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Datum kreiranja: 26.01.2014.

Aleksandra Catić Đorđević

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 16.10.1971.
  • Mesto rođenja: Nis
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: diplomirani farmaceut
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1995.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1.Александра Цатић Ђорђевић, Ивана Дамњановић, Никола Стефановић. Клиничка фармација – савремени приступ са пацијентому фокусу. Уредник: Александра Цатић Ђорђевић, Медицински факултет Ниш, Ниш, 2023.

    2. Бранислава Миљковић, Александра Цатић Ђорђевић, Сандра Везмар Ковачевић, Бранко Петровић, Слађана Ђекић, Оливера Лабан, Георгиос Константинидис, Александра Матић, Марина Јоновић, Јелена Мартић, Снежана Здјелар. Националне смернице за безбедну примену лекова у периоду дојења, Министарство здравља Републике Србије, 2021.(доступне онлине на сајту Министарства здравља Републике Србије

    3.Радмила Величковић-Радовановић, Александра Цатић-Ђорђевић, Ивана Дамњановић, Никола Стефановић. Приручник из фармакокинетике. Уредник: Радмила Величковић-Радовановић, Медицински факултет Ниш, Ниш, 2015.

    4. Радмила Величковић-Радовановић, Александра Цатић-Ђорђевић, Ивана Дамњановић (сарадник), Никола Стефановић (сарадник). Фармакоепидемиологија. Уредник: Радмила Величковић-Радовановић, Медицински факултет Ниш, Ниш, 2014

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Damnjanović I, Tsyplakova N, Stefanović N, Tošić T, Catić-Đorđević A, Karalis V. Joint use of population pharmacokinetics and machine learning for optimizing antiepileptic treatment in pediatric population. Ther Adv Drug Saf 2023;14: 20420986231181337 (ИФ 4,7)

    2. Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R, Danković K, Pavlović I, Catić-Đorđević A, Bašić J, Despotović M, Jevtović-Stoimenov T, Mitić B, Cvetković T. Effect of the Interrelation between CYP3A5 Genotype, Concentration/Dose Ratio and Intrapatient Variability of Tacrolimus on Kidney Graft Function: Monte Carlo Simulation Approach. Pharmaceutics 2021; 13(11):1970. DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13111970 (ИФ 7,227)

    3. Aleksandra Catić-Đorđević, Nikola Stefanović, Ivan Pavlović, Dragana Pavlović, Slavoljub Živanović, Ana Kundalić, Radmila Veličković-Radovanović, Branka Mitić. Utility of salivary mycophenolic acid concentration monitoring: Modeling and Monte Carlo validation approach. Pharmacol Res Perspect 2022; 10(6):e01034 DOI: 10.1002/prp2.1034 (ИФ 2,8)

    4. Catić-Đorđević A, Pavlović I, Spasić A, Stefanović N, Pavlović D, Damnjanović I, Mitić B, Veličković-Radovanović R. Assessment of pharmacokinetic mycophenolic acid clearance models using Monte Carlo numerical analysis. Xenobiotica 2021; 51(4): 387-393. DOI: 10.1080/00498254.2020.1871532. (ИФ 1,785)

    5. Jovanović M, Kovačević M, Catić-Đorđević A, Ćulafić M, Stefanović N, Mitić B, et al. Potentially inappropriate prescribing among older patients and associated factors: comparison of two versions of STOPP/START criteria. Braz J Pharm Sci 2023;59:e22549. (ИФ 1,7)

    6. Veličković-Radovanović R, Stefanović N, Damnjanović I, Kocić B, Mladenović-Antić S, Dinić M, Petrović J, Mitić R, Catić-Đorđević A. Antibiotic utility and susceptibility changes of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp: 5-year experience in a tertiary healthcare centre. Eur J Hosp Pharm 2021; 29(2): 84-89. DOI: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2021-002758. (ИФ 2,09)

    7. Stefanović NZ, Veličković-Radovanović RM, Danković KS, Catić-Djordjević AK, Damnjanović ID, Mitić BP, Cvetković MB, Cvetković TP. Insight into the potential influence of inter- and intra-individual variability of tacrolimus exposure on graft function decline in three-year period following kidney transplantation. Farmacia 2020; 68 (6): 1036-1046. DOI: 10.31925/farmacia.2020.6.10. (ИФ 1,099)

    8. Damnjanovic I, Stefanovic N, Zlatkovic-Guberinic S, Damnjanovic Z, Catic-Djordjevic A, Velickovic-Radovanovic R. Self-medication practices among the patients with chronic venous disease. Farmacia 2020; 68 (2): 225-231. DOI: 10.31925/farmacia.2020.2.6. (ИФ 1,099)

