Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Tatjana Jovanović
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 10.07.1964.
- Mesto rođenja: Vranje
- Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Fizika
- Godina diplomiranja: 1988
Spisak publikacija
Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:
1. Olgica Miletić, Tatjana Jovanović, "Chapter 5: Results of Densitometric Measurement by Hologic-QDR-2000 in the Period from 2005 to 2007", in "Environmental, Health, and Humanity Issues in Down Danubian Region, Multidisciplinary Approaches", edited by Dragutin Mihailović & Mirjana Vojinović Miloradov, ISBN: 978-981-283-439-3, pp. 49-54, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2008.(М14)
2. Živković V. J., Sunarić M. S., Trutić V. N., Pavlović M. R., Kocić M. G., Nikolić M. G., Jovanović V. T., “Antioxidant capacity of UHT cow milk with vitamin addition“, 164-176, Functional Foods for Chronic Diseases, Volume 5. 2010, Copyright ©2009 by D&A Inc. USA Editor Dr. Danik M. Martirosyan; Library of Congress Control Number: 2010904797ISBN 10: 0-9767535-6-1, ISBN 13: 978-0-9767535-6-8 (М14)
3.Tatjana Jovanović , Bratislav Jovanović, Branimir Živković, ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ SUCCESS AT THE SUBJECT OF PHYSICS IN ALL STUDY GROUPS AT THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE IN NIŠ IN THE PERIOD FROM 1997 TO 2011, 101-117, REENGINEERING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP UNDER THE CONTEMPORARY CONDITIONS OF ENTERPRISE BUSINESS-Thematic collection of papers of international significance-Niš, januar 2012, Editor:Professor Biljana Predić, PhD, Project Manager; Publisher:Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-6125-065-1; (М14)
Knjige i udžbenici:
1.. Pejović M., Golubović S., Župac D., Jovanović T. i Ristić G., “Opšti kurs fizike - Zbirka rešenih zadataka”, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1992.
2.. Jovanović B., Živković B., Jovanović T., “Praktikum iz Biofizike”, Crveni krst, Niš, 2002.
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
1. Bošan Dj. A., Jovanović T. V., "Memory Curves Used in Establishing the Time Variationof Metastable Concentrations in Afterglow Period in Nitrogen and Neon", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 25 (1992), 436-441. (M22)
2. Bošan Dj. A., Radović M. K., Jovanović T. V., "Self Quenching Process and Half Deexcitation Time of Metastables in Nitrogen Afterglow", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 27 (1994), 286-295. (M22)
3. Bošan Dj. A., Jovanović T. V. and Krmpotić Dj. M., "The Role of Neutral Metastable N2(A) Molecules in the Breakdown probability and in Glow Discharge in Nitrogen", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 30, 22 (1997), 3096-8. (M22)
4. Jovanović T. V., Bošan Dj. A., Krmpotić Dj. M. and Radović, M. K., "The Influence of Light from a Nitrogen Gas Discharge Lamp on the Concentration of Metastable Species and on the Time Delay to Electrical Breakdown in Nitrogen-Filled Diodes", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 31, 22 (1998), 3249-51. (M22)
5. Radović M. K., Jovanović T. V., Maluckov Č. A., Stepanović O. M. “Investigation of the electrical breakdown mechanism in neon”, Contrib. Plasma Physics, vol.43, 2 (2003), 78-87. (M23)
6. Lalić J, Denić M, Sunarić S, Kocić G, Trutić N, Mitić S, Jovanović T., Assessment of thiamine content in some dairy products and rice milk. CyTA -Journal of Food 2013; DOI:10.1080/19476337.2013.814713 IF: 0.500 (M23)
7. Slavica Sunarić, Marko Denić, Jelena Lalić, Tatjana Jovanović, Ana Spasić, Jelena Živković, Nataša Trutić , Gordana Kocić. Physicochemical and biochemical parameters in milk of Serbian breastfeeding women. Turk J Med Sci 2017; 47: 246-251. IF: 0.710 (M23)
