Odštampajte ovu stranicu
Datum kreiranja: 30.01.2014.

Niko Radulović

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 07.03.1981.
  • Mesto rođenja: Šibenik, Hrvatska
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Hemija
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2002.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Поглавље у монографији међународног значаја М14

    Radulovic, N.; Dordevic, A.; Palic, R. Chemical composition and biological activity of Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae). Studium Press, LLC: 2010; pp 93-111.


    Stojanovic-Radic, Z.; Matejic, J.; Radulovic, N. Garlic Essential Oil: Biological Activities and Further Potential. In: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants: Essential Oils I, vol. 36, , pp. 289-328, 2013. Publisher: Studium Press, Editors: J. N. Govil and S. Bhattacharya. ISBN: 1-933699-96-5

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Универзитетски уџбеник

    Благојевић, П. Радуловић, Н. Номенклатура органских једињења, Универзитет у Нишу, Природно-матемaтички факултет, ATLANTIS, Ниш, 2015. 362 стране; ISBN 978-86-6275-042-6; COBISS.SR-ID 219043852. (Одлука Наставно-научног већа бр. 898/1-01 од 10.09.2014. године)

    Практикум - помоћни универзитетски уџбеник

    Радуловић, Н. Практикум из препаративне органске хемије. Природно-математички факултет, ATLANTIS, Ниш, 2015. 518 страна; ISBN 978-86-6275-043-3; COBISS.SR-ID 219048972. (Одлука Наставно-научног већа бр. 385/1-01 од 25.04.2012. године)

    Збирка задатака

    Арсић, Б.; Радуловић, Н. Збирка решених задатака из органске хемије, СКЦ-Ниш, Свен, Ниш, 2001.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    (1) Radulović NS, Živković Stošić MZ. Long-chain syn-1-phenylalkane-1,3-diyl diacetates, related phenylalkane derivatives, and sec-alcohols, all possessing dominantly iso-branched chain termini, and 2/3-methyl-branched fatty acids from Primula veris L. (Primulaceae) wax. Phytochemistry 2021;186.

    (2) Radulović NS, Tasić MM, Mladenović MZ. Oximes of 3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal: Green synthesis, preparative separation of all diastereomers and complete assignment of 1H and 13C NMR spectra. J Mol Struct 2021;1227.

    (3) Đorđević MR, Zlatković DB, Radulović NS. Scilla bifolia Wax as a Source of Diverse Long-Chain Resorcinols and Alkane-1,3-diols. Chem Biodiversity 2021;18(1).

    (4) Randjelovic P, Stojiljkovic N, Radulovic N, Stojanovic N, Ilic I. Problematic Smartphone Use, Screen Time and Chronotype Correlations in University Students. Eur Addict Res 2021;27(1):67-74.

    (5) Stojanović NM, Nikolić G, Todorovska M, Randjelović PJ, Stojiljković NI, Radulović NS. Anxiety disorders - Where do we stand now? Current medicamentous treatment knowledge and future perspectives. Acta Fac Med Naissensis 2021;36(2):91-101.

    (6) Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Pavlović D, Stojiljković NI, Jovanović I, Sokolović D, et al. An Impact of Psychological Stress on the Interplay between Salivary Oxidative Stress and the Classic Psychological Stress-Related Parameters. Oxidative Med Cell Longevity 2021;2021.

    (7) Benedeković G, Popsavin M, Radulović NS, Stojanović-Radić Z, Farkas S, Francuz J, et al. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of (−)-cleistenolide and analogues. Bioorg Chem 2021;106.

    (8) Radulović NS, Filipović SI, Nešić MS, Stojanović NM, Mitić KV, Mladenović MZ, et al. Immunomodulatory Constituents of Conocephalum conicum (Snake Liverwort) and the Relationship of Isolepidozenes to Germacranes and Humulanes. J Nat Prod 2020;83(12):3554-3563.

    (9) Filipović G, Stevanović MD, Stojanović-Radić Z, Obradović R, Randjelović PJ, Radulović NS. Choosing the Right Essential Oil for a Mouthwash: Chemical, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Studies. Chem Biodiversity 2020;17(11).

    (10) Radulović N, Stevanović M, Nešić M, Stojanović N, Ranelović P, Ranelović V. Constituents of Bupleurum praealtum and Bupleurum veronense with Potential Immunomodulatory Activity. J Nat Prod 2020;83(10):2902-2914.

    (11) Raičević V, Radulović N, Jovanović L, Rodić M, Kuzminac I, Jakimov D, et al. Ferrocenylmethylation of estrone and estradiol: Structure, electrochemistry, and antiproliferative activity of new ferrocene–steroid conjugates. Appl Organomet Chem 2020;34(10).

    (12) Pejčić M, Stojanović-Radić Z, Genčić M, Dimitrijević M, Radulović N. Anti-virulence potential of basil and sage essential oils: Inhibition of biofilm formation, motility and pyocyanin production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates. Food Chem Toxicol 2020;141.

    (13) Stojanović-Radić Z, Dimitrijević M, Genčić M, Pejčić M, Radulović N. Anticandidal activity of Inula helenium root essential oil: Synergistic potential, anti-virulence efficacy and mechanism of action. Ind Crops Prod 2020;149.

    (14) Radulović NS, Mladenović MZ, Ristić MN, Dekić VS, Dekić BR, Ristić NR. A new longipinane ketone from Achillea abrotanoides (Vis.) Vis.: chemical transformation of the essential oil enables the identification of a minor constituent. Phytochem Anal 2020;31(4):501-515.

    (15) Randjelović PJ, Radulović NS, Stojanović NM, Dekić VS, Dekić BR, Stojiljković NI, et al. Anxiolytic-Like Action of Selected 4-(Alkylamino)-3-nitrocoumarin Derivatives in BALB/c Mice. Chem Biodiversity 2020;17(6).

    (16) Genčić MS, Aksić JM, Živković Stošić MZ, Đorđević MR, Mladenović MZ, Radulović NS. New neryl esters from Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don (Asteraceae) essential oil. Nat Prod Res 2020.

    (17) Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Nikolić G, Stojiljković N, Ilić S, Stoiljković B, et al. Reliability and validity of the spielberger's state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI) in serbian university student and psychiatric non-psychotic outpatient populations. Acta Fac Med Naissensis 2020;327(2):149-159.

    (18) Mladenović MZ, Radulović NS. A synthetic library of allylmethoxyphenyl esters: spectral characterization and gas chromatographic behavior. Flavour Fragrance J 2019;34(6):471-484.

    (19) Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Mladenović MZ, Ilić IR, Petrović V, Stojiljković N, et al. Toxic essential oils, part VI: Acute oral toxicity of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) essential oil in BALB/c mice. Food Chem Toxicol 2019;133.

    (20) Ilić IR, Stojanović NM, Radulović NS, Živković VV, Randjelović PJ, Petrović AS, et al. The quantitative ER immunohistochemical analysis in breast cancer: Detecting the 3 + 0, 4 + 0, and 5 + 0 allred score cases. Medicina 2019;55(8).

    (21) Radulović NS, Mladenović MZ, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Blagojević PD. Structural Elucidation of Presilphiperfolane-7α,8α-diol, a Bioactive Sesquiterpenoid from Pulicaria vulgaris: A Combined Approach of Solvent-Induced Chemical Shifts, GIAO Calculation of Chemical Shifts, and Full Spin Analysis. J Nat Prod 2019;82(7):1874-1885.

    (22) Dekić BR, Ristić MN, Mladenović MZ, Dekić VS, Ristić NR, Ranđelović V, et al. Diethyl-Ether Flower Washings of Dianthus cruentus Griseb. (Caryophyllaceae): Derivatization Reactions Leading to the Identification of New Wax Constituents. Chem Biodiversity 2019;16(7).

