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Datum kreiranja: 20.05.2022.

Tamara Vukic

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Pedagogija
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2016
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Николић В., Вукић, Т. (2020). Одрживи развој као изазов савременог универзитетског образовања. У Д. Стаменковић, Ј. Шаранац Стаменковић, Љ. Скробић, М. Илић и М. Каличанин (ур.), Наука и савремени универзитет: Нови правци истраживања у друштвеним и хуманистичким наукама – тематски зборник (стр. 247-263). Ниш: Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Нишу. ISBN 978-86-7379-553-9 (Ниш, Србија, 19.11.2019.)

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Nikolić, V., Taradi, J., Vukić, T., & Pedović, I. (2023). Occupational Safety Knowledge Management in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (Published online: 06 Jan 2023) 

    Nikolić, V. M., & Vukić, T. M. (2021). Sustainable development as a challenge of engineering education. Thermal Science, 25(3A), 1921-1933.   

    Nikolic, V., Vukic, T., Maletaski, T., & Andevski, M. (2020). Students’ attitudes towards sustainable development in Serbia. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 21(4), 733-755.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Vukić, T., Jovanović, M., & Todorović, D. (2021). Goals and Objectives of Education for Sustainable Development as Modern Curriculum Innovation in Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia. Facta Universitatis, Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, 20(1), 55-72. UDC 37.011.33(497.11+497.13+497.16)   

    Вукић, Т. и Максимовић, Ј. (2021). Историјско-херменеутичка парадигма као основа за афирмацију дидактике као теорије образовања. Годишњак Педагошког факултета у Врању, 12(1), 33-47. 

    Vukić, T., Jovanović, M. (2020). Didaktički aspekt realizacije obrazovanja za održivi razvoj u kurikulumima savremene škole. Godišnjak Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 45(1), 111-129.

    Јовановић, М., Вукић, Т. (2020). Комуникациони аспект менторског односа у високошколском образовању. Настава и васпитање, 69(1), 51-69.

    Vukić, T. (2020). Obrazovanje za održivi razvoj kao izborni program. Research in Pedagogy, 10(1), 93-107.

    Вукић, Т., Јовановић, М. (2020). Оцењивање ученика у алтернативним школама. Годишњак за педагогију, 5(2), 51-60.

    Vukić, T. (2019). Sustainable Development From High School Teachers’ Perspective. Facta Universitatis, Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, 18(3), 131-148. ISSN: 1820-8509 (Online),

    Вукић, Т. (2019). Дидактичке иновације као императив универзитетске наставе: преглед модела и техника наставног рада. Годишњак за педагогију, 4 (1), 71-83.

    Јовановић, М., Вукић, Т. (2018). Идентификовање даровитих ученика као претпоставка успеха и изазов савремене наставе. Балканске синтезе, 4(3), 109-122

    Jovanović, M., & Vukić, T. (2018). Types of Support Gifted Students Receive in School. Facta Universitatis, Series: Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, 2(2), 125-135. ISSN: 2560–4619 (Online),

    Јовановић, М., Вукић, Т. (2018). Улога додатне наставе у подстицању и развоју даровитости. Годишњак за педагогију, 3(1), 7-18.

    Максимовић, Ј., Османовић, Ј., Вукић, Т. (2018). Књижевност, музичка и ликовна култура у функцији развоја естетских способности ученика – трансферзално истраживање. Годишњак за педагогију, 3(2), 31-44.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Nikolić, V., & Vukić, T. (2022). Sustainable Development as a Part of Curricula of Faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities. In K. Mrnjaus (Ed.), VIII International European Congress on Social Sciences, Full Text Book (pp. 392-406). Institute Of Economic Development and Social Researches Publications (December 4-5, 2022, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia). ISBN: 978-625-6380-57-8 

