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Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.
Datum kreiranja: 09.10.2013.

Daniel Stanković

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 17.04.1976.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Fizička kultura
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2000
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1. Pupiš, M., Bissas, A., Brodani, J., Brooke, S., Cox, V., Chwala, W., Čillik, I., Drake, A., Godfrey, R., Hanley, B., Hoga, K., James, R., Kisiel, K., Kocić, M., Lapka, J., Lapka, M., Mirek, W., Mleczko, E., Raković, A., Salvage, J., Savanović, V., Seaman, T., Šelinger, P., Stanković, D., Sudol, G., La Tore, A., Vavak, M., & Vernillo, G. (2011). World race walking research. In ed. Pupis. M., 37-46. Banska Bystrica: Faculty of Humanities.

    2. Bubanj, S., Stanković, R., Popović, R., Herodek, K., Živković, D., Milenković, S., Radovanović, D., Veličković, S., Madić, D., Obradović, B., Raković, A., Okičić, T., Madić, D., Petković, E., Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., Antić, V., Ignjatović, A., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Aleksić-Veljković, A., & Paunović, M. (2016). In ed. Bubanj, S., A study on anthropological status and biomechanical efficiency of the elite Serbian athletes, 61-67, 165-171, 175-183, 237-252. Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Stanković, D., & Raković, A. (2010). Atletika. Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    2. Raković, A., Stanković, D., & Savanović, V. (2011). Praktikum iz atletike. Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    3. Stanković, D., & Raković, A. (2020). Atletika. Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:


    1. Petković, E., Dragić, B., Stanković, D. (2019). Teaching Gymnastics Practice with the Application of Kinematic modelling as a Students Modern Educational Learning process. Sylwan, 163(4), 73-82. ISSN: 0039-7660

    2. Petrovic, I., Amiridis, I. G., Kannas, T., Tsampalaki, Z., Holobar, A., Sahinis, C., Kellis, E, Stankovic, D. & Enoka, R. M. (2023). Footedness but not dominance influences force steadiness during isometric dorsiflexion in young men. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 73, 102828.



    1. Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., Ilić, D., Joksimović, I., & Jerkan, M. (2009). Hematological Profile of Serbian Youth National Soccer Teams. Journal of Human Kinetics22, 51-60.

    2. Stanković, D., Joksimović, A., & Aleksandrović, M. (2011). Relation and influences of sports climbers’ specific strength on the success in sports climbing. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 33(1), 121-131.

    3. Joksimović, A., Jezdimirović, M., Smajić, M., Stanković, D., Popović, S., &  Tomić, B. (2015). Biochemical profile of Serbian youth national soccer teamsInternational Journal of Morphology, 33(2), 483-490.

    4. Petković, E., Bubanj, S., Marković, K., Kocić, M. & Stanković, D. (2019). Position- Related Somatotype of Elite Handball Players. Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis, 316-325, ISSN: 2217-2521


  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:


    1. Aleksić-Veljković, A., Puletić, M., Raković, A., Bubanj, S., & Stanković, D. (2011). Comparative kinematic analysis of release of the best Serbian shot putters. Facta Universitatis Series Physical Education and Sport, 9 (4), 359-364.

    2. Stefanović, N., Raković, A., Mladenović Ćirić, I., Pavlović, S., Stanković, D., Puletić, M., & Jorgić, B. (2011). The estimation of shoulder regularity in top athletes by determining the shoulder angle and thoracal angle in the imagej digital program. Facta Universitatis Series Physical Education and Sport, 9 (4), 417-426.

    3. Aleksić-Veljković, A., Puletić, M., Stanković, R., Bubanj, S., Raković, A., & Stanković, D. (2012). Kinematic diferences in parametars of elite foreign and elite Serbian women javelin throwers. Facta universitatis series physical education and sport, 10 (4), 329-337.

    4. Stanković, D., Ignjatović, M., Raković, A., Puletić, M., & Hodžić, S. (2014). The strength structure of sport climbersFacta universitatis series physical education and sport, 12(1), 11-18.

    5. Puletić, M, & Stanković, D. (2014). The influence of somatotype components on success in sport climbingFacta universitatis series physical education and sport, 12(2), 105-111.

    6. Raković, A., Stojanović. N., Stanković, D., Pavlović, R., & Simeonov, A. (2015). Differences in coordination and endurance between children selected for atletics and non-athletes Facta universitatis series physical education and sport, 13(3), 363-370.

