Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Jelena Popović
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 25.03.1979.
- Mesto rođenja: Zuara, Libija
- Fakultet: Medicinski
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Stomatologija
- Godina diplomiranja: 2003.
Spisak publikacija
Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:
Jelena Popovic, Jovanka Gasic, Slavoljub Zivkovic, Aleksandar Petrovic, Aleksandar Mitic, Marija Nikolic. Infection control in endodontics. In: Advances in medicine and biology, volume 65. Editor: Leon V. Berhardt, ISBN: 978-1-62618-298-1. 2013, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Aleksandar Mitić, Nadica Mitić, Slavoljub Živković, Jelena Milašin, Jovanka Gašić, Vladimir Mitić, Tatjana Tanić, Jelena Popović. The importance of final irrigation with mineralolithic effect agents during chemomechanical treatment of tooth root canal. In: Oral health care - Pediatric, Research, Epidemiology and Clinical Practices. Editor: Mandeep Singh Virdi, ISBN: 978-953-51-0133-8. 2012, InTech.
Knjige i udžbenici:
Dragica Dačić-Simonović, Jovanka Gašić, Goran Tošić, Aleksandar Mitić, Stefan Dačić, Jelena Popović, Marija Nikolić. Bolesti zuba pretklinika - praktikum. Galaksijanis, Niš, 2017.
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
Stošić N, Popović J, Stanković A, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Todorović K. The influence of autoclave sterilization on the cyclic fatigue of M-wire rotary endodontic instruments. Vojnosanit Pregl 2024; 81: 642–647. IF: 0.2 (M23)
Barac R, Gašić J, Popović J, Nikolić M, Sunarić S, Petković D, Mitić A, Stošić N, Burić N. In vitro effect of beer, red and white wine on the morphology and surface roughness of human enamel. Adv Clin Exp Med 2023; 32: 1241-1248. IF: 2.1 (M23)
Nikolić M, Mitić A, Petrović J, Dimitrijević D, Popović J, Stošić N, Stojanovska V. Determining the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Dental Care in the Serbian Adult Population: An Online Questionnaire-Based Study. Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e939238. IF: 3.1 (M23)
Stošić N, Popović J, Anđelković Apostolović M, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R, Kostić M. Effects of Autoclave Sterilization on Cyclic Fatigue Resistance in 5 Types of Rotary Endodontic Instruments: An In Vitro Study. Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e939694. IF: 3.1 (M23)
Nikolić M, Mitić A, Petrović J, Dimitrijević D, Popović J, Barac R, Todorović A. COVID-19: Another Cause of Dental Anxiety? Med Sci Monit 2022; 28:e9365356. IF: 3.1 (M23)
Mitic A, Gasic J, Barac R, Radenkovic G, Sunaric S, Popovic J, Nikolic M. Ultrastructural changes in the cemento-enamel junction caused by acidic beverages: An in vitro study. Microsc Res Tech 2020; 83: 91-98. IF: 2,117 (M21)
Nikolić M, Petrović A, Mitić A, Popović J, Nikolić I, Dačić S, Gašić J. A histological evaluation of bone tissue response to a sealer based on calcium hydroxide: An experimental study. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; 145: 58-64. IF: 0.277 (M23)
Popović J, Radenković G, Gašić J, Živković S, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R. The examination of sensitivity to corrosion of nickel-titanium and stainless steel endodontic instruments in tooth root canal irrigating solutions. Chem Ind Chem Eng Q 2016; 22: 95-100. IF:0,664 (M23)
Popovic J, Gasic J, Zivkovic S, Kesic Lj, Mitic A, Nikolic M, Milasin J. Prevalence of human cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus in chronic periapical lesions. Intervirology 2015; 58: 271-277. IF: 1,822 (M23)
Barac R, Gasic J, Trutic N, Sunaric S, Popovic J, Djekic P, Radenkovic G, Mitic A. Erosive Effect of Different Soft Drinks on Enamel Surface in vitro: Application of Stylus Profilometry. Med Princ Pract 2015; 24: 451-457. IF: 1.159 (M22)
Mitić A, Mitić N, Milašin J, Živković S, Gašić J, Mitić V, Popović J. Analiza antimikrobnog dejstva rastvora MTAD u inficiranom kanalnom sistemu korena zuba tehnikom PCR. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2013; 141: 155-162. IF: 0,228 (M23)
