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Datum kreiranja: 03.03.2014.

Marina Vlajković

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 3.12.1958.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Medicinski fakultet Niš
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Medicina
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1983.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Vlajković M. Značaj radioizotopskih metoda u dijagnostici i lečenju primarnog vezikoureteralnog refluksa. U: Peventivna nefrologija, Stefanović V, 2004; Univerzitet u Nišu.

    Vlajković M. Nuklearno medicinske metode u savremenom konceptu lečenja malignih bolesti dojke. U: Biopsija limfnog čvora stražara kod karcinoma dojke i melanoma kože, Milan Višnjić, 2005; Medicinski fakultet u Nišu.

    Vlajković M. Umesto predgovora: konsenzus o lečenju pacijenata sa diferentovanim tireoidnim  karcinomom. U: Vlajković M, ur. Dijagnostika i lečenje diferentovanog karcinoma štitaste žlezde, 2008: 1-3; SKC, Niš. d

    Vlajković M. Uloga FDG PET skena kod pacijenata sa diferentovanim karcinomom štitaste žlezde. U: Vlajković M, ur. Dijagnostika i lečenje diferentovanog karcinoma štitaste žlezde, 2008: 99-107; SKC, Niš.

    Vlajković M.Uloga somatostatin analoga u dijagnostici i lečenju MTC. U: Vlajković M, ur Dijagnostika i lečenje medularnog karcinoma štitaste žlezde, 2009, SKC, Niš.

    Sević M, Vlajković M, Kojić M, Lilić G, Rajić M, Ilić S. Rana predikcija antraciklinske kardiotoksičnosti radionuklidnom ventrikulografijom u pacijentkinja sa karcinomom dojke. U: Vlajković M, ur Dijagnostika i lečenje medularnog karcinoma štitaste žlezde, 2009, SKC, Niš.

    Ilić S, Vlajković M, Rajić M, Bogićević M. Procena glomerulske filtracije sa 99mTc-DTPA u evoluciji akutne bubrežne insuficijencije. U: Tehnecijum-99m generator na bazi molibdena-99 visoke specifične radioaktivnosti, Vučina J, 2003; INN “Vinča”.


  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Vlajković M. Pedijatrijska nuklearna medicina. U: Bogićević M, Ilić S. Nuklearna medicina. Medicinski fakultet Niš. 2007.

    Vlajković M, Rajić M. Repetitorijum kliničke nuklearne medicine. Galaksijanis, Niš.2020.

    Vlajković M. Praktikum nuklearne medicine.Galaksijanis, Niš.2020.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Ristić L, Petronijevic V, Golubović E, Stefanović V, Artiko V. Radionuclide voiding patterns in children with vesicoureteral reflux. Eur J Nucl Med 2003; 30: 532-537 M21а(IF 3,324)

    2. Petronijević V,  Lazović M, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Golubović E, Miljković P. Botulinum toxin type A in combination with standard urotherapy for children with dysfunctional voiding. J Urol 2007;178(6): 2599-602. M21а (IF 4,053)

    3.Matović MD, Janković SM, Jeremić M, Tasić Z, Vlajković M. Unexpected effect of furosemide on radioiodine urinary excretion in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas treated with iodine 131. Thyroid 2009; 19: 843-848.M21 (IF 2,602) (SCImago- Endocrinology-Q1)

    4. Zivkovic V, Lazovic M, Vlajkovic M, Slavkovic A, Dimitrijevic L, Stankovic I, Vacic N. Diaphragmatic breathing exercises and pelvic floor retraining in children with dysfunctional voiding. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2012;48(3):413-21. M21 (IF  2,06) (SCImago-Rehabilitation-Q1)

    5. Roca-Bielsa I, Vlajković M. Pediatric nuclear medicine and pediatric radiology. Modalities, image quality, dosimetry and correlative imaging: new strategies. Pediatr Radiol 2013 (editorial); 43:391–392.M21(IF 1,565) (SCImago-Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health- Q1)

    6. Chebib HY, Petrović MN, Vlajković M, Petrović NM. Estimation of the enterogastric reflux by mediated scintigraphic method. Hepatogastroenterology 2000; 33: 738-741. M22-(IF 0,905)

    7. Vlajković M, Slavković A, Radovanović M, Širić Z, Stefanović V, Perović S. Long-term functional outcome of kidneys in children with urolithiasis after ESWL treatment. Eur J Ped Surg 2002, 12: 118-123. M22(IF 0,425)

    8. Rajić  M, Bogicević M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lilić G, Stević M. Solitary congenital pelvic kidney: an extremely rare developmental aberration. Clin Nucl Med 2003; 28: 616-617. M22 (IF 0,737)

    9.. Artiko V, Obradović V, Davidović B, Petrović N, Petrović M, Krivokapić Z, Kecmanović D, Peško P, Čukić V, Milosavljević T, Adanja G,  Vlajković M. Radioimmunodetection of colorectal carcinoma. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2003; 50: 1029-1031. M22 (IF 0,837)

    10..  Artiko V,  Davidović B, Nikolić N, Petrović M, Petrović N, Vlajković M, et al. Detection of gastrointestinal and abdominal infection by 99mTc-ciprofloxacin. Hepato-gastroenterology 2005; 52: 491-495. M22

    11.. Obradović V, Artiko V, Petrović M, Stefanović B, Krivokapić Z, Žuvela M, Stojković M, Stefanović B, Milovanović A, Vlajković M. Immunoscintigraphy of carcinomas with radiolabeled monoclonal antibody fragments. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2006; 53:526-530. M22 (IF 0,756)

    12. Slavkovic A, Radovanovic M, Vlajkovic M, Novakovic D, Djordjevic N, Stefanovic V. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the management of pediatric urolithiasis. Urol Res. 2006;34(5):315-20. M22 (IF 1,449)

    13. Artiko V, Obradović V, Petrović M, Perišić M, Stojković M, Šobić-Šaranović D, Mikić A, Vlajković M, Milovanović J, Vuksanović L. Hepatic radionuclide angiography and Doppler ultrasonography in the detection and assessment of vascular disturbances in the portal system. Hepatogastroenterology 2007; 54(75): 892-7. M22

    14. Matović MD, Janković SM, Jeremić M, Novaković M, Milošev M, Vlajković M. Effect of furosemide on radioiodine-131 retention in mice thyroid gland. Hell J Nucl Med 2009; 12: 129-131. M22 (IF 0,205) (SCImago-Medicine-Q2)

    15. Matovic M, Jankovic S, Lazarevic T, Jeremic M, Vlajkovic M.Furosemide increases thyroid uptake of radioiodine in an anuric patient: first observation. Hell J Nucl Med. 2012;15(1):66-7. M22 (IF 0,679) (SCImago-Medicine-Q2)

    16. Rajić MP, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stević M, Sekulić V, Karanikolić A. 99mTc(V)-dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy is useful imaging method for primary detection and follow-up of patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma. HealthMED 2013; 7: 158-164. M22 (IF 1,031) (SCImago-Medicine-Q2)

    17. Ilić S, Rajić M, Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Stefanović V. The predictive value of 131I-hippurate clearance in the prognosis of acute renal failure. Renal failure 2000; 20(5): 581-589. M23(IF 0,617)

    18. Slavković A, Radovanović M, Širić Z, Vlajković M, Stefanović V. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy monotherapy of stoned internal ureteral stent in children. Urol Int 2000; 64: 33-35. M23(IF 0,394)

    19. Ilić S, Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Stefanović V. The Significance of radiopharmaceutical choice on the estimation of the absolute renal function in different stages of renal failure. Medical Principles and practice 2001; 10: 29-33.  M23(IF 0,106)

    20.Obradović V, Artiko V, Kostić K, Petrović M, Stojković M, Vlajković M, Krivokapić Z. Radioimmunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinomas with three different radiopharmaceuticals. Neoplasma 2006; 53(5):444-449. M23 (IF 1,247)

