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Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.
Datum kreiranja: 31.10.2019.

Zorana Kostić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 13.4.1989.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Finansije, bankarstvo i osiguranje / Opšta ekonomija / Makroekonomija
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2012.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Odbranjena doktorska disertacija (M70)

    Doktorska disertacija: Međuzavisnost uslova konkurencije, tržišnog učešća i profitabilnosti privrednih subjekata, Univerzitet u Nišu, Ekonomski fakultet. 

    Doctoral dissertation: Interdependence of condition of competition, market share, and profitability of business entities. University of Niš, Faculty of Economics.


    Monografije, monografske studije, tematski zbornici, leksikografske i kartografske publikacije međunarodnog značaja (M10)

    Rajić, M., Mančić, M., Kostić, Z., Milosavljević, P. (2022). Model of the Circular Economy and its Application in Industry Practice: A Case Study of Serbia. In: Karabegović, I., Kovačević, A., Mandžuka, S. (eds) New Technologies, Development and Application V. NT 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 472. pp. 1083-1092. Springer, Cham.

    Stojanović, B., Кostić, Z., & Vučić, V. (2021). Chapter 7: Sustainable business models in the light of the digital transformation: Smart City perspective, In the Research monograph: Contemporary Economic and Business Issues, edited by Saša Drezgić, Alen Host, Marko Tomljanović, Saša Žiković. pp. 105-122. ISBN (hard copy) 978-953-7813-62-8 ISBN (on line-version) ISBN 978-953-7813-63-5. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business.

    Radukić, S., Mastilo, Z., Kostić, Z., & Mastilo, D. (2020). Chapter 12: Measuring the Market Power in the Context of the Behavioural Economics and Industrial Organization, In the Book: Modeling Economic and Social Behaviour, edited by Lucas A. Jodar Sanches, Elena de la Poza Plaza, Paloma Merello Gimenez and Alberto Celani. pp.245-260. ISBN: 978-1-53618-094-7. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. located in Hauppauge, New York, USA. 

    Radukić, S., & Kostić, Z. (2019). What is the impact of price factors on sustainable tourism competitiveness? In: 4th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia. Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism. pp. 169-182. ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-29-5. Belgrade, Serbia. DOI:

    Kostić, Z., & Rađenović, Ž. (2019). Modelling and Optimization of Oil Price Platform: European Market Structure. In: Enhancing  Competitiveness  of  National  Economies  and  Enterprises. University of Niš, Faculty of Economics. (Edited by Bojan Krstić). pp. 43‐64. ISBN: 978‐86‐6139‐183‐5 UDC: 339.13:553.982(4)

    Novaković, I., Stojanović, B., & Kostić, Z. (2018). Reflection of innovations and concentration on competition in the electronic communications market. In: Western Balkans Economies in EU Integration – Past, Present and Future. CEMAFI International Association, Nice, France. ISBN 979-10-96557-18-9 (Editors: Xavier Richet, Dejan Erić, Srdjan Redžepagić, Ivan Stošić, Duško Bodroža). pp. 222-240.

    Stojanović, B., & Kostić, Z. (2018). Convergence Challenges in Digital Business Environment of Western Balkan Countries. In: Digital Transformation New Challenges and Opportunities. Silver and Smith Publishers, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-999-30-29-4-8 (Editors: Ivana Domazet, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Mirjana Radović-Marković, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia). pp. 31-52.

    Radukić, S, & Kostić, Z. (2018). Measuring the competitiveness of the public utility enterprises in the Republic of Serbia: Example of natural monopoly. In: Building Competitiveness: Micro and Macro Aspects. (Ed. Bojan Krstić). pp. 217-233. ISBN: 978-86-6139-159-0 COBISS.SR-ID 265664524.