8 .Marko Denić, Slavica Sunarić, Marija Genčić, Jelena Živković, Tatjana Jovanović, Gordana Kocić, Marina Jonović. Maternal age has more pronounced effect on breast milk retinol and β-carotene content than maternal dietary pattern. Nutrition 2019; 65:120-125. IF: 3.591 (M21)
8. Jelena Živković, Nataša Trutić, Slavica Sunarić, Slavoljub Živanović, Tatjana Jovanović, Gordana Kocić, Radmila Pavlović. Assessment of betaine content in commercial cow and goat milk. Int Food Res J 2021; 28(5):1048-1056. IF 1.169 (M23)
9. Radmila Gerov, Tatjana V Jovanovic, Zoran Jovanovic. Parameter Estimation Methods for the FOPDT Model, using the Lambert W Function. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 2021, 18(9): 141-159. IF: 1.711 (M23)
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
1. Bošan Dj. A., Radović M. K., Zlatić V. Ž., Jovanović T. V., "Investigation of the Electrical Discharge Formation Mechanisms in Nitrogen and Krypton", The scientific journal “Facta Universitatis Series: Physics , Chemistry and Technology”, Vol.1, 2, (1995), 160-170.(M52)
2. Živković V. Jelena, Sunarić M. Slavica, Trutić V. Nataša, Pavlović M. Radmila, Kocić M. Gordana, Nikolić S. Goran, Jovanović V. Tatjana, "DPPH Radical-Scavenging Activity of Pasteurized Cow Milk", Prehrambena industrija-časopis za proizvodnju, tehnologiju, bioinženjerstvo i marketing, Vol.20, 1-2, (2009), 45-47.(M52)
3. Trutić Nataša, Pavlović Radmila, Goran Nikolić, Srećković Maja i Tatjana Jovanović, "HPLC-FLD-DAD karakteristike derivata S-nitrozoglutationa dobijenih sa O-ftalaldehidom", Acta Medica Medianae, Vol.49 (1), (2010), 27-32.,(M52)
4. Jelena V. Živković, Slavica M. Sunarić, Radmila M. Pavlović, Nataša V. Trutić, Gordana M. Kocić, Goran M. Nikolić, Tatjana V. Jovanović, “The influence of phenolic compounds addition on antioxidant activity of Cow Milk”, Prehrambena industrija-časopis za proizvodnju, tehnologiju, bioinženjerstvo i marketing, Vol.21, 1-2, (2010), 119-121.(M52)
5. Jelena Živković, Slavica Sunarić, Nataša Trutić, Marko Denić, Gordana Kocić, Tatjana Jovanović. Antioxidants and Antioxidant Capacity of Human Milk. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 2015; 32(2): 115-125. (M52).,
6. Sunarić S, Jovanović T, Spasić A, Denić M, Kocić G. Comparative Analysis of the Physicochemical Parameters of Breast Milk, Starter Infant Formulas and Commercial Cow Milks in Serbia. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 2016; 33(2): 101-108. (M52)
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
1. Bošan Dj. A., Jovanović T. V., "Breakdown Time Delay in Nitrogen in a Diode with Two Volumes", Contributed papers of 16th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1993, 245-247, Belgrade. (M33)
2. Jovanović T. V., Bošan Dj. A., Zlatić V. Ž., "Dependence of Discharge Formative Time on the Concentration of Metastable States in Nitrogen-Filled Diode", Contributed papers of 17th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1994, 228-231, Belgrade. (M33)
3. Zlatić V. Ž., Jovanović T. V., Bošan Dj. A., "Dependence of Static Breakdown Voltage of the Gas-Filled Diodes on the Concentration of Metastables", Contributed papers of 17th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1994, 232-235, Belgrade. (M33)
4. Jovanović T. V., Bošan Dj. A., Radović M. K.. Zlatić V. Ž. and Nikić M. D., “Discharge Quenching Time in a Nitrogen Filled Diode under Nonselfsustaining Discharge Conditions” Contributed papers of 18th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1996, 356-359, Kotor. (M33)