Gasic J, Popovic J, Zivkovic S, Petrovic A, Barac R, Nikolic M. Ultrastructural analysis of the root canal walls after simultaneous irrigation of different sodium hypochlorite concentration and 0,2% chlorhexidine gluconate. Microsc Res Techniq 2012; 75: 1099-1103. IF: 1,593 (M22)
Gasic J, Kesic Lj, Popovic J, Mitic A, Nikolic M, Stankovic S, Barac R. Ultrastructural changes in the cemento-enamel junction after vital tooth bleaching with fluoride and fluoride-free agents – a pilot study. Med Sci Monit 2012; 18: PR5-12. IF: 1,358 (M23)
Vlajkovic S, Vasovic Lj, Dakovic-Bjelakovic M, Stankovic S, Popovic J, Cukuranovic R. Human bony jugular foramen: Some additional morphological and morphometric features. Med Sci Monit 2010; 16:140-6. IF: 1,699 (M23)
Popovic J, Gasic J, Zivkovic S, Petrovic A, Radicevic G. Evaluation of biological debris on endodontic instruments after cleaning and sterilization procedures. Int Endod J 2010; 43: 336-41. IF: 2,383 (M21)
Popović J, Gašić J, Radičević G. Ispitivanje efikasnosti ultrazvuka u čišćenju površine novih endodontskih instrumenata. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2009; 137: 357-62.
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
Popović J, Cvetković T, Džopalić T, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R, Stošić N, Stanković A. The role of interleukin-8 in the development and clinical progression of chronic periapical lesions. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2024; 41: 355-363. (M51)
Stanković A, Stošić N, Popović J. The importance of crown protection of endodontically treated teeth. Acta Stomatologica Naissi 2023; 39: 2718-26. (M53)
Stanković A, Nikolić M, Popović J, Stošić N, Mitić A, Barac R, Milovanović A. The attitudes of students towards instagram dental marketing, online communication with dentists, and information about oral health on the internet. Journal of the Antropological Society of Serbia 2023; 56: 29-39.
Popović J, Daković Bjelaković M, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Stošić N, Barac R, Stanković A, Milovanović A. Musculoskeletal disorders in the population of dentistry students of the University of Niš, Serbia. Journal of the Antropological Society of Serbia 2023; 56: 49-55.
Stanković A, Popović J, Daković Bjelaković M, Stošić N, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Barac R, Milovanović A. Evaluation of the root canal morphology variations of maxillary premolars using cone-beam computed tomography. Serb Dent J. 2023; 70: 163-72. (M51)
Stošić N, Popović J, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Barac R, Igić M, Petrović M, Stanković A, Milovanović A, Vulović M. Cyclic fatigue testing of ProTaper Universal and ProTaper Next rotary instruments of different diameters. Serb Dent J 2023; 70: 117-123. (M51)
Stanković A, Popović J, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Stošić N, Barac R, Milovanović A. An influence of finishing procedures and protective coating on the ultrastructure of conventional and hybrid glass ionomer cement restorations. Serb Dent J 2023; 70: 138-146. (M51)
Popović J, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Stošić N, Barac R, Stanković A, Milovanović A. Efficacy of removing calcium hydroxide deposits from endodontic instruments prior to sterilization using different cleaning methods. Serb Dent J 2023; 70: 7-17. (M51)
Barac R, Popović J, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Sunarić S, Petrović M, Stošić N, Burić N. Evaluation of the erosion potential of fourteen commercial beverages by measuring pH and determining titrable acidity. Acta Medica Medianae 2023; 62: 24-31. (M52)
Stošić N, Popović J, Anđelković Apostolović M, Mitić A, Barac R, Nikolić M, Igić M. Analysis of cyclic fatigue resistance of protaper universal and protaper next rotary instruments. Serb Dent J 2022; 69: 109-114. (M51)