    Stojanović, B., Kostić, Z. & Šaranović, J. (2018). Integration engineering and convergence of the GDP per capita in the European union and the Eurasian economic union. Book: Economic Integrations, Theory, Cooperation and Perspectives; Integrations reforms and business challenges. pp. 203-213. Publishers: Libertas International University, Association for European Community Studies in BiH. Editors: Vinko Kandžija, Andrej Kumar. Zagreb-Mostar. ISBN: 978-953-8061-12-7 (Libertas), ISBN: 978-9926-8164-1-4 (ECSA BiH). COBISS.BH-ID 25136134.

    Publication: Overcoming Barries to Business and Normalization: Research of the Economic and Legal Framework for Doing Business between Serbia and Kosovo, Editor in chief Nenad Đurđević, Stojanović, B. & Kostić, Z. Part 3: Improving the Business Environment and Economic Relations between Serbia and Kosovo – Findings of a Research conducted in Serbia. pp. 71-114. Forum for ethnic relations: Heinrich Boell Stiftung. 125 pages. (2017) ISBN 978-86-920703-0-3 (FER) COBISS.SR-ID 239586572 Monografska studija/poglavlje u knjizi/rad u temtskom zborniku međunarodnog značaja.

    Đekić, I, Kostić, Z. & Vučić, V. (2020). Vodič za organizacije civilnog društva za učešće u pregovorima o pristupanju Srbije Evropskoj uniji u oblasti ekonomske politike. Urednik: prof. dr Boban Stojanović, izdavač Društvo ekonomista Niša, ISBN 978-86-901918-1-9. COBISS.SR-ID 17429001.

    Koautor biltena: Študentski podjetniški in inovacijsko-raziskovalni center. Mednarodni raziskovalni tabor (8; 2016; Murska Sobota) Zaključni bilten / 8. mednarodni raziskovalni tabor ŠPIC-a, Murska Sobota, 4.5-6.5. 2016; [avtorji Dora Najrajter ... [et al.] ; odgovorni urednik Branko Škafar]. – Murska Sobota : Ekonomska šola, Višja strokovna šola, 2016 CIP-Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor 377.36:001.82(082), COBISS.SI-ID 86897921.

    Koautor biltena: Študentski podjetniški in inovacijsko-raziskovalni center. Mednarodni raziskovalni tabor (9; 2017; Murska Sobota) Zaključni bilten / 9. mednarodni raziskovalni tabor ŠPIC-a, Murska Sobota, 10.5-12.5. 2017; [avtorji Matej Orlić ... [et al.] ; odgovorni urednik Branko Škafar]. - Murska Sobota: Ekonomska šola, Višja strokovna šola, 2017 CIP-Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor 377.36:001.82(082), COBISS.SI-ID 91891201.


    Monografije nacionalnog značaja (M40) 

    Kostić, Z., Ilić, I. & Mladenović, J. (2014). Uticaj evropskih integracija na spoljnotrgovinsku razmenu Srbije, Stanje i perspektive ekonomsko-finansijskih odnosa Srbije sa inostranstvom, Kragujevac, Ekonomski fakultet Kragujevac, Ekonomski fakultet Beograd, Naučno društvo ekonomista Srbije sa Akademijom ekonomskih nauka, str. 221-235, ISBN 978-86-403-1384-1, COBISS.SR-ID 210756876 Redaktori: Mlađen Kovačević, Vladimir Grečić.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Radovi objavljeni u naučnim časopisima međunarodnog značaja; naučna kritika; uređivanje časopisa (M20)

    Rajić, M. N., Stanković, Z. Z., Mančić, M. V., Milosavljević, P. M., & Maksimović, R. (2024). Business Process Reengineering with a Circular Economy PDCA Model from the Perspective of Manufacturing Industry. Processes12(5), 877.

    Stanković, Z. Z., Rajic, M. N., Božić, Z., Milosavljević, P., Păcurar, A., Borzan, C.,Păcurar, R., & Sabău, E. (2024). The Volatility Dynamics of Prices in the European Power Markets during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period. Sustainability16(6), 2426.