5. Zlatić V. Ž., Bošan Dj. A., Radović M. K., Jovanović T. V. and Milosavljević Č. S., “Dependence of the Number of Successive Current Pulses Enabling Breakdown in Gas-Filled Diodes on the Applied Voltage” Contributed papers of 18th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1996, 352-355, Kotor. (M33)
6. Bošan Dj. A., Zlatić V. Ž., Jovanović T. V. and Radović M. K., “Breakdown Voltage in a Nitrogen-Filled Diode at Constant Auxiliary Current” Contributed papers of 18th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1996, 360-362, Kotor. (M33)
7. Radović M. K., Jovanović T. V., Bošan Dj. A., and Zlatić V. Ž., “Reduction of the Glow Discharge Volume Width with the Increase of the pd Values in a Nitrogen-Filled diode at 40 mbar” Contributed papers of 18th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1996, 391-393, Kotor. (M33)
8. Jovanović T. V., Radović M. K., Stepanović O. and Maluckov Č., "Investigation of the Discharge Formative Time in Ne at 4 mbar Pressure", Proc. XXIIIth Int. Conf. on Phenomena inf Ionized Gases, 1997. Vol. 5, 16-17, Toulouse, France. (M33)
9. Radović M. K., Jovanović T. V., Maluckov Č. and Stepanović O., "The Behaviour of the Breakdown Time Delay Distribution in Ne at 4 mbar ", Proc. XXIIIth Int. Conf. on Phenomena inf Ionized Gases, 1997. Vol. 5, 18-19, Toulouse, France. (M33)
10. Jovanović T. V., Radović M. K., Stepanović O. M., Maluckov Č. A., "Discharge formative time in neon filled-diode at p = 4 mbar for lower overvoltage", Proceedings of 3rd General Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union (Cluj-Napoca, Romania 1997), Proceedings Supplement of Balkan Physic Letters, Vol. 5, 1997, 1447-1450. (M33)
11. Radović M. K., Jovanović T. V., Maluckov Č. A., Stepanović O. M., "On the statistical behavior of the breakdown voltage in the nitrogen-filled diode at 20 mbar" Proceedings of 3rd General Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union (Cluj-Napoca, Romania 1997), Proceedings Supplement of Balkan Physic Letters, Vol. 5, 1997, 1443-1446. (M33)
12. Bošan Dj. A., Zlatić V. Ž., Jovanović T. V. and Krmpotić, Dj. M., "Departure from Paschen's Law in Breakdown in Gases at Small Interelectrode Distances", Proc. XIXth Summer School and Int. Symp. on the Phys. of Ionized Gases, 1998, 429-431, Zlatibor. (M33)
13. Zlatić V. Ž., Bošan Dj. A., Krmpotić, Dj. M. and Jovanović T. V., "The Influence of Illumination on the Breakdown Probability in Nitrogen Initiated by Charge Injection", Contributed papers of 19th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1998, 425-427, Zlatibor. (M33)
14. Jovanović T. V., Bošan Dj. A., Krmpotić, Dj. M. and Zlatić V. Ž., "The Influence of Illumination by a Nitrogen Discharge Lamp on Glow Discharge in a Nitrogen Filled Diode", Contributed papers of 19th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1998, 421-423, Zlatibor. (M33)
15. Maluckov Č. A., Jovanović T. V., Stepanović O. M. and Radović M. K., "Statistical Analysis of the Electrical Breakdown Time Delay in Ar - Filled Diode at 4 mbar", Contributed papers of 19th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1998, 413-416, Zlatibor. (M33)
16. Radović M. K., Jovanović T. V., Maluckov Č. A., Stepanović O.M., "The mean value and the standard deviation of the breakdown time delay in neon vs number of events", Proceedings of 4th General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, (Bulgaria 2000), Proceedings Supplement of Bulg. J. Phys., Vol. 27, 2000, (Supplement 3), 179-182. (M33)
17. Jovanović T. V., Radović M. K., Stepanović O.M. and Maluckov Č., "Statistical analyses of breakdown time delays in Kr at pdmin for diferent overvoltages", Proceedings of 4th General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, (Bulgaria 2000). (M33)