    21. Sekulić V, Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Bogicević M, Antić S, Dimić D. Thyroid blood flow and uptake of technetium-99m pertechnetate in Graves' disease. Hell J Nucl Med. 2006; 9(3):173-176. M23

    22.Slavkovic A, Radovanovic M, Vlajkovic M, Novakovic D, Djordjevic N, Stefanovic V. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the management of pediatric urolithiasis. Urol Res. 2006;34(5):315-20. M23 (IF 1,449)

    23. Rajić M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Antić S, Veličković L, Stefanović V. Radionuclide staging of renal function in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Ren Fail 2007; 29(6):685-91. M23

    24. Matovic M, Jankovic S, Jeremic M, Vlajkovic M, Matovic V. Online remote monitoring of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas and neuroendocrine tumors treated with high doses of radionuclides. Telemed J E Health. 2012 ;18(4):264-70. M23 (IF 1,416) (SCImago-Bioengineering-Q3)

    25. Spottswood SE, Pfluger T, Bartold SP, Brando D, Burchell N, Delbeke D, Fink-Bennett DM, Hodges PK, Jolles PR, Lassman M, Maurer AH, Seabold MG, and Vlajkovic M. SNMMI and EANM Practice Guideline for Meckel Diverticulum Scintigraphy 2.0. J Nucl Med Technol 2014;42(3):163-169. doi: 10.2967/jnmt.113.136242. M23 (SCImago -Radiology,Nuclear medicine and Imaging-Q3)

    26. Vlajković M, Slavković A, Ilić S, et al. Evaluation of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease by DTPA renal scintigraphy.  International Urology and Nephrology 1998; 30(suppl 6): 799-805. M24

    27. Stefanović V, Mitić-Zlatković M, Ignjatović I, Vlajković M, Šćepović Ž. Tissue polypeptide antigen and carcinoembryonic antigen lack diagnostic accuracy in urothelial carcinoma. International Urology and Nephrology 1999; 31(suppl 4): 443-449. M24

    28. Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Slavković A, Stefanović V, Artiko V. Radionuclide voiding pattern in children with unstable bladder. Nuc Med Review 2000; 3: 53-56. M24

    29. Slavković A,  Vlajković M,  Radovanović M, Širić Z, Stefanović V. ESWL in the treatment of stone in  child with horseshoe kidney. International Urology and Nephrology 2001; 32: 327-329.  M24

    30. Slavković A,  Vlajković M,  Radovanović M,  Širić Z, Stefanović V. Combined Treatment of Immobilization Staghorn Stones in 14-year Old Boy. International Urology and Nephrology 2001; 32: 597-599. M24

    31. Artiko V, Petrović M, Obradović V, Petrović N, Šaranović D, Milovanović A, Vlajković M. Aortal aneurysm as a cause of ileus. Nucl Med Rev 2001; 4: 113-115. M24

    32. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Mitić B, Avramović M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Mitić-Zlatković M, Stefanović V. Alteration of 99mTc-DMSA biodistribution in glomerulonephritis. Nucl Med Rev 2002; 5: 15-19. M24

    33. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Stević M, Avramović M, Stefanović V. Radionuclide assessment of renal function related to kidney size in type 1 diabetic patients. Hell J of Nucl med 2002; 5: 186-190. M24

    34. Slavković A, Radovanović M, Širić Z, Vlajković M, Stefanović V. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for cystine urolithiasis in children:outcome and complications. International Urology and Nephrology 2002; 34: 457-461. M24

    35. Obradović V, Artiko V, Petrović N, Davidović B, Nikolić N, Vučetić C, Šobić-Šaranović D, Todorović-Tirnanić M, Vlajković M. Preliminary results of imaging orthopedic infection with Tc-99m ciprofloxacin using newly developed simple labeling kit 269. World J Nucl Med 2003; 2: 269-274. M24

    36. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Bogićević M, Golubović E, Miljković P, Petronijević V, Artiko V. Diuresis renal scintigraphy “F-0” in diagnosing of upper urinary tract obstruction in children: The clinical significance. Nucl Med Rev 2005; 8: 21-27. M24

    37. Kovačević P, Visnjić M, Vlajković M, Kovačević T, Višnjić A. Sentinel node biopsy for skin melanoma. Vojnosanit Pregl 2009; 66(8): 657-662.М24 (IF 0,136)

    38. Koraćević G, Stojanović M, Petrović S, Simić D, Sakač D, Vlajković M, et al. Cushing`s syndrome, a risk factor for venous thromboembolism is a candidate for guidelines. Acta Endocrinolo (Buchar) 2020; 16(2):123-128.

    39. Stević M, Vlajković M, Veličković F, Stanojević G, Nestorović M, Petrović F. A case of jejunal neurofibroma in von Recklinghausen's disease with active hemorrhage, detected and located with gastrointestinal bleeding scintigraphy: A case report with literature review. Hell J Nucl Med 2020;23(1):81-85. 

    40. Zivkovic VD, Lazovic M, Stankovic I, Dimitrijevic L, Kocic M, Vlajkovic M, Stevic M, Slavkovic A, Djordjevic I, Hrkovic M. Scintigraphy evaluation of the types of functional constipation in children with bowel bladder dysfunction.  J Pediatr Urol 2014; 10(6):1111-1116. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2014.03.021. (IF 1,411) M21 

    41. Zivkovic V, Stankovic I, Dimitrijevic L, Kocic M, Colovic H,  Vlajkovic M, Slavkovic A, Lazovic M. Are Interferential Electrical Stimulation and Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises Beneficial in Children With Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction? Urology 2017; 102:  207–212. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2016.12.038. (IF 2,3). M21

    42. Marina Vlajkovic, Milena Rajic, Vesna Petronijevic, Slađana Petrovic, Vera Artiko. Complementary roles of bone scintigraphy and MR imaging in the detection and long-term follow-up of primary non-Hodgkin's bone lymphoma in a child-case report. Skeletal Radiol  2015; 44(6):863-868. doi: 10.1007/s00256-014-2067-3. (IF 1,74) M22 

    43. Vlajković M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Stević M, Kojić M, Živković V, Karanikolić A, Matović M. The influence of Ki-67 proliferation index on Tc-99m-EDDA-HYNIC-TOC somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in patients with carcinoids. Open Chem 2015; 13: 339–345. DOI: 10.1515/chem-2015-0042 (IF 1,511) M22 

    44. Matovic MD, Jeremic M, Jankovic S, Urosevic V, Ravlic M, Vlajkovic M. THYRPAN-TM Prototype: New System for Online Telemonitoring of Patients with Thyroid Carcinoma During the Treatment with a High Dose of Radioiodine. Telemed J E Health 2015; 21(9):756-60. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2014.0146.  (IF 2,031) M22 

    45. Sekulić V, Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stević M, Kojić M. The effect of short-term treatment with lithium carbonate on the outcome of radioiodine therapy in patients with long-lasting Graves' hyperthyroidism.Ann Nucl Med 2017;31(10):744-751. doi: 10.1007/s12149-017-1206-z (IF 1,66). M22 

    46. Matovic M, Jeremic M, Urosevic V, Ravlic M, Vlajkovic M. Three reasons for on-line remote telemonitoring of patients treated with high doses of radionuclide therapy. Our experience. Hell J Nucl Med 2015;18( Suppl 1):151. (IF 1,015) M23 

    47. Sekulić V, Rajić MP, Vlajković MŽ, Ilić SS, Stević MLj, Kojić MM. Short term treatment with lithium carbonate as adjunct to radioiodine treatment for long-lasting Graves' hyperthyroidism. Hell J Nucl Med. 2015 Sep-Dec;18(3):186-8. doi: 10.1967/s002449910300. (IF 1,015). M23 

    48. Artiko V, Afgan A, Petrović J, Radović B, Petrović N, Vlajković M, Šobić-Šaranović D, Obradović V. Evaluation of neuroendocrine tumors with 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC TOC. Nucl Med  Rev 2016;19(2):99-103. DOI: 10.5603/NMR.2016.0020 (IF 0,50) M23 

    49. Stević M, Vlajković M. Increased accuracy of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) myocardial perfusion scintigraphy using iterative reconstruction of images.Vojnosanit Pregled 2016;73(5):469-71.(IF 0,367) M23 

    50. Matovic M, Nikolic D, Filipovic N, Chen D, Jeremic M, Jankovic SM, Ninkovic S, Cvetkovic A, Vlajkovic M, Rankovic A. An innovative method for precise lymph node detection before surgical treatment in breast cancer. Hell J Nucl Med 2017;20(2):141-145. doi: 10.1967/s002449910555. (IF 1,048) M23 

    51. Matović M, Ravlić M, Jeremić M, Janković S, Vlajković M. Alarm system for surveillance of patients receiving high doses of radioiodine (131I) therapy in the case of unauthorized abandoning of a controlled area. Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 2018; 33: 223-229. M23 



  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1.Vlajković M, Slavković A, Ilić S, et al. Evaluation of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease by DTPA renal scintigraphy.  International Urology and Nephrology 1998; 30(suppl 6): 799-805.