Stošić N, Popović J, Anđelković Apostolović M, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R. Ultrastructural analysis of the surface changes on the nickel-titanium endodontic instruments after multiple use. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2021; 38: 291-298 (M51)
Nikolić M, Golubović M, Veličković I, Stanković A, Popović J, Mitić A, Barac R. Dentistry in the eyes of medical students. Serb Dent J 2020; 67: 135-143. (M52)
Popović J, Nikolić M, Barac R, Stošić N, Kostić M, Miljković D, Miljković P. Dental manifestations of the hypophosphatemic rickets – a case report. Serb Dent J 2020; 67: 110-114. (M52)
Stošić N, Popović J, Gašić J, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R, Dačić S. Examination of tooth shade in relation to age and gender. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Serbia 2019; 54: 41-48. (M51)
Barac R, Gašić J, Popović J, Mitić A, Radenković G, Potić-Floranović M, Nikolić M, Stošić N. Evaluation of enamel surface roughness and morphological changes after exposure to Coca-Cola, orange and artificial gastric juice. Acta Medica Medianae 2018; 57: 33-40. (M51)
Popović J, Cvetković T, Džopalić T, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Barac R, Živković S. The role of interleukin-6 in pathogenesis of chronic periapical lesions. Serb Dent J 2018; 65: 126-132. (M51)
Mitić A, Popović J, Živković S, Mitić V, Nikolić M, Dačić S. Effects of laser treatment on intracanal dentine and cementum at the root apex. Acta Medica Medianae 2016; 55: 26-32. (M51)
Nikolić M, Popović J, Gašić J, Barac R. The effect of zinc oxide based sealer on bone defects healing. Serb Dent J 2016; 63: 159-166.(M51)
Barac R, Popović J, Živković S, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Gašić J. Ultrastructural analysis of uninstrumented root canal areas following various irrigating regimens. Serb Dent J 2016; 63: 57-67. (M51)
Spasić M, Tijanić M, Nikolić D, Stojanović S, Živković N, Popović J, Janošević P, Trajković M, Stojanović M, Petrović M. Perioral and sublingual hematoma – oral anticoagulation therapy complication – case study. Acta Stom Naissi 2015; 31: 1514-1523. (M52)
Nikolić M, Gašić J, Mitić A, Popović J, Radovanović A, Barac R. Bone tissue response to Endomethasone implanted into rat mandible. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2015; 32: 155-164. (M52)
Popović J, Cvetković T, Džopalić T, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R. Concentration of Transforming growth factor - beta 1 in chronic periapical lesions. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2015; 32: 43-49. (M52)
Nikolić M, Mitić A, Gašić J, Popović J, Barac R, Dačić S, Simonović A. Varijacije broja korenova, kanala i dužine zuba kod prvih premolara. Glasnik Antropološkog Društva Srbije 2014; 49: 37-41. (M52)
Barac R, Smiljković A, Popović J, Nikolić M, Gašić J. Forenzički značaj rendgen kontrasnosti kompozitnih ispuna: procena studenata stomatologije. Glasnik Antropološkog Društva Srbije 2014; 49: 29-36. (M52)
Popović J, Gašić J, Živković S, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R. Ultrastructural analysis of the surface of stainless steel endodontic instruments before and after use. Serb Dent J 2014; 61: 175-182. (M52)
Dačić S, Mitić A, Popović J, Dačić Simonović D, Igić M. Ultrastructure of adhesive bond of composite to dentin. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 2014; 31: 67-73. (M52)
Popović J, Cvetković T, Džopalić T, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R, Živković S. The concentration of tumor necrosis factor alpha in periapical lesions. Serb Dent J 2014; 61: 7-13. (M52)
Gašić J, Popović J, Barac R, Garić N, Nikolić M, Milenković T. Corrections of the root canal irrigation protocol - primum non nocere. Acta Stom Naissi 2014; 30: 1373-1381. (M52)
Matvijenko V, Živković M, Mitić A, Popović J, Kostić Lj, Živković D, Perić D. Uticaj nepravilnih aproksimalnih zubnih ispuna na stanje parodoncijuma. Acta Stom Naissi 2012; 28: 1144-1154. (M52)
Popović J, Gašić J, Stojilković G, Dačić S. Ispitivanje efikasnosti različitih metoda dekontaminacije endodontskih instrumenata. Stom Glas S 2008; 55: 88-98.
