Naučne publikacije akademskog osoblja


Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.
Datum kreiranja: 14.01.2014.

Goran Janaćković

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Elektronski fakultet u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Računarska tehnika i informatika (RTI)
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2000
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    "Application of the Systems Approach and System Standards in Water Safety Plan Development and Implementation”, Ch. 10 in Water safety, security and sustainability – Threat detection and mitigation (eds. Vaseashta, A., Maftei, C.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021, pp. 243-262.


    "Model of Effective Civil-Military Collaboration in Natural Disaster Risk Management”, Ch. 2 in Natural Risk Management and Engineering - Reports on new research directions in the field of natural disasters risk management (NatRisk Project) (eds. Gocic M., Aronica G.T., Stavroulakis G.E., Trajkovic S.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020, 23-40.

    "Integrative Education Model for Resources and Critical Infrastructure Protection Based on Risk Assessment, Resources Valorization and Threat Ranking”, Ch. 19 in Resilience and Risk - Methods and Application in Environment, Cyber and Social Domains (eds. Igor Linkov and José Manuel Palma-Oliveira), NATO Science Peace Security Ser. C: Environmental Security, Springer Verlag, 2017, 483-499.

    "Višekriterijumsko ocenjivanje značaja indikatora performansi zaštite na radu u putarskim preduzećima u Srbiji”, Tematski zbornik: Analitički hijerarhijski proces – primena u energetici, zaštiti radne i životne sredine i obrazovanju, Niš, 2016, 49-67. 

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Теорија система и ризика – системност у контексту менаџмента ризиком, Академска мисао, Београд, Факултет заштите на раду, Ниш, 2021, 1-398. ISBN 978-86-7466-869-6. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Факултета заштите на раду у Нишу, бр. 03-106/9, од 26. 2. 2020. године, рукопис је штампан као основни уџбеник)


    Теорија система и ризика : збирка задатака са теоријским основама, Факултет заштите на раду, Ниш, 2018. ISBN 978-86-6093-086-8. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Факултета заштите на раду у Нишу, бр. 03-82/4, од 31. 1. 2018. године, рукопис је штампан као збирка задатака)


    Рачунарска техника- основи организације и примене персоналних рачунара, Факултет заштите на раду, Ниш, 2015, 1-293. ISBN 978-86-6093-066-0. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Факултета заштите на раду у Нишу, бр. 03-182/3, од 9. 4. 2015. године, рукопис је штампан као уџбеник)

    Збирка задатака из рачунарске технике са практикумом, Факултет заштите на раду, Ниш, 2015, 1-180. ISBN 978-86-6093-067-7. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Факултета заштите на раду у Нишу, бр. 03-182/4, од 9. 4. 2015. године, рукопис је штампан као помоћни уџбеник)

    Рачунарска техника – архитектуре рачунара и апликативни софтвер, Факултет заштите на раду, Ниш, 2011, 1-177. ISBN 978-86-6093-023-3. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Факултета заштите на раду у Нишу, бр. 03-297/17, од 11. 7. 2012. године, рукопис је штампан као уџбеник) 

    Увод у програмирање - практикум, Факултет заштите на раду, Ниш, 2004, 1-80. ISBN 978-86-80261-41-6. (Одлуком Научно-наставног већа Факултета заштите на раду у Нишу бр. 03-333/8 од 8.7.2004. рукопис је одобрен за штампу као помоћни уџбеник) 

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    “Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to inductive steel tube welding“, Rom. J. Inf. Sci. Tech., 25 (1), 2022, 3-19.

    “The selection of main surgical work factors in operating rooms“, Inquiry-J. Health Car., 58, 2021, 1-8.

    “A systems approach to analysing work efficiency in power control rooms: a case study“, S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng., 31 (4), 14 December 2020, 151-164.


    “Identifying and ranking novel indicators of MSMEs innovation potential“, Technol. Anal. Strateg., 32 (5), 2020, 529-541.

    “Selection of key indicators for the improvement of occupational safety system in electricity distribution companies“, Safety Sci., 125, 2020, 1-7.

    “The key risk indicators of road traffic crashes in Serbia, Nis region“, Int. J. Inj. Control Sa., 26 (1), 2019, 45-51.

    “Promoting reflective practice in resources protection area: a step to forecast outcomes in uncertainty”, J. Environ. Prot. Ecol., 19 (3), 2018, 1320-1329.

