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Datum kreiranja: 17.01.2020.

Goran Radenković

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 12.10.1965
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Medicinski fakultet Nis
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Medicina
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1993
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1. Radenkovic, G.  Precursors of interstitial cells of Cajal in the human digestive tract.  In:  Adaptation Biology and Medicine: New Challenges (Volume 7).  Eds. L.M. Popescu, A.R. Hargens and P.K. Singal.  Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, Vol. 7, 2014; 461-468.

    2. Radenkovic G. Development of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Human Digestive Tract. In: Advances in Medicine and Biology. Editor: Leon V. Berkardt. Nova Science Publishers, 2012. Volume 43,pp. 273-280.

    3. Jovanka G, Radenković G. Razvitak zuba. U: Molekularni mehanizmi indukcije dentinogeneze. Studentski kulturni centar Niš, Niš, 2003: 1-8.

    4. Jovanka G, Radenković G. Biologija zubne pulpe. U: Molekularni mehanizmi indukcije dentinogeneze. Studentski kulturni centar Niš, Niš, 2003: 12-18.

    5. Nikolić I, Todorović V, Rančić G, Radenković G, Mitić D. Embriologija u svetlu novih  metodoloških pristupa i savremenih metoda istraživanja. Tematski zbornik preglednih radova sa naučnog seminara Multimedijalne tehnologije i savremena metodologija u edukaciji iz oblasti morfoloških nauka. Medicinski fakultet, Niš, 2006, 43-46.

    6. Radenković G, Mitić D, Nikolić I, Rančić G. Primena različitih morfoloških metoda u analiziranju građe posteljice. Tematski zbornik preglednih radova sa naučnog seminara Multimedijalne tehnologije i savremena metodologija u edukaciji iz oblasti morfoloških nauka. Medicinski fakultet, Niš, 2006, 47-49.

    7. Rančić G, Petrović A, Radenković G. Histohemijske metode kao osnova savremenih tendencija u edukaciji iz oblasti morfoloških nauka. U: Multimedijalne tehnologije i savremena metodologija u edukaciji iz oblasti morfoloških nauka. Medicinski fakultet, Niš, 2006: 30-32.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Radenković G, Mitić A, Obradović R, Leštarević S, Vukomanović B, Radojičić J, Petrović V, Veličkov A, Čapo I, Ilić Sabo J, Andrejić Višnjić B, Bošković M, Nikolić M. Histologija za studente stomatologije. (urednik G Radenković) Udruženje književnika „Branko Miljković“, Niš, 2020, 1-232.

    2. Radenković G, Mojsilović M, Petrović A, Petrović V, Čapo I, Veličkov A. Histologija za studente medicine. (urednik G Radenković) Udruženje književnika „Branko Miljković“, Niš, 2019, 1-343.

    3. Radenković G, Petrović A, Petrović V, Veličkov A, Jović M. Praktikum iz histologije i embriologije za studente medicine. (urednik G Radenković) Udruženje književnika „Branko Miljković“, Niš, 2019, 1-120.

    4. Radenković G, Petrović A, Petrović V, Veličkov A, Jović M. Praktikum iz histologije i embriologije za studente stomatologije. (urednik G Radenković) Udruženje književnika „Branko Miljković“, Niš, 2019, 1-104.

    5. Radenković G, Avramović V, Veličkov A. Histologija i embriologija za studente farmacije. (urednik G Radenković) Udruženje književnika „Branko Miljković“, Niš, 2018, 1-89.

    6. Nikolić I, Rančić G, Radenković G, Lačković V, Todorović V, Mitić D. Embriologija čoveka – udžbenik i atlas. 1. izdanje. Medicinski fakultet, Niš, 2004, 1-139.

    7. Radenković G, Mitić D, Nikolić I, Rančić G. Reproduktivni sistem, gametogeneza i gameti. U: Embriologija čoveka – udžbenik i atlas. 3. izdanje. Data status, Beograd, Beograd, 2007, 29-36.

    8. Rančić G, Nikolić I, Radenković G, Mitić D. Oplođenje. U: Embriologija čoveka – udžbenik i atlas. 3. izdanje. Data status, Beograd, Beograd, 2007, 37-40.

    9. Nikolić I, Radenković G, Rančić G. Preembrionalni period razvića – rano razviće. U: Embriologija čoveka – udžbenik i atlas. 3. izdanje. Data status, Beograd, Beograd, 2007, 71-78.

    10. Radenković G, Nikolić I. Ekstraembrionalne strukture. U: Embriologija čoveka – udžbenik i atlas. 3. izdanje. Data status, Beograd, Beograd, 2007, 95-104.