    Nikolić, V., & Vukić, T. (2022). Didactic and Methodological Discourse of Education for Sustainable Development. In V. Nikolić & E. Stojiljković (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference “Man and Working Environment”: Occupational and Environmental Safety Engineering & Management (pp. 291-298). Niš: Faculty of Occupational Safety. (Niš, Serbia, 24-25 November 2022). ISBN 978-86-6093-112-4 

    Nikolić, V., & Vukić, T. (2022). Problems and Opportunities of Online Teaching in Emergency Situations. In N. Komazec & B. Babić (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific-Professional Conference Security and Crisis Management – Theory and Practice: Safety for The Future 2022 (pp. 136-144). Belgrade: Regional Association for Security and Crisis Management-RASEC & S4 GLOSEC Global Security (September 29th and 30th, 2022. Sremska Kamenica, Republic of Serbia), ISBN 978-86-80692-09-8 

    Nikolić, V., & Vukić, T. (2022). Challenges of Online Teaching in Higher Education During the Pandemic Period. In S. Kirin, I. Štedul & M. Bubaš (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Professional and Scientific Conference Occupational Safety and Health (pp. 916-926). Karlovac: Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (September 21-24, 2022. Zadar, Croatia), ISSN 2975-3139 

    Nikolić, V., & Vukić, T. (2022). Climate Change Education - Guidelines and Recommendations. In D. Radovančević (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Physical Aspects of Environment ICPAE2022 (pp. 173-181). Zrenjanin: Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” (31st March – 2nd April), ISBN 978-86-7672-354-6

    Galjak, M., Nikolić, V., Vukić, T., & Šapić, R. (2022). Leadership As a Key Factor of Business Continuity Management from the Discourse of Occupational Safety. In J. Taradi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference Management & Safety (M&S 2022), Business Continuity Management and Safety (pp. 28-34). The European Society of Safety Engineers (June 10th, 2022, Online Conference), ISBN 978-953-48331-5-5 (online). 

    Nikolić, V., Vukić, T., & Galjak, M. (2022). Quality Through the Perspective of Business Continuity of Higher Education for Occupational Safety. In J. Taradi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference Management & Safety (M&S 2022), Business Continuity Management and Safety (pp. 41-50). The European Society of Safety Engineers (June 10th, 2022, Online Conference), ISBN 978-953-48331-5-5 (online). 

    Nikolić, V., & Vukić, T. (2021). Teacher Training as Support for Resilience in Disasters and Emergencies. In N. Komazec & B. Babić (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific-Professional Conference Security and Crisis Management – Theory and Practice: Safety for The Future 2021 (pp. 47-57). Belgrade: Regional Association for Security and Crisis Management-RASEC. S4 GLOSEC Global Security. ISBN 978-86-80692-08-1. 

    Nikolić, V., Vukić, T., Galjak, M., & Vasović, D. (2021). Disaster Risk Management and Emergencies as a Challenge to Contemporary Education. In J. Taradi (Ed.), Proceedings of The 16th International Conference Management & Safety (M&S 2021), Risk and Crisis Management (pp. 42-51). The European Society of Safety Engineers (June 18th, 2021, Online Conference), ISBN 978-953-48331-4-8 (online).

    Galjak, M., Nikolić, V., Vukić, T., & Taradi, J. (2021). Risk Perception as a Prerequisite of Crisis and Emergency Management. In J. Taradi (Ed.), Proceedings of The 16th International Conference Management & Safety (M&S 2021), Risk and Crisis Management (pp. 71-77). The European Society of Safety Engineers (June 18th, 2021, Online Conference), ISBN 978-953-48331-4-8 (online).

    Nikolic, V., Galjak, M., & Vukic, T. (2021). Control as a Function of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System. In Lj. Papic (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th DQM International Conference ICDQM-2021, Life Cycle Engineering and Management (pp. 251-257). Priejvor: The Research Center of Dependability and Quality Management (DQM) (June 24-25, Prijevor, Serbia), ISBN 978-86-86355-46-1.