    “Comparative analysis of CO2 emissions indicators in EU countries and Western Balkan countries – assessment of their contribution to climate change“, J. Environ. Prot. Ecol., 19 (2), 2018, 453-461.

    “The framework for research of operators' functional suitability and efficiency in the control room“, Int. J. of Ind. Erg., 63, 2018, 65-74. 

    “Novel Approach to Landfill Fire Protection Engineering Based on Multi-criteria Analysis and Principles of Sustainable Environmental Management“, J. Environ. Prot. Ecol., 19 (1), 2018, 226-235.

    “Realisation of the Goals of Sustainable Development Based on Application of Energy Indicators in Environmental Engineering“, J. Environ. Prot. Ecol., 19 (1), 2018, 216-225.

    “Toxicological risk analysis of lead exposure in metal processing“, Trop. J. Pharm. Res., 16 (12), 2017, 2959-2966.

    “The impact of character/background colour combinations and exposition on character legibility and readability on video display units“, T. I. Meas. Control, 39 (10), 2017, 1454-1465.

    “The analysis of human error as causes in the maintenance of machines: A case study in mining companies“, S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng., 27 (4), 2016, 193-202.

    “Improving the management system of mining and energy complexes based on risk assessment, environmental law and principles of sustainable development“, J. Environ. Prot. Ecol., 17 (3), 2016, 1066-1075.

    “The development of a new integral control model based on the analysis of three complex systems in Serbia“, Cogn. Technol. Work, 18 (4), 2016, 761-776.

    “Control and management of coal mines with control information systems“, Int. Arab J. Inf. Techn., 13 (4), 2016, 387-395.

    “Development and application of a decision support system for Human Reliability Assessment  - a case study of an electric power company“, Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int., 32 (4), 2016, 1581-1590.

    “Development and Application of Measurement and Control Systems in Coal Mines“, Meas. Control-UK, 49 (1), 2016, 18-22.

    “Evaluation and assessment model for environmental management under the Seveso III, IPPC/IED and Water framework directive“, J. Environ. Prot. Ecol.,17 (1), 2016, 356-365.


    “The selection of the key ergonomic indicators influencing work efficiency in the railway control rooms“, T. I. Meas. Control, 38 (10), 2016, 1174-1185.

    “Data acquisition and remote control systems in coal mines – a Serbian experience“, Meas. Control-UK, 48 (1), 2015, 28-36.

    “Selection and ranking of occupational safety indicators based on fuzzy AHP: Case study in road construction companies“, S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng., 24 (3), 2013, 175-189. 

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    “Conceptual framework for the BREF documents selection and BAT design as advisable response to EU industrial emissions directive demands“, Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and living environmental protection, 20 (3), 2023, 135-146.

    “Hybrid method for selection of optimal safety improvement strategy in micro-enterprises“, Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and living environmental protection, 20 (2), 2023, 77-86.

    "Evaluation of key factors of ergonomic design of control rooms in complex systems in Serbia”, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 6 (1), 2022, 10-23.


    "Framework for indicator-based optimization of disaster risk management in local communities”, Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and living environmental protection, 14 (1), 2017, 11-22. 

    "The integrated safety performance model based on safety indicators and safety lifecycle”, Acta Technica Corviniensis - Bulletin of Engineering, 10 (2), 2017, 79-82. 

    "Environmental Management Systems: Contemporary Trends and Practices", Acta Technica Corviniensis - Bulletin of Engineering, 10 (1), 2017, 145-147.

    “Multi-criteria assessment of the Smart Grid efficiency using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process“, Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, 29 (4), 2016, 631-646.


     “Improving the environmental protection system of mining and energy complex based on preparation for emergency response“, Safety Engineering – Journal for scientists and engineers, 5 (2), 2015, 115-120.

    “Environmental capacity determinants – spatial and temporal assessment“, Ecoterra, 12 (3), 2015, 42-47.

    “Multicriteria Methods for Distributed Generation Resources Optimization“, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 7 (5), 2013, 987-994. 

    “Delphi-Fuzzy AHP Ranking of the Occupational Safety Community of Practice Performance Indicators“, Journal of Management and Marketing, 1 (1), 2013, 9-16.

    “Hybrid model for e-learning quality evaluation“, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET),  7 (1), 2012, 6-13.

    “Ranking of polygeneration systems based on renewable energy sources and energy planning“, Communications in dependability and quality management – an international journal, 14 (4), 2011, 5-19.