    Radukic, S., Jovanović, S., Petrović-Ranđelović, M., Kostić, Z., Ilić, I., & Basta, J. (2023). Relationship between price competitiveness, tourist arrivals, and tourism receipts in European countries. Serbian Journal of Management18(1), 153-165. DOI: 10.5937/sjm18-34886,

    Paraušić, V., Kostić, Z., & Subić, J. (2023). Local Development Initiatives in Serbia’s Rural Communities as Prerequisite for the Leader Implementation: Agricultural Advisors’ Perceptions. Economics of Agriculture70(1), 117-130. UDC 316.334.55:631.1.017.3]:005.572(497.11), ISSN 0352-3462.   DOI:

    Babin, M., Radosavljević, G., Ivanov, I., & Kostić, Z. (2021). Assessment of the True Origins of Fiscal Decentralisation in the Selected EU Member States. Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government, Vol. 19, No 3 (2021). pp. 569-586. DOI:     

    Stojanović, B., Radukić, S.,Kostić, M., & Kostić, Z. (2020). How does market share affect the increase in the value of investment unit of voluntary pension funds? Ekonomika preduzeća, Serbian Association of Economists Journal of Business Economics and Management, pp. 457-468. DOI: 10.5937/EKOPRE2008457S,  ISSN 0353-443X  

    Radukić, S., Mastilo, Z., Kostić, Z., & Vladušić, LJ. (2019). Measuring of the Goods and Labor Markets Efficiency: Comparative Study of Western Balkan Countries. Montenegrin Journal of Economics Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 95-109. DOI: 10.14254/1800-5845/2019.15-2.8, 

    Petrović-Ranđelović, M., Kostić, Z., & Kostadinović, I. (2018). Connection Between Cluster Development and National Competitiveness: Regional Focus on Western Balkans, TEME, Vol. XLII, No 2, 621-646. DOI: 10.22190/TEME1802621P, UDK 330.341.1(497)”2008/2018”  ISSN 1820-7804(Online) COBISS.SR.ID 559631.

    Radenković, D. S., Šaranović, J., Stojanović, B., Kostić, Z., & Jokić, B. (2018). Applying Intellectual Capital in Improving Agri-industry at Republic of Serbia. Economics of Agriculture, Vol. 65 (2), 659-671. DOI:10.5937/ekoPolj1802659R UDC 005.96:338.43(497.11) ISSN 0352-3462.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Radovi u časopisima nacionalnog značaja (М50)

    Innovative Mechanical Engineering, national journal published by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, Republic of Serbia. Member of the Editorial Team, Engineering Management Section Editor, ISSN 2812-9229 (Online). Uređivanje vodećeg naučnog časopisa nacionalnog značaja (na godišnjem nivou, 2022-2024), M54.

    Popović, A., Stanković, Z., Todorović, A., & Rajić, M. (2023). ECONOMIC MONITORING OF THE CIRCULAR TRANSFORMATION AS A CHALLENGE FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Innovative Mechanical Engineering2(3), pp. 89-109 ISSN 2812-9229

    Petrović-Ranđelović, M., Stevanović, T., & Kostić, Z. (2023). The relationship analysis between environmental performance and economic value of the company. Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization, 135-149. DOI. 10.22190/FUEO221123009P 

    Radukić, S., Petrović-Ranđelović, M., & Kostić, Z. (2023). Implementation of the circular economy principles in the textile industry. Economics of Sustainable Development7(1), 1-14. DOI:, UDK 33+502/504, ISSN 2560-421X. 