    11. Radenković G, Nikolić I. Razviće lica, faringealni sistem. U: Embriologija čoveka – udžbenik i atlas. 3. izdanje. Data status, Beograd, Beograd, 2007, 171-176.

    12. Radenković G, Nikolić I, Todorović V. Razviće digestivnog sistema. U: Embriologija čoveka – udžbenik i atlas. 3. izdanje. Data status, Beograd, Beograd, 2007, 191-208.      

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Radenkovic G, Petrovic V, Dragoljub Zivanovic D, Stoiljkovic N, Sokolovic D, Zivkovic N, Radenkovic D, Velickov A, Jovanovic J. Interstitial cells of Cajal and neural structures in the human fetal appendix.  J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2021;27(1): 127-133.

    2. Petrovic V, Radenkovic D, Radenkovic G, Djordjevic V, Banach M. Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Complications in COVID-19. Front Physiol 2020;

    3. Radenkovic G, Dina Radenkovic, Aleksandra Velickov. Development of Interstitial cells of Cajal in the human digestive tract as the result of reciprocal induction of mesenchymal and neural crest cells.  J Cell Mol Med 2018; 22 (2): 778-785. IF: 4.658 (M21)

    4. Popović D, Kocić G, Katić V, Zarubica A, Veličković LJ, Ničković VP, Jović A, Veljković A, Petrović V, Rakić V, Jović Z, Ulrih NP, Sokolović D, Stojanović M, Stanković M, Radenković, G, Nikolić GR, Lukač А, Milosavljević A, Sokolović D. Anthocyanins protect hepatocytes against CCL4-induced acute liver injury in rats by inhibiting pro-inflammatory mediators, polyamine catabolism, lipocalin-2, and excessive proliferation of Kupffer cells. Antioxidants 2019; 8(10): 451. IF: 4.520 (M21a)

    5. Radenković G, Petrović V, Nedin-Ranković G, Denĉić T, Živković V, Jocić M. CD11c immunopositive cells in the human fetal vermiform appendix. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2019; OnLine-First (00):148-148.

    6. Aleksandar D. Mitic, Jovanka Z. Gasic, Radomir G. Barac, Goran S. Radenkovic, Slavica M. Sunaric, Jelena Z. Popovic, Marija M. Nikolic. Ultrastructural changes in the cemento‐enamel junction caused by acidic beverages: An in vitro study. Microscopy Research and Technique 2019; IF: 1.327 (M23)

    7. Krstić M,Stojanović N.M, Stojnev S, Radenković G, Čukuranović Kokoris, J, Mladenović B, Janković Veličković L. Interplay between STAT3, Cell Adhesion Molecules and Angiogenesis-Related Parameters in Gastric Carcinoma. Does STAT3 Really Have a Prognostic Value? Medicina (Kaunas) 2019; 55(6)pii: E300. IF: 1.467 (M22)

    8. Stojiljković N, Ilić S, Stojanović N, Janković-Veličković L, Stojnev S, Kocić G, Radenković G, Arsić I, Stojanović M, Petković M. Nanoliposome-encapsulated ellagic acid prevents cyclophosphamide-induced rat liver damage. Mol Cell Biochem 2019; doi: 10.1007/s11010-019-03541-8. IF: 2.884 (M23)

    9. Vasović L, Trandafilović M, Vlajković S, Radenković G. Congenital absence of the bilateral internal carotid artery: a review of the associated (ab)normalities from a newborn status to the eighth decade of life. Childs Nerv Syst 2018; 34(1):35-49.IF: 1.327 (M23)

    10. Aleksandra Velickov, Olivera Mitrovic, Branka Djordjevic, Dusan Sokolovic, Vladimir Zivkovic, Asen Velickov, Vukica Pantovic, Natasa Poklar Urlih, Radenkovic G: The effect of bilberries on diabetes-related alterations of interstitial cells of Cajal in the lower oesophageal sphincter in rats. Histol Histopathol; (2017) 32: 639-647. IF: 2.015 (M22)

    11. Olivera Mitrović, Mileva Mićić, Goran Radenković, Sanja Vignjević, Dragoslava Đikić, Mirela Budeč, Tijana Breković, Vladan Čokić. Endocrine cells in human fetal corpus of stomach: appearance, distribution, and density. J Gastroenterol 2012; 47(11):1212-20. IF: 3.788 (M21)

    12. Djurić Z, Nagorni A, Jocić-Jakubi B, Dimić M, Novak M, Milićević R, Radenković G. Celiac disease prevalence in epileptic children from Serbia. Turk J Pediatr 2012; 54(4): 247-50. IF: 0.558 (M23)

    13. Živanović DV, Abramović M, Radenković G, Slavković A, Marjanović Z, Avramović V, Djurić Z. Subtypes of Interstitial cells of Cajal in normal and inflamed appendix in children. HealthMED 2012; 6(10): 3418-3424.

