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Datum kreiranja: 07.02.2023.

Ivan Damnjanović

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 1996-03-15
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš, Srbija
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Elektronski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Elektrotehnika i računarstvo
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2024
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    11. Ivan Damnjanović, Dragan Stevanović and Salem Al-Yakoob, On transmission-irregular graphs and long pendent paths, Applied Mathematics and Computation, accepted for publication.

    10. Ivan Damnjanović, Characterization of transmission irregular starlike and double starlike trees, Computational and Applied Mathematics 43(4) (2024), #262,

    9. Ivan Damnjanović, Nino Bašić, Tomaž Pisanski and Arjana Žitnik, Classification of cubic tricirculant nut graphs, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 31(2) (2024), #P2.31,

    8. Yaser Alizadeh, Nino Bašić, Ivan Damnjanović, Tomislav Došlić, Tomaž Pisanski, Dragan Stevanović and Kexiang Xu, Solving the Mostar index inverse problem, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 62(5) (2024), 1079–1093,

    7. Ivan Damnjanović, Complete resolution of the circulant nut graph order–degree existence problem, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (2023),

    6. Ivan Damnjanović and Žarko Ranđelović, An inverse result for Wang's theorem on extremal trees, Filomat 38(3) (2024), 1085–1099,

    5. Ivan Damnjanović, Two families of circulant nut graphs, Filomat 37(24) (2023), 8331–8360,

    4. Ivan Damnjanović, Marko Milošević and Dragan Stevanović, A note on extremal Sombor indices of trees with a given degree sequence, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 90(1) (2023), 197–202,

    3. Ivan Damnjanović, Slobodan Filipovski and Dragan Stevanović, Spectral properties of balanced trees and dendrimers, Linear Algebra and its Applications 657 (2023), 163–196,

    2. Ivan Damnjanović and Dragan Stevanović, On circulant nut graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 633 (2022), 127–151,

    1. Jovana Džunić and Ivan Damnjanović, General approach to constructing optimal multipoint families of iterative methods using Hermite’s rational interpolation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 321 (2017), 261–269,

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    3. Ivan Damnjanović, On the null spaces of quartic circulant graphs, Discrete Mathematical Chemistry, accepted for publication.

    2. Ivan Damnjanović and Dragan Stevanović, An alternative proof of the Sombor index minimizing property of greedy trees, Publications de l'Institut Mathématique 113(127) (2023), 57–65,

    1. Ivan Damnjanović, Computing the characteristic polynomials of rooted trees and the energies of Bethe trees, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 7(1) (2023), 1–16,

Poslednji put izmenjeno ponedeljak, 01 jul 2024 17:50