Stojilković G, Gašić J, Daković J. Uticaj različitih sredstava za irigaciju na kvalitet zidova kanala korena zuba. Stom Glas S 2007; 54: 160-9.
Gašić J, Abramović M, Radičević G, Daković J, Stojanović M. Uticaj sredstava za irigaciju na odnos kalcijuma i fosfora u dentinu korena zuba. Stom Glas S 2005; 52: 20-6.
Gašić J, Daković J, Radičević G, Spasić M. Skening elektron-mikroskopska analiza oblika i veličine čestica različitih amalgamskih legura. Acta Stom Naissi 2005; 21: 457-64.
Gašić J, Daković J. Kompozitne smole modifikovane polikiselinom (kompomeri) i glas-jonomer cementi modifikovani smolom. Acta Stom Naissi 2004; 20: 371-9.
Gašić J, Dačić-Simonović D, Radičević G, Mitić A, Stojilković G, Daković J. Skening elektronska mikroskopija zidova kanala korena posle uklanjanja razmaznog sloja. Stom Glas S 2003; 50: 65-9.
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
Stanković A, Popović J, Stošić N, Nikolić M, Mitić A. Challenges during tooth restaurations with hybrid glass-ionomer cement with fluoroprotective effect among dentists in Southeastern Serbia. 56th Days of Preventive Medicine–International Congress, 24-27 September 2024, Niš, Serbia, p156. (M34)
Popović J, Daković Bjelaković M, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Stošić N, Barac R, Stanković A, Milovanović A. Evaluacija ergonomskih faktora kao uzroka muskuloskeletnih poremećaja kod stomatologa. Izvodi saopštenja, 57. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Brzeće, 2023, pp 80,81. (M34)
Nikolić M, Popović J, Mitić A, Stošić N, Barac R, Milovanović A, Stanković A. Antropološki pogled na odontofobiju. Izvodi saopštenja, 57. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Brzeće, 2023, pp 80,81. (M34)
Stojiljković I, Popović J, Mitić V. Određivanje polnog dimorfizma analizom meziodistalnih promera maksilarnih i mandibularnih frontalnih zuba u populaciji jugoistočne Srbije. Izvodi saopštenja, 57. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Brzeće, 2023, pp 78,79. (M34)
Stošić N, Popović J, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R, Stanković A, Milovanović A. Morfološke varijacije donjeg trećeg molara. Izvodi saopštenja, 57. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Brzeće, 2023, pp 94. (M34)
Milovanović A, Nikolić M, Popović J, Mitić A, Stošić N, Barac R, Stanković A, Stojiljković I. Preventivni stomatološki pregledi kao deo zdravstvene kulture stanovništva jugoistočne Srbije. Izvodi saopštenja, 57. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Brzeće, 2023, pp 68. (M34)
Stanković A, Nikolić M, Popović J, Stošić N, Mitić A; Barac R, Milovanović A. Instagrame, pokaži zube! Izvodi saopštenja, 57. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Brzeće, 2023, pp 73. (M34)
Popović J, Daković Bjelaković M, Nikolić M, Mitić A, Barac R, Stošić N, Daković A. Muskuloskeletni poremećaji u populaciji studenata stomatologije. Izvodi saopštenja, 55. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Zlatibor, 2018, pp 68. (M34)
Nikolić M, Tomić M, Popović J, Gašić J, Mitić A, Barac R. Stomatologija u očima stomatologa – ljubav ili posao? Izvodi saopštenja, 55. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Zlatibor, 2018, pp 69. (M34)
Tomić M, Nikolić M, Kostić J, Gašić J, Mitić A, Popović J, Stošić N. Dentalna anksioznost u zavisnosti od godina – mudriji ili samo stariji? Izvodi saopštenja, 55. Kongres Antropološkog društva Srbije, akreditovani međunarodni kongres, Zlatibor, 2018, pp 83. (M34)