    14. Olivera Mitrović, Mileva Mićić, Vera Todorović, Goran Radenković, Sanja Vignjević, Dragoslava Đikić, Mirela Budeč,Tijana Breković. Ghrelin endocrine cells in the human stomach during prenatal and early postnatal development. Arch BiolSci 2011; 63(1): 21-28. IF: 0.360 (M23)

    15. Radenkovic G, Ilic I, Zivanovic D, Vlajkovic S, Petrovic V, Mitrovic O. C-kit-immunopositive interstitial cells of Cajal in human embryonal and fetal oesophagus. Cell Tissue Res 2010; 340(3):427-436. IF: 2.804 (M23)

    16. Radenkovic G. Two patterns of development of interstitial cells of Cajal in the human duodenum. J Cell Mol Med 2012; 16 (1): 185-192. IF: 4.753 (M21)

    17. Stanković S, Vlajković S, Bošković M, Radenkovic G, Antić V, Jevremović D. Morphological and biomechanical features of the temporomandibular joint disc: An overview of recent indings. Archives of Oral Biology 2013; 58(10):1475-1482. IF: 1.880 (M21)

    18. Abramovic M, Radenkovic G, Velickov A. Appearance of interstitial cells of Cajal in the human midgut. Cell Tissue Res 2014; 356(1):9-14. IF 3.565 (M22)

    19. Radenkovic G, Abramovic M. Differentiation of interstitial cells of cajal in the human distal colon. Cells Tissues Organs 2012; 196(5):463-469. IF: 1.961 (M21)

    20. Radenkovic G, Vojin Savic, Dejan Mitic, Srdjan Grahovac,Marija Bjelakovic, Miljan Krstic. Development of c-kit immunopositive interstitial cells of Cajal in the human stomach. J Cell Mol Med 2010; 14(5): 1125-1134. IF: 4.608 (M21)

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1. Radenković G, Veličkov A, Petrović A, Dičić M.Distribution of PDGFRα+ cells and interstitial cells of Cajal in the human fetal gut. Acta madica Medianae 2019; doi: 10.5633/amm.2020.0107.

    2. Radenković G, Abramović M, Sokolović D, Vasović L, Mitrović O, Veličkov A. CD34 and C-kit immunoreactive cells in the human embryonal and fetal small bowel. FU Med Biol 2014; 16(2), 92-95.

    3. Veličkov A, Radenković G, Petrović V, Veličkov A. Diabetic alterations of interstitial cells of Cajal. Acta Medica Medianae; 2017; 56(4):100-107.

    4. Radenković G, Nikolić I, Todorović V. Interstitial cells of Cajal–pacemakers of the intestinal musculature. Facta universitatis 2005; 12: 1-5.

    5. Pop-Trajković Z, Radenković G, Savić V, Miladinović P, Nikolić I, Todorović V, Mitić D. Scanning-electronomicroscopic observation of the chorionic villi stroma of human placenta in the second trimester of pregnancy. Folia anatomica 2001; 29: 11-15.

    6. Jovanović R, Petrović S, Radenković G, Petrović A. Patohistološke promene kod trovanja pečurkama. Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis 1993; 13: 241-243.

    7. Petrović S, Radenković G, Nikolić I, Todorović V, Petrović A, Petrović B. Merkelove ćelije – morfologija i funkcionalni značaj. Acta medica medianae 1998; 3: 49-59.

    8. Živić M, Petrović A, Radenković G. Značaj eozinofila kod polipa nosa. Acta medica medianae 1992; 5: 21-25.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1. Radenkovic G. The role of NCC in the differentiation of muscle layers and interstitial cells of Cajal in the human digestive tube. News in histology and embryology: Days of histology and embryology in Novi Sad. 17.06.2017. Novi Sad, Serbia. Abstract book: 9.

    2. Radenkovic G, Savic V, Sokolovic D. Scenning-electronmicroscopic observation of Hofbauer cells in the stroma of chorionic villi of the human placenta. Cell Symposia: 100years of Phagocytes. Giardini Naxos, Italy. 19.-22.09.2016. Book of abstracts: P2.029.

    3. Radenkovic G. Neural crest cells induce differentiation of the interstitial cells of Cajal in the human digestive tract. 4th International Symposium: Development of the enteric nervous system: cells, signals, genes and therapy. Rotterdam, Netherlands. 19.-22.04.2015. Book of abstracts: 47.

