometrical Seminar XXI June26-July2, Belgrade

      2. Ljubica S. Velimirovic On shape of curves, surfaces and knots, invited talk, Chief guest, DGA March 4-5th

        KUVEMPU UNIVERSITY, Jnana Sahyadri,
        Shankaraghatta-577 451, SHIVAMOGGA,
        Karnataka, India.

      3. Ljubica S. Velimirovic  On Shape Consideration, University Tribhuvan, Kathmandu, Nepal. 11-15.11.2019

      4. Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Energies of curves and surfaces, Conference on Differential Geometry and Relativity (ICDGR-2019)  8.-10. 11. 2019. Gorakhpur University, India.  -  Plenary talk, International Advisory Board                                      

      5. Ljubica S. Velimirovic On bending of knots, Classical and modern geometry, 22 – 25 April, 2019, MPGU,  Moscow, Russia- member of the scientific committee ,  plenary lecture, member of Scientific committeee

      6. L. Velimirovic: On knot energy of deformed knot International Symposium on Differential Models in Geometry, Computer Science and Hydrotechnics DiMoGeCH - 22-25 May 2019 - Iasi, Romania Romanian Academy - Iasi Branch Faculty of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of IasIasi, Romania plenary talk , scientific committee, Book of abstracts

      7. Ljubica Velimirovic Research visit Shanghai Normal University, China, July 24-31, 2019

      8. Ljubica Velimirovic, Marija Najdanovic, Svetozar Rancic, Knot energy,22nd International Workshop on Differential Geometry of Submnifolds in Symmetric Spaces Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea-invited talk 

      9. Ljubica Velimirovic Collaboration visit 5-14 August, 2019 University  Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

      10. Ljubica Velimirović, On curvature functionals related to bending of knots, The 3-rd International Workshop "Geometric Structures and Interdisciplinary Applications", 9-12 May 2018, University of Haifa, Israel, Haifa Book of Abstracts p. 35.

      11. Milica D. Cvetković ,  Ljubica Velimirović, Application of Shape Operator Under Infinitesimal Bending of Surface, XX GEOMETRICAL SEMINAR, May 20-23, 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia p18

      12. Marija Najdanović , Svetozar Rančić , Louis Kauffman and Ljubica Velimirović, Infinitesimal bending influence on the energies of knots, XX GEOMETRICAL SEMINAR, May 20-23, 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia  p 83

      13. Ljubica Velimirović, Application of Differential Geometry at Civil Engineering and Architecture,MSTAS 2018, XII. Computational Design Research in Architecture Symposium, Suleyman Demirel University, Architecture Faculty, 21-22 June 2018. MSTAS 2018 – XII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Sempozyumu keynote speaker

      14. Ljubica  Velimirović, On a kind of non-symmetric affine connection spaces, Workshop on Groups,Geometry and Dynamics, Montevideo,Uruguay, 23-27. July 2018. 

      15. Ljubica Velimirović, (WM)² World Meeting for Women in Mathematics, Rio de Janeiro, July 31st, 2018.

      16. Ljubica Velimirović, Marija Najdanovic, Svetozar Rancic, Infinitesimal bending of knots, International congress of mathematicians 2018, 1.-9, August,2018, Rio de Janeiro 

      17. Ljubica Velimirovic On small deformations of knots Topological structures in mathematics, physics and biology 14-18 September 2018, Novosibirsk -keynote speaker Conference booklet of multidisciplinary workshop ”Topological structures in mathematics, physics and biology p 16

      18. Ljubica Velimirovic Knots and Initesimal Deformations Aprila 17 - May 6., 2017 UIC u Chikago USA Quantum Topology Seminar on Tuesday, Aprila 25.,2017

      19. Ljubica Velimirovic On Shape at Infinitesimal Bending 9.3.2017. University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa , Colombo, Sri Lanka

      20. Ljubica Velimirovic Some results on infinitesimal bending-Plenary talk Geometry Days 2014 , Novosibirsk Russia Invited talk

