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Datum kreiranja: 22.01.2014.

Jelena Najdanovic

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 31.08.1982
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Niš
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Biologija i ekologija/Diplomirani biolog
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2008
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:


    1. Milenković JM, Stojanović DR, Najdanović JG. Adaptation to Mediterranea. In: Trindade Maia R, De Araújo Campos M, eds. Genetic Variation. IntechOpen; London, UK, 2021. p. 145-176.

    doi: 10.5772/intechopen.94081.

    ISBN: 978-1-83881-097-9; Print ISBN: 978-1-83881-096-2; eBook (PDF) ISBN: 978-1-83881-101-3.

    2. Najman S, Najdanović J, Cvetković V. Application of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Treatment of Bone Tissue Defects. In: Barbeck M, Rosenberg N, Rider P, Perić Kačarević Z, Jung O, eds. Clinical Implementation of Bone Regeneration and Maintenance. IntechOpen, London, UK, 2020.

    doi: 10.5772/intechopen.92897

    ISBN: 978-1-78985-832-7; Print ISBN: 978-1-78985-831-0; eBook (PDF) ISBN: 978-1-78984-398-9


  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Najman S, Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Živković J. (Ur: Najman S). Molecular and Human Genetics – Practicum workbook for medical students at the faculty of Medicine in Niš. Praktikum sa radnom sveskom za studijski program Integrisane akademske studije medicine na engleskom jeziku Medicinskog fakulteta u Nišu. Izdavač: Medicinski fakultet Niš, Galaksijanis Niš, Niš: 2023, str: 1-90. ISBN: 978-86-6233-537-1, COBISS.SR-ID 126671625

    2. Živković J, Najdanović J. Biologija – praktikum sa radnom sveskom za studijski program strukovni sanitarno-ekološki inženjer Medicinskog fakulteta u Nišu. Izdavač: Medicinski fakultet Niš, Galaksijanis Niš, Niš: 2021, str: 1-83. ISBN: 978-86-6233-374-2, COBISS.SR-ID 42764809


  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:


    1. Živković JM, Stojanović ST, Vukelić-Nikolić MĐ, Radenković MB, Najdanović JG, Ćirić M, Najman SJ. Macrophages' contribution to ectopic osteogenesis in combination with blood clot and bone substitute: possibility for application in bone regeneration strategies. International Orthopaedics 2021;45(4):1087-1095.doi: 10.1007/s00264-020-04826-0.                            IF2(2021)=3,479; IF5(2021)=3,246

    2. Najman S, Cvetković V, Najdanović J, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Vučković I, Petrović D. Ectopic osteogenic capacity of freshly isolated adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cells supported with platelet-rich plasma: A simulation of intraoperative procedure. Journal of Cranio-maxillofacial Surgery 2016; 44(10):1750-1760. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2016.08.011.

    IF2014 = 2,933; IF5(2014) = 2,816

    3. Cvetković V, Najdanović J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Stojanović S, Najman S. Osteogenic potential of in vitro osteo-induced adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells combined with platelet-rich plasma in an ectopic model. International Orthopaedics 2015; 39(11):2173-2180. doi:10.1007/s00264-015-2929-x

    IF2015=2,387;  IF5(2015)=2,481



    1. Najdanović JG, Cvetković VJ, Stojanović ST, Vukelić-Nikolić MĐ, Živković JM, Najman SJ. Vascularization and osteogenesis in ectopically implanted bone tissue-engineered constructs with endothelial and osteogenic differentiated adipose-derived stem cells. World Journal of Stem Cells 2021;13(1):91-114.doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v13.i1.91                           IF2(2021)= 5,247;   IF5(2021)= 4,964

    2. Stojanović I, Najman S, Jovanović O, Petrović G, Najdanović J, Vasiljević P, Šmelcerović A. Effects of depsidones from Hypogymnia physodes on HeLa cells viability and growth. Folia Biologica (Praha) 2014; 60(2):89-94.               