    4. Radenkovic G, Veličkov A, Petrovic V, Radenkovic D. Development of neural structures and interstitial cells of cajal in the human fetal appendix. The 11th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. Madrid, Spain. 24.-26.06.2019. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy O-056

    5. Radenkovic G. Development of interstitial cells of Cajal in the human colon. The 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. Bratislava, Slovakia. 17.-20.09.2015. Book of abstracts: 85.

    6. Velickov I A, Radenkovic G, Petrovic V, Ristic Petrovic A, Stojnev S. Alterations of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in the rat colon in diabetes. Virchows Arch 2017; 471 (Suppl 1):S193. PS-13-088. The 29th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, September 2-6th 2017, RAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  IF: 2.613, М34

    7. Radenkovic G, Abramovic M. Appearance of interstitial cells of cajal in the human digestive tract. The 6th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. Rijeka, Croatia 26-29. 06.2014.

    8. Radenkovic G. Development of  interstitial cells of cajal in the human jejunum11th Congress of European Association of Clinical Anatomy (EACA) held jointly with Summer Meeting of British Association of Clinical Anatomists (BACA). 29th June - 1st July 2011. Padova, Italy.

    9. Radenkovic G. Development of c-kit-immunopositive interstitial cells of Cajal in the human digestive tract. VIIth International Symposium on: INTERSTITIAL CELLS OF CAJAL. Florence (Italy), September 2nd – 5th, 2012. Abstract book: 96.

    10. G Radenkovic, M Abramović, A Veličkov. CD34 imunoreaktivnost u duodenumu fetusa čoveka. 1st Congress of Serbian Clinical Anatomy. Beograd, Serbia. 18-20. 09. 2014. god.

    11. Daković-Bjelaković M, Vlajković S, Stefanović N, Radenković G, Stojanović V (2005) Mean glomerular area in relation to gestational age in human fetuses. XVIII International symposium on morphological sciences, Belgrade. Abstract book:44.

    12. Nikolić I, Todorović V, Radenković G, Rančić G (2004) Diferentiation of human embryonal and fetal small intestine enteric nervous system. Varna. Scripta scientifica medica 36: 29.

    13. Todorović V, Nikolić I, Radenković G, Mitić D, Puskas LA. (2003) Expression of neuropeptides in human liver and gallbladder during embryonal and fetal development - A immunohistochemical study. (Meeting Abstract) J Hepathol 38, 85-86.

    14. Radenković G, Đuknić-Pejović M, Nikolić I, Todorović V (2002) Chorionic villi stroma differentiation of human placenta – scanningelectromicroscopic and histochemical analysis. Varna. Scripta scientifica medica 34: 89.

    15. Nikolić I, Todorović V, Radenković G, Rančić G, (2002) Chromogranin A immunoreactivity in the enteric nervous system of the gastrointestinal tract of the human embryo and fetus. Varna. Scripta scientifica medica 34: 89.

    16. Rančić  G, Antić S, Nikolić I, Mačukanović-Golubović L, Radenković G (2002) Mast cell in human renal interstitium. Varna. Scripta scientifica medica 34: 83.

    17. Radenković G, Savić V, Rančić G, Nikolić I, Mitić D (2001) Regional specializations of villous trophoblast in human placenta. XV National congress of the Bulgarian anatomical society with international participation, Stara Zagora. Abstracts: 81.

    18. Nikolić I, Todorović V, Rančić G, Radenković G, Kostić M (2001) Chromogranin A – immunoreactive cells in the human pancreas during prenatal development. XV National congress of the Bulgarian anatomical society with international participation, Stara Zagora. Abstracts: 73.

    19. Rančić G, Antić S, Nikolić I, Mačukanović - Golubović L,  Radenković  G (2001) Mast cells in the human renal interstitium. XV National congress of the Bulgarian anatomical society with international participation, Stara Zagora. Abstracts: 83.

    20. Nikolić I, Todorović V, Đuknić-Pejović M, Radenković G (2001) Chromogranin A i somatostatin – immunoreactivne ćelije u pankreasu humanog embriona i fetusa. Zbornik sažetaka  XXVI  Kongresa DAJ sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi: 32.

    21. Rančić G, Pantić S, Gašić J, Mačukanović-Golubović L, Antić S, Radenković G (2001) Role of the mast cells during the aging of human renal interstitium. Zbornik sažetaka  XXVI  Kongresa DAJ sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi: 94.