    7. Purenović-Ivanović, T.M., Popović, R., Stanković, D., & Bubanj, S.  (2016). The importance of motor coordination abilities for performance in rhythmic gymnasticsFacta universitatis series physical education and sport, 14(1), 63-74.

    8. Nejić, D., Stanković, D., Nejić, K., & Stojadinović, Ž. (2016). Standardization of measuring tests for jumping ability in volleyballFacta universitatis series physical education and sport14(2), 193-200.

    9. Ignjatović, M., Stanković, D., & Pavlović, V. (2016). Relation and influences of balance on the result in sports climbingFacta universitatis series physical education and sport14(2), 237-245.

    10. Ignjatović, M., Stanković, D., Pantelić, S., & Puletić, M. (2017). The influence of certain anthropometric parameters on the results in lead climbingFacta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 15(2), 321-328.

    11. Petković, E., Veličković, S., Kolar, E., Stanković, R., & Stanković, D. (2018). The optimal kinematic model of the performance of the clear hip circle to handstand on the uneven bars – a case studyFacta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 16(2), 229-244.

    12. Stanković, D., Šućur, J., & Raković, A. (2019). The influence of strength on the results of the vortex throw. Facta Universitatis - Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(3), 523-529.

    13. Stanković, D., Raković, A., Petković, E., Petrović, I., & Savanović, V. (2019). Analysis of somatotype of top young race walkers by means of the heath-carter method. Facta Universitatis - Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(3), 609-618.

    14. Petrović, I., Amiridis, I. G., Kellis, E., & Stankovic, D. (2021). Dominance-induced modifications on maximal force and neural activation of the ankle muscle. Facta Universitatis - Series: Physical Education and Sport, 19(3), 271-283.



    1. Stanković, D., & Puletić, M. (2005). Od planinarenja do sportskog penjanja. Sport Mont, 6-7, 391-397.

    2. Puletić, M., & Stanković, D. (2005). Mogućnost razvoja grada Niša kao sportsko-penjačkog centra. Sport Mont, 8-9, 282-289.

    3. Raković, A., & Stanković D. (2005). Relationship of certain functional abilities and explosive strength with high jump results in female students of faculty of physical education. Fizička kultura, 33 (1), 23-25.

    4. Stanković, D., & Raković, A. (2005). Evolution of techniques and world records in high jump. Fizička kultura, 33 (1), 35-36.

    5. Raković, A., & Stanković, D. (2005). Relation between primary school pupil’s functional abilities and sprint results. Sport and science, 1, 407-409.

    6. Stanković, D., & Aleksandrović, M. (2008). Vpliv desettedenskega štiriciklusnega treninga na umetni steni na razvoj specijalne moči športnih plezalcev. Šport - Revija za teoretična in praktična vprašanja športa, 1-2, 85-88.

    7. Raković, A., Aleksandrović, M., & Stanković, D. (2008). Quantitative changes of functional abilities at boys under influence of experimental race walking programme. Acta Kinesiologica 2 (1), 66-70.

    8. Raković, A., Stanković, D., Đurasković, R., Randjelović, J., & Pirsl, D. (2008). Weight-height relations as an important factor of success in race walking. Sport Science, 1 (2), 30-33.

    9. Stanković, D. & Raković, A. (2008). Relations of the basic features of the sample with the success in free climbing. Sport Science, 1 (2), 55-59.

    10. Joksimovic, S., Stanković, D., & Joksimović, A. (2008). The basic guidelines and instructions for a more detailed and quicker way to learn the carving technique. Fizička kultura, 36 (1), 22-25.

    11. Stanković, D., Joksimović, A., Raković, A., Michailov, M., & Piršl, D. (2009). Metric characteristics of the specific strength sports climbers testsFacta Universitatis Series Physical Education and Sport, 7 (2), 161-169.

    12. Pupis, M., Korcok, P., Raković, A., & Stanković, D. (2009). The age specifics of the efficiency of hypocic preparation in race walking. Sport and science, 1, 50-55.

    13. Stanković, D., Raković, A., Aleksandrović, A., & Joksimović, A. (2009). Differences in male and female competitors in basic parameters of the patterns and success in sports climbing. Sport and science, 1, 167-174.

