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Datum kreiranja: 24.12.2013.

Peđa Milosavljević

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 28.08.1966.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Mašinski fakultet u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Proizvodno-informacione tehnologije i menadžment
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1992.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1. V. Stoiljković, P. Milosavljević, S. Ranđelović, Industrijski menadžment, praktikum, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, ISBN 978-86-6055-003-5, COBISS.SR-ID 175630092, Niš, 2010., 368 str.

    2. P. Milosavljević, Održavanje tehničkih sistema po konceptu TPM i Six Sigma, monografija, Biblioteka Dissertatio, Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2007.

    3. P. Milosavljević, Održavanje alatnih mašina - tehnički vek i ciklusi, monografija, Biblioteka Academia, Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd, 1999.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. P. Milosavljević, Inženjerski menadžment, II izdanje, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, ISBN 978-86-6055-064-6, COBISS.SR-ID 213832460, Niš, 2020., 333 str.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    M. Rajić, M. Milovanović, D. Antić, R. Maksimović, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, Analyzing Energy Poverty Using Intelligent Approach, Energy & Environment, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 31, 8, pp. 1448 - 1472, 0958-305X, 10.1177/0958305X20907087, 2020.

    M. Rajić, R. Maksimović, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, Energy Management System Application for Sustainable Development in Wood Industry Enterprises, Sustainability, MDPI, 12, 1, pp. 1 - 16, 2071-1050, 10.3390/su12010076, Dec2020.

    I. Radojković, P. Milosavljević, G. Janaćković, M. Grozdanović, The key risk indicators of road traffic crashes in Serbia, Nis region, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 1745-7300, 10.1080/17457300.2018.1476384, 2018.

    Petrovic S., Milosavljevic P., Sajic Lozanovic J., RAPID EVALUATION OF MAINTENANCE PROCESS USING STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL AND SIMULATION, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, DAAAM INTERNATIONAL VIENNA, 17, 1, pp. 119 - 132, 1726-4529, 10.2507/IJSIMM17(1)424, VIENNA, Mar2018.

    M. Milovanović, D. Antić, M. Rajić, P. Milosavljević, A. Pavlović, C. Fragassa, Wood resource management using an endocrine NARX neural network, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76, 2, pp. 687 - 697, 0018-3768, 10.1007/s00107-017-1223-6, 2018

    M. Mančić, D. Živković, P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Thermal Performance of a Solar Heated Indoor Swimming Pool, Thermal Science, VINCA INST NUCLEAR SCI, 18, 3, pp. 999 - 1010, 0354-9836, 621, 10.2298/TSCI1403999M, 2014.

    S. Ranđelović, P. Milosavljević, Ch. Sommitsch, Hot Extrusion Technology Generation on the Basis of FEM and FMEA Analysis, Journal for Theory and Application in Mechanical Engineering: Strojarstvo, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2010., ISSN 0562-1887, UDK 621.777:519.6:658.562, Zagreb, Croatia. Page 43-50.

    V. Stoiljković, P. Milosavljević, S. Ranđelović, Six Sigma Concept within Banking System, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 4, Num. 8, July 2010., ISSN: 1993-8233, Nairobi, Victoria Island, Nigeria. Page 1480-1493.

    D. Živković, D. Milčić, M. Banić, P. Milosavljević, Thermomechanical Finite Element Analysis of hot Water Boiler Structure, THERMAL SCIENCE, Year 2012, Vol. 16, Suppl. 2, pp. S443-S456. ISSN 0354-9836, UDC 621.

    V. Stoiljkovic, P. Milosavljevic, S. Mladenovic, D. Pavlovic, M. Todorovic, Improving the efficiency of the Center for Medical Biochemistry (CMB), Clinical Center Niš, by applying Lean Six Sigma methodology, Journal of Medical Biochemistry, rad prihvaćen za objavljivanje 25.07.2013.