    Kostić, Z
    ., & Tomić, N. (2022). Implementation of the Game as a Service Research Model: Microperspective, Economic Themes 60(1), pp. 57-75, http://xn----itbaba0aapeekb4br.xn--90a3ac/pdf/et20221_4.pdf

    Kostić, Z., & Tomić, N. (2021). The possibility of using distributed ledger technologies as payment infrastructure, Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization Vol. 18, No 5, pp. 457-470,, UDC 004.738.5,

    Miletić, V., Ćurčić, N., & Kostić, Z. (2021). Openness of companies in Serbia to creativity, new ideas and innovation. The Annals of the Faculty of Economics in Subotica. Vol.57, No.46, pp. 021-034. DOI: 10.5937/AnEkSub2146021M; UDC: 658.1:001.895(497.11)    

    Stojanović, B., Kostić, Z., & Vučić, V. (2021). Alignment with EU Regulations in the Field of the Competition Policy and System of State Aid in Western Balkan Countries. Economic Themes 59(2), pp. 173-192. DOI 10.2478/ethemes-2021-0010. http://xn----itbaba0aapeekb4br.xn--90a3ac/pdf/et20212-1.pdf

    Kostić, Z. (2020). Economic Challenges and Integration Engineering: The Smart Cities Context. Journal of Mechatronics, Automation and Identification Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 21-24. ISSN (Online) 2466-3603,

    Vučić, V., Marinović Matović, I. & Kostić, Z. (2020). Public Revenues and Public Expenditures Analysis in Southeast European countries. Knowledge International Journal Vol.38.1. Institute of Knowledge Management. Skopje. pp. 45-51. ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version) ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version).

    Radukić,S., Mastilo, Z., & Kostić, Z. (2019). Effects of digital transformation and network externalities in the telecommunication markets. Economics, Volume 7, No 1. pp. 57-68. ISSN 2303-5005, E-ISSN 2303-5013 doi: 10.2478/eoik-2019-0019

    Stojanović, B., Vučić, V., & Kostić, Z. (2019). Competitiveness of infrastructure in tourism in the Southeast Europe. Knowledge International Journal Vol.35.1. Skopje. pp. 181-187. UDK 37, ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version)

    Radukić, S., & Kostić, Z. (2019). The impact of digital disruption and disruptive innovation on business environment. Knowledge International Journal Vol.35.1. Skopje. pp. 233-238. UDK 37, ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version)

    Stojanović, B., & Kostić, Z. (2019). Serbia: from stabilization policies to accession to the European Union: what has been done, what remains to be done? Management & Gouvernance Review. Entreprises-Territories- Sociétés.  Nr.21/2019. Réseau PGV. pp. 89-105. ISSN 2104-2438

    Stojanović, B., & Kostić, Z. (2018). The Western Balkans: Economic Potentials and Labour Market Gaps on the Sustainable Path to European Union. Zbornik radova (Journal of Economy and Business), Special Issue. University of Mostar, Faculty of Economics. pp. 59-72. ISSN 1840-3255

    Kostić, Z., Stojanović, B., & Radukić, S. (2016). Measuring the Level of Competition on the Serbian mobile Telecommunications Market, Economic Themes 54(3), Faculty of Economics University of Niš, pp. 323-343. ISSN 0353-8648 (Print), ISSN 2217-3668 (Online), UDC 621.395.721.5:339.1(497.11). DOI:

    Kostić, Z., Lepojević, V. & Janković-Milić, V. (2016). Modeling Monthly Inflation in the Republic of Serbia, Measured by Consumer Price Index, Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization Vol.13, No2, pp. 145-159. ISSN0354-4699 (Print), ISSN2406-050X (Online), UDC 336.748.12(497.11).

    Kostadinović, I., Kostić, Z. & Ilić, I. (2015). Competitiveness and developmental trends of the new industrial policy of the Republic of Serbia, Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization Vol.12, No2, pp. 129-142. ISSN0354-4699 (Print), ISSN2406-050X (Online), UDC 338.45.01 (497.11).

    Kostadinović, I., Ilić, I. & Kostić, Z. (2015). Clusters – A Specific Form of Connecting Business Entities in Order to Improve the Market position, Hyperion Economic Journal Vol.3, Issue 3 (3), pp. 46-54. ISSN 2343-7995 (online).