    IF(2012)= 1,219; IF5 (2012) = 1,297



    1. Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Čakić-Milošević M, Živković J, Najman J. Effects of bone tissue engineering triad components on vascularization process: comparative gene expression and histological evaluation in an ectopic bone-forming model. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2016; 30(6):1122-1131. doi: 10.1080/13102818.2016.1213662                       IF(2016) = 1,059; IF5 (2016) = 0,699

    2. Takić Miladinov D, Tomić S, Stojanović S, NajdanovićJ, Filipović J, Trajanović M, Najman S. Synthesis, swelling properties and evaluation of genotoxicity of hydrogels based on (meth)acrylates and itaconic acid. Materials Research 2016; 19(5):1070-1079.

    doi:10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2016-0222                                        IF(2016)= 0,634                           IF5(2016)= 0,884

    3. Živković J, Najman S, Vukelić M, Stojanović S, Aleksić M, Stanisavljević M, Najdanović J. Osteogenic effect of inflammatory macrophages loaded onto mineral bone substitute in subcutaneous implants. Archives of Biological Sciences 2015; 67(1):173-186.

    doi:10.2298/ABS140915020Z                                   IF(2015)=0.367              IF5 (2015) = 0,503

    4. Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Stanisavljević M, Živković J, Najman S. The influence of adipose-derived stem cells induced into endothelial cells on ectopic vasculogenesis and osteogenesis. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 2015; 8(4):577-590.

    doi: 10.1007/s12195-015-0403-x                               IF(2015)=1.589              IF5(2015) = 1,406

    5. Krunić N, Nikolić Lj, Kostić М, Najman S, Nikolić V, Najdanović J. In vitro ispitivanje potencijalne toksičnosti oralno tkivnih kondicionera. Hemijska industrija 2011; 65(6):697-706.

    doi: 10.2298/HEMIND110627056K                         IF(2011) = 0,205;           IF5 (2012) = 0,317


  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:


    1. Najman S, Stojanović S, Živković J, Najdanović J, Radenković M, Vasiljević P. Applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering – concepts and perspective. Contemporary Materials. Banja Luka: Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska 2023; 14(1).

    doi: 10.7251/COMEN2301001N

    ISSN: 1986-8677

    2. Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Stojanović S, Živković J, Najman S. Vasculogenic potential of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro induced into osteoblasts applied with platelet-rich plasma in an ectopic osteogenic model. Acta Medica Medianae, 2019, 58(4): 57-65doi: 10.5633/amm.2019.0408;

    3. Živković J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najdanović J, Stojanović S, Vitorović J, Radenković M, Najman S. Bone tissue engineering based on bone marrow in blood clot loaded on mineral matrix carrier: experimental study in subcutaneous mice model. Acta Medica Medianae, 2017; 56(3): 5-11; doi:10.5633/amm.2017.0301;

    4. Živković J, Najman S, Stojanović S, Najdanović J. Interactions between skeletal system and macrophages in homeostasis and bone injury. FU Med Biol 2016; 18(1):6-11;



    1. Najdanović J, Najman S, Živković JM, Miladinović B. Berries as a natural source of bone support - the involvement of anthocyanins in the molecular mechanisms of the healing and regeneration processes. Acta Medica Medianae (Online first), 2024. doi: 10.5633/amm.2024.0412.

    2. Živković J, Najdanović J. Honey, more than just food: the possibility of application in regenerative medicine. Acta med Median, 2021; 60(4):55-62. doi: 10.5633/amm.2021.0408;

    3. Stojanović S, Damnjanović I, Najdanović J, Džopalić T, Najman S. In vitro analysis of the biological activity of royal jelly on different cell lines. Hrana i ishrana, 2021; 62(2):1-6. doi: 10.5937/hraIsh2102001S;

    4. Kostić M, Najman S, Najdanović J, Krunić N, Kostić I. Primena testa direktnog kontakta u ispitivanju citotoksičnosti stomatoprotetskih akrilata. Acta Medica Median 2012; 51(1):66-72; doi:10.5633/amm.2012.0112s;

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:


