Odštampajte ovu stranicu
Datum kreiranja: 31.01.2014.

Milena Nikolić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 05.05.1984.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Prirodno-matematički
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Geografija
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2007
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Valjarević A., Morar C., Živković J., Niemets L., Kićović D., Golijanin J., Gocić M., Martić Bursać N., Stričević L., Žiberna I., Bačević N., Milevski I., Durlević U., Lukić T. 2021. Long term monitoring and connection between topography and cloud cover distribution in Serbia. Atmosphere 12, 964 https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/12/8/964

    2. Stričević Lj., Pavlović M., Filipović I., Radivojević A., Martić Bursać N., Gocić M. 2021. Statistical analysis of water quality parameters in the basin of the Nišava River (Serbia) in the period 2009-2018. Geografie, 126,1,55-73.https://geografie.cz/126/1/0055/

    3. Gocić M., Dragićević S., Radivojević A., Martić Bursać N., Stričević Lj., Đorđević M. 2020. Changes in soil erosion intensity caused by land use and demographic changes in the Jablanica River Basin, Serbia. Agriculture 10 (8), 345. doi:10.3390/agriculture10080345

    4. Živanović S., Ivanović R., Nikolić M., Đokić M., Tošić I. 2020. Influence of air temperature and precipitation on the risk of forest fires in Serbia. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. DOI 10.1007/s00703-020-00725-6

    5. Martić Bursać N., Bursać B., Ducić V., Radivojević A., Živković N., Ivanović R., Đokić M., Stričević Lj., Gocić M. 2017. The impact of Mediterranean oscillations on periodicity and trend of temperature in the valley of the Nišava River - a Fourier and Wavelet approach. Thermal Science, 21, 3: 1389-1398 doi: 10.2298/TSCI160201229M.

    6. Radivojević A., Martić Bursać N., Gocić M., Filipović I., Pavlović M., Radovanović M., Stričević Lj., Punišić M. 2015. Statistical analysis of temperature regime change on the example of Sokobanja basin in Eastern Serbia. Thermal Science, 19 (suppl. 2): 323-330. doi:10.2298/TSCI150119019R

    7. Đokić M., Manić M., Đorđević M., Gocić M., Čupić A., Jović M., Dragović R., Gajić B., Smičiklas I., Dragović S. 2023. Remote sensing and nuclear techiques for high-resolution mapping and quatification of gully erosion in the highly erodible area of the Malčanska River Basin, Eastern Serbia. Environmental Research 235 (116679) 

    8. Gocić M., Dragićević S., Živanović S., Ivanović R., Martić Bursać N., Stričević Lj., Radivojević A., Živković J. 2021. Assessment of soil erosion intensity in the Kutinska River Basin in the period 1971-2016. Fresenius Enviromental Bulletin 30/9, 10890-10898

    9. Stričević Lj., Pavlović M., Filipović I., Radivojević A., Gocić M., Martić Bursać N. 2022. Statistical analysis of annual and seasonal temperature regime change in Rasina River Basin, Serbia. Idojaras 126/1, 127-157

    10. Martić Bursać N., Radovanović M. Ivanović R., Stričević Lj., Gocić M., Golubović N., Bursać B. 2022. Observed climate changes in the Toplica River valley- Trend analysis of temperature, precipitation and river discharge. Idojaras 126/3, 403-423

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1. Martić Bursać N., Ivanović R., Nikolić M. 2015. Agricultural production in the Niš valley- Agroclimatic conditions. Teme 39 (1): 275-289 UDK 338.432:551.583(497.11 Ниш)

    2. Živanović S., Gocić M., Ivanović R., Martić Bursać N. 2015. The effect of air temperature on forest fire risk in the municipality of Negotin. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva 95 (4): 67-76 DOI: 10.2298/GSGD1504067Z

    3. Martić Bursać N., Stričević Lj., Gocić M., Ivanović R. 2016. Statistical analysis of average, high and low waters of the Toplica river. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 96 (1): 26-45. DOI: 10.2298/GSGD1601026M

    4. Živanović S., Gocić M., Vukin M., Babić V. 2018. The importance of the knowledge of the effects of moisture conditions on the frequency and intensity of forest fires. Šumarstvo 3-4: 127-136. UDK 630*431(497.11-18)

    5. Радивојевић А., Филиповић И., Димитријевић Љ., Николић М. (2010). Географске основе развоја туризма у Сокобањској котлини. Гласник Српског географског друштва 90 (3), 111-118 