Nikolić M, Popović J, Gašić J, Mitić A, Marinković N. Adequate dentist in the eyes of patient with dental anxiety. Abstract book, 22nd Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017, pp 30. (M34)
Gašić J, Barac R, Popović J, Mitić A, Stošić N. Effect of antacid suspension on artificial gastric juice-induced enamel erosion: an ultrastructural experimental model. Abstract book, 22nd Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017, pp 34. (M34)
Barac R, Gašić J, Popović J, Mitić A, Nikolić M. Erosive effect of soft drinks on cemento-enamel junction in vitro: an ultrastructural and profilometric study. Abstract book, 22nd Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017, pp 35. (M34)
Dakovic Bjelakovic M, Popovic J, Stojanov D, Dzopalic T, Ignjatovic J. Morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen on volume-rendered CT scans. The Fifth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2017), Budva, Montenegro, 2017. Radiation & Applications 2017; 2: 204-209. (doi: 10.21175/RadJ.2017.03.041). (M33)
Popović J, Daković Bjelaković M, Gašić J, Spasić M, Nikolić M, Barac R. The mental foramen position in relation to the radiographic apex of the mandibular second premolar. The Fourth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2016), Niš, Serbia, 2016. Radiation & Applications 2017; 2: 26-30. (doi: 10.21175/RadJ.2017.01.006) (M33)
Dakovic Bjelakovic M, Popovic J, Stojanov D, Ignjatovic J, Dzopalic T. Evaluation of variability of supraorbital notches and foramina using three-dimensional computed tomography volume rendering. The Fourth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2016), Niš, Serbia, 2016. RAD Proceedings 2016; 1: 127-132. (DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2016.30) (M33)
Bulja D, Stojanov D, Ignjatovic J, Dakovic Bjelakovic M, Popovic J, Ignjatovic N. The incidence of dehiscence of the tympanic segment of the facial nerve canal estimated with computed tomography. The Fourth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2016), Niš, Serbia, 2016. RAD Proceedings 2016; 1: 143-146. (DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2016.34) (M33)
Popovic J, Gasic J, Mitic A, Nikolic M, Barac R. Expression of interleukin-6 in human cytomegalovirus infected chronic periapical lesions. Book of abstracts, 20th Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Bucharest, Romania, 2015, pp 186. (M34)
Barac R, Gasic J, Popovic J, Mitic A, Nikolic M. In Vitro effect of some alcoholic beverages on dental enamel surface morfology and surface roughness. Book of abstracts, 20th Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Bucharest, Romania, 2015, pp 194. (M34)
Gasic J, Barac R, Popovic J, Petrovic A, Nikolic M. Effect of different irrigation protocols on untouched canal walls morphology: a scanning electron microscopic study. Book of abstracts, 20th Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Bucharest, Romania, 2015, pp 193. (M34)
Popovic J, Cvetkovic T, Mitic A, Nikolic M, Barac R. Production of interleukin-8 in Epstein-Barr virus infected chronic periapical lesions. Book of abstracts, 19th Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014, pp 279. (M34)
Gasic J, Barac R, Popovic J, Petrovic A, Nikolic M. Ultrastructural analysis of the root canal walls after calcium hydroxide removal by different chelators. Book of abstracts, 19th Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014, pp 289. (M34)
Barac R, Gasic J, Popovic J, Mitic A, Djekic P. Erosive potential of gastric and orange juice on enamel in vitro: ultrastructural and profilometric study. Book of abstracts, 19th Congress of the Balkan stomatological society- BaSS, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014, pp 50. (M34)