    14. Joksimović, A., Smajić, M., Molnar, S., & Stanković, D. (2009). An analysis of anthropomorphological characteristics of participants in the 2008 european football championship. Serbian Journal of Sports Science, 3(2), 71-79.

    15. Joksimović, A, Stanković, D., Joksimović, I., Molnar, S., & Joksimović, S. (2009). Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players. Sport Science 2 (1), 62-67.

    16. Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., & Petković, E. (2009). Nordic skiing - equipement. Fizička kultura, 37 (2), 47-48.

    17. Molnar, S., Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., & Spasić, M. (2009). Differences of morphological characteristics of football players aged 10 years old. Fizička kultura, 37 (2), 126-128.

    18. Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., & Jonić, Z. (2009). Snowboard – equipement and competition. Fizička kultura, 37 (2), 271-272.

    19. Stanković, D., Joksimović, A., & Raković, A. (2009). The influence of longitudinal and circular dimensions on long jump results. Fizička kultura, 37 (2), 292-293.

    20. Joksimović, A., Acimović, D., Špirtović, O., Stanković, D., Joksimović, I., Atanasios, T., & Spasić, M. (2009). The anthropometric characteristics and functional abilities of soccer players of various competitive rankings. Fizička kultura, 37 (2), 285-287.

    21. Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., Petković, E., & Lilić, Lj. (2009). The advanced school of ski running. Fizička kultura, 37 (2), 294-295.

    22. Aćimović, D., Špirtović, O., Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., Joksimović, I., & Atanasios, T. (2009). Sports injuries in soccer. Fizička kultura, 37 (2), 296-297.

    23. Pupiš, M., Raković, A., Savanović, V., Stanković, D., Kocić, M., & Berić, D. (2010). Hyperoxy as a form of anaerobic workload reduction on elite basketball players. Acta kinesiologica, 4 (1), 45-48.

    24. Pupiš, M., Raković, A., Stanković, D., Kocić, M., & Savanović, V. (2010). Sex and endurance performance. Sport Scientific & Practical Aspects, 7 (1), 21-25.

    25. Mančić, M., Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., & Stavel, M. (2010). Differences in speed and functional abilities between football players of the first and the second league. Sport Science, 3 (2), 71‐75.

    26. Joksimovic, A., Stanković, D., & Rakovic, A. (2010). Ski turn angles. Sport and science, 4(2), 53-61.

    27. Raković, A., & Stanković, D. (2010). Relations of motor abilities with high jump result of the elementary school pupils. Sport and science, in press.

    28. Stanković, D., Joksimović, A., & Raković, A. (2010). Development of motor abilities of the elementary school pupils under the influence of the experimental treatment. Sport and science, in press.

    29. Joksimović, A., Aćimović, D., Hadzić, R., & Stanković D. (2010). Physical fitness in skiing. Fizička kultura (Skopje), 38 (1), 30-32.

    30. Aćimović, D., Joksimović, A., Špirtović, O., & Stanković, D. (2010). Means and methods of recovery in the skiers training process. Fizička kultura, 38 (1), 101-102.

    31. Stanković, D., Raković, A., Joksimović, A., & Piršl, D. (2010). Specific knowledge in sports climbers experience gaining. Fizička kultura, 38 (1), 110-113.

    32. Aćimović, D., Joksimović, A., Petković, E., & Stanković, D. (2010). Skiing as a recreational activity. Fizička kultura, 38 (1), 117-118.

    33. Joksimović, A., Petković, E., Aćimović, D., & Stanković, D. (2010). Student health protection during practical training in skiing. Fizička kultura, 38 (2), 48-50.

    34. Stanković, D., Joksimović, A., Raković, A., & Piršl, D. (2010). Influence of some motor abilities on the javelin throw succes. Fizička kultura, 38 (2), 95-97.

    35. Joksimović, D., Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., & Hadžić, R. (2011). Cognitive abilities and precision in skiers and soccer players. Acta Kinesiologica, 5(1), 47-52.

    36. Stanković, D., Raković, A., Joksimović, A., Petković, E., & Joksimović, D. (2011). Mental imagery and visualization in sport climbing training. Activities in physical education and sport, 1(1), 35-38.

    37. Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., Aćimović, D., & Raković, A. (2011). The biomechanical basis of changing directions of movement by parallel turns in skiing. Activities in physical education and sport, 1(1), 69-73.