    Kostić, Z. & Rađenović, Ž. (2017). Analiza konkurencije zdravstvenih informacionih sistema primenom softvera za višekriterijumsko odlučivanje. Info M, 16(62), 44-50. Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu. ISSN 1451-4397 štampano izdanje, UDC: 005:004:6, COBISS.SR-ID 105690636 Dostupno na:

    Kostić, Z. (2018). Innovations and digital transformation as a competition catalyst. Ekonomika Vol. 64 (1), 13-23. doi:10.5937/ekonomika1801013K. ISSN 0350-137X, EISSN 2334-9190, UDK 338 (497,1).

    Ilić, I., Kostić, Z., & Mladenović, J. (2016). Struktura troškova tokom životnog ciklusa proizvoda u funkciji održive proizvodnje. Ekonomski vidici, 21(4), str.319-331. ISSN 0354-9135, UDK-33, COBISS.SR-ID 116154887.

    Rađenović, Ž & Kostić, Z. (2015). Kvantitativna analiza potencijalne valutne krize u Republici Srbiji, Škola biznisa 2/2015, str. 21-31. ISSN 1451-6551, ISSN 2406-1301 (Online), UDK 339.74 (497.11). DOI 10.5937/skolbiz2-9698.

    Zlatković, M. & Kostić, Z. (2014). Uticaj ekonomske krize na priliv stranih direktnih investicija u privredu Srbije, Hit menadžment 2 (1),  Fakultet za hotelijerstvo i turizam u Vrnjačkoj banji, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, str. 93-102. ISSN 2334-8267, COBISS.SR-ID 198887948, UDK: 338.124.4(100); 338.1 (497.11); 339.727.22(497.11).

    Petrović-Ranđelović, M., Radukić, S., & Kostić, Z. (2018). Foreign direct investment, economic sovereignty and technology transfer in the context of sustainable development. Economics of Sustainable Development, Vol.2. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2560-421X, UDK 33+502/504.

    Radukić, S., Petrović-Ranđelović, M., & Kostić, Z. (2019). Sustainability-based goals and achieved results in Western Balkan countries. Economics of Sustainable Development, Vol.3. pp. 9-18. ISSN 2560-421X, UDK 33+502/504.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Zbornici međunarodnih naučnih skupova (M30)

    Stanković, Z., & Filipović, I. (2024). Convergence of the circular economy national strategic frameworks to the global goals of sustainable development, 16th International Conference Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries-EBEEC 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 17-19, 2024. Book of Abstracts, pp. 34. ISBN: 978-618-5705-21-3

    Rajić, M., Kostić, Z., & Milosavljević, P. (2024). Engineering innovation: evaluating the impact of Incubators on mechanical engineering advancements. International Multidisciplinary Conference Challenges of Contemporary Higher Education, CCHE 2024, Kopaonik, January 29th - February 3rd 2024, Book of Proceedings, Vol_3, pp.   224-229. ISBN-978-86-82744-04-7 (tom) ISBN-978-86-82744-00-9 (niz)

    Rajić, M., Mančić, M., Kostić, Z., Kitić, A., & Milosavljević,P. (2023). Sustainable waste management model towards zero waste: a case study of Serbia, International Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategies Towards Zero Waste (FULLRECO4US) Conference, 13- 15 September 2023 / Istanbul, Turkey, M34

    Rajić, M., Milosavljević, M., & Kostić, Z. (2023). Knowledge and Data Management: The Cornerstone of Effective Organizational Strategy. Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering (BdKCSE) IEEE, 02-03. November 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria, DOI: 10.1109/BdKCSE59280.2023.10339774 M33

    Rajić, M., Milosavljević, M.,Pavlović, D., & Kostić, Z. (2023). Lean Six Sigma: Integrating Knowledge, Data, and Innovation for Organizational Excellence. Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering (BdKCSE) IEEE, 02-03. November 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria, DOI:10.1109/BdKCSE59280.2023.10339704,

    Rajić, M., Šumaković,B., Milosavljević,P., & Kostić, Z. (2023). Business Process Re-Engineering for Sustainable Business Processes. DEMI 2023, 16th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka 1-2. June 2023, Bosna i Hercegovina, pp. 409-418. M33