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
Stanković A, Popović J, Stevanović G, Mitić A, Todorović K, Milovanović A, Daković Bjelaković M. Varijabilnost pozicije foramena mentale u odnosu na srednju liniju i bazu mandibule: studija kompjuterizovane tomografije konusnog zraka. VIII kongres Srpskog Anatomskog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, 2023, pp 132,133. (M64)
Popović J, Daković Bjelaković M, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Stošić N, Barac R. Razvoj muskuloskeletnih poremećaja kod studenata stomatologije – uticaj fizičke aktivnosti. Izvodi saopštenja sa 56. Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, ON LINE kongres, 2021, pp 36. (M64)
Nikolić M, Nikolić A, Mitić A, Popović J, Petrović J, Dimitrijević D, Barac R. Etiologija dentalne anksioznosti u zavisnosti od pola, godina starosti i stepena obrazovanja. Izvodi saopštenja sa 56. Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, ON LINE kongres, 2021, pp 42. (M64)
Stošić N, Popović J, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Barac R, Igić M. Morfološke varijacije gornjeg trećeg molara. Izvodi saopštenja sa 56. Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, ON LINE kongres, 2021, pp 56. (M64)
Nikolić M, Veljković I, Mitić V, Mitić A, Gašić J, Daković Bjelaković M, Popović J. Filogenetska redukcija broja molara – mit ili istina? Program i izvodi saopštenja sa 54. Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Sremski Karlovci, 2016, pp 55. (M64)
Mitić V, Mitić A, Nikolić M, Popović J, Dačić S, Barac R. Etnostomatološka istraživanja uloge i načina rada narodnih lekara – zubara u niškom području. Program i izvodi saopštenja sa 54. Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Sremski Karlovci, 2016, pp 59. (M64)
Mitić A, Nikolić M, Mitić V, Popović J, Dačić S, Barac R. Etnostomatološka istraživanja u niškom području vezana za nicanje, menjanje i morfološke osobine zuba. Program i izvodi saopštenja sa 54. Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Sremski Karlovci, 2016, pp 60. (M64)
Daković Bjelaković M, Popović J, Vlajković S, Nikolić M, Bjelaković M. Morfološke i morfometrijske karakteristike interklinoidnih koštanih mostova humanih adultnih lobanja. Program i izvodi saopštenja sa 54. Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Sremski Karlovci, 2016, pp 62. (M64)
Kostić M, Ratković-Janković M, Miljković P, Živić S, Šaranac Lj, Stanković S, Vučić J, Popović J, Golubović E. Hipofosfatemijski rahitis- prikaz slučaja. Zbornik radova, 46. Pedijatrijski dani Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, 2015, pp 111. (M64)
Nikolić M, Mitić N, Mitić A, Mitić V, Gašić J, Popović J, Dačić S. Lečenje zuba kroz istoriju. Program i izvodi saopštenja sa LII Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Novi Sad, 2013, pp 53. (M64)
Mitić A, Nikolić M, Mitić N, Mitić V, Gašić J, Popović J, Barac R. Zubarska praksa starog Niša. Program i izvodi saopštenja sa LII Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Novi Sad, 2013, pp 54. (M64)
Nikolić M, Mitić N, Mitić V, Mitić A, Gašić J, Popović J. Zub, simbol života. Program i izvodi saopštenja sa LI Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, 2012, pp 102. (M64)
Nikolić M, Mitić N, Mitić V, Mitić A, Gašić J, Popović J. Zub kao motiv u narodnim umotvorinama, idiomima i književnim delima. Program i izvodi saopštenja sa LI Kongresa Antropološkog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, 2012, pp 103. (M64)