18. Stepanović O.M., Jovanović T. V., Radović M. K. and Maluckov Č., "The breakdown time delay as a function of the interelectrode distance in argon at p=4mbar", Contributed papers of 20th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (Zlatibor 2000), 333-36. (M33)
19. Jovanović T. V., Stepanović O.M., Radović M. K., Maluckov Č., Spasić I. and Nožica D., “Electrical breakdown time delay in N2–filled diode on the left of the Paschen minimum”, Contributed papers of 21th International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (Soko Banja 2002), 418-21. (M33)
20. Živković V.J., Sunarić M.S., TrutićV.N., Pavlović M.R., Kocić M.G., Nikolić M.G., Jovanović V.T., “Antioxidant Capacity of Pasteurized Cow Milk with Vitamin Addition“, Proceeding of the 6th International Conference Functional Foods for Chronic Diseases: Diabetes and Related Diseases, Hosted by the Functional Food Center Inc. and Texas Woman's University, 2009, 70-72. (M33)
21. Slavica Sunarić, Marko Denić, Jelena Lalić, Ana Spasić, Tatjana Jovanović. Extraction and HPLC determination of β-carotene from dark honey samples. 6th Workshop: Specific methods for food safety and quality, Belgrade, Serbia, 27 September 2018. Abstract book, 2018, pp. 25-28.(M33)
22. Marko Denić, Slavica Sunarić, Jelena Lalić, Jelena Živković, Tatjana Jovanović, Nataša Trutić, Gordana Kocić. HPLC determination of retinol content in commercial cultured dairy products. 6th Workshop: Specific methods for food safety and quality, Belgrade, Serbia, 27 September 2018. Abstract book, 2018, pp. 29-32.(M33)
23. Maja Stojanović, Milica Pavkov-Hrvojević, Mirjana Božić, Dragica Knežević, Milena Davidivić, Nora Trklja, Andrijana Žekić, Tatjana marković-Topalović, Tatjana Jovanović, Gender imbalance in the number of PhD physicists and in key decision-making positions in the Republic of Serbia, Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2109, 050033 (2019); Published Online: 03 June 2019, ISBN 978-86-6125-212-9, P1-23.(M33)
24. Radmila Gerov, Tatjana Jovanović, Comparison of different techniques for order reduction of the pupillary light reflex system model, 14th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - PES 2019, Niš, Serbia, August 26-28.2019(M33)
25. Olgica Miletić, Tatjana Jovanović, "An Overview of the Results Taken During Densiometric Measurement at the Device Hologic-QDR-2000 in the Period from 2005 to 2007", Abstract Book-9th International Symposium ISIRR 2007, Novi Sad, jun 21-23, 2007, ISBN: 978-86-7892-042-4. (M34)
26. R. Pavlović, S. Sunarić, J. Živković, G. Kocić, N. Trutić, T. Jovanović, S. Živanović, "Simultaneous Determination of Uric Acid and Purine Profile in Milk Using RP-HPLC and Diode Array Detection", EURO ANALYSIS 2009, Innsbruck, Austria, 6-10 September, 2009. (M34),
27. Vučić DA, Jovanović TV, Jovanović BM, “Importance of radon concentration measurement in living and occupational enverionment due its negative influence on people health“, 32nd Balkan Medical Week, Niš, Serbia, 21-23 September 2012. Abstract book, 2012 (P107) (M34).,
28. Ana Spasić, Slavica Sunarić, Marko Denić, Tatjana Jovanović, Gordana Kocić, Nikola Jovanović, “Physicochemical parameters of milk from the Serbian breastfeeding women” 33rd Balkan Medical Week, Balkan Medical Union, Celsius Publishing House, 8-11 Оctober 2014, Romania, Vol. 49, Supplement 1, ISSN/ISBN 0041-6940, 122-123.(M34),
29. Nataša Trutić, Radmila Pavlović, Slavica Sunarić, Jelena Živković, Slavoljub Živanović, Tatjana Jovanović, Gordana Kocić, “Determination of betaine in commercial cow milk available on the Serbian market”, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Specific Methods for Food Safety and Quality, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences in co-operation with Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia, 23.September, 2014., Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7306-124-5, 39-40,(M34)