    1. Najdanović J, Najman S, Stojanović S, Živković J, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D, Trajanović M. The influence of nanomaterial calcium phosphate/poly-(dl-lactide-co-glycolide) on proliferation and adherence of HeLa cells. In: Lee B, Gadow R, Mitić V, editors. Proceedings of the IV Advanced Ceramics and Applications Conference. Atlantis Press, Paris; 2017. p. 387-400; doi: 10.2991/978-94-6239-213-7_27; ISBN: 978-94-6239-212-0 (Print); 978-94-6239-213-7 (Online);


    1. Najman S, Živković J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Vučković I, Radenković M, Stojanović S. The influence of blood components as additives to implants on their regenerative properties. The Tenth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« September 26-27, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia. Book of Abstracts, p. 88-89

    2. Najdanović J, Najman S, Cvetković V, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Radenković M, Živković J. Analysis of vascularization markers’ expression in ectopic osteogenic constructs in mice. The Tenth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« September 26-27, 2022 Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Knez Mihailova 35, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 78

    3. Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najman S, Živković J, Najdanović J, Stojanović S, Cvetković V, Vasiljević P. Osteogenic potential of diluted blood and bone marrow in ectopic osteogenesis. Twenty-third annual conference YUCOMAT 2022 & Twelfth world round table conference on sintering XII WRTCS, Herceg Novi, Montenegro August 29 - September 2, 2022, Program and the Book of Abstracts, p. 148

    4. Živković J, Radenković M, Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Vučković I, Ignjatović N, Najman S. Tissue response to different implanted biomaterials in models in vivo. International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials – Banja Luka, 2022

    5. Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Mitić Ž, Vasiljević P, Ignjatović N, Najman S. Interaction of cells with different biomaterials in vitro and methods of characterization. International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials – Banja Luka, 2022

    6. Najdanović J, Najman S, Cvetković V, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Vasiljević P, Živković J. Stem cells as biological triad component in bone tissue-engineered constructs. The Nineth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« September 20-21, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, page 56-57

    7. Živković J, Najman S, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najdanović J. Macrophages as cells suitable for use in bone tissue engineering in order to manage angiogenic process. The Nineth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« September 20-21, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, page 56

    8. Najman S, Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Živković J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Vučković I, Cvetković V, Vitorović J. Preclinical studies of natural bone substitute material in different conditions and models - our experience. The Nineth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« September 20-21, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, page 52

    9. Živković J, Stojanović S, Radenković M, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najdanović J, Najman S. Collagen production and tissue infiltration in hydroxyapatite-based implants loaded with macrophages and blood clot. The Eight Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« September 23-25, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, page 54.

    10. Najdanović JG, Najman SJ, Cvetković VJ, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić MĐ, Živković JM. Histological evaluation of vascularization in hydroxyapatite-based implants loaded with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma. The Eight Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application« September 23-25, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, page 53.

    11. Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najman S, Đorđević Lj, Stojanović S, Živković J, Najdanović J, Cvetković V. Osteoconductive and osteoinductive capacity of platelet-rich plasma. Serbian Ceramic Society Conference ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION VII New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing. 17-19. September, 2018, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia. Program and the book of abstracts, p. 84-85.

    12. Najman S, Najdanović J, Stojanović S, Cvetković V, Živković J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Vučković I, Golubović Z. In vivo models for examination of biomaterials and scaffolds as mesenchymal stem cells carriers in bone regeneration applications. Serbian Ceramic Society Conference ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION VI New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing. 18-20. September, 2017, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia. Program and the book of abstracts. p. 38-39.

    13. Najman S, Najdanović J, Stojanović S, Cvetković V, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Živković J, Petrović D, Vučković I, Đorđević Lj, Vasiljević P. Bone tissue engineering with triad – bioceramics, adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, platelet-rich plasma. Third regional roundtable: Refractory, process industry, nanotechnologies and nanomedicine ROSOV PINN 2017. Serbian Society for Nanotechnologies and Nanomedicine, Serbian Society for Refractory and Process Industry, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 01-02. June, 2017, Mountain Avala, Belgrade, Serbia, Programme and The Book of Abstracts, p. 47-48.

