Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Dušan Petković
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 13. 11. 1982.
- Mesto rođenja: Pirot
- Fakultet: Mаšinski fakultet u Nišu
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Energetika
- Godina diplomiranja: 2007.
Spisak publikacija
Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:
1. Miloš Madić, Miroslav Radovanović, Dušan Petković, Chapter 5 - ANN Modeling and Pareto Multi-Objective Optimization Of Process Factors When CO2 Laser Cutting of Stainless Steel, METHODS AND TECHNIQUES FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (Editors: Franc CUS, Valentina GECEVSKA, Fulvia CHIAMPO), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, 2015, pp. 57-68. (M14)
2. Goran Radenković, Dušan Petković, Chapter - Metallic Biomaterials pp. 183-224 in BIOMATERIALS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE – Advances in Clinical Research and Medical Devices (eds. F. Živić, S. Affato, M. Trajanović, M. Schnabelrauch, N. Grujović, K.L. Choy), Springer (2018) (M13)
Knjige i udžbenici:
Душан Петковић, Јелена Миловановић, Предраг Јанковић, Горан Раденковић, „Практикум за лабораторијске вежбе из машинских материјала“, Машински факултет у Нишу, 2020
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
1. Milena Kostić, Nebojša Krunić, Ljubiša Nikolić, Vesna Nikolić, Stevo Najman, Ivan Kostić, Jelena Rajković, Miodrag Manić, Dušan Petković, Influence of Residual Monomer Reduction on Acrylic Denture Base Resins Quality, Hemijska industrija, vol. 65(2), 2011, 171-177. (M23)
2. Petar Č. Pejić, Dušan Lj. Petković, and Sonja M. Krasić, The Effect оf Architectural Façade Design оn Energy Savings иn тhe Student Dormitory, Thermal Science, vol. 18(3), 2014, 979-988. (M22)
3. D. Petković, M. Madić, G. Radenković, Selection of the Most Suitable Non-Conventional Machining Processes for Ceramics Machining by Using MCDMs, Science of Sintering, vol. 17, 2015, 229-235. (M22)
4. Dušan Lj. Petković, Miloš J. Madić, Miroslav R. Radovanović, Predrag Lj. Janković, and Goran M. Radenković, Modeling of Cutting Тemperature in the Biomedical Stainless Steel Turning Process, Thermal Science, vol. 20(5), 2016, S1345-S1354. (M23)
5. Madic M., Antucheviciene J., Radovanovic M., Petkovic D., Determination of Manufacturing Process Conditions by Using MCDM Methods: Application in Laser Cutting, Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, vol. 27(2), 2016, 144–150. (M22)
6. Madić M., Antucheviciene J., Radovanović M., Petković D., Determination of Laser Cutting Process Conditions Using the Preference Selection Index Method, Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 89, 2017, 214–220. (M22)
7. Dušan Lj. Petković, Miloš J. Madić, Goran M. Radenković, The effects of passivation parameters on pitting potential of biomedical stainless steel, Chem. Ind. Chem. Eng. Q Vol. 23(1), pp. 121-129 (2017) (M23)
8. Predrag Lj.Janković, Miloš J. Madić, Dušan Lj. Petković, Miroslav R. Radovanović, Analysis and Modeling of the Effects of Process Parameters on Specific Cutting Energy in Abrasive Water Jet Cutting, Thermal Science Vol. 22, Issue Suppl. 5, pp. 1459-1470 (2018) (M22)
9. Milena M. Kostic, Ljubisa B. Nikolic, Vesna D. Nikolic, Dusan Lj. petkovic, Marko A. Igic, Nebojsa Krunic, Miodrag T. Manic, Nikola R. Gligorijevic, Goran M. Radenkovic, Effects of water boiling, microwave, and water bath post-polymerization on mechanical properties of acrylic denture resins, Hemijska industrija Vol. 72(3), pp. 129-137 (2018) (M23)
10. Predrag Lj. Jankovic, Milos J. Madic, Miroslav R. Radovanovic, Dusan Lj. Petkovic, Srdjan T. Mladenovic, Optimization of Surface Roughness from Different Aspects in High-Power CO2 Laser Cutting of AA5754 Aluminum Alloy, Arabian journal for science and engineering Vol. 44(12), pp. 10245-10256 (2019) (M22)
11. Miloš Madić, Mohamed H. Gadallah, Dušan Petković, Analysis of process efficiency in laser fusion cutting and some single- and multi-objective optimization aspects, Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part E-journal of process mechanical engineering, Vol. 236 Issue: 2, pp. 589-599, (2021) (M22)
