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Datum kreiranja: 16.07.2020.

Jelena Blanuša

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 31. 07. 1987.
  • Mesto rođenja: Kikinda
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Psihologija
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2011.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Blanuša, J., Barzut, V., Krstić, D. & Hilčenko, S. (2020). Effects of Preschool Teachers’ Training and Practice on The Attitudes Toward Giftedness. In Herzog, J (Ed.), Contemporary Aspects of Giftedness. Hamburg: Verlag dr. Kovač.

    Knežević, J., Blanuša, J. & Hilčenko, S. (2018). Intrinsic motivation factors in the gifted children. In Herzog, J (Ed.), Challenges of Working with Gifted Pupils in European School Systems. Hamburg: Verlag dr. Kovač.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Mićević-Karanović, J., Knežević, J., Blanuša, J. (2017). Praktikum iz Opšte psihologije – za  studente visokih škola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača. Kikinda: Visoka škola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Blanuša, J., & Zdravković, S. (2015). Horizontal-vertical illusion in mental imagery: quantitative evidence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 33(9), 1-11. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00033 (M21)

    Barzut, V. & Blanuša, J. (2015) Pristupi obrazovanju darovitih učenika i procena trenutnog stanja kroz stavove stručnjaka. Pedagogija 70(1), 73-83. (M51)

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Učešće na međunarodnim konferencijama – štampanje rada u celini

    Barzut, V. & Blanuša, J.  (2020). Approaches to Education of Gifted Students in the Republic of Serbia. In S. Hilčenko (ed.), Thematic Collected Papers from the 11. International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference: ''Horizons" 2020, Full paper. Subotica: College of Vocational Studies, Subotica Vocational Training of Preschool Teachers and Sports Trainers. pp. 118-124. (M33)

    Blanuša, J. & Barzut, V. (2020). Education of Gifted Children: The Review of Different Approaches and Interventions. In S. Hilčenko (ed.), Collected Papers from the 11. International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference: ''Horizons" 2020, Full paper. Subotica: College of Vocational Studies, Subotica Vocational Training of Preschool Teachers and Sports Trainers. pp. 111-117. (M33)

    Blanuša, J., Knežević, J., Krstić, D. (2018). Using the positive psychology intervention for enhancing subjective well-being among students. In S. Hilčenko (ed.), Collected Papers from the 10. International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference: ''Horizons" 2018, Full paper. Subotica: College of Vocational Studies, Subotica Vocational Training of Preschool Teachers and Sports Trainers. pp. 127-134. (М33)

     Barzut, V., Blanuša, J. (2018). The use of a single intervention in the formation of a positive body image in adolescents. In S. Hilčenko (ed.), Collected Papers from the 10. International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference: ''Horizons" 2018, Full paper. Subotica: College of Vocational Studies, Subotica Vocational Training of Preschool Teachers and Sports Trainers. pp. 135-141. (М33)



    Učešće na međunarodnim konferencijama – štampanje rada u izvodu

    Blanuša, J., Rodić. N. i Knežević, J. (2019). Efficacy of preschool teachers in detecting intellectually gifted children. Paper presented at the 25. Scientific conference Empirical Studies in Psychology, March 29th – 31st. Beograd, Srbija. Book of abstracts, pp. 63. (M34)

    Blanuša, J., Marković, S. (2018). Effects of context on aesthetic appraisal of curviness. Paper presented at the Conference “41st European Conference on Visual Perception”, 16th – 30st August, Trieste, Italy. (M34)

    Blanuša, J., Marković, S. (2018). Aesthetic appraisal of curvature and angularity on abstract paintings. Paper presented at the Conference “Visual science of art conference“, 24th – 26th August, Trieste, Italy. (M34)

    Knežević, J., Blanuša, J., Hilčenko, S. (2018). Intrinzic motivation factors in the gifted children.  Paper presented at 2. International proficiency Conference about gifted Children. Maribor, Slovenia. Book of abstracts, 14th april, Ruše, Slovenia (pp. 11). Ruše: Primary and lower secondary school Janko Glazer Ruše, in cooperation with faculty of Education Maribor. (kategorija М34)

    Blanuša, J., Marković, S. (2017). Complexity modulates aesthetical preference of curviness. Paper presented at the Conference “Current trends in psychology“, Book of abstracts, 19th – 21st October, Novi Sad (pp. 119). Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy. (kategorija M34)

    Blanuša, J., & Zdravković, S. (2014). Mеasuring size in perception and mental imagery. Perception (Supplement Vol. 43). Paper presented at the 37th European Conference on Visual Perception, Belgrade, Serbia. (kategorija M34)

    Blanuša, J., Marković, S. & Zdravković, S. (2013). Testing visual illusions: Evidence from perception and mental imagery. Perception (Supplement Vol. 42; 94c). Paper presented at the 36th European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany. (kategorija M34)

    Zdravković, S. & Blanuša, J. (2012). Testing illusions in perception and imagery. Paper presented at the XVII AVA Christmas meeting, London, UK. (kategorija M34)

    Blanuša, J. & Zdravković, S. (2012). Testing Differences in Mental Imagery and Perception. Paper presented at the 3rd  Balkan Vision Science Meeting, Belgrade. (kategorija M34)

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Blanuša, J., Marković, S. (2016) Estetska procena umetničkih slika sa oblim i ugaonim elementima. Rad prezentovan na konferenciji 22. Naučni skup Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji, Beograd, Srbija. Knjiga rezimea, str. 35-36. (M64)

    Blanuša, J., Zdravković, S. (2011). Percepcija i mentalna vizualizacija: Mehanizmi i polne razlike. Rad prezentovan na konferenciji Naučno-stručni skup Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad. Knjiga rezimea, str. 135. (M64)

    Mihić, Lj., Blanuša, J., Jerković, M., & Barzut, V. (2009). Efikasnost intervencija pozitivne psihologije.  Rad prezentovan na konferenciji 57. Sabor psihologa Srbije, Palić, Serbia. Knjiga rezimea, str. 169-171. (M64)

     Milanković, D., Forai, M., Barzut, V., Blanuša, J. & Filipović-Đurđević, D. (2009). Uticaj nestrukturiranih priča (šema) na vreme reakcije u zadatku leksičke odluke. Rad prezentovan na konferenciji Naučno-stručni skup Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad. Knjiga rezimea, str. 108-109. (M64)

Poslednji put izmenjeno četvrtak, 16 jul 2020 20:44