    14. Najman S, Stojanović S, Živković J, Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Vukelić-Nikolić M. Triad in the concepts of bone tissue engineering. Mini-symposium “Biomechanics and Modelling of Biological Systems”, Mathematical Institute of SASA, 07. December, 2016, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, Booklet of Abstracts, p. 12-13. 

    15. Najdanović J, Najman S, Cvetković V, Stojanović S, Živković J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Čakić-Milošević M. The impact of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro induced into osteogenic cells on vascularization process in ectopic osteogenic implants. 15th Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Research Society of Serbia and Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 07-09. December 2016, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, Program and the book of abstracts, p. 2.

    16. Cvetković V, Najman S, Najdanović J, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Andrejev M, Živković J. Osteogenic potential of freshly isolated adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cells and platelet-rich plasma loaded on bone mineral matrix in an ectopic bone-forming model. 15th Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Research Society of Serbia and Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 07-09. December 2016, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, Program and the book of abstracts, p. 3.

    17. Živković J, Stojanović S, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Čakić-Milošević M, Najman S. In vivo degradation of Bio-Oss® in implants loaded with macrophages treated with lipopolysaccharide. Serbian Ceramic Society Conference ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION V, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing. 21-23. September 2016, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, Program and the book of abstracts, p. 47.

    18. Najman S, Petrović D, Vučković I, Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Stojanović S, Živković J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Petrović S, Mitić Ž, Trajanović M. From adipose tissue to the bone - our experimental studies. 4th International Symposium on ADIPOBIOLOGY and ADIPOPHARMACOLOGY (ISAA), 28-31. October 2015, Bucharest, Romania. Romanian journal of diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases 22(Supplement 2):38-39. Abstracts of 4th International Symposium on ADIPOBIOLOGY and ADIPOPHARMACOLOGY (ISAA)

    19. Najdanović J, Najman S, Karadžov M, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D. The influence of the nanoparticles of calcium phosphate/poly-(dl-lactide-co-glycolide) on adherence of the hela cells. Serbian Ceramic Society Conference ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION IV, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing. 21-23. September 2015, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, Program and the book of abstracts, p. 85.

    20. Najman S, Đorđević Lj, Vasiljević P, Ćirić M, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Živković J, Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Rajković J, Cvetković V, Stanisavljević M, Vučković I, Golubović Z, Ajduković Z, Petrović D, Mitić Ž, Petrović S, Golubović I, Mihailović D, Trajanović M. Bone tissue engineering on experimental models. Serbian Ceramic Society Conference ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION IV, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing. 21-23. September 2015, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, Program and the book of abstracts, p. 86-87.

    21. Takić Miladinov D, Najdanović J, Tričković-Vukić D, Stojanović S, Tomić S, Vasiljević P, Najman S. Evaluation of genotoxicity of (meth)acrylate polymers in HeLa cells by using alkaline comet assay. 13th Young Researchers' Conference - Materials Sciences and Engineering, 10-12. December 2014, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, Program and the book of abstracts p. 10.

    22. Cvetković V, Najman S, Najdanovic J, Stanisavljević M, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Stojanović S, Rajković J. Histochemical analysis of in vivo osteogenic processes in constructs consisted of adipose-derived stem cells, platelet-rich plasma and bone mineral matrix. The 33rd Balkan Medical Week, The days of the Central Military Emergency University hospital of Bucharest, National Military Circle, 08˗11. October 2014, Bucharest, Romania, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 49 (Supplement I):A93.

    23. Najdanović J, Najman S, Cvetković V, Živković J, Stojanović S, Stanisavljević M, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Živanov-Čurlis J. Neovasculogenic and osteogenic potential of adipose-derived stem cells implanted in combination with bone mineral matrix and platelet-rich plasma at ectopic site. The 33rd Balkan Medical Week, The days of the Central Military Emergency University hospital of Bucharest, National Military Circle, 08˗11. October 2014, Bucharest, Romania, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 49 (Supplement I): A111.

    24. Živković J, Najman S, Stojanović S, Stanisavljević M, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najdanović J, Tričković-Vukić D. The effect of macrophages on initiation of osteogenesis in subcutaneous implants. The 33rd Balkan Medical Week, The days of the Central Military Emergency University hospital of Bucharest, National Military Circle, 08˗11. October 2014, Bucharest, Romania, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 49 (Supplement I):A131.