      21. Ljubica Velimirovic Simposium MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATION, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, 2014On Infinitesimal Bending Problems

      22. Ljubica Velimirović, Marija Ciric, Milica Cvetković On the shape of bendable shell   XVII Geometrical Seminar, 3-8.9. 2012. –invited leacture

      23. Ljubica Velimirović, Milica Cvetković ,Marija Ciric, The shape of bendable surface  MoNGeometrija, 21-24. 6.. 2012Proceedings  ISBN 978-86-7892-405-7 p585-594

      24. Ljubica Velimirović, Marija Ciric, Bending of curves on ellipsoid MoNGeometrija, 21-24. 6.. 2012 Proceedings  ISBN 978-86-7892-405-7, p573-584

      25. L.S. Velimirovic, ICRAMSA 9-11.12. 2011, On some problemes of infinitesimal deformationsUniversity of Kalkuta  India – 12.12.2011 invited leacture

      26. L.S. Velimirovic, On infinitesimal deformations ,  13. 11.2011, Kalyani , India

      27. L.S. Velimirovic , M. Ciric, Nikola Velimirovic Variation on curvature based functional at small deformations MATEP , May 26-28, 2010 Pecs, Hungary

      28. Ljubica Velimirović, Marija Ciric, Milica Cvetković On the Wilmore energy under infinitesimal bending ICM2010 19-27.8. 2010,Hyderabad India

      29. Ljubica Velimirović, Marija Ciric, Svetozar Rancic Willmore energy of membranes XVI Geometrical Seminar, Vrnjacka banja, 20.-25.09.2010

      30. Ljubica Velimirović, Milica Cvetković ,Marija Ciric, Nikola Velimirovic Analyzis of Gaudi Surfaces at Small Deformations XVI Geometrical Seminar, 20.-25.09.2010,Vrnjacka banja

      31. L.S. Velimirovic, S. Rancic, M. Zlatanovic Rigidity and Flexibility Analysis of a Kind of Surfaces of Revolution and Visualization Conference of Geometry Theory and Applications, Pilsen, Czech Republic,Jun 29.-Jul 2 2009

      32. Ljubica Velimirović, Svetozar Rančić Infinitesimal bending of a  toroid formed by revolution of polygonal meridian, ,13th ICGG 2008, August 4th-8th ,Dresden, Germany

      33. Svetislav Mincic, Ljubica Velimirovic Theory of Spaces With Non-symmetric Affine Connection, 12 srpski matematicki kongres,Novi Sad Serbia, 28.august-02. september 2008.

      34. Ljubica Velimirović, Svetozar Rančić, Milan Zlatanović   Graphical presentation of infinitesimal bending of curves,Mongeometrija 2008, 25-27 septembar2009

      35. Ljubica Velimirović, Predrag Stanimirović, Milan Zlatanović Geometry using program package Mathematica Mongeometrija 2008, 25-27 septembar2008.

      36. Ljubica Velimirović, Milica Cvetković Developable surfaces and application Mongeometrija 2008, 25-27 septembar2008

      37. Ljubica Velimirović, Svetozar Rančić, Milan Zlatanović   Approximation and Computation Nis (Serbia), August 25-29, 2008.

      38.  S. Rancic, Lj. S. Velimirovic (2007), Visualization of infinitesimal deformation of some class of toroids Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 12-18 , 2007

      39. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic , Rigidity and flexibility at non-symmetric affine connection space , Rigidity and flexibility,ESI,Vienna, Austria, April 23-May 7, 2005,Abstracts

      40. Lj. S. Velimirovic , Infinitesimal bending of curves and surfaces , International Conference Rigidity and flexibility,ESI,Vienna, Austria, April 23-May 7, 2005,Abstracts

      41. Lj. S. Velimirovic ,Infiniteimal deformations and rigidity at non symmetric affine connection space,ICM2006.

      42. Lj. S. Velimirovic, Svetozar Rancic, Infinitesimal bending and visualization , ICM2006 Madrid, Spain,Madrid, Spain

      43. Lj. S. Velimirovic, S. Rancic (2006) , Vizualizacija beskonacno malih deformacija, MonGeometrija.22.-24.9.2006. Novi Sad.