    38. Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., Aćimović, D, & Petković, E. (2011). The physical preparation of skiers (aged 11-14). Activities in physical education and sport, 1(1), 89-93.

    39. Herodek, K., Joksimović, A., Nejić, D., Raković, A., Marković, K., & Stanković, D. (2011). Plyometric training and it’s effects on quickness. Research in Kinesiology, 39(2), 171-176.

    40. Raković, A., Stanković, D., & Joksimović, A. (2012). Model of specific exercises in race walking. Activities in physical education and sport, 1(2), 243-247.

    41. Joksimović, A., Stanković, D., & Petković, E. (2012). Heart rate during recreational alpine skiing. Activities in physical education and sport, 2(1), 87-91.

    42. Raković, A., Mladenović, D., Stanković, D., Pavlović, R., & Piršl, D. (2014). Cycling training of triathletes. Acta Kinesiologica, 8, 41-45.

    43. Pavlović, R., Idrizović, K., Raković, A., Stanković, D., Simeonov, A., & Vrcić, M. (2014). Differences in morphological status and result succes of shot-put between students of physical education and sport from different backgrounds. Acta Kinesiologica, 8 (2), 65-71.

    44. Pavlović, R., Raković, A., Mihajlović, I., Petrović, B., & Stanković, D. (2015). Analysis of the morphological status students by applying of different methods of the index. Sport Science, 8 (suppl 1), 30-39.

    45. Raković, A., Mladenović, D., Stanković, D., Pavlović, R., Pirsl, D., Simeonov, A., & Radić Z. (2015). Running training of triathletes. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 4(1), 135-142.

    46. Raković, A., Savanović, V., Stanković, D., Pavlović, R., Simeonov, A., & Petković, E. (2015). Analysis of the elite athletes’ somatotypes. Acta Kinesiologica, 9 (Suppl. 1), 47‐53.

     47. Pavlović, R., Bonacin, D., & Stanković, D.   (2016). Differences in kinematic parameters of the long jump between male and female finalists of world championships – Berlin 2009. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 4(4), 353-366.

    48. Stanković, D., Pavlović, R., Petković, E., Raković, A., Puletić, M. (2018). The Somatotypes and Body Composition of Elite Track and Field Athletes and Swimmers. International Journal of Sport Science, 8 (3): 67-77, DOI: 10.5923/j.sports.20180803.01

    49. Pavlovic, R., Mihajlovic, I., Idrizovic, K., Vrcic, M., Stankovic, D., & Joksimovic, M. (2018). Differences in anthropometric traits and trend of changes in high school students. International journal of Sport Studies for Health, 1(1), e68101. DOI: 10.5812/intjssh.68101

    51. Stanković, A., Mijalković, S., Petković, E., Şahin, F. N., & Stanković, D. (2023). Coordination in some of the basic individual sports: a systematic review. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 9(4), 280-286. DOI: 10.31459/turkjkin.1368725

    50. Mijalković, S., Ajman, H., & Stanković, D. (2024).The 800 meters running success differences of school-aged female athletes according to maturity stage. Facta Universitatis, Series: Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, (1), 381-387.

    52. Mijalković, S, Antonijević, M., Lilić, A., Stanković, A., Stanković, D. (2024). Body composition and motor abilities in 8-year-oldchildren: a pilot study. Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education, 8(2), 7–11. DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.240402

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:


    1. Raković, A., Aleksandrović, M., & Stanković, D. (2008). The changes of the manifest motor abilities in school children under the influence of the experimental program of sports walking. U Prot, F. (ur), 5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology - Kinesiology research Trends and Applications, proceedings book (str. 539-541). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology.

    2. Pavlović, R., Raković, A., Stanković, D., & Joksimović, A. (2009). Forms of strength as factor of succes in running 400m. 6th Pan-Hellenic Conference with International Participation, in press.

    3. Jelenković, A., Stanković, D., Joksimović, & Raković, A. (2009). Razlike u telesnom statusu školske dece koja se bave fudbalom i tenisom. 6th Pan-Hellenic Conference with International Participation, in press.