    6. Манојловић П., Николић М., Мустафић С., Луковић Ј. (2010). Сезонска варијабилност минерализације вода у сливу Црвене реке. Гласник Српског географског друштва 90 (4), 9-20 

    7. Ивановић Р., Мартић-Бурсаћ Наташа, Ивановић М., Николић М. (2011). Термичке карактеристике ваздуха Нишке котлине у функцији бржег развоја привреде. Гласник Српског географског друштва 91 (2), 83-92

    8. Živanović S., Gocić M. 2023. The influence of climatic conditions on the occurrence of large forest fires: A case study of Stara Planina Nature Park in 2007 and 2019. Journal of Applied Life Science and Enviroment 56/2 (194) 195-209

    9. Živanović S. Gocić M. 2022. Forest fires in Serbia- Influence of humidity conditions. Journal of Geographical Institute J.Cvijić 72 (2) 221-228 https://doi.org/10.2298/IJGI2202221Z

    10. Gocić M., Stričević Lj., Martić Bursać N. 2021. Hysteresis effect in suspended sediment concentration in Kutinska River basin. Serbian Journal of Geosciences 7


  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Radomir Ivanovic, Milena Nikolic, Marko Ivanovic (2013).Historical heritage of the city of Nis in the function of tourism development.Zbornik radova Cultural corridor Via Diagonalis cultural tourism without boundaries.03.-06.10.2013.god.178-183 str.

    1. Petrović J., Đorđević M., Dragović R., Nikolić M., Đokić M., Ćujić M., Dragović S. 2014. Vertical distribution of 137Cs in the undisturbed soil profiles in the basin of Pčinja River, Southeastern Serbia. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry (Beograd, 22-26.09.2014). Serbian Society of Physical Chemists. Belgrade, vol. I, str. 662-664.

    2. Mustafić S., Nikolić M., Manojlović P., Dobrosavljević T. 2014. Integrisani geografski pristup proučavanja erozije zemljišta. Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju pro­s­tora i naselja, peti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem (01.-03.04.2014. Zlati­bor). Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu Geografski fakultet i Republička agencija za prostorno planiranje.

    3. Mustafić S., Manojlović P., Nikolić M., Dobrosavljević T. 2014. Temporal variation of suspended sediment load in the Velika Morava River at the mouth of the Danube River for the period 1967-2007. The Third Romanian-Bulgarian-Hungarian-Serbian Conference – Geo­graphical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube (Srebrno jezero, 18-21.09.2014) (Abstract book). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Managment.

    4. Ivanović R., Nikolić M., Martić Bursać N. 2014. Climate aridity of the Carpathian Serbia in the period 1961-2010. The Third Romanian-Bulgarian-Hungarian-Serbian Conference – Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube (Srebrno jezero, 18-21.09.2014) (Abstract book). University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Managment.

    5. Dragović R., Stričević Lj., Šušić V., Nikolić M., Đorđević M. 2014. Dilemmas in tourist de­ve­lopment of Dragačevo: Mass tourism or ecotourism. BITCO. 2nd Belgrade International Tourism Conference. (Belgrade, 27.-29.03.2014). College in Tourism, Belgrade.

    6. Manojlović S., Dobrosavljević T., Gocić M., Manojlović P., Milošević M. 2016. Trend analysis of annual water discharge and suspended sediment load in the Južna Morava River (Serbia) 1958-2007. The 3rd world conference of world association of soil and water conservation - New challenges and strategies of soil and water conservation in changing world sustainable managment of soil and water resources (Beograd, 22-26.august, 2016) Faculty of Forestry. Belgrade

    Gocić M., Martić Bursać N., Stričević Lj., Đokić M. 2019. Anthropogenic influence on erosion intensity changes in the Kutinska River Basin. New Trends in Geography- Symposium dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Macedonian Geographical Society (Ohrid, 03-04.10.2019.). 

    Gocić M., Martić Bursać N., Stričević Lj. 2023. Trend analysis of water discharge in the Kutinska River Basin, Serbia. 10th Jubilee International Conference of FMNS 2023, 14-18.06.2023. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Stričević Lj., Martić Bursać N., Gocić M. 2023. Vodni resursi u funkciji održivog razvoja Rasinskog okruga. 28 Naučni skup Regionalni razvoj i demografski tokovi zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope. Ekonomski fakultet Niš 23.06.2023.

Poslednji put izmenjeno petak, 10 novembar 2023 22:14