    25. Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Živković J, Stojanović S, Najman S. Examination of in vitro neovasculogenic potential of mice adipose-derived stem cells. V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, 28. September – 02. October 2014, Kladovo, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, p.89

    26. Cvetković V, Najdanović J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Stanisavljević M, Rajković J, Živković J, Stojanović S, Najman S. Gene expression pattern of some bone-related markers in in vitro osteoinduced adipose-derived stem cells isolated from Balb/c mice. V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, 28. September – 02. October 2014, Kladovo, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, p. 98.

    27. Najdanović J, Najman S, Cvetković V, Tričković-Vukić D, Živanov-Čurlis J, Živković J, Trajanović M. The effect of endothelial supplements on endothelial cell differentiation of BALB/c mice adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal cells in vitro. EORS 2014, 22nd Annual Meeting of European Orthopaedic Research Society, 02˗04. July 2014, Nantes, France, Abstract Book, P2.5-Bone Regeneration&Tissue Engineering.

    28. Živanov-Čurlis J, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Živković J, Najdanović J. Monthly and seasonal distribution of menarche in school girls of Niš. 53rd Congress of Anthropological Society of Serbia with international participation, 04-07. June, 2014, Vranje, Serbia, Programme and Abstracts, p. 74.

    29. Vukelić-Nikolić M, Najman S, Vasiljević P, Jevtović-Stoimenov T, Najdanović J, Živković J, Živanov-Čurlis J. Pharmacogenetic significance of butyrylcholinesterase gene polymorphisms. 53rd Congress of Anthropological Society of Serbia with international participation, 04-07. June, 2014, Vranje, Serbia, Programme and Abstracts, p. 93.

    30. Najman S, Stojanović S, Vučković I, Petrović D, Najdanović J, Živković J, Vukelić M, Mitković M, Golubović Z, Mladenović D, Vasiljević P, Milovanović J, Trajanović M. Assisted regeneration of the human body - new strategies and technologies. 52nd Congress of Anthropological Society of Serbia with international participation, 05-08. June, 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia, Programme and Abstracts, p. 74.

    31. Najman S, Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Živković J, Petrović D, Vučković I, Cvetković V, Sekulović Lj, Tričković-Vukić D, Vukelić M, Vasiljević P, Trajanović M. Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells as a model for study of osteoinductive activity of bone substituting biomaterials. 14th annual conference YUCOMAT 2012, 03-07., September, 2012, Herceg Novi,.Crna Gora, Programme and The Book of Abstracts, p. 126.

    32. Najman S, Najdanović J, Petrović D, Vučković I, Živković J, Stojanović S, Cvetković V, Vukelić M, Sekulović Lj, Djindjić B. Osteo-regenerative potential of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. 32nd Balkan Medical Week 21-23. September, 2012, Niš, Serbia, Book of Abstracts.

    33. Najman S, Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D. Assessment of the effects of nanoparticles of CP/PLGA on cultures of different cell lines. 10th Young Researchers’ Conference "Materials Science and Engineering", 21-23. December, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, Program and the Book of abstracts, p. 6.

    34. Stojanović S, Najman SJ, Najdanović J, Živković J, Najman SS, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D. Application of MTT viability test for biocompatibility examination of N-CP/DLPLG nanoparticles on cell cultures. The 9th Students Meeting, SM-2011 Processing and application of ceramics. 16-18. November, 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, Programme and Book of abstracts, p. 66-67.

    35. Milošević V, Stojanović S, Najman S, Miltojević A, Ranđelović J, Najdanović J. Effects of Chelidonium majus ethanolic extracts on viability and proliferation of different cell types in vitro. 6th Young European scientist meeting (YES meeting), 16-18 September 2011, Porto, Portugal, YES Guide, p. 72.