    V. Pešić, R. Đorđević, P. Milosavljević, P. Janković, Influence of the afila gene on grain yield in pea Pisum sativum L., Africian Journal of Agricurtural Research,8 16 :1513-1519., Africian Journal of Agricurtural Research,8 16 :1513-1519., -1049541-, 2013.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    M. Rajić, R. Maksimović, P. Milosavljević, M. Mančić, M. Mančić, D. Pavlović, ENERGY MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN INDUSTRY, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection, 17, 2, pp. 075 - 086, 10.22190/FUWLEP2002075R, 2020.

    M. Rajić, P. Milosavljević, R. Maksimović, D. Pavlović, ADVANCED ENERGY MANAGEMENT APPROACH IN FOOD INDUSTRY, Advanced technologies, Tehnološki fakultet,, 9, 2, pp. 48 - 53, 2406-2979, 005:620.9:664, 10.5937/savteh2002048R, 2020.

    D. Pavlović, P. Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, Synergy between Industry 4.0 and Lean Methodology, Journal of Mechatronics, Automation and Identification Technology – JMAIT, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, 5, 4, pp. 17 - 20, 2466-3603, 2020.

    P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, M. Rajić, A. Pavlović, C. Fragassa, Implementation of quality tools in higher education process, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTINUING ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND LIFE-LONG LEARNING, 28, 1, pp. 24 - 36, 1560-4624, 10.1504/IJCEELL.2018.10010631, 2018.

    D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, P. Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, The Role of Quality Methods in Improving Education Process: Case Study, SERBIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, UNIV BELGRADE, TECHNICAL FACULTY AT BOR, 9, 2, pp. 219 - 230, 1452-4864, 10.5937/sjm9-5538, 2014.


    P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, D. Pavlović, Primena SCADA sistema u postrojenju za prečišćavanje i pripremu vode, Časopis Savremene tehnologije, broj 1, vol. 2, Leskovac, 2013., str. 89-96. UDK 628.16:005.591.6. ISSN 2217-9720.

    I. Mladenović-Ranisavljević, LJ. Takić, M. Vuković, Đ. Nikolić, N. Živković, P. Milosavljević, Multi-Criteria Ranking of the Danube Water Quality on its Course trough Serbia, An International Journal for Theory and Practice of Management Science: “Serbian Journal of Management”, Vol 7, No 2 (2012), Page 299 - 307. ISSN 1452-4864, COBISS.SR-ID 130171660. DOI: 10.5937/sjm7-2549.

    P. Milosavljević, M. Manojlović, A. Berket Bakota, M. Marković, Improvement of patient admission process of in health institution „Health Care Center“ Niš, International Journal Advanced Quality, Vol. 40, No.1, Page 17-22, 2012. UDC 658.5, ISSN 2217-8538.

    G. Radoičić, P. Milosavljević, G. Petrović, Indikatori efektivnog transportnog modela upravljanja otpadom, časopis IMK-14 - Istraživanje i razvoj, godina XVII, broj (41), 4/2011, str. 61-68. ISSN 0354-6829, COBISS.SR-ID 142043143.

    P. Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, M. Jovanović, M. Todorović, Improvement of Production Process and Providing Services in the Company „Hidrokontrol“ ltd. Niš, International Journal „Total Quality Management & Excellence“, Vol. 38, No. 3, Page 179-186, 2010.

    S. Mladenović, P. Milosavljević, The road towards a Lean Six Sigma company, International Journal „Total Quality Management & Excellence“, Vol. 38, No. 3, Page 71-78, 2010.

    P. Milosavljević, S. Jovanović, D. Jovanović, G. Radoičić, V. Blagojević, Simulation and experimental stress analysis of waste compression assembly in utility vehicles for the removal of communal waste "Norba" type with two actuators,  Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 8, No 1, 2010, UDC 629.114.4, Niš. Page 9-18.

    8. S. Marković, Z. Marinković, P. Milosavljević, B. Nikolić, Simulacija montaže sedišta u BMW fabrici u Lajpcigu, Naučno-stručni časopis: Istraživanja i projektovanja za privredu-IIPP, broj 25-2009, ISSN 1451-4117, UDC 33, Beograd, 2009., str. 11-16.