    4. Stanković, D., Ignjatović, M., Puletić, M., & Raković, A. (2013). The morphological characteristics and motor abilities in sports climbers. U Pantelić, S. (ur), XVI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2013" in physical education, sport and recreation and I International Scientific Conference, zbornik radova (str. 129-133). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    5. Stanković, D., Ignjatović, M., Puletić, M., Raković, A, & Mladenović-Ćirić, I. (2013). The nutrition of rock climbers.U Pantelić, S. (ur), XVI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2013" in physical education, sport and recreation and I International Scientific Conference, zbornik radova (str. 418-421). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    6. Petković, E., Mekić, H., Stanković, D., & Raković, A. (2014). Differences of gymnastic contents in the transformation balance and strength. U Pantelić, S. (ur), XVII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in physical education, sport and recreation and II International Scientific Conference, zbornik radova (str. 132-137). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    7. Pavlović, R., Raković, A., & Stanković, D. (2014). U Biberović, A. (ur), Razlike između BiH atletičara i studenata fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta u trkačkim disciplinama. 7. međunarodni simpozijum "Sport i zdravlje", zbornik naučnih i stručnih radova (str. 39-44). Tuzla: Fakultet za tjelesni odgoj i sport.

    8. Pavlović, R., Raković, A., Stanković, D., & Savanović, V. (2015). The diagnosis of anthropological status of female athletes by application of modern biomechanical methods. U Pantelić, S. (ur), XVIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2015" in physical education, sport and recreation and III International Scientific Conference, Book of proceedings (str. 336-342). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    9. Pavlović, R., Raković, A., Vrcić, M., & Stanković, D. (2015). Antropološki parametri trkača maratona. U Kapidžić, A. (ur),8. međunarodni simpozijum "Sport i zdravlje", zbornik naučnih i stručnih radova (str. 11-17). Tuzla: Fakultet za tjelesni odgoj i sport.

    10. Stanković, D., Petković, E., Pavlović, R., Raković, A., & Pupiš, M. (2016). Morfo‐motor profile of high jumpers. U Pantelić, S. (ur), XIX International Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2016" in physical education, sport and recreationBook of proceedings (str. 53-56). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    11. Petković, E.,Stanković, D., Dragić, B., Tankuševa, N., Davidov, D.G., & Tankuševa, N. (2016). Relations between motoric abilities on the results of the practical exam in artistic gymnastics. U Pantelić, S. (ur), XIX International Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2016" in physical education, sport and recreation Book of proceedings (str. 334-338). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    12. Petković, E., Veličković, S., & Stanković, D. (2016). Differences in the boldness test in the artistic gymnastics selection process. U Šeparović, V. (ur), 9. međunarodni simpozijum "Sport i zdravlje", zbornik naučnih i stručnih radova (str. 17-21). Tuzla: Fakultet za tjelesni odgoj i sport.

    13. Pavlović, R., Stanković, D., Vrcić, M., & Radulović, N. (2016). Analiza kinematičkih parametara elitnih sprintera svjetskog prvenstva u berlinu, 2009. U Šeparović, V. (ur), 9. međunarodni simpozijum "Sport i zdravlje", zbornik naučnih i stručnih radova (str. 61-68). Tuzla: Fakultet za tjelesni odgoj i sport.

    14. Petković, E., Stanković, D., Tankusheva, N., & Nimčević, I. (2016). The Difference in Motor Skills Between Gymnast of Serbian "C" Program, QUAESTI - The 4th Virtual Multidisciplinary Conference,  (str. 63 - 65), Zilina, Slovakia: Publishing Society. issn: 2453-7144, doi: 10.18638/quaesti.2016.4.1.277, isbn: 978-80-554-1301-3.

    15. Petković, E., Nimčević, I., Stanković, D., & Piršl, D. (2017). Differences in flexibility in different age categories gymnasts. U Pavletič, M.S. et. al. (ur), 4th International scientific congress Slovenian Gymnastics Federation, Plenary lectures, invited proceedings, book of abstracts and book of proceedings (str. 286-295). Portorož:Gimnastična zveza Slovenije.