    2. Stefanović V, Mitić-Zlatković M, Ignjatović I, Vlajković M, Šćepović Ž. Tissue polypeptide antigen and carcinoembryonic antigen lack diagnostic accuracy in urothelial carcinoma. International Urology and Nephrology 1999; 31(suppl 4): 443-449.

    3. Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Slavković A, Stefanović V, Artiko V. Radionuclide voiding pattern in children with unstable bladder. Nuc Med Review 2000; 3: 53-56.

    4. Slavković A,  Vlajković M,  Radovanović M, Širić Z, Stefanović V. ESWL in the treatment of stone in  child with horseshoe kidney. International Urology and Nephrology 2001; 32: 327-329.  

    5. Slavković A,  Vlajković M,  Radovanović M,  Širić Z, Stefanović V. Combined Treatment of Immobilization Staghorn Stones in 14-year Old Boy. International Urology and Nephrology 2001; 32: 597-599.

    6. Artiko V, Petrović M, Obradović V, Petrović N, Šaranović D, Milovanović A, Vlajković M. Aortal aneurysm as a cause of ileus. Nucl Med Rev 2001; 4: 113-115.

    7. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Mitić B, Avramović M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Mitić-Zlatković M, Stefanović V. Alteration of 99mTc-DMSA biodistribution in glomerulonephritis. Nucl Med Rev 2002; 5: 15-19.

    8.Slavković A, Radovanović M, Širić Z, Vlajković M, Stefanović V. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for cystine urolithiasis in children:outcome and complications. International Urology and Nephrology 2002; 34: 457-461.

    9.Vlajković M, IlićS, RajićM, BogićevićM, Golubović E, Miljković P, Petronijević V, Artiko V. Diuresis renal scintigraphy “F-0” in diagnosing of upper urinary tract obstruction in children: The clinical significance. Nucl Med Rev 2005; 8: 21-27.

    10. Obradović V, Artiko V, Petrović N, Davidović B, Nikolić N, Vučetić C, Šobić-Šaranović D, Todorović-Tirnanić M, Vlajković M. Preliminary results of imaging orthopedic infection with Tc-99m ciprofloxacin using newly developed simple labeling kit 269. World J Nucl Med 2003; 2: 269-274.

    11. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Stević M, Avramović M, Stefanović V. Radionuclide assessment of renal function related to kidney size in type 1 diabetic patients. Hell J of Nucl med 2002; 5: 186-190. 

    12. Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Ilić M, Rajić M, Slavković A, Stefanović V. DMSA renal scintigraphy as a predictor of vesicoureteral reflux in children- a multivariate scoring system. Proceedining 3rd Europen Symposium on Pediatric Nuclear Medicine, Girona, 2000;(selected article)

    13.Vlajkovic M, Petronijevic V, Golubovic E, Ilic S, Rajic M, Bogicevic M. Indirect radionuclide voiding patterns in children with primary vesicoureteral reflux: comparative study. Neurourology and Urodynamics 2003; 22: 445-446 .

    14. Ilić S, Vlajković M, Bogićević M. The significance of radiopharmaceutical choice on the estimation of the absolute renal function in renal feilure. Mak Med Pregled 2000; 54(38): 29-32.

    15. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Pejčić I, Vrbić S, Mihajlović D, Karanikolić A, Matović M. Clinical usefulness of 99m TC-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC scintigraphy in diagnosis and staging of patients with medullary rhyreoid carcinoma. 7th Simposium of Serbian Society of Surgical Oncology "Thyroid and Parathyroid Suregery", Proceedings Book 2008:69.

    16. Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Rajić M, et al. Indirect radionuclide cystography in diagnosis and follow up of vesicoureteral reflux. Facta Universitatis 1996; 3:56-63.

    17. Artiko V, Chebib N, Davidović B, Vlajković M. Petrović N, Milićević M, Ussov WY, Obradović V. Procena enterogastričnog refluksa u odnosu na funkcionalno stanje žučne kese. ACI  2001; 158: 49-53.

    18. Artiko V, Obradović V, Davidović B, Petrović N, Petrović M, Krivokapić Z, Pavlov M, Adanja G, Šobić D,  Vlajković M, Pavlović S, Rebić R. 111In obeležena antitela u otkrivanju kolorektalnog karcinoma. ACI  2003; 50: 43-46.

    19. Artiko V, Davidović B, Nikolić N, Petrović M,  Petrović N,  Vlajković M, Obradović V. Detection of the abdominal infections with radiolabeled antibiotics. ACI 2003;50(2):25-9.

    20. Petronijević V, Lazović M, Dimitrijević L, Milić H, Vlajković M,  Slavković A,  Golubović E. Functional voiding disorders: rehabilitation of children with urge syndrome. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2006;134(7-8):339-343.

    21. Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Slavković A, et al. Detection of vesicoureteral reflux by radionuclide cystography. Radiol Arch Srb 1996; 5(suppl 1): 991-992.

    22. Radovanović M, Širić Z, Bošković A, Slavković A, Vlajković M, Mrvić M. Protokol savremenog lečenja urolitijaze ekstrakorporealnom litotripsijom baziran na desetogodišnjem iskustvu. RAS 1998; 7(suppl 1): 116-118.

    23. Ilić S, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Vlajković M. Značaj radionuklidnih metoda u dijagnostici i prognozi akutne bubrežne insuficijencije. Acta Fac Med Naiss 2000; 17: 105-110.

    24.Rajić M, Bogićević M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stefanović V. Radionuclide evaluation of renal function in patients with renal stone treated by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Facta Universitatis 2000; 7: 102-106.

    25. Ilić S, Vlajković M, Rajić M, Bogićević M. Primena različitih radiofarmaka u dijagnostici i prognozi bubrežne insuficijencije. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensus 2001; 1: 26-30.

    26. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Avramović M, Stefanović V. Glomerulska funkcija bolesnika sa insulin zavisnim dijabetes melitusom evaluirana primenom 99mTc-DTPA. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensus 2001; 1: 40-47.

    27.Vlajković M, Ilić S, Rajić M,Bogićević M, Lilić G, Slavković A, Miljković P, Golubović E, Artiko V. Primena "F-0" protokola diurezne dinamkse scintigrafije bubrega u diferenciranju opstrukcije gornjeg urotrakta.  Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensus 2001; 1: 48-54.

    28. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lilić G, Mitić D, Mitić-Zlatković M, Stefanović V. Značaj primene 99mTc-DTPA i 99mTc-DMSA za ispitivanje bubrežne funkcije u bolesnika sa primarnim glomerulonefritisom. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensus 2001; 1: 55-62.

    29. Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Slavković A, Golubović E. Pojedinačna i ukupna glomerulska i  tubulska funkcija bubrega u dece sa vezikoureteralnim refluksom. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensus 2001; 1: 63-70.

    30. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Avramović M, Stefanović V. The relationship between the rates of urinary albumin excretion and glomerular filtration in type 1 diabetis mellitus patients. Facta Universitates 2003; 10: 36-40.