    S. Ranđelović, S. Mladenović, P. Milosavljević, Modelling of forward Extrusion Process for hollow Elements on Base of nonlinear adaptive Finite Element Method, Journal for Technology of Plasticity, Novi Sad, 2006., Vol. 31 (2006), Number 1-2, str. 57-77. UDK 621.7, YU ISSN: 0354-3870.

    P. Milosavljević, K. Rall, Six Sigma Concept in the Maintenance Process of Technical Systems, Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 3, No 1, 2005, pp. 93-108, UDC 658.581, Niš, 2005.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    M. Rajić, R. Maksimović, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, Energy Management System Application in Healthcare, Proceedings of 15rd International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering – DEMI 2021, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021. Page 609-621. ISBN 978-99938-39-85-9.

    M. Rajić, P. Milosavljević, R. Maksimović, D. Pavlović, Energy Management Model for Sustainable Production Process – A Case Study, Proceedings of the THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN XXI CENTURY”, pp. 425 - 428, 978-86-6055-139-1, Niš, 9. - 10. Dec, 2020

    D. Pavlović, P. Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, Synergy between Industry 4.0 and Lean Methodology, The Fifth International Conference “Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century” MASING 2020, The Fifth International Conference “Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century” MASING 2020, pp. 399 - 402, 978-86-6055-139-1, Niš, 9. - 10. Dec, 2020

    M. Rajić, R. Maksimović, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, Energy Flow Model in Industrial Environment, Proceedings of the 18th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems Industrial Innovation in Digital Age, Proceedings of the 18th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems Industrial Innovation in Digital Age, pp. NA1 - NA12, Novi Sad, 7. - 9. Oct, 2020

    I. Marinović Matović, P. Milosavljević, Project management methodology based on project characteristics, Challenges and development opportunities of higher education and the economy in the age of pandemic: Book of abstracts / The 7th International Conference of The Faculty of Economics Brcko “Perspectives of partnership between government, business and higher education institutions in fostering economic development”, pp. 38 - 38, ISBN 978-99938-95-43-5, Brčko (Distrikt), 16. - 16. Dec, 2020

    P. Milosavljević, D. Živković, M. Spasov, M. Rajić, D. Pavlović, Lean Green Management Application in a Recycling Company, International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, pp. 609 - 621, 978-99938-39-85-9, Banja Luka, 24. - 25. May, 2019

    I. Marinović Matović, P. Milosavljević, INFLUENCE OF HRM PRACTICES ON TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT, Conference Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE – 2019), pp. 46 - 54, 2367-7635, Sofia, Bulgaria, 24. - 26. Oct, 2019

    I. Miković, M. Radišić, D. Stefanović, P. Milosavljević, Founding corporate incubators within ICT companies: investment opportunity or unjustifiable
    risk, International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements SAUM, 978-86-6055-103-2, Niš, 14. - 16. Nov, 2018

    D. Pavlović, A. Rakić, P. Milosavljević, M. Rajić, S. Mladenović, Manufacturing Process Management Using the Lean Tools, Proceedings of the XIV International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. XX - XX, 978-86-6125-117-7, Niš, Serbia, 14. - 16. Nov, 2018

    M. Ferenčak, M. Radišić, D. Dobromirov, P. Milosavljević, Decision-making Under Ambiguity: The Case of Investment Process, The 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, pp. 519 - 522, 978-86-6055-103-2, Niš, Srbija, 19. - 20. Apr, 2018

    M. Leber, P. Milosavljević, B. Kajmakoska, R. Ojstrešek, Integrating the Business Excellence Model into Enterprise Innovation Processes, The 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, pp. 511 - 514, 978-86-6055-103-2, Niš, Serbia, 19. - 20. Apr, 2018