    (23) Ristić MN, Rodić MV, Radulović NS, Dekić BR, Dekić VS, Ristić NR, et al. The crystal structure of aqua-bis(3-acetyl-2-oxo-2H-chromen-4-olato-κ2O,O′)zinc(II) monohydrate, C22H18O10Zn. Z Kristallograph New Cryst Struct 2019;234(4):729-731.

    (24) Miltojević AB, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Radulović NS. Distribution of methyl and isopropyl N-methylanthranilates and their metabolites in organs of rats treated with these two essential-oil constituents. Food Chem Toxicol 2019;128:68-80.

    (25) Andreani S, Uehara A, Blagojević P, Radulović N, Muselli A, Baldovini N. Key odorants of industrially-produced Helichrysum italicum subsp. italicum essential oil. Ind Crops Prod 2019;132:275-282.

    (26) Stojanović NM, Stevanović M, Randjelović P, Mitić K, Petrović V, Sokolović D, et al. Low dose of carvacrol prevents rat pancreas tissue damage after L-arginine application, while higher doses cause pancreatic tissue impairment. Food Chem Toxicol 2019;128:280-285.

    (27) Šošić-Jurjević B, Lütjohann D, Renko K, Filipović B, Radulović N, Ajdžanović V, et al. The isoflavones genistein and daidzein increase hepatic concentration of thyroid hormones and affect cholesterol metabolism in middle-aged male rats. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2019;190:1-10.

    (28) Filipović GL, Stojanović NM, Jovanović ID, Randjelović PJ, Ilić IR, Djordjević NS, et al. Differences in angular photogrammetric soft-tissue facial characteristics among parents and their offspring. Medicina 2019;55(5).

    (29) Đorđević MR, Radulović NS, Stojanović NM, Ranđelović PJ. Immunomodulatory activity of marine natural products: Synthesis, spectral characterization and toxicity assessment of natural and related synthetic iodinated tyramides. Food Chem Toxicol 2019;125:150-160.

    (30) Ristić MN, Radulović NS, Dekić BR, Dekić VS, Ristić NR, Stojanović-Radić Z. Synthesis and Spectral Characterization of Asymmetric Azines Containing a Coumarin Moiety: The Discovery of New Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Agents. Chem Biodiversity 2019;16(1).

    (31) Randjelović P, Stojiljković N, Radulović N, Ilić I, Stojanović N, Ilić S. The association of smartphone usage with subjective sleep quality and daytime sleepiness among medical students. Biol Rhythm Res 2019;50(6):857-865.

    (32) Dekić VS, Rodić MV, Radulović NS, Ristić MN, Dekić BR, Gurešić DM, et al. The crystal structure of 3-nitro-4-(p-tolylamino)-2H-chromen-2-one, C16H12N2O4. Z Kristallograph New Cryst Struct 2019.

    (33) Radulović NS, Genčić MS, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Baldovini N, Kurteva V. Prenylated β-diketones, two new additions to the family of biologically active Hypericum perforatum L. (Hypericaceae) secondary metabolites. Food Chem Toxicol 2018;118:505-513.

    (34) Schneider O, Ilic-Tomic T, Rückert C, Kalinowski J, Gencic MS, Živković MZ, et al. Genomics-based insights into the biosynthesis and unusually high accumulation of free fatty acids by Streptomyces sp. NP10. Front Microbiol 2018;9(JUN).

    (35) Nikolić G, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Manojlović S, Radulović NS. An epidemiological study on herbal product self-medication practice among psychotic outpatients from Serbia: A cross-sectional study. Saudi Pharm J 2018;26(3):335-341.

    (36) Minić A, Jovanović JP, Bogdanović GA, Pejović A, Radulović N, Damljanović I, et al. Synthesis, structural and electrochemical characterization of novel 1,3-ketoureas bearing a ferrocenyl group. Polyhedron 2018;141:343-351.

    (37) Radulović NS, Stojanović NM, Glišić BĐ, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović-Radić ZZ, Mitić KV, et al. Water-soluble gold(III) complexes with N-donor ligands as potential immunomodulatory and antibiofilm agents. Polyhedron 2018;141:164-180.

    (38) Radulović NS, Todorovska MM, Zlatković DB, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ. Corrigendum to “Two goitrogenic 1,3-oxazolidine-2-thione derivatives from Brassicales taxa: Challenging identification, occurrence and immunomodulatory effects” [Food Chem. Toxicol. (2017) 94–108](S0278691517305835)(10.1016/j.fct.2017.10.005). Food Chem Toxicol 2018;111:206.

    (39) Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Radulović NS. Correlation between Two Parameters of Mice Behaviour in the Open Field Test. Acta Fac Med Naissensis 2017;34(4):321-327.

    (40) Radulović NS, Todorovska MM, Zlatković DB, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ. Two goitrogenic 1,3-oxazolidine-2-thione derivatives from Brassicales taxa: Challenging identification, occurrence and immunomodulatory effects. Food Chem Toxicol 2017;110:94-108.

    (41) Minić A, Stevanović D, Vukićević M, Bogdanović GA, D'hooghe M, Radulović NS, et al. Synthesis of novel 4-ferrocenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines and 4-ferrocenylquinolines via α-ferrocenyl carbenium ions as key intermediates. Tetrahedron 2017;73(44):6268-6274.

    (42) Radulović NS, Miltojević AB, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ. Distinct urinary metabolite profiles of two pharmacologically active N-methylanthranilates: Three approaches to xenobiotic metabolite identification. Food Chem Toxicol 2017;109:341-355.

    (43) Dekić MS, Radulović NS, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović-Radić ZZ, Najman S, et al. Spasmolytic, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of 5-phenylpentyl isothiocyanate, a new glucosinolate autolysis product from horseradish (Armoracia rusticana P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb., Brassicaceae). Food Chem 2017;232:329-339.

    (44) Stojanović NM, Samardžić L, Randjelović PJ, Radulović NS. Prevalence of self-medication practice with herbal products among non-psychotic psychiatric patients from southeastern Serbia: A cross-sectional study. Saudi Pharm J 2017;25(6):884-890.

    (45) Pavlović DR, Veljković M, Stojanović NM, Gočmanac-Ignjatović M, Mihailov-Krstev T, Branković S, et al. Influence of different wild-garlic (Allium ursinum) extracts on the gastrointestinal system: spasmolytic, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. J Pharm Pharmacol 2017;69(9):1208-1218.

    (46) Dekić M, Kolašinac R, Radulović N, Šmit B, Amić D, Molčanov K, et al. Synthesis and theoretical investigation of some new 4-substituted flavylium salts. Food Chem 2017;229:688-694.

    (47) Blagojević PD, Pešić MS, Radulović NS. Essential-oil inspired synthetic libraries: synthesis, spectral and gas-chromatographic properties of new fenchyl esters. Flavour Fragrance J 2017;32(4):238-249.

    (48) Radulović NS, Genčić MS, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović-Radić ZZ, Stojiljković NI. Toxic essential oils. Part V: Behaviour modulating and toxic properties of thujones and thujone-containing essential oils of Salvia officinalis L., Artemisia absinthium L., Thuja occidentalis L. and Tanacetum vulgare L. Food Chem Toxicol 2017;105:355-369.

    (49) Blagojević PD, Pešić MS, Radulović NS. Methyl 3-(5-(prop-1-yn-1-yl)thiophen-2-yl)propanoate: A Rare Acetylene Derivative from Artemisia absinthium Root Essential Oil. Nat Pro Comm 2017;12(4):603-606.

    (50) Ilić IR, Petrović A, Živković VV, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM, Radulović NS, et al. Immunohistochemical features of multifocal and multicentric lobular breast carcinoma. Adv Med Sci 2017;62(1):78-82.

    (51) Mladenović MZ, Radulović NS. The essential oil of Achillea ageratifolia (Sm.) Boiss. subsp. serbica (Nyman) Heimerl (Asteraceae) revisited: the stereochemical nomenclature issues, structural elucidation and synthesis of (new) sabinyl esters. Flavour Fragrance J 2017;32(1):5-23.