    31. Višnjić M, Kovačević P, Vlajković M, Đorđević L, Đorđević G. Significance of sentinel lymph node biopsy labeled by technetium Tc99m and patent blue in treatment of patients with the breast cancer. Facta Universitatis 2005; 12:76-80.

    32. Artiko V, Sobić-Saranović D, Pavlović S, Perisić-Savić M, Stojković M, Radoman I, Knezević S, Vlajković M, Obradović V. Estimation of the relative liver perfusion using two methods of radionuclide angiography in the patients with hemodynamic disorders in the portal system. ACI 2008; 55(1): 11-16.

    33. Artiko V, Obradović V, Petrović N, Davidović B, Adanja G, Vlajković M, Milosavljević T, Jovanović I, Peško P, Bošnjaković V. Radioizotopsko otkrivanje helikobakter pilori infekcije. Glas SANU, 2005;48:85-90.

    34. Malobabić Z, Vlajković M. Farmakološki osvrt na najčešće korišćene vitamine u pedijatriji. Acta Med Medianae 1990; 1: 99-110.

    35. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Antić S, Veličković M, Lazarević M. Kontrola tireoidnog statusa u hipertireoidnih bolesnika lečenih radioaktivnim jodom. Acta Med Medianae 1999; 2: 59-66.

    36. Petronijević V, Lazović M, Vlajković M, Stojanova O, Stojiljković J. Physical treatment of the stress urinary incontinence in women. Acta Med Medianae 2003; 1: 43-47.

    37. Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stević M, Sekulić V, Veličković Janković Lj. The choice between three simple methods for glomerular filtration rate assessment in different stages of chronic parenchymal renal diseases. Journal of Physical Science and Application 2012; 2: 372-380.

    38. Vlajković M, Matović M. Diagnostic nuclear medicine in pediatric oncology-what we should know before scanning? Archive of Oncology 2012; 20: 139-142. M51( SCImago-Oncology-Q4)

    39. Stević M, Vlajković M,Koraćević G,Kocić R, Ilić S. Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy in Detection of Myocardial Ischemia and Therapy Planning  in Early Stages of Diabetes Mellitus. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis2013;30(3):129-135.

    40. Koraćević G, Vlajković M, Kutlešić M, Sokolović M. Why is venous thromboembolism so difficult task? 49TH DAYS OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE BOOK OF PAPERS AND ABSTRACTS, 2015; 185-191. М33 

    41. Vlajković M, Stević M, Slavković A, Mitić B, Živković V, Artiko V, Matović M. Comparison of Schwartz eGFR-Cr with GFR measured by Tc-99m-DTPA clearance in healthy children and in children with urinary tract infection with and without vesicoureteral reflux. Acta Medica Medianae 2019; 58 (in press) doi:10.5633/amm.2019.0324 М51 

    42. Dimić N, Krasić D, Stamenković B, Vlajković M, Petković I, Dimić D, Krstić M, Živković  N, Marković D. Malt limfom kod primarnog Sjogrenovog sindroma-prikaz slučaja. Balneoclimatologia 2018; 42(1)229-237. М53 

    43. Stević M, Vlajković M, Rajić M, Koraćević G, Ilić S. Korelacija kliničkih testova za predikciju koronarne bolesti i nalaza na SPECT perfuzionoj scintigrafiji miokarda i koronarnoj angiografiji. Timočki medicinski glasnik. 2014; 39: 171-175. М53 

    44. Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stević M, Sekulić V, Zečević M. Nepovoljan uticaj lečenja antitiroidnim lekovima na ishod terapije radioaktivnim jodom kod pacijenata sa Grejvsovim hiperparatiroidizmom. Timočki medicinski glasnik. 2014; 39: 164-169. М53 

    45. Vlajkovic M, Rajic M, Ilic S, Stevic M, Zečević M, Karanikolić A, Džodić R, Matović M, Artiko V. Značaj određivanja stimulisanog tireoglobulina u lečenju pacijenata sa diferentovanim tireoidnim karcinom. Timočki medicinski glasnik 2014; 39: 176-183. М53 

    46. Nikolić K, Vlajković M.Characteristics of the scintigraphy with 99mTcpertechnetate in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Medicinski podmladak 2019;70: 30-36. M52

    47. Nikolić K, Vlajković M. The significance of metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy in the treatment of high risk neuroblastomas. Medicinski podmladak 2020, 71: 26-32.M52




  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1. Slavković A, Radovanović M, Vlajković M, Đorđević –Marušić N. Combined treatment of immobilization staghorn stones in a 14 year old boy. Case report. J Endourol 1996; 10: S127

    2. Vlajković M, Popović M, Radovanović M, Slavković A. Indirect radionuclide cystography  versus contrast voiding cystography in diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux. Eur J Nucl Med 1997; 24: 1002.

    3. Slavković A, Radovanović M, Vlajković M, Đorđević V, Golubović E, Đorđević-Marušić N, Mihajlović D, Milićeviić. Lithostar extra corporal shock wave litholtripsy monotherapy for pediatric urolithiases. J Endourol 1997; 11: S63.

    4.Slavković A, Radovanović M, Širić Z, Vlajković M, Đorđević V, Golubović E. Litostar ekstrakorporealna udarnotalasna litotripsija (ESWL) u tretmanu dečije urolitijaze. Knjiga abstrakta. XIV kongres urologa Jugoslavije, Podgorica, 1997: 48.

    5. Vlajković M, Slavković A, Ilić S, Rajić M, Bogićević M. Radionuclide uroflowmetry pattern in children with psychological disturbance and an unstable bladder. Nucl Med Comun 1998; 19: 502.

    6. Slavković A, Vlajković M, Radovanović M, Širić Z, Đorđević V, Madić J. Lithostar extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy monotherapy for pediatric urinary tract calculi. Mak Med Pregled 2000; 54(41): 41.

    7. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Bogićević M, Slavković A, Golubović E. Quantitative indirect radionuclide cystography in day- and night wetting children. J Nucl Med 2000; 41(5): 330P.

    8. Ilić S, Vlajković M, Rajić M, Bogićević M, Stefanović V. The significance of radiopharmaceutical choice on the estimation of the absolute renal function in renal failure. J Nucl Med 2000; 41(5): 210P.

    9. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Slavković A, Golubović E, Stefanović V. Qantitative indirect radionuclide cystography in day-and night wetting children. Nucl Med Review 2000; 3: 113.

    10. Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Lilić G, Mitić D, Slavković A, Artiko V. Radionuclide assessment of glomerular and tubular function in children with primary vesicoureteral reflux. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28 (8): 1156.

    11. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Avramović M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Stefanović V. Estimation of risk factors for diabetic nephropathy by radionuclide methods. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28(8): 1254.

    12. Ilić S, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Vlajković M, Mitić D, Stefanović V. Pituitary-testicular axis in male patients at maintenance hemodialysis. The effect of residual renal function. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28(8): 1216.

    13. Ilić S, Vlajković M, Rajić M, Mitić D, Bogićević M. The dependance of thyroid hormone levels on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in patients with acute renal failure. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28(8): 1215.

    14. Bogicević M, Rajić M, Antić S, Vlajković M, Lilić G, Lazarević M, Mitić D, Stefanović V. Influence of abnormal long continual antithyroid drugs treatment on outcome of 131I therapy in graves' disease. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28(8): 1007.

    15. Ilić S. Vlajković M, Rajić M, Bogićević M. The role of stress in thyroid dysfunction in acute renal failure. 2nd Nuclear Medicine Meeting of Northern Greece with International Participation 2001; 55

    16. Ilić S, Vlajković M, Rajić M, Bogićević M. The influence of partial renal function impairment on thyroid hormones level in acute renal failure-ARF patients. World JNM 2002; 1(suppl2): S37.

    17. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Stević M, Mitić D, Golubović E, Artiko V. Radionuclide voiding pattern in children with vesicoureteral reflux. Eur J Nucl Med 2002; 29: 57.