    36. Vukelić M, Najman S, Živković J, Stanisavljević M, Cvetković V, Najdanović J, Živanov-Čurlis J. The role of periferal blood cells in the induction of ectopic osteogenesis. 13thAnnual Conference YUCOMAT 2011, 05-09. September, 2011, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, Programme and The Book of Abstracts, p. 174.

    37. Najdanović J, Najman S, Zdravković J, Vasiljević P, Đordjević Lj, Čolović B, Jokanović V. The effects of the biomaterials based on hydroxilapatite on the viability of HeLa cells in culture. 13th Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2011, 05-09. September, 2011, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, Programme and The Book of Abstracts - Additional abstracts

    38. Dodić N, Najdanović J, Vukelić M, Živković J, Stojanović S, Stanisavljević M, Stojiljković M, Najman S, Tomić S. The effect of hydrogel poly (ethylene glycol) dimethacrylates on the viability and proliferation. 6th International Pirogov Scientific Medical Conference of Students and Young Scientists, 24. March, 2011, Moscow, Russia, Vestnik RGMU, p.226 (Прва награда на постер секцији „Медицинске нанобиотехнологије“)

    39. Kostić M, Krunić N, Najman S, Najdanović J, Aleksov Lj, Petrović D. Influence of the amount of residual monomer on the cytocompatibility of the acrylic resins for denture basis. 1st International Symposium on Contemporary Dentistry Houston @ Niš. 03-04. June, Nis, Serbia, 2010, Abstract Book, p. 39-40.

    40. Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Najman S. In vitro effects of Royal jelly on viability and proliferation of HeLa cells. IX International Congress of Medical Sciences (ICMS), 13-16. May, 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, Abstract Book, p. 55.

    41. Najdanović J, Stojanović S, Živković P, Živković J, Vasiljević P, Najman S. In vitro osteogenic differentiation and phenotypisation of mouse adipose tissue derived mesenchymal cells. IX International Congress of Medical Sciences (ICMS), 13-16. May, 2010Sofia, Bulgaria, Abstract Book, p. 57 (2nd place poster preclinic)

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:


    1. Najdanović J, Najman S, Cvetković V, Vukelić-Nikolić M, Stojanović S, Živković J. Analiza ekspresije markera matičnosti i endotela u ćelijama stromalne vaskularne frakcije masnog tkiva miša. Treći kongres biologa Srbije, Zlatibor, Srbija, 21 – 25. 9. 2022, Knjiga sažetaka, p. 368

    2. Najman S, Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Cvetković V, Vučković I, Živković J, Vasiljević P, Vukelić-Nikolić M. Adultne matične ćelije u regeneraciji kosti – eksperimentalni pristup. DRUGI KONGRES BIOLOGA SRBIJE osnovna i primenjena istraživanja metodika nastave. 25-30. septembar, 2018. Kladovo, Srbija. Srpsko biološko društvo, KNJIGA SAŽETAKA, p. 9.

    2. Živković J, Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Tričković-Vukić D, Stanisavljević M, Vukelić M, Rajković J, Cvetković V, Živanov-Čurlis J, Najman S. Procena produkcije slobodnih radikala kiseonika u peritonealnim makrofagima miša semikvantitativnim mikroskopskim NBT testom. Drugi kongres SDMSRF “Život sa slobodnim radikalima: Hemija, Biologija, Medicina”, 28. septembar, 2013, Niš, Srbija, Knjiga sažetaka, str. 62.

    3. Kostić М, Najman S, Najdanović J, Krunić N, Kostić I, Petrović D. Ispitivanje citotoksičnosti oralno tkivnih kondicionera u uslovima in vitro. Osma konferencija mladih istraživača-nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, 21-23. decembar, 2009, Beograd, Srbija, Program i knjiga apstrakata, str. 21.

    4. Veselinović M, Najdanović J, Kocić J, Stanojević M, Vasiljević P, Janićijević J, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D, Najman S. Efekat nanomaterijala N-CP/DLPLG na rast HeLa ćelija u kulturi. Sedma konferencija mladih istraživača-nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, 22-24. decembar, 2008, Beograd, Srbija, Program i zbornik apstrakata, str. 22.

Poslednji put izmenjeno sreda, 26 jun 2024 18:09