12. Miloš Madić, Goran Petrović, Dušan Petković, Jurgita Antucheviciene and Dragan Marinković, Application of a Robust Decision-Making Rule for Comprehensive Assessment of Laser Cutting Conditions and Performance, Machines Vol. 10(2) (2022) (M22)
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
1. Dušan Petković, Miroslav Radovanović, Primena genetskog algoritma za optimizaciju obradnih procesa na primeru struganja, IMK-14-Istraživanje i razvoj, br. 40(3), 2011, 11-16. (M53)
2. Dušan Petković, Goran Radenković, Milorad Mitković, Fractographic investigation of failure in stainless steel orthopedic plates, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series Mechanical Engineering, vol.10(1), 2012, 7 - 14. (M51)
3. Dušan Petković, Milena Kostić, Dimitrije Petrović, Nebojša Krunić, Goran Radenković, Effect of water immersion on the tensile bond strengths of four soft reliners to a denture base resin, Acta Stomatologica Naissi, vol. 8, 2012, 1171-1179. (M52)
4. Miloš Madić, Dušan Petković and Miroslav Radovanović, Mathematical modeling and optimization of drag line separation in laser cutting of stainless steel, Academic journal of manufacturing engineering, vol. 11(2), 2013, 80-86. (M24)
5. Miloš Madić, Dušan Petković, Miroslav Radovanović, Prediction model for depth of separation line obtained in CO2 laser cutting of stainless steel, Annals of F.E.H. - Int. J. of Engineering, Tome XI, Fascicule 4, 2013, 167-170. (M51)
6. Dusan Petkovic, Miroslav Radovanovic, Using Genetic Algorithms for optimization of turning machining process, Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, vol. 19(1), 2013, 47-55. (M51)
7. Milan M. Mitković, Miodrag T. Manić, Dušan Lj. Petković, Saša S.Milenković, Milorad B. Mitković, Sila koja pokrece dinamizaciju klinova samodinamizirajuceg unutrasnjeg trohanternog fiksatora po mitkovicu SIF, Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, vol. 60(2), 2013, 87-91. (M51)
8. Miloš Madić, Dušan Petković, Miroslav Radovanović, GRA Approach for Multi-Objective Optimization of Laser Cutting, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D, vol. 76(4), 2014, 79-90. (M24)
9. Madić M., Gecevska V., Radovanović M., Petković D., Multi-criteria economic analysis of machining processes using the WASPAS method, Journal of Production Engineering, vol. 17(2), 2014, 79-82. (M52)
10. Dušan Petković, Goran Radenković, Vladislav Blagojević, Predrag Živković, Ivan Ćirić Application of regression analysis and genetic algorithm to the optimization of nitric acid passivation of 316L stainless steel, ANNALS of F.E.H. – Int. J. Of Engineering, Tome XII, Fascicule 1, 2014, 151-154. (M51)
11. Ivan Ćirić, Žarko Ćojbašić, Vlastimir Nikolić, Predrag Živković, Dušan Petković, Mladen Tomić, Miša Tomić, Thermal vision integration in mobile robot vision system, ANNALS of F.E.H. - Int. J. of Engineering, Tome XII, Fascicule 2, 2014, 201-206. (M51)
12. Madić, M., Petković, D., Radovanović, M., Evaluation of nonconventional machining processes considering material application by using additive ratio assessment method, Nonconvetional Technologies Review, vol. 18(4), 72-77, 2014. (M51)
13. Petar Pejić, Sonja Krasić, Dušan Petković, Milica Veljković, Application of Augmented Reality in Facade Redesign Presentation, Journal of Industrial Design and Enginering Graphics, vol. 10, Special issue ICEGD – June 2015, Fascicle 4: INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND GRAPHIC DESIGN, pp. 45-48. (M51)
14. Miloš Madić, Miroslav Radovanović, Dušan Petković, Non-Conventional Machining Processes Selection Considering Different Performance Criteria by Using the MOORA Method, Journal of Engineering Science & Technology (JESTEC), vol. 10(11), 2015, 1441-1452.(M24)
15. Madić, M., Radovanović, M., Petković, D., Nedić, B., Multi-criteria assessment of process performance characteristics in CO2 laser cutting of mild steel, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 13(2), 2015, 6-11. (M24)
16. Madić M., Radovanović M., Petković D., Nedić B., Multi-criteria analysis of laser cut surface characteristics in CO2 laser cutting of stainless steel, Tribology in Industry, vol. 37(2), 2015, 236-243. (M24)