    18. Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Stević M, Mitić D, Golubović E, Artiko V. DMSA grading system: qualitative and quantitative analysis of scintigrams in children with vesicoureteral reflux. Eur J Nucl Med 2002; 29: 89.

    19. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lilić G, Stević M. Lack of correlation between kidney function and urinary albumin excretion rate (UAER) in Type 1 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria and patients with renal failure. Eur J Nucl Med 2002; 29: 181.

    20. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lilić G, Stević M, Mitić D, Stefanović V. Is glomerular hyperfiltration per se a risk factor for loss of kidney function in renal agenesis? Eur J Nucl Med 2002; 29: 298.

    21. Bogićević M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Stević M, Mitić D. Radionuclide assessment of renal function patterns in Balcan endemic nephropathy. Eur J Nucl Med 2002; 29: 299

    22. Rajić M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Stević M, Jefić I, Avramović M. Radionuclide assessment of solitary kidney (SK) function. Turk J Nucl Med 2002; 11: 29.

    23. Ilić S, Rajić M, Vlajković M, Bogićević M. The relationship betwen thyroid hormone levels and renal function in patients with acute renal failure (ARF). Turk J Nucl Med 2002; 11: 3.

    24. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Bogićević M, Petronijević V, Golubović E, Artiko V. The significance of radiopharmaceutical choice in children with vesicoureteral reflux. Eur J Nucl Med 2003; 30 (suppl 2): 373

    25.Rajić M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lilić G, Stević M, Mitić D. The impact of extremely long continual antithyroid drugs therapy on success of I-131 treatment in graves’ disease and toxic nodular goiter. Eur J Nucl Med 2003; 30 (suppl 2): 343

    26. Artiko V, Obradović V, Petrović N, Davidović B, Vlajković M, Petrović M, Adanja G. Breath test (14C-urea) in the detection of helicobacter pylori infection. Eur J Nucl Med 2004; 31: 216.

    27. Artiko V, Obradović V, Chebib H, Petrović N, Petrović M,  Vlajković M, Pesko P. Relationship between the presence of enterogastric reflux estimated by hepatobiliary scintigraphy and helicobacter pylori infection. Eur J Nucl Med 2004; 31: 422.

    28. Rajić M, Bogićević, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Sekulić V, Avramović M. Can 99mTc-DMSA absolute renal uptake be used as a suitable parameter of renal function assessment in diabetic kidney disease? . Eur J Nucl Med 2004; 31: 420.

    29. Rajić M, Bogićević, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lilić G, Sekulić V, Veličković M, Antić S. Analysis of certain parameters related to their potential influence on the outcome of the radioiodine treatmnet in Graves’ hyperthyroidism in the first year.  Eur J Nucl Med 2004; 31: 465.

    30.Vlajković M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Bogićević M, Petronijević V, Miljković P, Golubović E. Radionuclide assessment of bladder function in children with primary monosymptomatic and non-monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. Eur J Nucl Med 2004; 31: 271.

    31. Vlajković M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Bogićević M, Padhy AK,  Kaliska L, Spyridonidis T,  Koranda P. The role of diuresis renal scintigraphy “F-0” in diagnosing of upper urinary tract obstruction in children. Eur J Nucl Med 2004; 31: 413.

    32. Vlajković M, Višnjić M, Đorđević G, Đorđević L, Ilić R. Lymphatic Mapping and Gamma-Probe Guided Lymph Node Localization in the Management of Patients with Breast Cancer: Optimal Time for Scanning. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2005; 242-243.

    33Vlajković M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Bogićević M, Petronijević V, Golubović E, Miljković P, Artiko V. F-0 Diuresis Scintigraphy in Management of Childhood Hydronephrosis. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2005; 224-225.

    34. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Bogićević M, Petronijević V, Golubović E, Miljković P, Artiko V. Radionuclide Assessment of Lazy Bladder Syndrome: a Comparative Study. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2005; 307.

    35. Živković V, Lazović M, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Golubović E, Miljković P. Clinical outcome of children with dysfunctional voiding after combined treatment with botulinum toxin type A and bladder rehabilitation. First Macedonian congress of physiatrists, Ohrid. 2006; 184-185.

    36. Živković V, Lazović M, Dimitrijević L, Milić H, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Golubović E, Miljković P. Standardna uroterapija I alfuzosin u lečenju dece sa difunkcionalnim mokrenjem. V fizijatrijski dani Srbije i Crne Gore, Igalo. Zbornik radova 2006; 164-165.

    37. Petronijević V, Lazović M, Dimitrijević L, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Golubović E, Miljković P.  Botulinum toxin and bladder rehabilitation for the treatment of dysfunctional voiding in children. 15th European congress of ESPRM and 44th congreso nacional de SERMEF. Madrid, Spain 2006; 400.

    38. Vlajković M, Singh A, Saddadi F, Win Z, Nadarajah YJ, Al-Nahhas A. Clinical relevance of standardized uptake value in the detection of malignant liver lesions. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2006; 33(suppl 2): s252.

    39. Obradović V, Artiko V, Petrović M, Petrović N, Davidović B, Vlajković M. Detection of abdominal and gastrointestinal infections using 99mTc labeled monoclonal antibodies (BW 250/183). Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2006; 33(suppl 2): s359.

    40. Artiko V, Suvajdžić N, Stanković B, Vlajković M, Obradović V. The relationship between blood groups and helicobacter pylori infection in the patients with idiopatic thrombocytopenia. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2006; 33(suppl 2): s359.

    41. Vlajković M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Višnjić M, Kovačević P, Paravina J, Đorđević L, Artiko V. The efficacy of limphatic mapping and gamma-probe guided lymph node localization using medium sized particles in melanoma patients. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2007; 34(suppl 2): s256.

    42. Vlajković M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Višnjić M, Kovačević P, Paravina J, Đorđević L, Artiko V. The efficacy of limphatic mapping and gamma-probe guided lymph node localization using medium sized particles in melanoma patients. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2007; 34(suppl 2): s256.

    43. Vlajković M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Slavković A, Živković V, Artiko V. Radionuclide uroflowmetry evidence of effectivenes of botulinum A toxin injection in treatment of dysfunctional voiding in children. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2007; 34(suppl 2): s365

    44. Rajić M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Avramović M, Stević M, Sekulić V. Comparison of two methods for glomerular filtration rate measurements: modification of diet in renal disease formula and 99mTc-DTPA clearance. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2007; 34(suppl 2): s228.

    45. Stević M, Vlajković M, Kojić M, Veselinović S, Radić S. Early prediction of antracycline cardiotoxicity by multi-gated acquisition scannining in patients with breast carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2008; 35(suppl 2): s258.

    46. Vlajković M, Ilić M, Rajić M, Stević M, Kojić M, Petronijević V, Artiko V. Radionuclide evaluation of treatment outcome in children with dysfunctional voiding. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2008; 35(suppl 2): s239.

    47. Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Lilić G, Stević M, Kojić M, Sekulić V. Comparison of 99mTc(V)DMSA scintigraphy with other imaging modalities in patients with medullary thyroid cancer. Eur J Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2008; 35(suppl 2): s265.

    48. Živković V, Lazović M, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Dimitrijević L, Čolović H. Uroflowmetry parameters correlate with the treatment outcome in children with dysfunctional voiding. Abstract book: 7th Mediteranean congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine. Portorož, Slovenia. 2008; 195.

    49. Živković V, Lazović M, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Golubović E. Bladder rehabilitation and botulinum toxin type A in management of dysfunctional voiding in children. Abstract book. 6th Mediteranean congress of PRM. Portugal. 2006; 180.

    50. Petronijević V, Lazović M, Dimitrijević L, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Golubović E, Miljković P. Botulinum toxin A in combination with standard urotherapy for children with dysfunctional voiding. Abstract book. 9th Biennial meeting of the international children’s continrnce society (ICCS)&ESPU course on “Surgery for the incontinent child and bowel problems” Antalia, Turkey. 2006; 88.