    “Multi-criteria decision analysis in occupational safety management systems“, Safety Engineering – Journal for scientists and engineers, University of Nis, Faculty of occupational safety, 1 (1), 2011, 17-23.

    “Управљање ресурсима у ванредним ситуацијама применом интерактивног тимског планирања“, Ревија рада, Заштита пресс, Београд, година XXXVII, број 321/2007, 2007, 84-97.

    “Ризик софтвера и софтверско инжењерство“, Превентивно инжењерство, XI(2/2003), 2003, 29-35.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    “Analysis of CAP utilization possibilities in disaster management sensing, fast data transfer and relief operations”, The 9th conference with international participation on knowledge management and informatics, 9-12 January 2023, Kopaonik, Serbia, 181-187.

    “The role of environmental management systems in BREF documents and BAT selection process”, 12th International DQM conference on life cycle engineering and management ICDQM-2021, June 24-25, 2021, Prijevor, Serbia, 209-213.

    “Occupational safety and health management system standardization challenges”, 12th International DQM conference on life cycle engineering and management ICDQM-2021, June 24-25, 2021, Prijevor, Serbia, 214-219.

    “Analysis of representative crisis management models”, 16th international conference Management and Safety 2021 (M&S 2021) – Risk and crisis management, June 18, 2021, Online conference, Proc. 1, 24-29.

    “Risk and crisis management in EU EMAS regulation”, 16th international conference Management and Safety 2021 (M&S 2021), June 18, 2021, Online conference, Proc. 1, 64-70.

    “OHS management: development perspectives defined by ISO 45000 series of standards”, XI International Symposium Engineering management and Competitiveness 2021 (EMC 2021), 18-19th June, Zrenjanin, Serbia, 119-123.

    “Application of benchmarking technique in public utility system, XI International Symposium Engineering management and Competitiveness 2021 (EMC 2021), 18-19th June, Zrenjanin, Serbia, 119-123.

    “Contemporary trends in information technology development and the impact on safety systems”, 15th International conference „Management and safety“, M&S 2020, Online conference, November 13, 2020, 1-10.

    “Environmental information systems: concepts, trends and future challenges”, 15th International conference „Management and safety“, M&S 2020, Online conference, November 13, 2020, 17-22.

    “The effects of economic trends and safety regulations on occupational injuries”, International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2020 (IIZS 2020), October 08-09, 2020, Zrenjanin, Serbia, pp. 441-446.


    “Mitigating the risk of natural disasters by improving socio-environmental system resilience”, International U.A.B.-B.EN.A Workshop „Environmental engineering and sustainable development, 7th edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, June 20-21, 2019, 62.

    “Root-cause analysis of prominent landfill fire riskfactors on the example of a sanitary and a non-sanitary landfill”, International U.A.B.-B.EN.A Workshop „Environmental engineering and sustainable development, 7th edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, June 20-21, 2019, 35.

    “Environmental and health impact of mining on surrounding communities: a case study”, International U.A.B.-B.EN.A Workshop „Environmental engineering and sustainable development, 7th edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, June 20-21, 2019, 30.

    “Management of safety innovations: an effective approach to addressing risks in a dynamic environment”, 14th International conference „Management and safety“, M&S 2018, Budva, Montenegro, June 7-8, 2019, 68-75.

    “Contribution of Renewable Energy Sources to Overall National Energy Security Policy”, Proc. of the 4th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy, Niš, Serbia, October 25-26, 2018, 41-44.

    “Sunspaces as passive design elements for energy efficient and environmentally sustainable housing”, in Proc. of the VIII International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2018), Zrenjanin, Serbia, 11-12 October 2018, 484-492.

    “Modern approach to risk assessment based on dynamic analysis and performance benchmarking”, in Proc. of the VIII International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness (EMC 2018), Zrenjanin, Serbia, June 22-23, 2018, 107-112. 

    “Review of Serbian water supply and sewerage system funding”, in Proc. of the VIII International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness (EMC 2018), Zrenjanin, Serbia, June 22-23, 2018, 143-146. 

    “Comparative analysis of standards OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001”, in Proc. of the 9th DQM International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2018, June 28-29, 2018, Prijevor, Serbia, 206-215. 

    “Performance indicators of the occupational health and safety system in ALFA MEDIA Belgrade”, in Proc. of the 9th DQM International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2018, June 28-29, 2018, Prijevor, Serbia, 289-296.