      44. S. M. Mincic, Lj. S. Velimirovic On derivational formulas of a submanifold of a generalized Riemannian space , Workshop Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics Belgrade , June 26-July 2, 2005 ,

      45. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic, On infinitesimal bending of a subspace of a generalized riemannian space , 9th International Conference on Differential Geometry and its Application, Prague, Czech Republic , August 30-September 3, 2004, Abstracts p. 48.

      46. Lj. S. Velimirovic , G. Radivojevic, M. S. Stankovic, On some classes of minimal surfaces , MonGeometrija 2004, XXII jugoslovensko savetovanje za nacrtnu geometriju i inzenjersku grafiku , Beograd, 24-26,9,2004.

      47. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic Infinitesimal bending of a subspace with non-symmetric basic tensor XI Kongres matematicara Srbije i Crne Gore, Petrovac,28.Sept.-3.Oct. 2004. (2004)- Abstracts

      48. M. S. Stankovi', S. M. Mincic, Lj. S. Velimirovic , Generalized Kahlerian Spaces , 6th ISNM, Nis, Booklet of Abstracts p. 166 , 24-29,8,2003.

      49. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic, M. S. Stankovic, Infinitesimal Deformations of Generalized Riemannian Spaces , 6th ISNM, Nis, Booklet of Abstracts p. 165 , 24-29,8,2003.

      50. Lj. S. Velimirovic , G. Radivojevic, M. S. Stankovic, On Minimal Surfaces in Architecture , 6th ISNM, Nis, Booklet of Abstracts p. 166 , 24-29,8,2003.

      51. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic, M. S. Stankovic Infinitesimal Deformations in the Non-symmetric Affine Connection Space . Current Geometry The International Conference on problems and trends of contemporary geometry, Naples, June 25 - 28, 2003

      52. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic, M. S. Stankovic, Infinitesimal Deformation of Some Geometric Objects at Non-symmetric Affine Connection Space , XIV Geometrical Seminar, Zrenjanin , October 2-5.,2003, Abstracts p. 38.

      53. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic, M. S. Stankovic, On Generalized Riemannian Spaces Containing Riemannian Subspaces , XIV Geometrical Seminar, Zrenjanin , October 2-5.,2003, Abstracts p. 25.

      54. M. S. Stankovic, S. M. Mincic, Lj. S. Velimirovic , On Holomorphically Projective Mappings of Generalized Kahlerian Spaces of the First Kind , XIV Geometrical Seminar, Zrenjanin , October 2-5.,2003, Abstracts p. 31

      55. Ljubica S. Velimirovic , Svetislav M. Mincic, Mica S. Stankovic, Lie Derivative and Infinitesimal Deformations of a Non-symmetric Affine Connection Space , Workshop Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics Belgrade , May 15-21,2002, Abstr. p.56.

      56. Mica S. Stankovic, Svetislav M. Mincic, Ljubica S. Velimirovic , Some Mapings of Generalized Kahlerian Spaces , Workshop Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics Belgrade , May 15-21,2002, Abstracts p48.

      57. Lj. S. Velimirovic , M. S. Stankovic, O konoidnim povrsima pomocu Mathematica-e , MonGeometrija 2002 - XXI jugoslovensko savetovanje za nacrtnu geometriju i inzenjersku grafiku, Podgorica-Virpazar , 20-22,9,2002.

      58. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic, M. S. Stankovic, On Infinitesimal Deformations of Geometric Objects at Non-symmetric Affine Connection Space , 5th International Symposium on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications, Niska Banja , Book of Abstracts p.26, 2.-6.10., 2002.