    Vukić, T., Nikolić, V., & Ilić-Petković, A. (2020). ICTs as a Support for the Education for Sustainable Development. In J. Taradi (Ed.), Proceedings of The 15th International Conference Management & Safety (M&S 2020), Information System Management and Safety (pp. 23-34). The European Society of Safety Engineers (November 13th, 2020, Online Conference).

    Nikolić, V., & Vukić, T. (2020). Sustainability Competencies from the University Discourse. In The Sixth International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2020: Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Selected papers (pp. 71-83). Belgrade: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.  ISBN 978-86-80194-34-9, ISSN 2683-5568 (Online-virtual, May 21, 2010).

    Vukić, T. (2019). Managing the Educational Process Towards the Sustainable Development. In J. Taradi (Ed.), Proceedings of The 14th International Conference Management & Safety (M&S 2019), Process Management and Safety (pp. 76-86). The European Society of Safety Engineers (Budva, Montenegro, 6-7 June 2019).

    Ilić-Petković, A., Vukić, T., Furtula, M., & Nikolić, V. (2019). Knowledge of Legal Regulations as Conditio Sine Qua Non in Safety Management. In J. Taradi (Ed.), Proceedings of The 14th International Conference Management & Safety (M&S 2019), Process Management and Safety (pp. 51-58). The European Society of Safety Engineers (Budva, Montenegro, 6-7 June 2019).

    Maksimović, J., Osmanović J., & .Vukić, T. (2019). The effects of application of problem teaching in nature and society – a model of action research. In M. Nikolić & M. Vantić-Tanjić (Eds.), Zbornik radova: X Međunarodna naučno-stručna konferencija: Unapređenje kvalitete života djece i mladih (pp. 161-172). Tuzla: Univerzitet u Tuzli, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet. ISSN 1986-9886

    Nikolić, V., Ilić Petković, A., Galjak, M., & Vukić, T. (2018). Higher Education in the Field of Occupational Safety and Health in National and International Context. In D. Cvetković I. & Krstić (Eds.), Proceedings of The 18th Conference of the Series Man and Working Environment: 50 Years of Higher Education, Science and Research in Occupational Safety and Engineering (pp. 21-28). Niš: Faculty of Occupational Safety. (Niš, Serbia, 6-7 December 2018).

    Maksimović, J., & Vukić, T. (2018). Ethnography and Case Study in the Context of Educational Research. In C. McDermott, M. Cotič & A. Kožuh (Eds.), Lodging the Theory in Educational Practice (205-219). Los Angeles: Education Department, Antioch University. ISBN 978-1-64467-904-0

    Vukić, T., & Nikolić, V. (2018). Methodological Characteristics of Adult Education in the System of Safety. In D. Cvetković. & I. Krstić (Eds.), Proceedings of The 18th Conference of the Series Man and Working Environment: 50 Years of Higher Education, Science and Research in Occupational Safety and Engineering (pp. 213-218). Niš: Faculty of Occupational Safety. (Niš, Serbia, 6-7 December 2018).

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Nikolić, V., Vukić, T., & Galjak, M. (2021). Safety and Health Protection in Schools in the Conditions of Coronavirus Pandemic. In P. Tanović (Ed.), The 16th Conference with international participation Risk and safety engineering (pp. 36-43). Novi Sad: Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija u Novom Sadu i Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i Geodeziju, ISBN 978-86-6211-126-5 (02-04. jun 2021, Vrnjačka Banja).

    Вукић, М. Т. (2019). Одрживи развој као иновација у наставним плановима и програмима. У Љ. Пауновић и С. Видосављевић (Ур.), Иновативни приступ васпитању и образовању: стање, дилеме и перспективе (стр. 381-396). Лепосавић: Учитељски факултет у Призрену – Лепосавићу. ISBN: 978-86-84143-51-0 (Призрен –  Лепосавић, Лепосавић, 31.05.-01.06.2019.)

Poslednji put izmenjeno ponedeljak, 20 mart 2023 11:26