    “Application of augmented reality in military and disaster management education and training”, in Proc. of the 9th DQM International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2018, June 28-29, 2018, Prijevor, Serbia, 456-461. 

    "Comparative analyss of selected environmental indicators within adjusted savings in Serbia and Romania", In: Book of Abstracts Water Across Time in Engineering Research (International conferences Hydrofractals 18, Water 2018, Wsd 2018) Constanta, Romania, 20 June – 23 June 2018, 32. 

    "Integrated water management of energy complex and sustainable balanced scorecard method", In: Book of Abstracts Water Across Time in Engineering Research (International conferences Hydrofractals 18, Water 2018, Wsd 2018) Constanta, Romania, 20 June – 23 June 2018, 37. 

    "Vulnerability assessment of community areas to natural disasters based on group fuzzy analytic hierarchy process", In: Book of Abstracts Water Across Time in Engineering Research (International conferences Hydrofractals 18, Water 2018, Wsd 2018) Constanta, Romania, 20 June - 23 June 2018, 77. 

    "Modelling the impact of extreme hydrological phenomena on the environmental service functions", In: Book of Abstracts Water Across Time in Engineering Research (International conferences Hydrofractals 18, Water 2018, Wsd 2018) Constanta, Romania, 20 June - 23 June 2018, 102. 

    "Ecological status assessment vs. Specific pollutant load: is ICT the missing link?”, 3rd International conference GREDIT 2018, 22 March - 25 March 2018, Skopje, Macedonia, 39.

    "Comparative analysis of selected environmental indicators within adjusted savings in Serbia and Macedonia”, 3rd International conference GREDIT 2018, 22 March - 25 March 2018, Skopje, Macedonia, 40.

    "Comparative analysis of the impact of climate changes on the environmental quality on the example of Serbia and Macedonia”, 4th International Conference HRESDE 2017, 17-19 November 2017, Shkoder, Albania, 149. 

    "Multimodality in the field of resource protection”, 4th International Conference HRESDE 2017, 17-19 November 2017, Shkoder, Albania, 154. 

    "Multi-criteria evaluation of critical zones in the context of resource protection during natural disasters”, 4th International Conference HRESDE 2017, 17-19 November 2017, Shkoder, Albania, 160. 

    "Control mechanisms for environmental protection in complex electro-energetic systems”, 4th International Conference HRESDE 2017, 17-19 November 2017, Shkoder, Albania, 164. 

    “Modification of the AHP method based on interval valued rough numbers”, in Proc. of the 6th international conference “Transport and logistics”, Niš, Serbia, 25-26 May 2017, 295-301.

    “Multi-criteria model for disaster logistics performanse assessment at strategic level”, in Proc. of the 6th international conference ”Transport and logistics”, Niš, Serbia, 25-26 May 2017, 302-307.

    “Ecological safety of Majdanpek, mining city in Serbia – case study“, The international UAB – B.EN.A conference Environmental Engineering and sustainable development, 25-27 May 2017, Alba Iulia, Romania, 84.

    “Conceptual model of virtual collaborative platform for environmental data analysis and assessment“, The international UAB – B.EN.A conference Environmental Engineering and sustainable development, 25-27 May 2017, Alba Iulia, Romania, 91. 

    “Realization of the goals of sustainable development based on the application of energy indicators in environmental engineering“, The international UAB – B.EN.A conference Environmental Engineering and sustainable development, 25-27 May 2017, Alba Iulia, Romania, 98. 

    “Novel approach to landfill fire protection engineering based on multi-criteria analysis and principles of sustainable environmental management“, The international UAB – B.EN.A conference Environmental Engineering and sustainable development, 25-27 May 2017, Alba Iulia, Romania, 112.

    “Regulations on environmental protection in the units of local self-government in Nis and Babusnica“, The international UAB – B.EN.A conference Environmental Engineering and sustainable development, 25-27 May 2017, Alba Iulia, Romania, 131. 

    “Promoting reflective practice in resources protection area: a step to forecast outcomes in uncertainty“, The international UAB – B.EN.A conference Environmental Engineering and sustainable development, 25-27 May 2017, Alba Iulia, Romania,162. 

    “A quick glance at disaster risk reducition from different perspectives”, in Proc. of the 7th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2016, Prijevor, Serbia, June 29-30, 2016, 193-200.

    “Evolvent of adaptive, integrative education model for resources protection in Ministry of Defence of The Republic of Serbia”, GREDIT 2016, Skopje, Macedonia, 31 March – 2 April, 2016, 69.