    Kostić, Z., Milosavljević, P. (2022). Changes in inflation drivers and substantial economic spillovers during covid-19 pandemic, 8th International Scientific Conference Socio-Economic Aspects of the Pandemic: Crisis Management, (Editors: Alpar Lošonc, Andrea Ivanišević), Novi Sad, pp.43-52. ISBN: 978-86-6022-517-9 M31

    Ivana, I., Kostić, Z. (2022). Economic effects of health crises on tourism sector competitiveness, International Scientific Conference Post-Pandemic Economic Challenges, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, 2022. pp.181-191.

    Kostić, Z.
    & Ilić, I. (2022). The Economic Potential of the Urban Agriculture in Smart Cities, The 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia SimTerm 2022, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, pp. 601 - 606.  

    Ilić, I, & Kostić, Z. (2021). Sustainable Tourism in the Context of Environmental Economics. In Economics of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries, KnE Social Sciences, 5(9) pp. 242-255. DOI 10.18502/kss.v5i9.9897

    Radukić, S., Petrović-Ranđelović, M., & Kostić, Z. (2021). Competition policy measures as reaction to the Covid-19 crisis. IV International Scientific Conference: Regional development and cross-border cooperation. Pirot. pp. 763-772. ISBN 978-86-84763-05-3 (Eds. Bojan Đorđević, Dragan Kostić, Aleksandar Simonović)

    Kostić, Z. (2020). Economic Challenges and Integration Engineering: the Smart Cities Context. The Fifth International Conference "Mechanical Engineering in XXI century-MASING 2020" University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. pp. 421-424. ISBN 978-86-6055-139-1

    Stojanović, B., Kostić, Z., & Vučić, V. (2020). Sustainable business models in the light of the digital transformation: smart city perspective. In: International Scientific Conference ”Monetary and Fiscal Policy at the Crossroads” Economics of Digital Transformation (EDT) DIGITOMICS, June 24-26, 2020. Croatia, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business. Book of Apstracts: pp. 18.

    Kostić, Z. & Rađenović, Ž. (2020). Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index: ICT readiness perspective, International scientific and professional conference MEFkon 2020: Innovation as an initiator of the development. University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance Belgrade. Book of Apstracts: pp.22.

    Lolić, M. & Kostić, Z. (2020). Risk of loss of revenue from grid access caused by a temporary reduction of approved peak demand. 12. CIRED Savetovanje, Srbija. (this paper is accepted for publication in 2020)

    Stojanović, B., Vučić, V., & Kostić, Z. (2019). Advancement of the State Aid System in the Republic of Serbia. III International Scientific Conference: Regional development and cross-border cooperation. Pirot. pp. 391-404. ISBN 978-86-900497-2-1 (Eds. PhD Dragan Kostić, Prof. D. Sc. (Econ.) Statty Vasilev Stattev)

    Radukić, S., & Kostić, Z. (2019). Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Serbia in the light of Agenda 2030. III International Scientific Conference: Regional development and cross-border cooperation. Pirot. pp. 431-440. ISBN 978-86-900497-2-1 (Eds. PhD Dragan Kostić, Prof. D. Sc. (Econ.) Statty Vasilev Stattev)

    Stojanović, B., Vučić, V., & Kostić, Z. (2019). State Aid System in the Field of Regional Development of Serbia. II International Scientific Conference: Regional development and cross-border cooperation. Pirot. pp. 423-432. ISBN 978-86-900497-1-4 (Ed. Dr Dragan Kostić)

    Mladenovic, Ј., Ilić, I. & Kostić, Z. (2017). Modeling the Unemployment Rate at the EU Level by using Box-Jenkins Methodology, EBEEC Conference Proceedings, The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed World, KnE Social Sciences, pp. 1–13. DOI 10.18502/kss.v1i2.643

    Vorina, A. & Kostić, Z. (2017). The prices of good in retail trade: the comparison between Slovenia and Serbia, The third international scientific conference Knowledge based sustainable economic development ERAZ 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, Faculty of Business Studies; Mediterranean University Podgorica, Montenegro; University of National and World Economy Sofia, Bulgaria; Faculty of Commercial and Business Studies Celje, Slovenia; Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance Belgrade, Serbia; Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 122-129. ISBN 978-86-80194-07-3 (AEMB), COBISS.SR-ID 241076748.