17. Madić, M., Petković, D., Radovanović, M., Selection of non-conventional machining processes using the OCRA method, Serbian Journal of Management, vol. 10(1), 2015, 61-73.. (M24)
18. Madić, M., Radovanović, M., Petković, D., Nedić, B., Selection of cutting inserts for aluminum alloys machining by using MCDM method, ACTA Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. 66(1), 2015, 98-101. (M51)
19. D. Petković, M. Madić, M. Radovanović, V. Gečevska, Application of the performance selection index method for solving machining MCDM problems, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS: Series Mechanical Engineering, 2017, DOI: 10.22190/FUME151120001P (M24)
20. M. Madić, M. Radovanović, D. Petković, Pareto optimisation of certain quality characteristics in laser cutting by ANN-GA approach, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms Vol. 9 (4), pp. 370 - 384 (2017) (M24)
21. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Knee Prosthesis Biomaterial Selection by Using MCDM Solver, Advanced Technologies & Materials Vol. 46 (2), pp. 37-41 (2021) (M51)
22. Marko Igić, Milena Kostić, Dušan Petković, Nikola Gligorijević, Stefan Dačić, Nenad Stošić, Influence of preparation method on mechanical characteristics of plaster, Acta Stomatologica Naissi Vol. 37 no. 84, pp .2266 -2273 (2021) (M52)
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
1. Dušan Petković, NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF HEAT TRANSFER IN RÖNTGEN –TUBE, Computational Engineering, Third international course for young researchers, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 9-15 June 2007, pp. 219-220. (M34)
2. Goran Radenković, Dušan Petković, Vladislav Blagojević, Influence of heat treatment on the scc of martensitic stainless steel, Research and development of mechanical elements and systems, Research and development of mechanical elements and systems, IRMES 2011, 311-314. (M33)
3. Vladislav Blagojević, Miodrag Stojiljković, Dušan Petković, MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENT SERVO PNEUMATIC SYSTEM, Research and development of mechanical elements and systems - IRMES 2011, Zlatibor, Serbia, 27.-28. April, 2011, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-012-7), pp. 99-102. (M33)
4. Petković Dušan, Radenković Goran, Corrosion problem in railway, Proceedings of the XV Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - Railcon’12, Niš, Serbia, October 3-4, 2012, 181-184.(M33)
5. Petković Dušan, Radenković Goran, An Electrochemical Method for Evaluation Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Used in Orthopedic Implants Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements - SAUM 2012, Niš, Serbia, November 14-16, 2012, 447-450. (M33)
6. Dušan Petković, Goran Radenković, EFFECT OF NITRIC ACID PASSIVATION ON THE AISI 316L STAINLESS STEEL CORROSION PROPERTIES, Sixth international scientific conference Contemporary materials 2013, Banja Luka, 4-6 July, 2013, Proceedings (ISBN 978-99938-21-57-1), pp. 429-438. (M33)
7. Dušan Petković, Goran Radenković, EFFECT OF STAINLESS STEEL PASSIVATION FOR RESISTANCE TO PITTING CORROSION IN HANK’S SOLUTION, MASING 2013, Niš, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-039-4), 87-90. (M33)
8. Dušan Petković, Goran Radenković, Vladislav Blagojević, Predrag Živković, Ivan Ćirić, Application of regression analysis and genetc algorithm to the optimization of nitric acid passivation of 316L stainless steel, DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 313-318. (M33)
9. Petar Pejić, Dušan Petković, Marko Ignjatović and Sonja Krasić, Analysis of the Natural Lighting and Energy Demand in the Student Dormitory in Terms of Architectural Design, SIMTERM 2013, Sokobanja, 562-568. (M33)
10. Dušan Petković and Goran Radenković, SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SPECIMENS GEOMETRY IN SCC TESTS, 4th International Scientific Conference - MONGEOMETRIJA 2014, 20-22 June 2014, Vlasina, Serbia, Proceedings pp. 133-140. (M33)
11. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, GEAR MATERIAL SELECTION USING WASPAS METHOD, 3rd International Congress Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering - SMAT 2014, 23-25 October, 2014 Craiova, Romania, Proceedings (ISBN 978-606-14-0866-5), pp. 45-48.(M33)