    M. Rajić, P. Milosavljević, R. Maksimović, D. Pavlović, Implementation of Energy Management Standardization in Industrial Systems, Proceedings of the XIV International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. XX - XX, 978-86-6125-117-7, Niš, Serbia, 14. - 16. Nov, 2018

    P. Milosavljević, M. Rajić, R. Maksimović, D. Pavlović, M. Ferenčak, M. Leber, Material and Energy Flow in Industrial Environment, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, pp. 523 - 526, 978-86-6055-103-2, Niš, Serbia, 19. - 20. Apr, 2018

    P. Milosavljević, M. Rajić, D. Pavlović, S. Mladenović, M. Mitrović, The Application of Quality and Management Tools in the Automotive Industry, Proceedings of 13rd International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering – DEMI 2017, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017, pp. 779 - 784, 978-99938-39-72-9, Banja Luka, 26. - 27. May, 2017

    S. Petrović, P. Milosavljević, J. Lozanović Šajić, The Thermal Imaging in maintenance, PROCEEDINGS 18 th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia Sokobanja, Serbia, October 17 – 20, 2017, pp. 578 - 583, 978-86-6055-098-1, 17-20. Oct, 2017

    P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, M. Rajić, M. Manić, S. Mladenović, The current state of Lean implementation in companies A case study of Serbia, 6th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education, pp. NA - NA, 2367-7635, Bugarska, 2. - 3. Dec, 2016

    P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, M. Rajić, L. Petković, S. Mladenović, Improvement possibilities of industrial processes in manufacturing company in Serbia, 6th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education, pp. NA - NA, 2367-7635, Bugarska, 2. - 3. Dec, 2016

    P. Milosavljević, M. Milovanović, M. Rajić, D. Pavlović, NARX Neural Network Application for Wood Resource Forecast, Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering, pp. 25 - 33, 2367 - 6450, Bugarska, 1. - 2. Dec, 2016

    P. Milosavljević, M. Rajić, D. Pavlović, A. Petrović, Industrial Process Optimization through Quality Tools, Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering, pp. 1 - 10, 2367 - 6450, Bugarska, 1. - 2. Dec, 2016

    A. Nedeljković, M. Mančić, M. Jovanović, P. Milosavljević, B. Stanković, Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Schools Using the Energy Balance Method, Proceedings of 17th Symposium on Thermal Engineering in Serbia SIMTERM 2015, Soko Banja, pp. 404 - 413, 978-86-6055-076-9, Srbija, 20. - 23. Oct, 2015

    P. Milosavljević, N. Nikolić, S. Mladenović, D. Pavlović, Improving the Process of Packing of Powder Materials by Using Modern Quality Methods and Tools, Proceedings of 3th International Conference: "Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century", pp. 391 - 394, 978-86-6055-072-1, Srbija, 17. - 18. Sep, 2015

    M. Todorović, D. Živković, M. Mančić, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, Process of starting up hot water boilers – measurement results and analysis of dynamic behavior, 3rd International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, MASING 2015, Niš, Srbija, pp. 85 - 88, 978-86-6055-072-1, Srbija, 17. - 18. Sep, 2015

    M. Todorović, D. Živković, M. Mančić, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, PROCESS OF STARTING UP HOT WATER BOILERS – ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR, IV International Conference Industrial Engineering And Environmental Protection 2014, pp. 395 - 400, 978-86-7672-234-1, Serbia, 15. - 15. Oct, 2014

    M. Todorović, D. Živković, M. Mančić, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, MEASUREMENT ANALYSIS THAT DEFINES BURNER OPERATION OF HOT WATER BOILERS, Proceedings of the Internatiol Scientific Conference Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering - BdKCSE'2014, pp. 73 - 82, 2367-6450, Bulgaria, 6. - 8. Nov, 2014

    P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, Comparative Review of CFD Software Packages, Proceedings of the XII International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. 196 - 199, 978-86-6125-117-7, Serbia, 12. - 14. Nov, 2014