    Kostić, Z., Ilić, I. & Mladenović, J. (2016). Consequences of Globalization Process on Environmental Performance and Economic Development, Globalisation Challenges and Social-Economic environment of the EU, Novo Mesto, Slovenija, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences Novo Mesto, School of Business and Management Novo Mesto, Slovenia, pp. 267-275. ISBN 978-961-6770-35-4, UDK 502.147:993.97 Editor: Jasmina Starc.

    Stojanović B. & Kostić, Z. (2015). Convergence of Economic Performance in the European Union, Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transitional Economies, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Ekonomski fakultet Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Grac. Austrija, pp. 55-66. ISBN 978-99938-46-54-3 Editors: Jovo Ateljević, Jelena Trivić.

    Stojanović B. & Kostić, Z. (2015). The Economic Aspects of Globalization and Transition, Globalisation Challenges and Social-Economic environment of the EU, Novo Mesto, Slovenija, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences Novo Mesto, School of Business and Management Novo Mesto, Slovenija, pp. 508-518. ISBN 978-961-6770-32-3, UDC 005.44:330 Editor: Jasmina Starc.

    Ilić, I., Mladenović, J. & Kostić, Z. (2015). Ljudski resursi u turizmu kao generator ekonomskog razvoja, Jahorinski poslovni dani-turizam u funkciji ekonomskog razvoja, Jahorina, Ekonomski fakultet Pale, Ekonomski fakultet Subotica, Ekonomski fakultet Podgorica, Centar za inovativnost i preduzetništvo Univerziteta u Zenici, str. 403-410. ISSN 2303-6168 Urednici: Ljubiša Vladušić, Jovo Ateljević.

    Stojanović B. & Kostić, Z. (2015). Economic challenges of the EU accession of Balkan countries. EU Future perspectives: Innovation, Enterpreneurship & economic Policy7th International Scientific Conference by Juraj Dobrila University of Pula and Istrian Development Agency. Book of apstracts.

    Kostić, Z. (2013). Mergers and aquisitions during the economic-financial crisis, International Scientific Conference-The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of European Integration, Faculty of Economics Niš, pp. 123-132. ISBN 978-86-6139-085-2, COBISS.SR-ID 203676172 Editors: Zoran Aranđelovic, Srđan Marinković.



  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Predavanja po pozivu na skupovima nacionalnog značaja (M60)

    Inovacioni centar Univerziteta u Nišu (2024). Napredno preduzetništvo. Urednici: Živković, D., Rajić, M., & Stanković, Z. ISBN 978-86-81840-01-6 (Uređivanje tematskih Zbornika, saopštenja skupa nacionalnog  značaja, M66)  

    Rađenović, Ž., Vranjanac, Ž., Stanković, Z., & Mančić, M. (2024). Cirkularni poslovni modeli. str.239-259. In: Napredno poreduzetništvo (Urednici: Živković, D., Rajić, M., Stanković, Z.) Inovacioni centar Univerziteta u Nišu, ISBN 978-86-81840-01-6 M63

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    Popović, A., Todorović, A., & Stanković, Z. (2024). Institucionalni okvir za razvoj cirkularne ekonomije. str. 93-118. In: Cirkularna ekonomija (Urednici: Živković, D., Stanković, Z., & Rajić, M.) Inovacioni centar Univerziteta u Nišu, ISBN 978-86-81840-02-3 M63

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    Stojanović, B., Kostić, Z., & Vučić, V. (2021). Institucionalni okvir za unapređenje politike zaštite potrošača u Republici Srbiji. Institucionalne promene kao determinanta privrednog razvoja Republike Srbije, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, str. 45-63. ISBN 978-86-6091-120-1 Redaktori: Petar Veselinović i Milan Kostić. 