    22. Petrović S, Jovanović D, Petrović A, Petrović B, Radenković G, Spalević M (1997) Histological variants of parakeratosis in palmoplantar psoriasis. XIII National congres of the Bulgarian anatomical society and symposium of angiology, Varna, Scripta scientifica medica: 97-98.

    23. Jovanović D, Mirković B, Petrović S, Radenković G , Petrović A (1997)  Some characteristics of the changes in the epithelium of gingiva at periodontitis. XIII National congres of the  Bulgarian anatomical society and symposium of angiology, Varna, Scripta scientifica medica: 36-37.

    24. Radenković G, Petrović V, Krstić M, Grahovac S. Differentiation of C-kit immunopositive interstitial cells of Cajal in the human stomach. Eight International Symopsium of Clinical Anatomy, Varna. Scripta scientific medica 2008; 42 Suppl 1:p81.

    25. Petrović V, Avramović V, Petrović A, Radenković G (2008) Morphometric analysis of lymphoid follicles in chronic tonsillitis. Eight International Symopsium of Clinical Anatomy, Varna. Scripta scientifica medica 40: 79.

    26. Radenković G, Savić V, Đuknić-Pejović M, Todorović V,  Rančić  G,  Bjelaković M  (2001)  Hofbauer cells in the chorionic villi of human placenta in the second trimester of pregnancy.Zbornik sažetaka  XXVI  Kongresa DAJ sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi.: 93.

    27. Drndarević N, Todorović V, Micev M, Ćosić-Micev M, Nikolić I, Radenković G (2001) Interstitial cells of Cajal in the human gastrointestinal tract. Distribution, structural and immunohistochemical aspects. Zbornik sažetaka  XXVI  Kongresa DAJ sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi: 25.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Radenković G, Petrović S, Đuknić - Pejović M, Mojsilović M, Lačković V, Abramović M, Mitić D (1998)  The presence of the elastic fibers in human placental villous stroma. Zbornik sažetaka XXV Kongresa DAJ sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš: 149.

    2. Radenković G,  Bjelaković M, Grahovac S, Mitić D (2008) C-kit-imunoreaktivne intersticijalne ćelije Kahala u želucu humanog embriona i fetusa. II Kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vrnjačka banja. Zbornik sažetaka: 59.

    3. Daković Bjelaković M, Vlajković S, Radenković G (2008) Ultrastructural characteristics of the podocytes during human kidney development. II Kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vrnjačka banja. Zbornik sažetaka: 66.

    4. Mitrović O, Todorović V, Nikolić I, Radenković G, Drndarević N, Vignjević S, Đikić D (2008) Ekspresija grelinskih receptore GHS-R1a i GHS-R1b u enteričnom nervnom sistemu i endokrinim ćelijama želuca i duodenuma u toku humanog prenatalnog razvića. XIII Kongres neurologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Zbornik sažetaka: 350.

    5. Radenković G, Todorović V, Nikolić I, Grahovac S (2006) Imunohistohemijska identifikacija intersticijalnih ćelija Kahala u jednjaku humanog embriona i fetusa. I Kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva sa međunarodnim učešćem, Novi Sad. Zbornik sažetaka: 78.

    6. Nikolić I, Todorović V, Radenković G, Vladičić J (2006) Hromogranin A – imunoreaktivnost u neuroendokrinim ćelijama i enteričnom nervnom sistemu želuca i duodenuma humanog embriona i fetusa. I Kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva sa međunarodnim učešćem, Novi Sad. Zbornik sažetaka: 118.

    7. Veličkov IA, Radenković G, Đorđević B, Živković N, Radovanović A, Veličkov VA. Loss of inramuscular interstitial cells of cajal in streptozotocin-nicotinamide noninsulin-dependentdiabetes mellitus rat cardia. “Simpozijum kliničke i funkcionalne anatomije“, Novi Sad, Srbija, 13.-14. Septembar 2013. Abstract book: 36.

    8. Veličkov A, Radenković G, Abramović M. Distribucija Kahalovih ćelija u apendiksu čoveka. Treći Kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva sa međunarodnim učešćem. Niš. Septembar, 2012. Zbornik sažetaka:124.

    9. Velickov Aleksandra, Radenkovic Goran, Djordjevic Branka, Petrovic Vladimir, Jovic Marko, Velickov V Asen.Interstitial cells of cajal distribution throughout pyloric region of diabetes rat. Zbornik radova V kongresa anatomskog drustva Srbije sa medjunarodnim učešćem; 2016:pp. 89 – 89. Србија, 8. - 10. Sep, 2016. М64

Poslednji put izmenjeno subota, 26 jun 2021 13:13