    51. Živković V, Lazović M, Vlajković M, Slavković A,Dimitrijević L. Correlation of uroflowmetry parameters and treatment outcome in children with dysfunctional voiding. Journal of Pediatric Urology 2009; 5(1): 101.

    52. Rajic M, Ilic S, Vlajkovic M, Lilic G, Stevic M, Kojic M, Misic I. Influence of extremely prolonged continual treatment with antithyroid drugs before 131I-NaI therapy on therapy outcome in Graves hyperthyroidism. W J Nucl Med 2010; 9 (Suppl. 1): S 94.

    53. Rajic M, Ilic S, Vlajkovic M, Lilic G, Stevic M, Misic I, Kojic M, Filipovic J, Strahinjic. Relationship between both TSH serum levels and nodule size, and response to radioactive iodine therapy in patients with toxic adenoma. WJNM 2010; 9 (Suppl. 1): S 188.

    54. Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stević M, Lilić G, Kojić M, Mišić I. The choice between two methods for glomerular filtration rate measurement in different stages of renal diseases. The first international conference on radioation and dosimetry in various fields of research (RAD), Niš 2012, Book of abstracts, pp 168.

    55. Rajic MP, Jovic S, Vlajkovic M, Ilic S, Stevic M, Kojic M, Misic I, Karanikolic A. Our experience with 99mTc (V)-DMSA scintigraphy in visualisation of primary medullary thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012; 39 (Suppl. 2): S 559.

    56. Rajic MP, Radomirovic I, Vlajkovic M, Ilic S, Stevic M, Kojic M, Misic I, Strahinjic T. Is 99mTc (V)-dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy still useful imaging method for follow-up of patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma? Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012; 39 (Suppl. 2): S 560.

    57. Vlajković M, Ilic S, Rajić M, Dzodic R, Karanikolic A, Matovic M, Pejcic I, Vrbic S, Strahinjic T. Clinical usefulness of 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC scintigraphy in diagnosing and staging of patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009; 36 (Suppl. 2): S 361.

    58. Matovic M, Jankovic S, Jeremic M, Vlajkovic M, Tasic Z. Furosemide and radioiodine uptake in mice thyroid gland. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009; 36 (Suppl 2):S169.

    59. Vlajković M, Ilic S, Rajić M, Visnic M, Kovacevic P, Djordjevic L, Paravina J, Matovic M, Artiko V. Reliability and detection rate of sentinel lymph node mapping using double labelling method in patients with breast cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009; 36 (Suppl. 2): S 373.

    60. Vlajkovic M,Rajic M, Stevic M, Slavkovic A, Zivkovic V, Matovic M, Artiko V. Testicular viability and fertility follow-up study in torsion correction surgery adolescent patients. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010; 37 (Suppl. 2): S 462.

    61. Vlajkovic M,Rajic M, Stevic M, Matovic M, Artiko V, Nikolic N, Nikolic N. 99mTc-Tektrotyd somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in carcinoid tumor patients management. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010; 37 (Suppl. 2): S 440.

    62. Matovic M, Jeremic M, Vlajkovic M, Radovic M, Nikolic D Filipovic N. Three-dimensional Reconstruction Based on Single Photon Emission Computerized Thomography (SPECT) of Sentinel Lymph Nodes and its Potential Use in Combination with Radioguided Surgery.  Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010; 37 (Suppl 2): S419-420.

    63. Vlajkovic M, Matovic M,Rajic M, Ilic S, Stevic M, Karanikolic A. The comparison of radioiodine whole body scan and stimulated thyroglobulin in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2011; 38 (Suppl. 2): S 351.

    64. Vlajkovic M,Rajic M, Stevic M Ilic S, Matovic M. Clinical role of somatostatin analogues scintigraphy in patients with carcinoid tumors. The first international conference on radioation and dosimetry in various fields of research (RAD), Niš 2012, Book of abstracts, pp 169.

    65. Vlajkovic M,Rajic M, Stevic M, Matovic M, Macut D. The influence of proliferation index on somatostatin receptor scan in patients with carcinoid tumors. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012; 38 (Suppl. 2): S 588.

    66. Matovic M, Lazarevic T, Jeremic M, Jankovic S, Vlajkovic M. Unbouned 131I Elimination by Means of Hemodialysis After  Papillary Thyroid Cancer Radioiodine Therapy in Patients with Terminal Renal Failure: Three Case Reports. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013; 40 (Suppl 2): S403.

    67. Sekulic V, Rajic M, Vlajkovic M, Ilic S, Stevic M. Influence of smoking associated with stress on the outcome of radioiodine therapy in patients with Graves’ disease. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013; 40 (Suppl 2): S401.

    68. Matović M, Jeremić M, Janković S, Vlajković M. Blood and urine radioactivity changes during PRRT (90Y-DOTATOC and 177Lu-DOTATATE) in patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NET). Archive of Oncology 2011; 19(suppl1): S22.

    69. Vlajković M, Matović M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Stević M, Karanikolić A. The correlation of radioiodine whole body scan and stimulated thyroglobulin in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Archive of Oncology 2011; 19(suppl1): S20

    70. Vlajković M. Somatostatin-Receptor-Based Imaging in Thyroid Cancer patients With Negative I-131 Whole-Body Scan. 2nd Serbian Symposium on Hybrid Imaging and Molecular Therapy with International Partcipation. Abstract book. Novi Sad, 2014. (доказ: сертификат о одржаном предавању). М32 

    71. Vlajković M. PRRT treatment protocol. International Meeting on molecular Imaging and Molecular Therapy-from Nuclear to Newclear Medicine-4th Serbian Meeting on Hybrid Imaging and Molecular Therapy with International Participation. Abstract book. Novi Sad, 2017. М32

    72. Vlajković M. The Role of Radiolabeled Somatostatin Analogues in Imaging and Treatment of Patients with Dedifferentiated Thyroid Carcinomas-Preliminary Results.International Symposium of Nuclear medicine Update on Molecular Imaging and Molecular Therapy with International Participation. Abstract book. Novi Sad, 2016. (. М32

    73. Vlajković M. Theranostics in High-Risk-Neuroblastoma Children-Achievements and Comcerns.The 5th International Meeting on Molecular Imaging and Molecular Therapy. Updates in Nuclear medicine-Diagnosis, Treatment and Beyond. Abstract book. Novi Sad, 2019. М32 

    74. Rajic М , Vlajkovic М,  Ilic S , Stevic M, Sekulic V, Mihailovic D. Association of differentiated thyroid carcinoma with Hashimoto thyroiditis and other thyroid diseases. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2014) 41 (Suppl 2):S462. DOI 10.1007/s00259-014-2901-9 М34 

    75. Vlajković М, Rajić М, Stević М, Živković V, Đorđević I, Matović M. Assessment of functional constipation in children by means of Tc-99m-DTPA-activated carbon. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2014) 41 (Suppl 2):S588. DOI 10.1007/s00259-014-2901-9 М34 

    76. Vlajković M, Ilić S, Rajić M,  Stević M, Božinović M, Živković V, Matović M. Evaluation of Schwartz eGFR-Cr in comparison with GFR measured by Tc-99m-DTPA clearance in healthy and in children with urinary tract infection with and without vesicoureteral reflux Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2015) 42 (Suppl 1):S181 DOI 10.1007/s00259-015-3198-z М34 

    77. Stevic M, Vlajkovic M, Koracevic G, Rajic M, Kojic M, Misic I, Ilic S. Relationship of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy summed stress score and coronary stenosis. 5 th Balcan congress of nuclear medicine and 13 th National congress of nuclear medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece. Book of abstracts 2016, p74. М34 

    78. Kojic M, Vlajkovic M, Rajic M, Mišic I, Stevic M, Ilic S, Kojic Lj, Karanikolic A. Correlatin of 99mTc MIBI scan with histopathologic diagnosis in patients with „cold“ thyroid nodules. 5 th Balcan congress of nuclear medicine and 13 th National congress of nuclear medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece. Book of abstracts 2016, p107. М34