    16. Stanković, D., Milanović, B., Raković, A., Petković, E., & Pavlović, R. (2017). The influence of motor skills on the results of the high jump straddle technique on a sample of elementary school children. U Pantelić, S. (ur), XX International Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2017" in physical education, sport and recreation Book of proceedings (str. 237-241). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    17. Stanković, D., Petrović, I., & Petrović, I. (2018). Influence of muscular strength on military physical tasks in the serbian armed forces. U Pantelić, S. (ur), XX International Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2018" in physical education, sport and recreation , Book of proceedings (str. 184-190). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    18. Petrović, I., Stanković, D., & Petrović, I. (2018). Relationship of aerobic abilities and agility with military physical tasks in the serbian armed forces. U Pantelić, S. (ur): XX International Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2018" in physical education, sport and recreation, Book of proceedings (str. 215-220). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    19. Stanković, D., Pavlović, V. & Petković, E. (2019). The influence of coordination on the results in sports climbing: the underlying relations. In: Stojiljković, N. (Ed.): Book of Proceedings XXII International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2019.“ in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 21-26). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, ISSN 978-86-81474-01-3

    20. Stanković, D., Stojanović, N., Raković, A., & Živković, A. (2019). Differences in pace betwen men and women in the halfmarathon. In: Stojiljković, N. (Ed.): Book of Proceedings XXII International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2019.“ in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 31-34). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, ISSN 978-86-81474-01-3.

    21. Stanković, D., Aras, D., & Raković, A. (2021). Differences in coordination and balance between male and female elite sport limbers. In: Stojiljković, N. (Ed.): Book of Proceedings XXIII International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2021.“ in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 46-50). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    22. Petrović, I., & Stanković, D. (2021). Manifestation of laterality on lower extremities in athletes. In: Stojiljković, N. (Ed.): Book of Proceedings XXIII International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2021.“ in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 56-61). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. 

    23. Mijalković, S., Momčilović, A., Raković, A., & Stanković, D. (2022). Psychological preparation in long and ultra-long distance runners: a systematic reviewIn V. Stanković,  L. Lilić, T. Stojanović, B. Cicović, & I. Ilić (Eds.), 9. International scientific conference “anthropological and teo-anthropological views on physical activity” (pp. 59-65). 24-25. March, 2022, Leposavić: University of Priština, Faculty for sports and physical education.

    24. Mijalković, S., Stanković, D., Sahin, F.N., Stanković, A., & Raković, A. (2023). The 800 and 1500 meters running technique analysis: a systematic review.  In: Stojiljković, N. (Ed.): Book of Proceedings XXIV International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2021.“ in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 402-408). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.

    25. Stanković, D., & Ćirić, N. (2023). Sensation seeking and anxiety in sports climbers - a systematic review. In: Stojiljković, N. (Ed.): Book of Proceedings XXIV International Scientific Conference „FIS Communications 2021.“ in physical education, sport and recreation (pp. 210-214). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.



    1. Raković, A., Stanković, D., & Branković, M. (2001). Model telesnih vežbi za razvoj specifičnih sposobnosti hodača u pripremnom periodu. U Tijanić, Lj. (ur), XL Kongres antropološkog društva Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, program i zbornik rezimea (str. 81). Niš: Skupština grada Niša.

    2. Raković, A., Branković, & M., & Stanković, D. (2001). Metodika obučavanja strukture kretanja u sportskom hodanju. U Tijanić, Lj. (ur), XL Kongres antropološkog društva Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, program i zbornik rezimea (str. 82). Niš: Skupština grada Niša.

    3. Stanković, D., Raković, A., & Milentije Branković (2001). Metodika obučavanja i specijalne vežbe skakača uvis. U Tijanić, Lj. (ur), XL Kongres antropološkog društva Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, program i zbornik rezimea (str. 83). Niš: Skupština grada Niša.

    4. Raković, A., Stanković, D., & Branković, M. (2001). Metodika obučavanja i specijalne vežbe skakača udalj. U Tijanić, Lj. (ur), XL Kongres antropološkog društva Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, program i zbornik rezimea (str. 84). Niš: Skupština grada Niša.

    5.Stanković, D., Raković, A., & Branković, M. (2001). Strukturalna i biomehanička analiza skoka s motkom. U Tijanić, Lj. (ur), XL Kongres antropološkog društva Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, program i zbornik rezimea (str. 85). Niš: Skupština grada Niša..

    6. Raković, A., Branković, M., & Stanković, D. (2001). Strukturalna i biomehanička analiza skoka udalj. U Tijanić, Lj. (ur), XL Kongres antropološkog društva Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, program i zbornik rezimea (str. 86). Niš: Skupština grada Niša.