    (52) Radulović NS, Miljković VM, Mladenović MZ, Nikolić GS. Essential oils of morus alba and M. nigra leaves: Effect of drying on the chemical composition. Nat Pro Comm 2017;12(1):115-118.

    (53) Stojanović NM, Radulović NS, Randjelović PJ, Laketić D. Antinociceptive properties of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) and other hypericum species. Nat Pro Comm 2016;11(11):1741-1747.

    (54) Ilic IR, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Mihajlović MN, Radulović NS, Ilić RS. Evaluation of pathological parameters and morphometric data of desmoplastic lobular breast carcinoma. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2016;59(4):463-468.

    (55) Ilic IR, Djordjevic NP, Randjelovic PJ, Stojanovic NM, Radulovic NS, Ilic RS. Seven-year survey of classical and pleomorphic invasive lobular breast carcinomas in women from southeastern Serbia: Differences in clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features. J B U ON 2016;21(5):1113-1120.

    (56) Stojanović P, Stojanović N, Stojanović-Radić Z, Arsenijević VA, Otašević S, Randjelović P, et al. Surveillance and characterization of Candida bloodstream infections in a Serbian tertiary care hospital. J Infect Dev Ctries 2016;10(6):643-656.

    (57) Radulović NS, Dordević MR, Dekić MS, Blagojevic PD. Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil and Diethyl Ether Extract of Trinia glauca (L.) Dumort. (Apiaceae) and the Chemotaxonomic Significance of 5-O-Methylvisamminol. Chem Biodiversity 2016;13(4):403-415.

    (58) Glišić BD, Hoffmann M, Warzajtis B, Genčić MS, Blagojević PD, Radulović NS, et al. Selectivity of the complexation reactions of four regioisomeric methylcamphorquinoxaline ligands with gold(III): X-ray, NMR and DFT investigations. Polyhedron 2016;105:137-149.

    (59) Vukićević DR, Stevanović DD, Genčić MS, Blagojević PD, Radulović NS. Essential-Oil Constituents and Alkanes of Cephalaria ambrosioides Roem. & Schult. (Family Caprifoliaceae, Subfamily Dipsacaceae) and (Chemo)taxonomic Discernment of the Subfamilies Dipsacaceae and Morinaceae. Chem Biodiversity 2016;13(2):198-209.

    (60) Zlatković DB, Radulović NS. Reduction of Biginelli compounds by LiAlH4: a rapid access to molecular diversity. RSC Adv 2016;6(116):115058-115067.

    (61) Radulović NS, Nešić MS. Diverse acetals from stoichiometric amounts of aldehydes and alcohols under very mild conditions: A new twist to PPh3-CCl4 reagent combination. RSC Adv 2016;6(95):93068-93080.

    (62) Radulović NS, Dordević MR, Blagojević PD. Structural revision of aristol: A fresh look at the oxidative coupling of thymol under iodination conditions. RSC Adv 2016;6(73):69067-69082.

    (63) Radojević ID, Vasić SM, Dekić MS, Radulović NS, Delić GT, Durdević JS, et al. Antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects of extracts from Trapa Natans L., evaluation of total phenolic and flavonoid contents and GC-MS analysis. Acta Pol Pharm Drug Res 2016;73(6):1565-1574.

    (64) Radulović NS, Filipović SI, Zlatković DB, Dordević MR, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, et al. Immunomodulatory pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the liverwort: Porella cordaeana (Porellaceae): The "new old" furanopinguisanol and its oxidation product exert mutually different effects on rat splenocytes. RSC Adv 2016;6(48):41847-41860.

    (65) Radulović NS, Miltojević AB, Stojković MB, Blagojević PD. New volatile sulfur-containing compounds from wild garlic (Allium ursinum L., Liliaceae). Food Res Int 2015;78:1-10.

    (66) Radulović NS, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM, Cakić ND, Bogdanović GA, Živanović AV. Aboriginal bush foods: A major phloroglucinol from Crimson Bottlebrush flowers (Callistemon citrinus, Myrtaceae) displays strong antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity. Food Res Int 2015;77:280-289.

    (67) Dekic MS, Radulovic NS, Rand Strok Signelovic VN, Stojanovic-Radic ZZ, Veljkovic BP. Essential Oils and Diethyl Ether Extracts of Serbian Xeranthemum cylindraceum and X. annum: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial Activity, and Chemotaxonomic Implications. Chem Biodiversity 2015;12(9):1378-1397.

    (68) Genčić MS, Radulović NS. Lanthanide-induced shift reagents enable the structural elucidation of natural products in inseparable complex mixtures - the case of elemenal from Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae). RSC Adv 2015;5(89):72670-72682.

    (69) Blagojevic PD, Radulovic NS, Skropeta D. (Chemotaxonomic) implications of postharvest/storage-induced changes in plant volatile profiles - The case of Artemisia absinthium L. essential oil. Chem Biodiversity 2015;12(8):1237-1255.

    (70) Radulović NS, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM, Ilić IR, Miltojević AB, Stojković MB, et al. Effect of two esters of N-methylanthranilic acid from Rutaceae species on impaired kidney morphology and function in rats caused by CCl4. Life Sci 2015;135:110-117.

    (71) Ilic-Tomic T, Genčić MS, Živković MZ, Vasiljevic B, Djokic L, Nikodinovic-Runic J, et al. Structural diversity and possible functional roles of free fatty acids of the novel soil isolate Streptomyces sp. NP10. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2015;99(11):4815-4833.

    (72) Pejović A, Danneels B, Desmet T, Cham BT, Van Nguyen T, Radulović NS, et al. Synthesis and antimicrobial/cytotoxic assessment of ferrocenyl oxazinanes, oxazinan-2-ones, and tetrahydropyrimidin-2-ones. Synlett 2015;26(9):1195-1200.

    (73) Radulović NS, Mladenović MZ, Randjelovic PJ, Stojanović NM, Dekić MS, Blagojević PD. Toxic essential oils. Part IV: The essential oil of Achillea falcata L. as a source of biologically/pharmacologically active trans-sabinyl esters. Food Chem Toxicol 2015;80:114-129.

    (74) Stanojević LP, Radulović NS, Djokić TM, Stanković BM, Ilić DP, Cakić MD, et al. Corrigendum to "The yield, composition and hydrodistillation kinetics of the essential oil of dill seeds (Anethii fructus) obtained by different hydrodistillation techniques" [Ind. Crops Prod. 65, (2014) 429-436]. Ind Crops Prod 2015;67:509.

    (75) Stevanović D, Pejović A, Damljanović I, Minić A, Bogdanović GA, Vukićević M, et al. Ferrier rearrangement promoted by an electrochemically generated zirconium catalyst. Carbohydr Res 2015;407:111-121.

    (76) Mihajilov-Krstev TM, Denić MS, Zlatković BK, Stankov-Jovanović VP, Mitić VD, Stojanović GS, et al. Inferring the origin of rare fruit distillates from compositional data using multivariate statistical analyses and the identification of new flavour constituents. J Sci Food Agric 2015;95(6):1217-1235.

    (77) Topuzović MD, Radojević ID, Dekić MS, Radulović NS, Vasić SM, Čomić LR, et al. Phytomedical investigation of Najas Minor all. In the view of the chemical constituents. EXCLI J 2015;14:496-503.

    (78) Pinheiro MMG, Miltojević AB, Radulović NS, Abdul-Wahab IR, Boylan F, Fernandes PD. Anti-inflammatory activity of Choisya ternata kunth essential oil, ternanthranin, and its two synthetic analogs (methyl and propyl N-methylanthranilates). PLoS ONE 2015;10(3).

    (79) Stanojević LP, Radulović NS, Djokić TM, Stanković BM, Ilić DP, Cakić MD, et al. The yield, composition and hydrodistillation kinetics of the essential oil of dill seeds (Anethi fructus) obtained by different hydrodistillation techniques. Ind Crops Prod 2015;65:429-436.