      59. M. S. Stankovic, S. M. Mincic, Lj. S. Velimirovic , On Hollomorphically Projective Mappings of Generalized Kahlerian Spaces , 5th International Symposium on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications, Niska Banja , 2.-6.10., 2002, Book of Abstracts p.25.

      60. M. S. Stankovic, S. M. Mincic, Lj. S. Velimirovic , Generalized Kahlerian Spaces of the First Kind , 13th Yugoslav Geometrical Seminar, Kragujevac , 18.-20.10., 2002, Abstracts p.8.

      61. Lj. S. Velimirovic , S. M. Mincic, M. S. Stankovic, Infinitesimal Deformations of Curvature at Non-Symetric Affine Connection Space , 13th Yugoslav Geometrical Seminar, Kragujevac , 18.-20.10., 2002, Abstracts p.8.

      62. Lj. S. Velimirovic , Visualization of Some Geometric Objects , Iubilee International Scientific Conference for the 60 th Annivarsary of University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia , 20.-23.11., 2002.  

      63. Svetislav M. Mincic, Mica S. Stankovic, Ljubica S. Velimirovic , Hollomorphically projective Mapings of Generalized Kahlerian Spaces , International Conference Filomat 2001 , August 26-30.2001, Nis, Yugoslavia.

      64. Svetislav M. Mincic, Ljubica S. Velimirovic , Mica S. Stankovic, Infinitesimal Deformations of a Space of Non-symmetric Affine Connection and Generalized Riemannian Space , International Conference Filomat 2001 , August 26-30.2001, Nis.

      65. Lj. S. Velimirovic , Change of area under infinitesimal bending of border curve , Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings (PAMM Conference) , PC-129 Balatonalmadi, 25-28.5.2000, 2-5,9,2000.

      66. Lj. S. Velimirovic , G. Radivojevic, D. Kostic, Geometric analysis of hyperbolic paraboloid as building technic element , Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings (PAMM Conference) , PC-129 Balatonalmadi, 25-28.5.2000, 2-5,9,2000.

      67. M. Velimirovic, A. Vulic, Lj. S. Velimirovic , Generation of Goal Function at Mechanical Variators , Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings (PAMM Conference , PC-129 Balatonalmadi, 25-28.5.2000, 2-5,9,2000.

      68. Lj. S. Velimirovic , Beskonacno malo savijanje toroida , MonGeometrija 2000 - XX jugoslovensko savetovanje za nacrtnu geometriju i inzenjersku grafiku, Nis , 2-5,9,2000.

      69. Lj. S. Velimirovic , Change of variation of the area and volume under infinitesimal bending , 5th YUSNM, Nis , 2-5,9,2000

      70. Lj. S. Velimirovic , On variation of the volume under infinitesimal bending of a closed rotational surface , XII Yougoslav geometrical seminar Novi Sad , 8.-11.10.1998.

      71. Lj. S. Velimirovic , On the second order infinitesimal bendings of a class of toroid , XI Yougoslav geometrical seminar Divcibare , 10.-17.10.1996.

      72. Lj. S. Velimirovic , O broju polja infinitezimalnih deformacija jedne klase toroidnih rotacionih povrsi , IX Congress of Yugoslav mathematicians , Petrovac, 22.-27.5.1995.

      73. Lj. S. Velimirovic , Infinitesimal deformations of toroid rotational surfaces with polygonal meridian , Conference on differential geometry and applications , Brno, Czceh Republic 28.8.-1.9.1995.

      74. S. M. Mincic, Lj. S. Velimirovic , On subspaces of a space with affine connection , Conference on differential geometry and applications , Brno, Czceh Republic 28.8.-1.9.1995.

      75. Lj. S. Velimirovic , Beskonacno male deformacije jedne klase toroidnih povsri , X jugoslovenski skup geometricara, Filomat '94 , Nis 20.-22.X 1994

      76. Lj. S. Velimirovic , Beskonacno male deformacije toroidnih rotacionih povrsi sa trougaonim meridijanom , IX jugoslovenski skup geometricara , Kragujevac, jun 1992.

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