    P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, D. Pavlović, Automatic Control System Application in Water Treatment Process, Proceedings of the XII International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. 120 - 123, 978-86-6125-117-7, Serbia, 12. - 14. Nov, 2014

    I. Radojković, P. Milosavljević, Methodological framework for risk management in automobile insurance on the territory of the town of Nis, XII International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. 370 - 371, 978-86-6125-117-7, Srbija, 11. - 14. Nov, 2014

    P. Milosavljević, I. Mladenović-Ranisavljević, D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, Application of Quality Tools and Methods in Food Processing Industry, 4rd International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education – ICAICTSEE 2014, pp. 162 - 169, 2367-7635, ,UDC:, Bugarska, 2014.

    D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, S. Stamenković, P. Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, Application of Process Quality Tools to provide Health Care Services, 4th International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness 2014 - EMC 2014, pp. 99 - 104, 978-86-7672-224-2, Srbija, 20. - 21. Jun, 2014



    M. Todorović, D. Živković, M. Mančić, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, Energy and Exergy Method applied on System of hot Water Boiler, Proceedings of III International Conference - Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection-IIZS 2013, Zrenjanin, 2013. Page 58-63.

    D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, P. Milosavljević, Sources of Funding for Projects in the Field of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources,  Proceedings of III International Conference - Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection-IIZS 2013, Zrenjanin, 2013. Page 399-403.

    D. Živković, M. Mančić, P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, Dobrica Pejović, Bojan Stanković, Energy Efficiency increasing of indoor Swimming Pools using Solar Technology, Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Thermal Engineering in Serbia SIMTERM 2013, Soko Banja, 2013. Page 518-528.

    D. Pavlović, P. Milosavljević, A. Lazarević, Energy Efficiency Measures Implemented through Projects in Serbia, Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Thermal Engineering in Serbia SIMTERM 2013, Soko Banja, 2013. Page 529-536.

    D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, P. Milosavljević, Energy Efficiency Improvement and Financial Analysis of the “Technical Faculties” Heating Plant, Proceedings of the International Science Conference “Reporting for Sustainability”, Becici, Montenegro, 2013. Page 235-240.

    P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, D. Pavlović, Waste Management and Possibilities of Energy Utilization from Municipal Waste in the City of Nis, Proceedings of the 3th International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness 2013 - EMC 2013, Zrenjanin, Serbia. Page 399-403.

    P. Milosavljević, M. Krstić, S. Mladenović, D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, Application of Quality Tools in the Process of Industrial Production of Milk Cream, Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference – Total Quality Management-Advanced and Intelligent Approaches, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013. Page 563-566.

    S. Mladenović, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, Lean Six Sigma Application in Health Service, Proceedings of 2th International Conference: "Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, 2013. Page 129-132.

    P. Milosavljević, M. Vuckovic, D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, Importance of Networking in Cross-Border Cooperation Projects on Innovation Capacity of SME, Proceedings of 2th International Conference: "Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, 2013. Page 121-124.

    M. Jovanovic, V. Nikolic, P. Milosavljevic, Rayleigh-Bénard convection in an inclined fluid layer with spatial temperature modulation on both plates, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference on Mechanics-MECH2012, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012. Page 26. ISBN 978-954-92737-4-8.

    M. Todorović, B. Milutinović, D. Pavlović, P. Milosavljević, Improving the Quality of Landfill Gas in Cogeneration Systems, Proceedings of II International Conference Industrial Engineering And Environmental Protection 2012-IEEP 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia. Page 336-343. ISBN 978-86-7672-184-9, COBISS. SR-ID 274556935.

    B. Milutinovic, M. Todorović, D. Pavlović, P. Milosavljevic, BMW Manufacturing Facility in Spartanburg, the Role Model of Landfill Gas Utilization, Proceedings of II International Conference Industrial Engineering And Environmental Protection 2012-IEEP 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia. Page 344-349. ISBN 978-86-7672-184-9, COBISS. SR-ID 274556935.