    79. Vlajkovic M, Matovic M, Artiko V, Matovina E, Rajic M, Stevic M. Survival analysis of patients with locally advanced iodine-131 refractory papillary thyroid carcinoma treated with peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2016; 43 (Suppl 1):S374. DOI 10.1007/s00259-016-3484-4 М34 

    80. Rajic М , Vlajkovic М,  Ilic S , Stevic M,  Misic I, Kojic M. Influence of coexisting Hashimoto thyroiditis on the postoperative residual thyroid tissue ablation success after the first dose of 3.7 GBq of iodine-131 in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2017; 44 (Suppl 2):S781–S782 DOI 10.1007/s00259-017-3822-1 М34 

    81. Matovic M , Nikolic D, Filipovic N, Jeremic M, Jankovic S, Ninkovic S, Cvetkovic A, Vlajkovic M. Computational 3D Preoperative Simulation As Useful Tool For Sentinel Lymph Node Detection In Breast Carcinoma Surgery. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2017; 44 (Suppl 2):S461. DOI 10.1007/s00259-017-3822-1 М34 

    82. Katić V, Stefanović D, Stefanović Lj, Jovanović A, Stošić D, Vlajković M. Giant inflammatory tumor of the breast-case report and review of literature. J Cancer Sci Ther 2018;10:44. М34 

    83. Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stević M, Mišić I, Kojić M. Evaluation of Postoperative Thyroid Remnant Ablation Success rate after First Dose of 3.7 GBq of Iodine-131 in Patients with differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. International Meeting on molecular Imaging and Molecular Therapy-from Nuclear to Newclear Medicine-4th Serbian Meeting on Hybrid Imaging and Molecular Therapy with International Participation. Abstract book. Novi Sad, 2017. М34 

    84. Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stević M, Mišić I, Kojić M, Božinović M. Association of Hashimotos Thyroidits and Other Thyroid Diseases with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma in Patients from Souteast Serbia Underwent thyreoidectomy. International Symposium of Nuclear medicine Update on Molecular Imaging and Molecular Therapy with International Participation. Abstract book. Novi Sad, 2016. М34 

    85. Stevic M, Vlajkovic M, Rajic M, Koracevic G, Ilic S. Avoiding of false positive finding in SPECT perfusion myocardial scintigraphy with iterative images reconstruction. In: Ristic G, editor. In: Ristic G, editor. Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (2nd ; 2014 ; Niš) Book of Abstracts 2014. p.61. М34 

    86.Sekulić V, Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Stević M. Influence of lithium carbonate on efficacy of radioiodine therapy in patinets with Grave’s hypethyroidism – our preliminary results. In: Ristic G, editor. In: Ristic G, editor. Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (2nd ; 2014 ; Niš) Book of Abstracts 2014. p.108. М34 

    87. Vlajković M, Rajić M, Stević M, Ilić S, Petronijević V, Matović M. The influence of proliferation index on somatostatin receptor scan in patients with carcinoid tumors. In: Ristic G, editor. In: Ristic G, editor. Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (2nd ; 2014 ; Niš) Book of Abstracts 2014. p.109. М34 

    88. Živković V.D, Stanković I, Dimitrijević L, Kocić M, Čolović H, Spalević M,  Vlajković М, Stević M, Slavković A, Đorđević I. Scintigraphy measurement of segmental colonic transit in children with bowel bladder disfunction. In: Ristic G, editor. Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (2nd ; 2014 ; Niš) Book of Abstracts 2014. p. 70. М34 

    89. Vlajkovic M, Rajic M, Stevic M, Džodić R, Matovina E, Artiko V, Matović M. The role of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy and F18 FDG PET scan in selecting thyroid cancer patients with negative I131 scans and rising tyreoglobulin for peptide radio-receptor therapy. Third international conference on radiation dosimetry in various fields of research. Budva, Montenegro. Book of abstracts 2015, p85. М34 

    90.Rajic M, Vlajkovic M, Ilic S, Stevic M, Misic I, Kojic M, Sekulic V, Karanikolic A. The incidence of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and other benign and malignant thyroid diseases among patients underwent thyroidectomy due to diferentiated thyroid carcinoma. Third international conference on radiation dosimetry in various fields of research. Budva, Montenegro. Book of abstracts 2015, p251. М34 

    91. Влајковић М. Процена преживљавања пацијената са дедиферентованим карциномом штитасте жлезде леченим помоћу ПРРТ. Конгрес нуклеарне медицине Србије 2018 са међународним учешћем-60 година нуклеарне медицине у Србији. Зборник сажетака 2018, 81. М34 

    92. Stanković T, Veličković F, Vlajković M. The correlation of radioiodine whole body scan and stimulated thyroglobuline in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Kongres nuklearne medicine Srbije 2018 sa međunarodnim učešćem-60 godina nuklearne medicine u Srbiji. Kongres nuklearne medicine Srbije 2018 sa međunarodnim učešćem-60 godina nuklearne medicine u Srbiji. Zbornik sažetaka 2018, 120. М34 

    93. Veličković F, Stanković T, Vlajković M. clinical importance of detection and biopsy of sentinel lymph node in patients with breast cancer. Zbornik sažetaka 2018, 111. М34

    94. Matović M, Vlajković M. TENIS sindrom-dijagnostički i terapijski izazovi.  Medicinski glasnik 2019; 72: 33-34. М34 

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Petronijević V, Lazović M, Milić H, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Golubović E, Miljković P. Rehabilitacija dece sa disfunkcionalnim mokrenjem. Pedijatrijski dani Srbije i Crne Gore, Niš. Zbornik radova 2005; 215. M64- 0,1 bod

    Petrović T, Slavković A, Radovanović M, Budić Z, Milićević R, Vlajković M. Kalkuloza urotrakta kod dece tretirane ekstracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Zbornik sažetaka. Prvi jugoslovenski kongres radiologa sa međunarodnim učešćem. Vrnjačka Banja; 1994: 10: A-14. M64- 0,1 bod

    Vlajković M, Ilić S, Rajić M, et al. Differential diagnosis of hemangioma by blood pool scintigraphy. Arch Gastroenterohepat 1996; 15(suppl 7): 71. M64- 0,2 bod

    Vlajković M, Rajić M, Bogićević M,  Ilić S, Slavković A. Indirektna radionuklidna cistografija u dijagnozi i praćenju vezikoureteralnog refluksa. Sažeti radovi. 28. Jugoslovenski sastanak za nuklearnu medicinu. Ćuprija 1996. M64- 0,2 bod

    Ilić S, Ristić L, Vlajković M, Rajić M, Bogićević M. Značaj perfuzione scintigrafije pluća u otkrivanju asimptomatskog plućnog tromboembolizma u hronično hipoksemičnih pacijenata sa sekundarnom eritrocitozom. Sažeti radovi. 28. Jugoslovenski  sastanak za nuklearnu medicinu. Ćuprija 1996. M64- 0,1 bod

    Vlajković M, Ilić S, Popović M, Slavković A. Indirektna radionuklidna cistografija i kontrasna mikciona cistografija : komparacija nalaza. Zbornik sažetaka. 29. Jugoslovenski sastanak za nuklearnu medicinu. Tara 1997. M64- 0,1 bod

    Rajić M, Avramović M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Bogićević M. Distribucija 99m Tc-DMSA u obolelih od glomerulonefritisa. Zbornik sažetaka. 29. Jugoslovenski sastanak za nuklearnu medicinu. Tara 1997. M64- 0,1 bod

    Širić Z, Radovanović M, Slavković A, Petrović S, Mrvić M, Vlajković M. Ekstrakorporalnalitotripsija (ESWL) urinarne kalkuloze kod djece-desetogodišnje iskustvo. RAS 1998; 7(supll 1): 125. M64- 0,1 bod

    Radovanović M, Širić Z, Bošković A, Slavković A, Vlajković M, Mrvić M. Protokol savremenog lečenja urolitijaze ekstrakorporalnom litotripsijom baziran na desetogodičnjem iskustvu. RAS 1998; 7(supll 1): 125. M64- 0,1 bod