    (80) Miltojević AB, Radulović NS. Structural elucidation of thermolysis products of methyl N-methyl-N-nitrosoanthranilate. RSC Adv 2015;5(66):53569-53585.

    (81) Radulović NS, Stojanović-Radić Z, Stojanović P, Stojanović N, Dekić V, Dekić B. A small library of 4-(alkylamino)-3-nitrocoumarin derivatives with potent antimicrobial activity against gastrointestinal pathogens. J Serb Chem Soc 2015;80(3):315-327.

    (82) Bugarčić ZM, Divac VM, Kostić MD, Janković NŽ, Heinemann FW, Radulović NS, et al. Synthesis, crystal and solution structures and antimicrobial screening of palladium(II) complexes with 2-(phenylselanylmethyl)oxolane and 2-(phenylselanylmethyl)oxane as ligands. J Inorg Biochem 2015;143:9-19.

    (83) Miljkovic V, Nikolic L, Radulovic N, Arsic B, Nikolic G, Kostic D, et al. Flavonoids in mulberry fruit: Identification of nonanthocyanin phenolics in some mulberry fruit species (Morus alba L., Morus rubra L. and Morus nigra L.). Agro Food Ind Hi-Tech 2015;26(3):38-42.

    (84) Minić A, Stevanović D, Damljanović I, Pejović A, Vukićević M, Bogdanović GA, et al. Synthesis of ferrocene-containing six-membered cyclic ureas via α-ferrocenyl carbocations. RSC Adv 2015;5(32):24915-24919.

    (85) Mitrovic TL, Stamenkovic SM, Cvetkovic VJ, Radulovic NS, Mladenovic MZ, Stankovic MS, et al. Contribution to the knowledge of the chemical composition and biological activity of the lichens cladonia foliacea h u d s. (wild.) and hypogymnia physodes (l.). Oxid Commun 2015;38(4A):2016-2032.

    (86) Glišić BD, Warz ajtis B, Radulović NS, Rychlewska U, Djuran MI. Gold(III) complexes with phenazine and quinoxaline: The role of molecular symmetry in intra- and intermolecular interactions. Polyhedron 2014;87:208-214.

    (87) Radulović NS, Zlatković DB, Mitić KV, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM. Synthesis, spectral characterization, cytotoxicity and enzyme-inhibiting activity of new ferrocene-indole hybrids. Polyhedron 2014;80:134-141.

    (88) Warzajtis B, Glišić BD, Radulović NS, Rychlewska U, Djuran MI. Gold(III) complexes with monodentate coordinated diazines: An evidence for strong electron-withdrawing effect of Au(III) ion. Polyhedron 2014;79:221-228.

    (89) Radulovic NS, Mladenovic MZ, Blagojevic PD. (Un)Targeted metabolomics in asteraceae: Probing the applicability of essential-oil profiles of senecio L. (Senecioneae) taxa in chemotaxonomy. Chem Biodiversity 2014;11(9):1330-1353.

    (90) Mitrović T, Stamenković S, Cvetković V, Radulović N, Mladenović M, Stanković M, et al. Platismatia glauca and Pseudevernia furfuracea lichens as sources of antioxidant, Antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents. EXCLI J 2014;13:938-953.

    (91) Pejović A, Denić MS, Stevanović D, Damljanović I, Vukićević M, Kostova K, et al. Discovery of anxiolytic 2-ferrocenyl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones exerting GABAA receptor interaction via the benzodiazepine-binding site. Eur J Med Chem 2014;83:57-73.

    (92) Radulović NS, Zlatković DB, Ilić-Tomić T, Senerović L, Nikodinovic-Runic J. Cytotoxic effect of Reseda lutea L.: A case of forgotten remedy. J Ethnopharmacol 2014;153(1):125-132.

    (93) Pinheiro MMG, Radulović NS, Miltojević AB, Boylan F, Dias Fernandes P. Antinociceptive esters of N-methylanthranilic acid: Mechanism of action in heat-mediated pain. Eur J Pharmacol 2014;727(1):106-114.

    (94) Dekić B, Samaržija-Jovanović S, Jovanović V, Dekić V, Radulović N, Simonović R, et al. Influence of the aryl substituent identity in 4-arylamino-3-nitrocoumarins on their thermal behavior. J Therm Anal Calor 2014;115(2):1619-1626.

    (95) Radulović NS, Zlatković DB. n-Octyl esters of long-chain fatty acids are not anthropogenic pollution markers. Environ Chem Lett 2014;12(2):303-312.

    (96) Radulovic̈ NS, Dordevic̈ MR. Chemical composition of the tuber essential oil from Helianthus tuberosus L. (Asteraceae). Chem Biodiversity 2014;11(3):427-437.

    (97) Radulović NS, Mladenović MZ, Stojanović-Radić ZZ. Synthesis of small libraries of natural products: New esters of long-chain alcohols from the essential oil of Scandix pecten-veneris L. (Apiaceae). Flavour Fragrance J 2014;29(4):255-266.

    (98) Radulovic̈ NS, Denic̈ MS, Stojanovic̈-Radic̈ ZZ. Synthesis of small combinatorial libraries of natural products: Identification and quantification of new long-chain 3-methyl-2-alkanones from the root essential oil of Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae). Phytochem Anal 2014;25(1):75-80.

    (99) Radulovic̈ NS, Zlatkovic̈ D, Dekic̈ M, Stojanovic̈-Radic̈ Z. Further antibacterial Geranium macrorrhizum L. metabolites and synthesis of epoxygermacrones. Chem Biodiversity 2014;11(4):542-550.

    (100) Ljupković RB, Radulović NS, Bojić AL, Zarubica AR, Mićić RD, Tomić MD. Significance of the structural properties of CaO catalyst in the production of biodiesel: An effect on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Hem Ind 2014;68(4):399-412.

    (101) Radulović NS, Stojanović-Radić Z, Stojanović P, Stojanović N, Dekić V, Dekić B. A small library of 4-(alkylamino)-3-nitrocoumarin derivatives with potent antimicrobial activity against gastrointestinal pathogens. J Serb Chem Soc 2014;79(11).

    (102) Radulović NS, Mladenović MZ, Stojanović-Radić Z, Bogdanović GA, Stevanović D, Vukićević RD. Synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial evaluation of a small library of ferrocene-containing acetoacetates and phenyl analogs: The discovery of a potent anticandidal agent. Mol Diversity 2014;18(3):497-510.

    (103) Kramar A, Ilic-Tomic T, Petkovic M, Radulović N, Kostic M, Jocic D, et al. Crude bacterial extracts of two new Streptomyces sp. isolates as bio-colorants for textile dyeing. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 2014;30(8):2231-2240.

    (104) Warzajtis B, Rychlewska U, Radanović DD, Stanojević IM, Drašković NS, Radulović NS, et al. Carboxylato-bridged polymeric complexes of chromium(III) with the hexadentate (±)-1,3-pentanediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate ligand carrying different counter ions. Stereospecific formation and crystal structures of Na[Cr(1,3-pndta)]·H2O, K[Cr(1,3-pndta)]·H2O and Ca[Cr(1,3-pndta)]2·4H2O. Polyhedron 2014;67:270-278.

    (105) Šošić-Jurjević B, Filipović B, Wirth EK, Živanović J, Radulović N, Janković S, et al. Soy isoflavones interfere with thyroid hormone homeostasis in orchidectomized middle-aged rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2014;278(2):124-134.

    (106) Damljanović I, Stevanović D, Pejović A, Ilić D, Živković M, Jovanović J, et al. The palladium(ii) complex of N,N-diethyl-1-ferrocenyl-3-thiabutanamine: Synthesis, solution and solid state structure and catalytic activity in Suzuki-Miyaura reaction. RSC Adv 2014;4(82):43792-43799.

    (107) Zarubica A, Rancrossed D Signelović M, Momčilović M, Radulović N, Putanov P. N-hydrocarbons conversions over metal-modified solid acid catalysts. Russ J Phys Chem A 2013;87(13):2166-2175.