    P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, D. Pavlović, Comparative Rewiew of the CRM Software`s Solutions and Direction of Future Development, Proceedings of International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education-ICAICTSEE 2012., University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012. Page 143–153. ISBN 978-954-92247-4-0.

    P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, M. Milovanovic, D. Pavlović, Problems of the small Passing Exams at Faculty of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Proceedings of International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education-ICAICTSEE 2012., University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012. Page 154–165. ISBN 978-954-92247-4-0.

    S. Petrović, P. Milosavljević, T. Knežević, The Maintenance System Performance metering, Proceedings of 5th International Scientific Conference: OTEH 2012-on Defensive Technologies, Belgrade, 2012. Page 752-755. ISBN 978-86-8123-58-4.

    D. Živković, P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, D. Pavlović, Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Heating Plant “Technical Faculties”: A Case study, Proceedings of 5th Symposium on Industrial Engineering: SIE 2012, Belgrad, 2012. Page 187-192. ISBN: 978-86-7083-758-4.

    P. Milosavljević, D. Živković, D. Milčić, Possibility of Improving Maintenance Process in Heating Plants, Proceedings of 15th Symposium on Thermal Engineering in Serbia SIMTERM 2011, Soko Banja, 2011. Page 519-528.

    P. Milosavljević, D. Živković, P. Janković, S. Mladenović, The Possibilities for Improvement of the Maintenance Processes in the Companies, Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Production Engineering-ICPE 2011, Niš, 2011. Page 159-162.

    D. Živković, P. Milosavljević, D. Milčić, Aspects of Energy Management within Car Tyre Industry, Proceedings of Third Regional Conference: Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection-IEEP 2011, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2011.

    D. Pavlović, P, Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, Application of Lean Six Sigma Method in education process, Proceedings of the Sixth International Working Conference – Total Quality Management-Advanced and Intelligent Approaches, Belgrade, Serbia, 2011. Page 538-543.

    P. Milosavljević, A. Milojević, Dijana Krstić, Improvement of plastic coating and sheet metal treatment process in the company „Interlemind“ a.d. Leskovac, Proceedings of International Conference: "Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, 2010. Page 225-228.

    P. Milosavljević, S. Ranđelović, G. Radoičić, The possibilities for improvement of the maintenance process in the public utility service companies, Proceedings of International Maintenance Conference & Exhibition: Euromaintenance 2010, Verona, Italy, 2010. Page 330-334.

    S. Ranđelović, P. Milosavljević, C. Sommitch, P. Sherstnev, Technology of Aluminium hot Extrusion with Support Risk Analysis, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference: "Management of Technology Step to Sustainable Production", Šibenik, Croatia, 2009. Page 184-189. ISBN 978-953-6313-09-9.

    P. Milosavljević, S. Ranđelović, Possibility of Improving Production Process in Textile Industry, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference: "Innovative solutions for sustainable development of textiles industry", Oradea, Romania, 2009., Page 419-424. ISSN 1582-5590.

    S. Ranđelović, P. Milosavljević, The Mass Customization Method for new Products of Textile Industry, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference: "Innovative solutions for sustainable development of textiles industry", Oradea, Romania, 2009., Page 425-430. ISSN 1582-5590.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. P. Milosavljević, M. Krstić, D. Pavlović, M. Todorović, Technology Management in the Process of Industrial Production of Milk Cream, 10. simpozijum Savremene tehnologije i privredni razvoj sa međunarodnim učešćem, Tehnološki fakultet u Leskovcu, Leskovac, 2013., str. 28-35.

    2. P. Milosavljević, M. Todorović, D. Pavlović, The Application of Quality Tools in the Process of Water Supply of the City of Nis 10. simpozijum Savremene tehnologije i privredni razvoj sa međunarodnim učešćem, Tehnološki fakultet u Leskovcu, Leskovac, 2013., str. 82-89.