30. P Milica, S Maja, B Mirjana, D Milena, T Nora, Ž Andrijana, M Tatjana, J Tatjana, Gender imbalance in the number of PhD physicists and in key decision-making positions in the Republic of Serbia, International Conference on Wumen in Phisics, 16-20 july 2017, Univesitety of Birmingham, UK,33, (M34)
31.Jelena Živković, Slavica Sunarić, Ana Kundalić, Tatjana Jovanović, Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolics and Total Flavonoid Content in Acacia Honey from Southeastern Serbia, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference - BeSafeBeeHoney (BEekeeping Products Valorization and Biomonitoring for the SAFEty of BEEs and HONEY), 24, DOI: 10.1080/0005772X.2024.2434330 (34)
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
1. Bošan Dj. A., Jovanović T. V., "Electrode Radius and Air Streaming Influence on Electrical Breakdown and Discharge in Free Air", The Third International Symposium of Applied Electrostatics PES’90, October 23-26, 1990, 170-173, Niš. (M63)
2. Jovanović B.M., Jovanović T.V., “Analiza uspeha studenata na Medicinskom fakultetu u Nišu na predmetu Biofizika”, 10. savjetovanje iz biofizike, Zbornik radova, (Banja Luka 2001), 56-58. (M63)
3. Jovanović T.V., Živković B., “Uporedna analiza aprilskog ispitnog roka na predmetu Biofizika na Medicinskom fakultetu u Nišu za 1988, 1999 i 2000 godinu”, 10. savjetovanje iz biofizike, Zbornik radova, (Banja Luka 2001), 59-61. (M63)
4. Jovanović T.V., Jovanović B.M, Živković B., "Uspeh studenata medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu u Nišu na predmetu Fizika u školskoj 2002/03", Kongres fizičara Srbije i Crne Gore, Petrovac na Moru, 03-05.06.2004, 63-67. (M63)
5. Jovanović B.M., Jovanović T.V., Živković B., "Analiza uspeha studenata farmacije na predmetu Fizika na Medicinskom fakultetu u Nišu", Kongres fizičara Srbije i Crne Gore, Petrovac na Moru, 03-05.06.2004, 67-69. (M63)
6. Tatjana Jovanović, Marija Paracki, "Snabdevanje Aleksinca i okoline vodom za piće do i posle izgradnje Bovanskog jezera", Zbornik radova, Nacionalna konferencija EKO FIZIKA 2005, Kruševac, 21-22-05-2005., 205-208. (M63)
7. Marija Paracki, Tatjana Jovanović, "Sistem kvaliteta ISO 9001:2000 u "FAHOP-u" kao preduslov za primenu sistema zaštite životne sredine", Zbornik radova, Nacionalna konferencija EKO FIZIKA 2005, Kruševac, 21-22-05-2005., 209-212. (M63)
8, Татјана Јовановић, Марко Стојановић, Радиоактивни изотопи као саставни део радифармацеутика, Зборник радова VI међународне конференције о настави физике у средњим школама, Алексинац, 2018, 09-11.март, 61-68.
9. Tatjana Jovanović, Marko Stojanović, Analiza uspeha studenata iz predmeta Fizika studijske grupe Farmacija na Medicinskom fakultetu u Nišu od uvođenja Bolonjskog procesa, Zbornik radova VII međunarodne konferencije o nastavi fizike u srednjim školama, Aleksinac, 2018, 17-19. mart, 78-85
10. Марко Стојановић, Татјана Јовановић, Физика кардиовскуларног система, Зборник радова VIII међународне конференције о настави физике у средњим школама, Алексинац, 2020, 27-29. март, 78-85. ISBN 978-86-81182-02-4 (AG) (M63)
11. Марко Стојановић, Татјана Јовановић, Дифракција светлости на крвном размазу, Зборник радова X међународне конференције о настави физике у средњим школама, Алексинац, 2023, 24-26.март, 179-184. ISBN 978-86-82056-09-6 (БВК)
12. Татјана Јовановић, Марко Стојановић, Утицај пандемије COVID-19 на успех студената Медицинског факултета у Нишу на испиту из физике, Зборник радова X међународне конференције о настави физике у средњим школама, Алексинац, 2023, 24-26. март, 50-55. ISBN 978-86-82056-09-6 (БВК)