    (108) Radulović NS, Zlatković DB, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM, Novaković SB, Akhlaghi H. Chemistry of spices: Bornyl 4-methoxybenzoate from Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss. (Apiaceae) induces hyperalgesia in mice. Food Funct 2013;4(12):1751-1758.

    (109) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM. The last decade of antinociceptive alkaloids: Structure, synthesis, mechanism of action and prospect. Curr Top Med Chem 2013;13(17):2134-2170.

    (110) Radulović NS, Jovanović I, Ilić IR, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM, Miltojević AB. Methyl and isopropyl N-methylanthranilates attenuate diclofenac- and ethanol-induced gastric lesions in rats. Life Sci 2013;93(22):840-846.

    (111) Radulovic̈ NS, Dekic̈ MS. Volatiles of Geranium purpureum Vill. and Geranium phaeum L.: Chemotaxonomy of Balkan geranium and Erodium species (Geraniaceae). Chem Biodiversity 2013;10(11):2042-2052.

    (112) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD, Miltojević AB. α-Linalool - a marker compound of forged/synthetic sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oils. J Sci Food Agric 2013;93(13):3292-3303.

    (113) Radulovic̈ NS, Miltojevic̈ AB, Randjelovic̈ PJ, Stojanovic̈ NM, Boylan F. Effects of methyl and isopropyl N-methylanthranilates from Choisya ternata Kunth (Rutaceae) on experimental anxiety and depression in mice. Phytother Res 2013;27(9):1334-1338.

    (114) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD. Average mass scan of the total ion chromatograms: A new gas chromatography-mass spectrometry derived variable for fast and reliable multivariate statistical treatment of essential oil compositional data. J Chromatogr A 2013;1301:190-199.

    (115) Radulović NS, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM, Blagojević PD, Stojanović-Radić ZZ, Ilić IR, et al. Toxic essential oils. Part II: Chemical, toxicological, pharmacological and microbiological profiles of Artemisia annua L. volatiles. Food Chem Toxicol 2013;58:37-49.

    (116) Radulovic̈ NS, Mladenovic̈ MZ, Blagojevic̈ PD. A 'low-level' chemotaxonomic analysis of the plant family apiaceae: The case of Scandix balansae Reut. ex Boiss. (Tribe Scandiceae). Chem Biodiversity 2013;10(7):1202-1219.

    (117) Stevanovic̈ D, Pejovic̈ A, Damljanovic̈ IS, Vukic̈evic̈ MD, Dobrikov G, Dimitrov V, et al. Electrochemical phenylselenoetherification as a key step in the synthesis of (±)-curcumene ether. Helv Chim Acta 2013;96(6):1103-1110.

    (118) Radulovic̈ NS, Denic̈ MS. Essential oils from the roots of echinops bannaticus rochel ex schrad. and echinops sphaerocephalus L. (Asteraceae): Chemotaxonomic and biosynthetic aspects. Chem Biodiversity 2013;10(4):658-676.

    (119) Radulović NS, Miltojević AB, Vukićević RD. Simple and efficient one-pot solvent-free synthesis of N-methyl imines of aromatic aldehydes. C R Chim 2013;16(3):257-270.

    (120) Radulovic NS, Blagojevic PD, Stojanovic-Radic ZZ, Stojanovic NM. Antimicrobial plant metabolites: Structural diversity and mechanism of action. Curr Med Chem 2013;20(7):932-952.

    (121) Zarubica A, Randjelovic M, Momcilovic M, Stojkovic N, Vasic M, Radulovic N. The balance between acidity and tetragonal phase fraction in the favorable catalytic act of modified zirconia towards isomerized n-hexane(s). Opto Adv Mat Rap Comm 2013;7(1-2):62-69.

    (122) Radulović NS, Mladenović MZ, Blagojević PD, Stojanović-Radić ZZ, Ilic-Tomic T, Senerovic L, et al. Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.). Food Chem Toxicol 2013;62:554-565.

    (123) Radulović N, Denić M, Stojanović-Radić Z, Skropeta D. Fatty and volatile oils of the gypsywort Lycopus europaeus L. and the gaussian-like distribution of its wax alkanes. JAOCS J Am Oil Chem Soc 2012;89(12):2165-2185.

    (124) Zarubica A, Kostic D, Rancic S, Popovic Z, Vasic M, Radulovic N. An improvement of the eighth grade pupils' organic chemistry knowledge with the use of a combination of educational tools: An evaluation study - expectations and effects. New Educ Rev 2012;30(4):93-102.

    (125) Radulović NS, Stojković MB, Mitić SS, Randjelović PJ, Ilić IR, Stojanović NM, et al. Exploitation of the antioxidant potential of geranium macrorrhizum (geraniaceae): Hepatoprotective and antimicrobial activities. Nat Pro Comm 2012;7(12):1609-1614.

    (126) Ilić D, Damljanović I, Vukićević M, Kahlenberg V, Laus G, Radulović NS, et al. Dimethyl(2-oxo-2-ferrocenylethyl)sulfonium iodide - A useful synthetic equivalent of ferrocenoylcarbene in the synthesis of ferrocene-containing cyclopropanes. Tetrahedron Lett 2012;53(45):6018-6021.

    (127) Blagojević PD, Radulović NS. Conformational analysis of antistaphylococcal sesquiterpene lactones from Inula helenium essential oil. Nat Pro Comm 2012;7(11):1407-1410.

    (128) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD. Chemical composition of hypericum rumeliacum boiss. Essential oil. A new chemotype of this pharmacologically valuable species? Chem Biodiversity 2012;9(10):2324-2341.

    (129) Ilić D, Damljanović I, Stevanović D, Vukićević M, Blagojević P, Radulović N, et al. Sulfur-containing ferrocenyl alcohols and oximes: New promising antistaphylococcal agents. Chem Biodiversity 2012;9(10):2236-2253.

    (130) Stojanović-Radić Z, Čomić L, Radulović N, Blagojević P, Mihajilov-Krstev T, Rajković J. Commercial Carlinae radix herbal drug: Botanical identity, chemical composition and antimicrobial properties. Pharm Biol 2012;50(8):933-940.

    (131) Pejović A, Stevanović D, Damljanović I, Vukićević M, Novaković SB, Bogdanović GA, et al. Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of 3-(arylamino)-1-ferrocenylpropan-1-ones. Helv Chim Acta 2012;95(8):1425-1441.

    (132) Milosavljević NP, Blagojević PD, Savić DS, Radulović NS. Application of HS-SPME-GC-MS-derived variables for monitoring ripening-induced changes in cheese volatile compounds. Dairy Sci Technol 2012;92(4):321-333.

    (133) Radulović NS, Dekić MS, Stojanović-Radić ZZ. Antimicrobial volatile glucosinolate autolysis products from Hornungia petraea (L.) Rchb. (Brassicaceae). Phytochem Lett 2012;5(2):351-357.

    (134) Radulović NS, Dekić MS, Randelović PJ, Stojanović NM, Zarubica AR, Stojanović-Radić ZZ. Toxic essential oils: Anxiolytic, antinociceptive and antimicrobial properties of the yarrow Achillea umbellata Sibth. et Sm. (Asteraceae) volatiles. Food Chem Toxicol 2012;50(6):2016-2026.

    (135) Stojanović-Radić Z, Čomić L, Radulović N, Blagojević P, Denić M, Miltojević A, et al. Antistaphylococcal activity of Inula helenium L. root essential oil: Eudesmane sesquiterpene lactones induce cell membrane damage. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2012;31(6):1015-1025.

    (136) Radulović N, Dekić M, Stojanović-Radić Z. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the volatile oils of Geranium sanguineum L. and G. robertianum L. (Geraniaceae). Med Chem Res 2012;21(5):601-615.

    (137) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD. The most frequently encountered volatile contaminants of essential oils and plant extracts introduced during the isolation procedure: Fast and easy profiling. Phytochem Anal 2012;23(2):131-142.