    “Improvement of mining and energy complexes management based on risk assessment, environmental law and sustainable development principles”, GREDIT 2016, Skopje, Macedonia, 31 March – 2 April, 2016, 178.


    “Evaluation and assessment model for environmеntal management under the Seveso III, IPPC/IED and water framework directive: Case study of large combustion plant”, The 3rd  International Conference Research and Education in Natural Sciences focused on Harmonisation of research and teaching with sustainable development vol. 2, HERTSPO 2015, Shkoder, Albania, November 05-08, 2015, 19-34.

    “Environmental capacity determinants – spatial and temporal assessment“,  in Book of Abstracts of the International U.A.B. – B.En.A. Conference Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania, May 28-30, 2015, 295.

    “Environmental aspects ranking in energy by use of the AHP approach and the balanced scorecard method”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2014, Belgrade, June 27-28, 2014, 220-223. 

    “Environmental management in energy industry by use of the AHP approach”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2014, Belgrade, June 27-28, 2014, 224-229. 

    “Environmental, social and economic components of environmental capacity”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2014, Belgrade, June 27-28, 2014, 230-235.

    “Project risk index”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2014, Belgrade, June 27-28, 2014, 245-251.

    “Multi-criteria evaluation of safety systems in small and medium enterprises”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2014, Belgrade, June 27-28, 2014, 252-257.

    “Management information systems for safety: Quality criteria and evaluation methods”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2014, Belgrade, June 27-28, 2014, 258-263.

    “Safety Lifecycle of integrated safety systems”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2014, Belgrade, June 27-28, 2014, 264-267. 

    “Integration of e-learning platforms in environmental security management processes”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2014, Belgrade, June 27-28, 2014, 321-324. 

    “Ranking key performance indicators of collaboration in integrated safety systems”, in Proc. of the IV International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness (EMC 2014), Zrenjanin, June 20-21, 2014, 466-471.

    “Indicators of safety reporting efficiency in integrated safety systems”, in Proc. of the IV International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness (EMC 2014), Zrenjanin, June 20-21, 2014, 461-465.

    “Evaluation of safety approaches in small and medium enterprises by means of Analytic Network Process“, The 1st V. Multidisciplinary Conference QUAESTI, Zilina, Slovakia, 16-20. December, 2013, 29-35.

    “Factors influencing efficient integration of safety systems“,V. Conf. Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference, Slovakia, 2013, 13-17.

    “Ranking key performance indicators of the occupational safety community of practice: Delphi-fuzzy AHP approach“, The 1st Int. V. Conf. on Advanced Scientific Results, Zilina, Slovakia, 2013, 33-36.  

    “Balanced scorecard (BSC) as an environmental management system tool within energy sector“, in Proc. of the 4th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013, 191-195. 

    “Environmental aspects ranking: The AHP approach“,in Proc. of the 4th International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013, 360-365.

    “Communities of practice for safety“, in Proc. of the 3nd International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 179-185.

    “Indicators and models of energy security“, in Proc. of the 3nd International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 353-360. 

    “Systems analysis – foundation of research on performance indicators of power systems“, in Proc. of the 3nd International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 361-368.

    “Standardization in the field of security of persons, property and business in the Republic of Serbia“, in Proc. of the The 1st Internet & Business Conference, IBC 2012, Rovinj, Croatia, 25-30.

    “Multicriteria Decision Support for Optimal Distributed Generation Dispatch“, In Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA2012), Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2012, 134 - 139. 

    “Maintenance strategy selection based on hybrid AHP-GP model“, In Proc. of the XVI Conference Series on Man and working environment – “Safety of technical systems in living and working environment“ STS 2011, Nis, 113-119. 

    “Measurement point selection for thermal power plant monitoring system“, In Proc. of the XVI Conference Series on Man and working environment – “Safety of technical systems in living and working environment“ STS 2011, Nis, 213-219. 

    “Multi-criteria methods for ranking polygeneration systems based on renewable energy sources“, In Proc. of the 15th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia under title Energy - Efficiency – Ecology, Sokobanja, 2011, 399-408. 

    “Gaussian model for determining immission concentrations of sulphur dioxide and selection of measuring locations for thermal power plant monitoring system“, In Proc. of the 11th International Conference “Research and Development in Mechanical Industry“ - RaDMI 2011, Sokobanja, Serbia, 775-781.