    Stojanović, B., Radukić, S., & Kostić, Z. (2020). Izazovi politike zaštite konkurencije u industriji 4.0. Institucionalne promene kao determinanta privrednog razvoja Republike Srbije, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, str. 175-184. ISBN 978-86-6091-110-2 Redaktori: Vlastimir Leković i Petar Veselinović.

    Stojanović B., Vučić, V., & Kostić, Z. (2019). Cena radne snage i ekonomski suverenitet, Institucionalne promene kao determinanta privrednog razvoja Republike Srbije, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, str. 99-113. ISBN 978-86-6091-088-4, Redaktori: Vlastimir Leković, Petar Veselinović.

    Stojanović B., & Kostić, Z. (2018). Konkurencija, tržišna koncentracija i indikatori profitabilnosti u bankarskom sektoru i sektoru dobrovoljnih penzijskih fondova u Republici Srbiji, Institucionalne promene kao determinanta privrednog razvoja Republike Srbije, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, str. 147-163. ISBN 978-86-6091-079-2, Redaktori: Vlastimir Leković, Petar Veselinović.

    Stojanović B.,  Radukić, S. & Kostić, Z. (2016). Institucionalne promene u funkciji razvoja konkurentnih tržišnih struktura, Institucionalne promene kao determinanta privrednog razvoja Srbije, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, str. 141-155. ISBN 978-86-6091-065-5, COBISS.SR-ID 223932428 Redaktor: Vlastimir Leković.

    Stojanović B., Kostić, Z. & Šaranović, J. (2015). Efikasnost rada institucija u oblasti zaštite konkurencije: Primer tržišta mobilne telefonije u Republici Srbiji, Institucionalne promene kao determinanta privrednog razvoja Srbije, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, str. 199-214. ISBN 978-86-6091-056-3, COBISS.SR-ID 215395084 Redaktor: Vlastimir Leković.

    Stojanović B.,  Radukić, S. & Kostić, Z. (2015). Nivo održivog razvoja Republike Srbije sa stanovišta ekonomskih i ekoloških pokazatelja, Regionalni razvoj i demografski tokovi zemalja jugoistočne Evrope, Ekonomski fakultet Univerzitet u Nišu,  str. 51-60. ISBN 978-86-6139-104-0, COBISS.SR-ID 215997196, UDK 502.131.1:33(497.11) Redaktor: Zoran Aranđelović.

    Kostadinović, I. & Kostić, Z. (2014). Strateški pravci razvoja klastera u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj-uporedna analiza, Regionalni razvoj i demografski tokovi zemalja jugoistočne Evrope, Ekonomski fakultet Univerzitet u Nišu, str. 681-691. ISBN 978-86-6139-092-0, COBISS.SR-ID 208078348, UDK 334.75 Redaktor: Zoran Aranđelović.

    Mladenović, Ј., Kostić, Z. & Ilić, I. (2014). Posledice svetske ekonomske krize na konkurentnost zemalja bivše Jugoslavije, Ekonomija i kriza, Andrićgrad, Ekonomski fakultet Pale, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, str. 447-457. ISBN 978-99976-610-1-2, COBISS.RS-ID 46455912 Redaktori: Spasoje Tuševljak, Časlav Ocić, Branislav Mašić.

    Kostadinović, I. & Kostić, Z. (2013). Značaj regionalizacije u procesu evropskih integracija, Regionalni razvoj i demografski tokovi zemalja jugoistočne Evrope, Ekonomski fakultet Univerzitet u Nišu,  str. 283-292. ISBN 978-86-6139-067-8, COBISS.SR-ID 198985740, UDK 323.174:339.92 Redaktor: Zoran Aranđelović.

Poslednji put izmenjeno utorak, 21 maj 2024 14:49