    (138) Radulović N, DorDević N, Denić M, Pinheiro MMG, Fernandes PD, Boylan F. A novel toxic alkaloid from poison hemlock (Conium maculatum L., Apiaceae): Identification, synthesis and antinociceptive activity. Food Chem Toxicol 2012;50(2):274-279.

    (139) Pejović A, Damljanović I, Stevanović D, Vukićević M, Novaković SB, Bogdanović GA, et al. Antimicrobial ferrocene containing quinolinones: Synthesis, spectral, electrochemical and structural characterization of 2-ferrocenyl-2,3- dihydroquinolin-4(1H)-one and its 6-chloro and 6-bromo derivatives. Polyhedron 2012;31(1):789-795.

    (140) Radulovic N, Miltojevic A. Alkanes of Jurinea mollis, a pannonian subendemic species. Chem Nat Compd 2012;47(6):963-965.

    (141) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD. Volatile secondary metabolites of micromeria dalmatica benth. (Lamiaceae): Biosynthetical and chemotaxonomical aspects. Chem Biodiversity 2012;9(7):1303-1319.

    (142) Radulović NS, Mladenović MZ, Dordević ND. Chemotypification of astrantia major L. (Apiaceae): Essential-oil and lignan profiles of fruits. Chem Biodiversity 2012;9(7):1320-1337.

    (143) Radulović N, Dekić M, Joksović M, Vukićević R. Chemotaxonomy of Serbian teucrium species inferred from essential oil chemical composition: The Case of Teucrium scordium L. ssp. scordioides. Chem Biodiversity 2012;9(1):106-122.

    (144) Vučićevic-Prcetic K, Cservenák R, Radulović N. Development and validation of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry methods for the determination of gentamicin, lincomycin, and spectinomycin in the presence of their impurities in pharmaceutical formulations. J Pharm Biomed Anal 2011;56(4):736-742.

    (145) Miltojcvić A, Radulović N, Vukićević RD, Trifunović S, Borrmann H. Crystal structure of 3-cyclohexyl-1,3-oxazinan-2-one, C 10H 17NO 2. Z Kristallograph New Cryst Struct 2011;226(4):651-652.

    (146) Damljanović I, Stevanović D, Pejović A, Vukićević M, Novaković SB, Bogdanović GA, et al. Antibacterial 3-(arylamino)-1-ferrocenylpropan-1-ones: Synthesis, spectral, electrochemical and structural characterization. J Organomet Chem 2011;696(23):3703-3713.

    (147) Radulović NS, Dordević ND. Steroids from Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum L.): A GC-MS analysis. J Serb Chem Soc 2011;76(10).

    (148) Radulović N, Dekić M, Stojanović-Radić Z. A new antimicrobial glucosinolate autolysis product, 4- isothiocyanatobutanoic acid, from the diffuse wallflower (Erysimum diffusum): Methyl 4-isothiocyanatobutanoate, a long unrecognized artifact of the isolation procedure? Food Chem 2011;129(1):125-130.

    (149) Wahab IRA, Blagojević PD, Radulović NS, Boylan F. Volatiles of curcuma mangga Val. & Zijp (Zingiberaceae) from Malaysia. Chem Biodiversity 2011;8(11):2005-2014.

    (150) Stanojević L, Stanković M, Cakić M, Nikolić V, Nikolić L, Ilić D, et al. The effect of hydrodistillation techniques on yield, kinetics, composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from flowers of Lavandula officinalis L. Hem Ind 2011;65(4):455-463.

    (151) Stevanović D, Damljanović I, Vukićević M, Manojlović N, Radulović NS, Vukićević RD. Electrochemical chlorination of physcion - An approach to naturally occurring chlorinated secondary metabolites of lichens. Helv Chim Acta 2011;94(8):1406-1415.

    (152) Radulović N, Blagojević PD, Rabbitt K, De Sousa Menezes F. Essential oil of Nepeta x faassenii Bergmans ex Stearn (N. mussinii Spreng. x N. nepetella L.): A comparison study. Nat Pro Comm 2011;6(7):1015-1022.

    (153) Radulović NS, Miltojević AB, McDermott M, Waldren S, Parnell JA, Pinheiro MMG, et al. Identification of a new antinociceptive alkaloid isopropyl N-methylanthranilate from the essential oil of Choisya ternata Kunth. J Ethnopharmacol 2011;135(3):610-619.

    (154) Radulović N, Dekić M, Stojanović Radić Z, Palić R. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Geranium columbinum L. and G. lucidum L. (Geraniaceae). Turk J Chem 2011;35(3):499-512.

    (155) Radulović N, dordević N, Stojanović-Radić Z. Volatiles of the Balkan endemic Daucus guttatus ssp. zahariadii and cultivated and wild-growing D. carota - A comparison study. Food Chem 2011;125(1):35-43.

    (156) Lazarević JS, Dordević AS, Zlatković BK, Radulović NS, Palić RM. Chemical composition and antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil of Allium sphaerocephalon L. subsp. sphaerocephalon (Liliaceae) inflorescences. J Sci Food Agric 2011;91(2):322-329.

    (157) Radulović NS, Dordević ND. Steroids from poison hemlock (Conium maculatum L.): A GC-MS analysis. J Serb Chem Soc 2011;76(11):1471-1483.

    (158) Vucicevic-Prcetic K, Cservenak R, Radulović N. Determination of neomycin and oxytetracycline in the presence of their impurities in veterinary dosage forms by high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J AOAC Int 2011;94(3):750-757.

    (159) Stojanović IŽ, Radulović NS, Mitrović TL, Stamenković SM, Stojanović GS. Volatile constituents of selected Parmeliaceae lichens. J Serb Chem Soc 2011;76(7):987-994.

    (160) Radulović NS, Bogdanović GA, Blagojević PD, Dekić VS, Vukićević RD. Could X-ray analysis explain for the differing antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of two 2-arylamino-3-nitro-coumarins? J Chem Crystallogr 2011;41(4):545-551.

    (161) Dekić V, Radulović N, Vukićević R, Dekić B, Stojanović-Radić Z, Palić R. Influence of the aryl substituent identity in 4-arylamino- 3-nitrocoumarins on their antimicrobial activity. Afr J Pharm Pharmacol 2011;5(3):371-375.

    (162) Radulović N, Denić M, Stojanović-Radić Z. Antimicrobial phenolic abietane diterpene from Lycopus europaeus L. (Lamiaceae). Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2010;20(17):4988-4991.

    (163) Ilić D, Damljanović I, Stevanović D, Vukićević M, Radulović N, Kahlenberg V, et al. Synthesis, spectral characterization, electrochemical properties and antimicrobial screening of sulfur containing acylferrocenes. Polyhedron 2010;29(7):1863-1869.

    (164) Lazarević J, Radulović N, Zlatković B, Palić R. Composition of Achillea distans Willd. subsp. distans root essential oil. Nat Prod Res 2010;24(8):718-731.

    (165) Radulovic NS, Doroevic AS, Palić RM. The intrasectional chemotaxonomic placement of Hypericum elegans Stephan ex WILLD. Inferred from the essential-oil chemical composition. Chem Biodiversity 2010;7(4):943-952.

    (166) Radulović N, Dordević N, Marković M, Palić R. Volatile constituents of Glechoma hirsuta Waldst. & kit. and G. hederacea L. (lamiaceae). Bull Chem Soc Ethiop 2010;24(1):67-76.

    (167) Trifunović S, Dimitrijević D, Vasić G, Radulović N, Vukićević M, Heinemann FW, et al. New simple synthesis of N-substituted 1,3-oxazinan-2-ones. Synthesis 2010(6):943-946.

    (168) Stojanović-Radić Z, Čomić L, Radulović N, Dekić M, Randelović V, Stefanović O. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Erodium species: E. ciconium L., E. cicutarium L., and E. absinthoides willd. (Geraniaceae). Chem Pap 2010;64(3):368-377.