    “Application of Gaussian dispersion model in the selection of measuring locations for monitoring the impact of nitrogen oxides from coal combustion process“, In Proc. of the Integrated international symposium TRIORIR 2011 (ISTI, ORRE, IRSE), Zlatibor, 438-444.

    “Quality Estimation Model of Higher Education Institutions“, In Proc. of the XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011, Nis, 345-348. 

    “Estimation of NO2 immission concentrations from Teko-B power plant and measuring locations selection“, In Proc. of the XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011, Nis, 740-743.

    “Safety Performance Indicators in Organizational Safety Management Systems“,  In Proc. of the 2nd International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2011, Belgrade, Serbia, 131-139. 

    “Safety Lifecycle and risk assessment“,  In Proc. Of the 1st International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management ICDQM-2010, Belgrade, Serbia, 255-261. 

    “Collaborative Knowledge Management in Emergency Situations“, PhD Block Course “From Vulnerability to Resilience in Disaster Risk Management“, University of Novi Sad (Faculty of Technical Sciences), United Nations University (UNU-EHS Institute for Environment and Human Security), Novi Sad, 2009, Novi Sad, Serbia. 

    “ERARD – Framework for Environmental Risk Assessment based on semantic information extracted from Relational Databases“, The First Congress of Students of Environmental Protection of South Eastern Europe (COSEP), 2008.

    “XML Application Development using UML“, XXXVII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2002, Nis, 497-500. 

    “Simulation of parallel algorithms using Mathematica“, FILOMAT 2001-Book of abstracts, Nis, 7. 

    “MathML for easier mathematical content Web authoring“, FILOMAT 2001-Book of abstracts, Nis, 13. 

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    “Effects of biofuel production on workers and the environment: indicator-based assessment”, Proc. of the 18th conference „Man and working environment“ – „50 years of higher education, science and research in occupational safety engineering“, Niš, 6-7 December 2018, 127-132.

    “Occupational injuries in mining an energy complexes”, Proc. of the 18th conference „Man and working environment“ – „50 years of higher education, science and research in occupational safety engineering“, Niš, December 6-7, 2018, 269-272.

    "Značaj zahteva korisnika za kvalitet usluga komunalnih preduzeća", XVII Nacionalni naučni skup „Čovek i radna sredina“ - “Upravljanje komunalnim sistemom i zaštita životne sredine“, 6-8. Decembar 2017, Fakultet zaštite na radu, Niš, Srbija, 243-250.

    "Модел за оцену ефикасности извештавања у систему заштите на раду", 3. Међународна конференција Управљање знањем и информатика, 13-14. Јануар 2017, Копаоник, Ски центар Хотел Путник, (за издавача др Бранко Савић), 89-95. 

    "Управљање организационим знањем о заштити на раду", 3. Међународна конференција Управљање знањем и информатика, 13-14. Јануар 2017, Копаоник, Ски центар Хотел Путник, (за издавача др Бранко Савић), 151-156.  

    "Управљање еколошким ризиком на нивоу организације", 12. Међународно саветовање „Ризик и безбедносни инжењеринг“, 9-11. Јануар 2017, Копаоник, Ски центар Хотел Путник, (за издавача др Бранко Савић), 281-286. 

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  • Tehnička rešenja:

    “Софтверски пакет К-МО за прорачун и визуелизацију микроклиматских параметара и квалитета осветљености“, Факултет заштите на раду у Нишу, 2010. М85-нови софтвер (Одлука Наставно-научног већа Факултета заштите на раду у Нишу бр. 03-320/7 од 7.7.2010. године)

    “IntTUBE – софтверски систем за симулацију динамичког понашања и управљања топлификационих система“, Машински факултет у Нишу, 2007. М85-нови софтвер (Одлука Наставно научног већа Машинског факултета Универзитета у Нишу од 28. 5. 2010. године)

    “УпОЛ - софтверски систем за евидентирање отпада у локалним заједницама“, Факултет заштите на раду у Нишу, 2007. М85-нови софтвер (Одлука Наставно-научног већа Факултета заштите на раду у Нишу бр. 03-320/8 од 7.7.2010. године)

    “IntPCKG – софтверски систем за праћење динамике термичког понашања грађевинских објеката“, Машински факултет у Нишу, 2006. М85-нови софтвер (Одлука Наставно научног већа Машинског факултета Универзитета у Нишу од 28. 5. 2010. године)

Poslednji put izmenjeno četvrtak, 06 jun 2024 18:31