12. Miloš Madić, Dušan Petković, Vojislav Tomić, APPLICATION OF THE COPRAS METHOD FOR MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT SELECTION, 3rd International Congress Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering - SMAT 2014, 23-25 October, 2014 Craiova, Romania, Proceedings (ISBN 978-606-14-0866-5), pp. 49-54.(M33)
13. Dušan Petković, Goran Radenković, Jelena Dimitrijević, DAMAGES OF RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE INDUCED BY CORROSION, Proceedings of the XVI Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON’14, Niš, Serbia, 9-10 October, 2014, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-060-8), pp. 161-164. (M33)
14. Jelena Dimitrijević, Dušan Petković, RAILWAY LINES FOR FAST TRAINS IN JAPAN, Proceedings of the XVI Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON’14, Niš, Serbia, 9-10 October, 2014, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-060-8), pp. 225-228.(M33)
15. D. Lj. Petković, M. J. Madić and G. M. Radenković, MATERIAL SELECTION FOR MICRO-ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS USING MADM APPROACH, XII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements – SAUM 2014, Niš, Serbia, 12-14 November, 2014, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6125-117-7) Session P - Applied Mathematics: pp. 358-361. (M33)
16. Miroslav Radovanović, Dušan Petković, Predrag Janković, Miloš Madić, APPLICATION OF TAGUCHI METHOD FOR DETERMINING OPTIMUM SURFACE ROUGHNESS IN TURNING OF MEDICAL STAINESS STEEL, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference - UNITECH 2014 – Gabrovo, 21–22 November 2014, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, pp. III 316 -321. (M33)
17. Miroslav Radovanović, Predrag Janković, Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić OPTIMIZATION OF TURNING PARAMETERS OF MEDICAL STAINLESS STEEL BASED ON CUTTING FORCE USING TAGUCHI METHOD, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference - UNITECH 2014 – Gabrovo, 21–22 November 2014, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, pp. III 304 -309. (M33)
18. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Miodrag Manić, Goran Radenković, APPLICATION OF MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION MAKING (MCDM) METHODS FOR BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS SELECTION, Thirteenth Young Researchers Conference – Materials Science and Engineering, Belgrade, December 10-12, 2014, Book of abstracts, p. 23. (M34)
19. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić and Goran Radenković, SELECTION OF THE MOST SUITABLE NON-CONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES FOR CERAMIC PROCESSING BY USING MCDMS, The Third Serbian Ceramic Society Conference - ACA III 2014, September 29-October 1, 2014, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Knez Mihailova 35, Belgrade, Serbia. (M34)
20. D. Petković, M. Madić, АPPLICATION OF NOVEL MCDM METHOD FOR MATERIALS SELECTION, Sеvеnth International Scientific Conference CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS 2014, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 21-22 December, Proceedings (ISBN 978-99938-21-65-6) 241-250. (M33)
21. M. Madić, D. Petković, APPLICATION OF MCDM METHODS FOR MATERIALS SELECTION, Sеvеnth International Scientific Conference CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS 2014, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 21-22 December, 2014, Proceedings (ISBN 978-99938-21-65-6) 251-258. (M33)
22. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Miodrag Manić, Miroslav Trajanović, Decision Support System for Selection of the Most Suitable Biomedical Material, 5th International Conference on Information Society and Technology - ICIST 2015, 8-10 March 2015, Kopaonik, Serbia, Proceedings pp. 27-31. (M33)
23. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics selection by using MADM approach, Serbian Ceramic Society Conference – ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION IV, September 21-23, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts (ISBN 978-86-915627-3-1) p. 62. (M34)
24. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Ranking of Biomedical Materials by Using Comprehensive WASPAS Method, 3rd International Conference MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN XXI CENTURY, September 17 - 18, 2015, Niš, Serbia, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-072-1) pp. 339-344. (M33)
25. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Predrag Živković, Mladen Tomić, Heat Exchangers Materials Selection by Using MCDM Approach, 12th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology – DEMI 2015, 29-30 May 2015, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hertzegovina, Proceedings (ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8) pp.55-60. (M33)
26. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Miloš Milošević, Application of MCDM Methodes for Automobile’s Bumper Material Selection, 12th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology – DEMI 2015, 29-30 May 2015, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hertzegovina, Proceedings (ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8) pp. 713-718. (M33)
27. Miloš Madić, Miroslav Radovanović, Dušan Petković, Predrag Janković, Miloš Milošević, Prediction of Surface Roughness Using Regression and ANN Models in CO2 Laser Cutting of Mild Steel, 12th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology – DEMI 2015, 29-30 May 2015, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hertzegovina, Proceedings (ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8) pp. 175-180. (M33)
28. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Miroslav Radovanović, Predrag Janković and Goran Radenković, Modeling of CuttingTemperature in the Biomedical Stainless Steel Turning Process, SIMTERM 2015, 20-23 October 2015, Soko Banja, Serbia, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-076-9) pp. 822-828. (M33)
29. Petković Dušan, Madić Miloš, Radovanović Miroslav and Janković Predrag, Application of Recently Developed MCDM Methods for Materials Selection, Innovative Manufacturing Engineering Conference – IMANE 2015, Iasi, May 20-22, 2015, Romania, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 809-810 (2015) pp 1468-1473. (M33)
30. Madić Miloš, Radovanović Miroslav, Coteata M., Janković Predrag and Petković Dušan, Multi-objective optimization of laser cutting using ROV-based Taguchi methodology, Innovative Manufacturing Engineering Conference – IMANE 2015, Iasi, May 20-22, 2015, Romania, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 809-810 (2015) pp 405-410. (M33)
31. Radovanović Miroslav, Slatineanu Laurentiu, Janković Predrag, Petković Dušan and Madić Miloš, Taguchi approach for the optimization of cutting parameters in finish turning of medical stainless steel, Innovative Manufacturing Engineering Conference – IMANE 2015, Iasi, May 20-22, 2015, Romania, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 809-810 (2015) pp 153-158. (M33)
32. Janković Predrag, Radovanović Miroslav, Dodun Oana, Madić Miloš and Petković Dušan, Machining Parameter Effect on Cut Quality in Abrasive Water Jet Cutting, Innovative Manufacturing Engineering Conference – IMANE 2015, Iasi, May 20-22, 2015, Romania, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 809-810 (2015) pp 201-206. (M33)
33. D. Petković, M. Madić, G. Radenković, Selection of the Biomedical Material by Using MCDM Approach, IX International Scientific Conference CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS 2016, Banja Luka, 4-5 September 2016, 737-748. (M33)
34. М. Костић, Н. Крунић, Д. Петковић, Н. Глигоријевић, М. Игић, Допринос побољшању механичког квалитета акрилатних материјала постполимеризационим процедурама, Зборник радова, 16. Конгрес стоматолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, Зборник радова, pp. 61 - 62, 21. - 23. Sep, 2017. (M34)
35. M. Madić, M. Radovanović, P. Janković, D. Petković, Analysis of surface roughness in CO2 laser cutting using design of experiments, 15th International Conference on Tribology, pp. 509 - 514, 978-86-6335-041-0, Kragujevac, 17. - 19. May, 2017 (M33)