    (169) Ratković Z, Juranić ZD, Stanojković T, Manojlović D, Vukićević RD, Radulović N, et al. Synthesis, characterization, electrochemical studies and antitumor activity of some new chalcone analogues containing ferrocenyl pyrazole moiety. Bioorg Chem 2010;38(1):26-32.

    (170) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD. Plant volatiles providing additional evidences to the occurence of a wild-growing population of Calamintha vardarensis (Greuter et Burdet) Šilić outside of its natural habitat. Chem Biodiversity 2010;7(12):2856-2868.

    (171) Radulović N, Blagojević P. Volatile profiles of Artemisia alba from contrasting serpentine and calcareous habitats. Nat Pro Comm 2010;5(7):1117-1122.

    (172) Radulović NS, Dordević ND, Palić RM. Volatiles of Pleurospermum austriacum (L.) Hoffm. (Apiaceae). J Serb Chem Soc 2010;75(12):1653-1660.

    (173) Radulović N, Blagojević P, Palić R. Volatiles of the grape hybrid cultivar othello (vitis vinifera x (vitis labrusca x vitis riparia)) cultivated in serbia. J Essent Oil Res 2010;22(6):616-619.

    (174) Radulovic NS, Blagojevic PD, Skropeta D. Average mass scan of the total ion chromatogram versus percentage chemical composition in multivariate statistical comparison of complex volatile mixtures. J Braz Chem Soc 2010;21(12):2319-2326.

    (175) Radulovic N, Blagojevic P, Palic R. Comparative study of the leaf volatiles of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. and Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. (Ericaceae). Molecules 2010;15(9):6168-6185.

    (176) Radulović N, Đordević N, Palic R, Zlatković B. Volatiles from the leaves of carum graecum boiss. et heldr. subsp. graecum (apiaceae) from serbia. J Essent Oil Res 2010;22(6):518-520.

    (177) Radulović N, Đorđević A, Palić R, Zlatković B. Essential oil composition of hypericum annulatum moris (hypericaceae) from serbia. J Essent Oil Res 2010;22(6):619-624.

    (178) Radulović NS, Dekić MS, Stojanović-Radić ZZ, Zoranić SK. Geranium macrorrhizum L. (Geraniaceae) essential oil: A potent agent against bacillus subtilis. Chem Biodiversity 2010;7(11):2783-2800.

    (179) Radulović N, Blagojević P, Palić R, Zlatković B. Chemical composition of the essential oil hydrodistilled from serbian taxus baccata L. J Essent Oil Res 2010;22(5):458-461.

    (180) Jovanović O, Radulović N, Palić R, Zlatković B. Root Essential Oil of Achillea lingulata Waldst. and Kit. (Asteraceae). J Essent Oil Res 2010;22(4):336-339.

    (181) Radulović N, Blagojević P, Palić R, Zlatković B. Volatiles of telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. (Asteraceae) From Serbia. J Essent Oil Res 2010;22(3):250-254.

    (182) Lazarević J, Radulović N, Palić R, Zlatković B. Chemical analysis of volatile constituents of berula erecta (Hudson) coville subsp. erecta (Apiaceae) from Serbia. J Essent Oil Res 2010;22(2):153-156.

    (183) Dekić BR, Radulović NS, Dekić VS, Vukicević RD, Palić RM. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of new 4-heteroarylamino coumarin derivatives containing nitrogen and sulfur as heteroatoms. Molecules 2010;15(4):2246-2256.

    (184) Dekić B, Dekić V, Radulović N, Vukićević R, Palić R. Synthesis of new antimicrobial 4-aminosubstituted 3-nitrocoumarins. Chem Pap 2010;64(3):354-359.

    (185) Smelcerovic A, Lamshoeft M, Radulovic N, Ilic D, Palic R. LC-MS analysis of the essential oils of Achillea millefolium and Achillea crithmifolia. Chromatographia 2010;71(1-2):113-116.

    (186) Dekić V, Radulović N, Vukićević R, Dekić B, Skropeta D, Palić R. Complete assignment of the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of antimicrobial 4-arylamino- 3-nitrocoumarin derivatives. Magn Reson Chem 2010;48(11):896-902.

    (187) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD, Skropeta D, Zarubica AR, Zlatković BK, Palić RM. Misidentification of tansy, Tanacetum macrophyllum, as yarrow, Achillea grandifolia: A health risk or benefit? Nat Pro Comm 2010;5(1):121-127.

    (188) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD, Zlatković BK, Palić RM. A GC/MS profile of the volatile constituents of the aerial parts of Artemisia abrotanum L. (Asteraceae) from Serbia. S Afr J Chem 2009;62:30-32.

    (189) Radulović N, Dekić M, Stojanović-Radić Z, Palić R. Volatile constituents of Erodium cicutarium (L.) L' Hérit. (Geraniaceae). Cent Eur J Biol 2009;4(3):404-410.

    (190) Radulović NS, Crossed D Signorcrossed D Signević,A.S., Zlatković BK, Palić RM. GC-MS analyses of flower ether extracts of Prunus domestica L. and Prunus padus L. (Rosaceae). Chem Pap 2009;63(4):377-384.

    (191) Damljanović I, Čolović M, Vukićević M, Manojlović D, Radulović N, Wurst K, et al. Synthesis, spectral characterization and electrochemical properties of 1H-3-(o-, m- and p-ferrocenylphenyl)-1-phenylpyrazole-4-carboxaldehydes. J Organomet Chem 2009;694(9-10):1575-1580.

    (192) Damljanović I, Vukićević M, Radulović N, Palić R, Ellmerer E, Ratković Z, et al. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some new pyrazole derivatives containing a ferrocene unit. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2009;19(4):1093-1096.

    (193) Radulović N, Blagojević P, Palić R. Composition of diethyl ether flower extracts of Lonicera fragrantissima Lindl. & Paxton (Caprifoliaceae). Nat Pro Comm 2009;4(11):1581-1584.

    (194) Radulovic N, Blagojević P, Palić R. Fatty acid derived compounds - The dominant volatile class of the essential oil poor Sonchus arvensis subsp. uliginosus (Bieb.) Nyman. Nat Pro Comm 2009;4(3):405-410.

    (195) Lazarević J, Radulović N, Palić R, Zlatković B. Chemical composition of the essential oil of doronicum austriacum Jacq. Subsp. Giganteum (Griseb.) Stoj. Et Stef. (Compositae) From Serbia. J Essent Oil Res 2009;21(6):507-510.

    (196) Jovanović O, Radulović N, Palić R, Zlatković B. Volatiles of minuartia recurva (all.) schinz et thell. subsp. recurva (caryophyllaceae) from serbia. J Essent Oil Res 2009;21(5):429-432.

    (197) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD, Zlatković BK, Palić RM. Chemotaxonomically important volatiles of the genus anthemis L. - A detailed GC and GC/MS analyses of anthemis segetalis Ten. from Montenegro. J Chin Chem Soc 2009;56(3):642-652.

    (198) Radulović NS, Blagojević PD, Palić RM, Zlatković BK, Stevanović BM. Volatiles from vegetative organs of the palaeoendemic resurrection plants Ramonda serbica Panč. and Ramonda nathaliae Panč. et Petrov. J Serb Chem Soc 2009;74(1):35-44.

    (199) Jovanović O, Radulović N, Stojanović G, Palić R, Zlatković B, Gudžić B. Chemical composition of the essential oil of centaurium erythraea rafn (gentianaceae) from serbia. J Essent Oil Res 2009;21(4):317-322.

    (200) Radulović N, Zlatković B, Skropeta D, Palić R. Chemotaxonomy of the peppergrass Lepidium coronopus (L.) Al-Shehbaz (syn. Coronopus squamatus) based on its volatile glucosinolate autolysis products. Biochem Syst Ecol 2008;36(10):807-811.