    7. Stanković, D., Branković, M., & Raković, A. (2001). Strukturalna i biomehanička analiza skoka uvis. U Tijanić, Lj. (ur), XL Kongres antropološkog društva Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, program i zbornik rezimea (str. 87). Niš: Skupština grada Niša.

    8. Branković, N., & Stanković, D. (2001). Predikcija sistema motoričkih varijabli na rezultat u skoku uvis. U Tijanić, Lj. (ur), XL Kongres antropološkog društva Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem, program i zbornik rezimea (str. 88). Niš: Skupština grada Niša.

    9. Joksimović, D., Komlenić, М., Joksimović, A.,& Stanković, D. (2011). Anxiety in sport climbers and skiers. In C. Ergin (Ed), The 12th European Congress of Psychology (pp. 1570). Istanblul: Faculty of Arts & Sciences Department of Psychology, Bahcesehir University.

    10. Joksimović, D., Komlenić, М., Stanković, D., & Joksimović, A. (2011). Sensation seeking in sport climbers and skiers. In C. Ergin (Ed), The 12th European Congress of Psychology (pp. 1571). Istanblul: Faculty of Arts & Sciences Department of Psychology, Bahcesehir University.

    11. Stefanović, N., Raković, A., Stanković, D., Puletić, M., & Antić, V. (2012). Somatotype analysis of the top serbian track and field athletes. LI kongres Antropološkog Društva Srbije (sa međunarodnim učešćem), program i izvodi saopštenja (str. 157), Niš: ADS, ISBN 978-86-6265-005-4.

    12. Petković, E., Veličković, S., Madić, D., Stanković, D. (2018). Different Syles in the Performance of Technique Clear Hip Circle to Handstand on the Uneven Brs – A Case Study. In: Škegro, D., Belčić, I., Sporiš, G., Krističević, T. (Ed.): Book of Proceedings XII World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport (147), ISBN: 978-953-317-062-6.


  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:


    1. Branković, N., Stanković, D., Petrović, V., Đokić, M., & Đokić. M. (2003). Metode razvoja funkcionalnih sposobnosti sprintera. U Đurašković, R., & Vidojević, M. (ur),  I simpozijum lekara medicine sporta, Zbornik radova (str. 45-50). Knjaževac: Zdravstveni centar Knjaževac.

    2. Raković, A., Stanković, D., & Savanović, V. (2005). Maraton na olimpijskim igrama sa osvrtom na učešće takmičara iz bivše Jugoslavije. U Stanković, R. (ur), FIS Komunikacije 2005, zbornik radova (str. 377-385). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture.

    3. Stanković, D., & Radić, Z. (2006). Relacije između motoričkih sposobnosti i rezultata u skoku udalj učenica osnovnih škola. U Živković, D. (ur), FIS Komunikacije 2006, zbornik radova (str. 193-198). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture.

    4. Radić, Z., Stanković, D., & Raković, A. (2006). Relacije između morfoloških karakteristika i rezultata u skoku udalj učenica osnovnih škola. U Živković, D. (ur), FIS Komunikacije 2006, (str. 266-271). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture.

    5. Joksimović, D., Joksimović, A., & Stanković, D. (2010). Uloga psiholoških faktora u procesu obuke skijaških zavoja kod početnika. U Stanković, R. (ur), FIS Komunikacije 2010, zbornik radova (str. 473-478). Niš: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja.



    1. Bubanj, R., Branković, M., Stanković, R., & Stanković, D. (2000). Aktuelna pitanja razvoja brzine kretanja kod mladih sportista. U Vučković, S. (ur), FIS Komunikacije 2000, zbornik sažetaka (str. 15-16). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture.

    2. Stanković, D., & Raković, A. (2000). Methodical approach to the increase of aerobic and anaerobic endurance level with junior sportsmen. . U Vučković, S. (ur), FIS Komunikacije 2000, zbornik sažetaka (str. 23-24). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture.

    3. Stanković, D., Raković, A., Branković, M., & Bubanj, R. (2001). Biomehanička analiza tehnike sportskog hodanja. U Vučković, S. (ur), FIS Komunikacije 2001, zbornik sažetaka (str. 99). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture.

    4. Raković, A., Stanković, D., & Branković, M. (2001). Osnovni sadržaji treninga sportskog hodanja. U Vučković, S. (ur), FIS Komunikacije 2001, zbornik sažetaka (str. 100). Niš: Fakultet fizičke kulture.

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