36. Predrag Janković, Miloš Madić, Dušan Petković and Miroslav Radovanović, Analysis and modeling of the effects of process parameters on specific cutting energy in abrasive water jet cutting, 18th Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia - SIMTERM 2019-PROCEEDINGS, pp. 221 – 230, Sokobanja, 17. - 20. Oct, 2017. (M33)
37. Miloš Madić, Predrag Janković, Miroslav Radovanović, Srđan Mladenović, Dušan Petković, Analysis of variable costs in CO2 laser cutting of mild steel, 13th International Scientific Conference MMA2018, pp. 11 - 14, 978-86-6022-094-5, Novi Sad, 28. - 29. Sep, 2018. (M31)
38. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Application of Extended TOPSIS Method for Biomaterial Selection, 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, pp. 353 - 356, 978-86-6055-103-2, 9. - 10. Apr, 2018. (M33)
39. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Miroslav Radovanović, Predrag Janković, An example of MCDM solver application for selection problems in machining, 37th International Conference on Production Engineering, pp. 265 - 268, 978-86-6335-057-1, Kragujevac, Serbia, 25. - 26. Oct, 2018. (M33)
40. Predrag Janković, Miloš Madić, Miroslav Radovanović, Dušan Petković, Using the GP in the analysis and modeling of specific cutting energy in AWJ, 37th International Conference on Production Engineering, pp. 107 - 112, 978-86-6335-057-1, Kragujevac, Serbia, 25. - 26. Oct, 2018. (M33)
41. Miloš Madić, Srđan Mladenović, Miroslav Radovanović, Predrag Janković, Dušan Petković, Analysis of kerf width in CO2 laser cutting of P265GH steel, 37th International Conference on Production Engineering, pp. 197 - 202, 978-86-6335-057-1, Kragujevac, Serbia, 25. - 26. Oct, 2018.(M33)
42. Predrag Živković, Mladen Tomić, Dragana Dimitrijević Jovanović, Dušan Petković, Jelena Janevski, Mirko Dobrnjac, Experimental Study Rayleigh-Benard Convection in a Rectangular Alcohol Tank, 14th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering DEMI 2019, Banja Luka 2019, 978-99938-39-85-9, 2019. (M33)
43. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Material Selection of Wave Energy Extraction Turbine Blade, 19th Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia - SIMTERM 2019-PROCEEDINGS, pp. 309 - 316, 978-6055-124-7, Sokobanja, 22. - 25. Oct, 2019. (M33)
44. Dušan Petković, Miloš Madić, Goran Radenković, Predrag Živković, An Example of MCDM Solver Application for Material Selection Problems, 14th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - DEMI 2019 - PROCEEDINGS, pp. 65 - 70, 978-99938-39-85-9, Banja Luka, 24. - 25. May, 2019 (M33)
45. Dušan Petković, Miloš J. Madić, Goran Radenković, Decision Support System for Biomaterial Selection, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference – MASING 2020, pp. 283 - 286, ISSN 2738-103X, 978-86-6055-139-1, 9. - 10. Dec, 2020 (M33)
46. Saša Ranđelović, Mladomir Milutinović, Dušan Petković, Dušan Đokić, Nikola Kostić, Hot Forging Process Analysis of Axisymetric Elements with High Precision, Proceedings of 5 th International Scientific Conference ”Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications” – COMET-a 2020, pp. 26- 28 Nov. East Sarajevo, B&H, RS, 2020 (M33)
47. Dušan Petković, Miloš J. Madić, Goran Radenković, KNEE PROSTHESIS BIOMATERIAL SELECTION BY USING MCDM SOLVER, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering DEMI2021, pp. 107 - 112, 978-99938-39-92-7, Banja Luka, 28. - 29. May, 2021 (M33)
48. Petković D., Madić M., Radenković G., Živković P., Application of the decision support system for cutting fluid selection, X International scientific and technical coference PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 1-5. Februar, Ivano-Frankivsk-Yaremche, pp. 32-33, 2022.(M32)
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
1. Goran M. Radenković, Dušan Lj. Petković, UTICAJ KOROZIONE SREDINE NA BRZINU KOROZIJE ČELIKA U BETONU, XI YUCORR - International Conference, Tara, Srbija, maj 2009, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-82343-), str 54-59. (M63)
2. Dušan Petković, BIORAZGRADIVI MATERIJALI, Održivi razvoj i klimatske promene SUSTAIN 2010 - Intenational conference, 13-15 Septembar Niš, 2010, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-004-2) str. 174-179. (M63)