    (201) Nikolić N, Radulović N, Momcilović B, Nikolić G, Lazić M, Todorovic Z. Fatty acids composition and rheology properties of wheat and wheat and white or brown rice flour mixture. Eur Food Res Technol 2008;227(5):1543-1548.

    (202) Ristic N, Lazarevic J, Radulovic N, Palic R. Antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of selected Stachys species. Chem Nat Compd 2008;44(4):522-525.

    (203) Radulović N, Stojanović G, Milovanović V, Đoković D, Randelović V. Volatile constituents of equisetum fluviatile L. J Essent Oil Res 2008;20(5):437-441.

    (204) Milovanović V, Radulović N, Mitić V, Palić R, Stojanović G. Chemical composition of the essential oils of equisetum palustre L. And equisetum telmateia Ehrh. J Essent Oil Res 2008;20(4):310-314.

    (205) Radulovic N, Zlatkovic D, Zlatkovic B, Dokovic D, Stojanovic G, Palic R. Chemical composition of leaf and flower essential oils of Conium maculatum from Serbia. Chem Nat Compd 2008;44(3):390-392.

    (206) Radulović N, Mišić M, Aleksić J, Doković D, Palić R, Stojanović G. Antimicrobial synergism and antagonism of salicylaldehyde in Filipendula vulgaris essential oil. Fitoterapia 2007;78(7-8):565-570.

    (207) Milovanović V, Radulović N, Todorović Z, Stanković M, Stojanović G. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and genotoxicity screening of hydro-alcoholic extracts of five Serbian Equisetum species. Plant Foods Hum Nutr 2007;62(3):113-119.

    (208) Radulović N, Stankov-Jovanović V, Stojanović G, Šmelcerović A, Spiteller M, Asakawa Y. Screening of in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of nine Hypericum species from the Balkans. Food Chem 2007;103(1):15-21.

    (209) Radulović N, Lazarević J, Ristić N, Palić R. Chemotaxonomic significance of the volatiles in the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae): Essential oil composition of four Balkan Stachys species. Biochem Syst Ecol 2007;35(4):196-208.

    (210) Radulović N, Dekić M, Zlatković B, Dekić S, Dekić V, Palić R. A detailed analysis of volatile constituents of Aquilegia pancicii Degen, a Serbian steno-endemic species. Chem Pap 2007;61(5):405-409.

    (211) Radulović N, Stojanović G, Palić R, Alagić S. Chemical Composition of the Ether and Ethyl Acetate Extracts of Serbian Selected Tobacco Types: Yaka, Prilep and Otlja. J Essent Oil Res 2006;18(5):562-565.

    (212) Radulović N, Mananjarasoa E, Harinantenaina L, Yoshinori A. Essential oil composition of four Croton species from Madagascar and their chemotaxonomy. Biochem Syst Ecol 2006;34(8):648-653.

    (213) Blagojević P, Radulović N, Palić R, Stojanović G. Chemical composition of the essential oils of Serbian wild-growing Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia vulgaris. J Agric Food Chem 2006;54(13):4780-4789.

    (214) Radulović N, Lazarević J, Stojanović G, Palić R. Chemotaxonomically significant 2-ethyl substituted fatty acids from Stachys milanii Petrović (Lamiaceae). Biochem Syst Ecol 2006;34(4):341-344.

    (215) Gutman I, Gojak S, Radulović N, Furtula B. Benzenoid molecules with uniform distribution of π-electrons within rings. Monatsh Chem 2006;137(3):277-284.

    (216) Radulović N, Stojanović G, Palić R. Composition and antimicrobial activity of Equisetum arvense L. essential oil. Phytother Res 2006;20(1):85-88.

    (217) Radulović N, Stojanović G, Asakawa Y. Hydroxycinnamoyl conjugates from the roots of Achillea holosericea Sibth. et Sm. Biochem Syst Ecol 2006;34(1):83-87.

    (218) Radulović N, Stojanović G, Vukićević R, Dekić V, Dekić B, Palić R. New 3,4-annelated coumarin derivatives: Synthesis, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant capacity, and molecular modeling. Monatsh Chem 2006;137(11):1477-1486.

    (219) Stojanović G, Radulović N, Hashimoto T, Palić R. In vitro antimicrobial activity of extracts of four Achillea species: The composition of Achillea clavennae L. (Asteraceae) extract. J Ethnopharmacol 2005;101(1-3):185-190.

    (220) Gutman I, Stojanović G, Bošković Ž, Radulović N, Rašić P. Comparing the Randić-Balaban and the Clar models for partitioning of π-electrons in rings of benzenoid hydrocarbons: The case of phenes and starphenes. Polycyclic Aromat Compd 2005;25(4):345-355.

    (221) Quang DN, Hashimoto T, Fournier J, Stadler M, Radulović N, Asakawa Y. Sassafrins A-D, new antimicrobial azaphilones from the fungus Creosphaeria sassafras. Tetrahedron 2005;61(7):1743-1748.

    (222) Boskovic Z, Radulovic N, Stojanovic G. Essential oil composition of four Achillea species from the Balkans and its chemotaxonomic significance. Chem Nat Compd 2005;41(6):674-678.

    (223) Stojanović G, Asakawa Y, Palić R, Radulović N. Composition and antimicrobial activity of Achillea clavennae and Achillea holosericea essential oils. Flavour Fragrance J 2005;20(1):86-88.

    (224) Quang DN, Hashimoto T, Stadler M, Radulović N, Asakawa Y. Antimicrobial azaphilones from the fungus Hypoxylon multiforme. Planta Med 2005;71(11):1058-1062.

    (225) Stojanović G, Radulović N, Lazarević J, Miladinović D, Ðoković D. Antimicrobial activity of nepeta rtanjensis essential oil. J Essent Oil Res 2005;17(5):587-589.

    (226) Radulović N, Dang NQ, Hashimoto T, Nukada M, Asakawa Y. Terrestrins A-G: p-Terphenyl derivatives from the inedible mushroom Thelephora terrestris. Phytochemistry 2005;66(9):1052-1059.

    (227) Radulović N, Quang DN, Hashimoto T, Nukada M, Tanaka M, Asakawa Y. Pregnane-type steroids from the inedible mushroom Thelephora terrestris. Chem Pharm Bull 2005;53(3):309-312.

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    Радови објављени у националном часопису категорије М52

    97. Nikolic, N.; Todorovic, Z.; Radulovic, N.; Lazic, M. Evaluation of lipid composition and fatty acid content of minced beef. Tehnol. Mesa 2009, 50 (3-4), 211-217. M52

    98. Milosavljevic, N. P.; Jokovic, N. M.; Radulovic, N.; Blagojevic, P. D.; Savic, D. S. Volatile compounds in Pirotski kachkaval cheese from sheep milk. Prehrambena Ind. 2010, 21 (1-2), 122-126.

    99. Radulovic, N.; Blagojevic, P. D. A note on the volatile secondary metabolites of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Apiaceae). Facta Univ. Ser. Phys. Chem. Technol. 2010, 8 (1), 25-37.

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    Предавање по позиву на скупу националног значаја штампано у изводу М62

    Radulovic, N. Selected biologically and pharmacologically active plant natural products: isolation, identification and synthesis, Јубиларно (50-то) саветовање српског хемијског друштва, Београд, јун 2012.

    M61 - Radulovic, N. Harnessing the biological activity of natural products: Isolation, synthesis and screening of biological/pharmacological activity. Serbian Biochemical Society Second Conference, Molecular Bioscience, Proceedings, pp. 61-84, Belgrade, Serbia, November 9, 2012.

    M61 - Blagojevic, P.; Radulovic, N.; Stojanovic, N.; Vukicevic, R. Discovery of anxiolytic 2-ferrocenyl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones exerting GABAA receptor interaction via the benzodiazepine-binding site. Serbian Biochemical Society Fifth Conference, Molecular Bioscience, Proceedings, pp. 61-72, Belgrade, Serbia, November 13, 2015.

Poslednji put izmenjeno četvrtak, 17 jun 2021 22:35