    Slavković A, Radovanović M, Širić Z, Vlajković M, Đorđević V, Đorđević-Marušić N. Monoterapija inkrustriranog ureteralnog stenta ekstrakorporalnom litotripsijom:prikaz slučaja dvanaestogodišnjeg dečaka. RAS 1998; 7(suppl 1): 149. M64- 0,1 bod

    Rajić M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Antić S, Avramović M. Procena glomerulske i tubulske funkcije radionuklidnim metodama u pacijenata sa glomerulskim bolestima bubrega. Zbornik sažetih radova. VII jugoslovenski kongres nuklearne medicine, Sokobanja 1998; 51. M64- 0,1 bod

    Vlajković M, Slavković A, Ilić M, Popović M, Rajić M, Bogićević M. Radionuklidno ispitivanje protoka urina u dece sa nestabilnom mokraćnom bešikom. Zbornik sažetih radova. VII jugoslovenski kongres nuklearne medicine, Sokobanja 1998; 52. M64- 0,2 bod

    Popović M, Todorović-Tirnanić M, Pavlović S, Vlajković M. Ispitivanje kinetike hromom-51 obeleženih eritrocita u anemijama sa i bez splenične sekvestracije. Zbornik sažetih radova. VII jugoslovenski kongres nuklearne medicine, Sokobanja 1998; 48. M64- 0,1 bod

    Rajić M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lilić M, Antić S, Avramović     M, Stefanović V. The incidence of nephromegaly and glomerular hyperfiltration estimated by radionuclide methods in IDDM patients. 10th Balcan congress on endocrinology, Belgrade 1999; Abstract book: 116. M64- 0,1 bod

    Vlajković M, Bogićević M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Slavković A. Funkcionalno ispitivanje bubrega u dece sa kalkulozom nakon ESWL tretmana. Zbornik sažetaka. Borsko jezero 1999. M64- 0,2 bod

    Vlajković M, Ilić S, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Slavković A, Stojković I, Ignjatović I. Primena "F-0" protokola diurezne dinamske scintigrafije bubrega u diferencijalnoj dijagnozi obstrukcije gornjeg urotrakta. Medicus 2000 (Supl1): 1: 28. M64- 0,2 bod

    Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lilić G. Bubrežna fiksacija 99mTc-DMSA u inzulin-zavisnih bolesnika sa dijabetesnom nefropatijom. Medicus 2000 (Supl 1); 1: 28. M64- 0,1 bod

    Vlajković M, Bogicević M, Ilić S, Rajić M, Stefanović V, Slavković A, Golubović E. Pojedinačna i ukupna glomerulska i tubulska funkcija bubrega u dece sa vezikoureteralnim refluksom. Zbornik sažetaka  31. jugoslovenski sastanak nuklearne medicine, Sremska Kamenica 2001; 54. M64- 0,1 bod

    Rajić M, Bogićević M, Antić S, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Stević M. Bubrežna funkcija dijabetesnih bolesnika sa nefromegalijom evaluirana radioizotopskim metodama. Zbornik sažetaka  31. jugoslovenski sastanak nuklearne medicine, Sremska Kamenica 2001; 53. M64- 0,1 bod

    Bogićević M, Rajić M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Stević M, Mitić D. Odnos glomerulne i tubulne funkcije u parenhimnim bolestima bubrega. Zbornik sažetaka  31. jugoslovenski sastanak nuklearne medicine, Sremska Kamenica 2001; 52. M64- 0,1 bod

    Vlajković M, Ilić S, Bogićević M, Rajić M, Ristić L, Petronijević V, Slavković A, Golubović E, Stefanović V, Artiko V. Radionuclide voiding pattern in children with vesicoureteral reflux. Zbornik radova. Kongres nuklearne medicine sa međunarodnim učešćem. Pirot 2002; 95. M64- 0,1 bod

    Rajić M, Bogićević M, Vlajković M, Lilić G, Stević M, Mojašević S. Bubrežna funkcija odraslih osoba sa renalnom agenezijom. Zbornik radova. Kongres nuklearne medicine sa međunarodnim učešćem. Pirot 2002; 93. M64- 0,1 bod

    Golubović E, Miljković P, Vlajković M. Renalna venska tromboza u novorođenačkom uzrastu. Predavanja i sažeci. VII Jugoslovenski kongres za nefrologiju, dijalizu i transplantaciju. Niš 2002; 99.  M64- 0,1 bod

    Vlajković M, Petronijević V, Golubović E, Stefanović V. Radionuklidna evaluacija mokraćne bešike u dece sa primarnim vezikoureteralnim refluksom. Predavanja i sažeci. VII Jugoslovenski kongres za nefrologiju, dijalizu i transplantaciju. Niš 2002; 32. M64- 0,2 bod

    Rajić M, Antić S, Veličković M, Ilić S, Vlajković M, Lazarević M, Bogićević M. Procena efekata radiojodne terapije u osamnaestomesečnom postterapijskom periodu u bolesnika sa difuznom strumom. 2000 Zlatibor. M64- 0,1 bod

    Golubović E, Miljković P, Vlajković M, Petronijević V, Živić S. Radionuclide in VUR detection and voiding function monitoring in children. 2nd meeting of southeastern European pediatric nephrology working group. Belgrade, Lectures and abstracts 2006; P33. M64- 0,1 bod

    Živković V, Lazović M, Vlajković M, Slavković A, Golubović E, Miljković P. Alfuzosin in combination with bladder rehabilitation for children with dysfunctional voiding.  2nd meeting of southeastern European pediatric nephrology working group. Belgrade, Lectures and abstracts 2006; P65. M64- 0,1 bod

    Živković V, Lazović M, Dimitrijević L, Milić H, Vlajković M, Slavković A. Korelacija parametara urofloumetrije i kliničkog ishoda lečenja dece sa disfunkcionalnim mokrenjem. Balneoklimatologija 2008; 32(suppl 1): 139-140. M64- 0,1 bod

    Rajić M,Vlajković M, Ilić S, Lilić G, Stević M, Kojić M, Mišić I, Strahinjić T. Uticaj serumskog nivoa TSH i veličine nodusa u vreme aplikacije radioaktivnog joda na terapijski odgovor kod pacijenata sa toksičnim adenomom. Medicinski glasnik 2010; 15: 51-52.

    Rajić M, Vlajković M, Ilić S, Lilić G, Stević M, Kojić M, Mišić I, Strahinjić T. Uticaj veličine aplikovane doze, dužine prethodnog kontinuiranog lečenja antitireoidnim lekovima i starosti pacijenata na ishod radiojodne terapije kod Gravesovog hipertireoidizma. Medicinski glasnik 2010; 15: 53-54.

    Vlajković M, Lilić G, Rajić M, Stević M, Strahinjić T, Džodić R, Matović M. Značaj scintigrafije somatostatin receptora u dijagnostici i lečenju sporadične forme medularnog carcinoma štitaste žlezde. Medicinski glasnik 2010; 15: 55-56.

    Vlajković M,Rajić M, Stević M, Ilić S, Kojić M, Matović M. The role of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in neuroendocrine tumor diagnosis. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 2010, 11 (Suppl. 1): S121.

    Stević M, Đorđević I, Vlajković M,Rajić M, Slavković A, Ilić S. Scintigraphic evaluation of colonic transit in children. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 2010, 11 (Suppl. 1): S113.

    Rajić M, Vlajković M,Ilić S, Lilić G, Stević M, Kojić M, Mišić I. The evaluation of our experience  in primary medulary thyroid carcinoma detection and metastatic foci following thyroidectomy by means of 99mTc (V)-DMSA. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 2010, 11 (Suppl. 1): S122.

    Vlajković M. IAEA Dynamic Renal Analysis Software Package. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 2010, 11 (Suppl. 1): S128.

Poslednji put izmenjeno utorak, 27 april 2021 22:16