    3. M. Todorović, P. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, M. Milovanović, Uporedna analiza prolaznosti studenata na Elektronskom i Mašinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Nišu, Zbornik radova sa Majske konferencije o strategijskom menadžmentu, Bor, 2012., str. 808-818. ISBN: 978-86-80987-96-5. (M65=0,5)

    4. I. Mladenović-Ranisavljević, LJ. Takić, M. Vuković, Đ. Nikolić, N. Živković, P. Milosavljević, Višekriterijumsko rangiranje kvaliteta vode Dunava na toku kroz Srbiju, Zbornik radova sa Majske konferencije o strategijskom menadžmentu, Bor, 2012., str. 1014-1021. ISBN: 978-86-80987-96-5.

    5. P. Milosavljević, D. Živković, Energetski menadžment u proizvodnji, Zbornik radova sa 2. regionalne konferencije Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope-IEEP 2010, Zlatibor, 2010.

    6. G. Radoičić, P. Milosavljević, Pokazatelji eksploatacije vozila u sistemu sakupljanja otpada, Prva konferencija „Održavanje 2010“, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina, 2010., str. 269-278. ISSN 1986-583X.

    7. S. Marković, Z. Marinković, P. Milosavljević, B. Nikolić, Simulacija montaže sedišta u BMW fabrici u Lajpcigu, XXXIV naučno–stručni skup: OMO 2009, Beograd, 2009., str. 1-6.

    8. B. Stanković, P. Milosavljević, S. Ranđelović, Prilog unapređenja procesa održavanja primenom metode TPM u industrijskoj energani, Zbornik radova sa XXXIII Savetovanja proizvodnog mašinstva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd, 2009., str. 275-278.

    9. S. Ranđelović, P. Milosavljević, B. Stanković, Simulacija procesa istiskivanja aluminijuma primenom FEM adaptivnih metoda, Zbornik radova sa XXXIII Savetovanja proizvodnog mašinstva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd, 2009., str. 241-244.

    10. P. Milosavljević, S. Ranđelović, G. Petrović, G. Radoičić, Procesni pristup održavanju voznog parka u J.K.P. "Mediana"-Niš, Zbornik radova sa stručno-naučne VII konferencije održavanja sa međunarodnim učešćem “KOD-2009”, Bar, 2009., str. 105-112.

    11. G. Petrović, Z. Marinković, P. Milosavljević, Određivanje optimalnog termina preventivnog održavanja primenom teorije Markovljevih procesa, Zbornik radova sa stručno-naučne VII konferencije održavanja sa međunarodnim učešćem “KOD-2009”, Bar, 2009., str. 245-254.

    12. P. Milosavljević, D. Živković, Energetski menadžment u proizvodnji auto-guma, Zbornik radova sa 14. Simpozijuma termičara Srbije-Simterm 2009, Sokobanja, 2009., str. 170-178.

    13. P. Milosavljević, S. Ranđelović, S. Mladenović, Poboljšanje procesa održavanja u A.D. "NISSAL"-Niš, Zbornik radova sa XXXII Savetovanja proizvodnog mašinstva sa međunarodnim učešćem, Novi Sad, 2008., str. 643-646.

    14. S. Ranđelović, P. Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, Integrisani procesni model za razvoj novog proizvoda, Zbornik radova sa 32. JUPITER konferencije, 12 Simpozijum: Menadžment kvalitetom, Zlatibor, 2006. str. 5.30-5.33.

    15. S. Mladenović, B. Rančić, S. Ranđelović, P. Milosavljević, Optimizacija C-spojnice za železničke šine primenom metode konačnih elemenata, Zbornik radova sa Naučno-stručne konferencije o železnici: "ŽELKON '06", Niš, 2006., str. 257-260.

  • Tehnička rešenja:

    1. V. Stoiljković, S. Ranđelović, P. Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, Softverski paket za proveru znanja studenata, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, softver, 2010. (M85=2)

    2. V. Stoiljković, P. Milosavljević, S. Mladenović, Softverski paket za akviziciju podataka o projektima studenata, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, softver, 2010. (M85=2)

Poslednji put izmenjeno nedelja, 13 jun 2021 21:02