    9. Predrag Dzodic, Radmila Velickovic-Radovanovic, Maja Koracevic, Aleksandra Catic-Djordjevic, Ana Spasic, Slavoljub Zivanovic, Tatjana Cvetkovic. A reliable chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin in human serum. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020;19(10): 2161-2169. (ИФ 0,743)

    10. Veličković-Radovanović R, Mikov M, Catić-Đorđević A, Stojanović M, Jokanović M, Stefanović N, Cvetković T. Tacrolimus as a part of immunosuppressive treatment in kidney transplant patients - sex differences. Gender Med 2012. 9(6):471-80. (IF 2,101)

    11. Veličković- Radovanović R, Mikov M, Paunović G, Đorđević V, Cvetković T, Catić-Đorđević A. Gender Differences in Pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Gender Med, 2011; 8(1):23-31. (IF 2,101)

    12. 1. Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Paunovic G, Mikov M, Djordjevic V, Stojanovic M, Catic-Djordjevic A, Cvetkovic T. Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus after the First Oral Administration in Renal Transplant Recipients on Triple Immunosu- ppressive Therapy. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2010;106 (6): 505-10. (IF: 2.308)

    13. Spasić A, Catić-Đorđević A, Veličković-Radovanović R, Stefanović N, Džodić P, Cvetković T. Adverse effects of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant recipients: gender differences. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2019. In press; DOI:10.1007/s11096-019-00837-z (IF2= 1.508; IF5= 1.7)

    14. VelickovicRadovanovic R, Catić-Đorđević A, Dinic K, Radivojevic J, Zikic O, Cvetkovic T, Mitic B. Metronidazole and levofloxacin induced psychotic disorders in chronic kidney patient. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2018; (0): 1-3. (IF2=0,538; IF5=0,549)
    15. Catić-Đorđević A, Pavlovic I, Pavlovic D, Stefanovic N, Mikov M, Cvetkovic T, Velickovic-Radovanovic R. Evaluation of gender-based limited sampling methods for tacrolimus exposure after renal transplantation using the Monte Carlo simulation. Die Pharmazie 2018; 8: 482-485. (IF2=1,016; IF5=1,130)

    16. Catić-Đorđević A, Cvetković T, Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R. Current biochemical monitoring and risk management of immunosuppressive therapy after transplantation. J Med Biochem 2017; 36: 1, 1-7. (IF2= 1,378; IF5= 0,704)
    17. Veličković-Radovanović RM, Janković SM, Milovanović JR, Catić-Đorđević AK, Spasić AA, Stefanović NZ, DžodićPLj, Šmelcerović AA, Cvetković TP. Variability of mycophenolic acid elimination in the renal transplant recipients – population pharmacokinetic approach. Renal Failure 2015; 37: 4, 652-658. (IF2=0,875; IF5=0,936)
    18. Veličković-Radovanović R, Stefanović N, Damnjanović I, Kocić B, Antić S, Dinić M, Petrović J, Mitić R, Catić-Djordjević A. Monitoring of antibiotic consumption and development of resistance by enterobacteria in a tertiary care hospital. J Clin Pharm Ther2015; 40 (4): 426-430. (IF2=1,833; IF5=1,804)
    19. Damnjanovic I, Kitic D, Stefanovic N, Zlatkovic - Guberinic S, Catic-Djordjevic A, Velickovic - Radovanovic R. Herbal self - medication use in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Turk J Med Sci 2015; 45 (4): 964-971. (за 2013. IF2=0,841; IF5=0,633, за 2015. IF20.325, IF5 0.272)
    20. Veličković- Radovanović R, Catic-Djordjevic A, Milovanovic J, Djordjevic V, Paunovic G, Jankovic SM. Population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in kidney transplant patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2010(48):375-382. IF: 1.381
    21. Catić-Đorđević A, Veličković-Radovanović R, Stefanović N, Cvetković T. Interactions between Tacrolimus and Metronidazole in a renal transplant patient. Central European Journal of Medicine. 2012; 7(5): 587-590.IF: 0.312
    22. Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Mikov M, Catic-Djordjevic A, Stefanovic N, Mitic B, Paunovic G, Cvetkovic T. Gender-dependent predictable pharmacokinetic method for tacrolimus exposure monitoring in kidney transplant patients. Eur J Drug Metab

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1. Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Damnjanović I, Dinić K, Mitić B, Jevtović-Stoimenov T, Bašić J, Despotović M, Cvetković T. Interindividual and intraindividual pharmacokinetic variability of tacrolimus within the first year after renal transplantation: effect of CYP3A5 gene polymorphism. Acta medica Medianae 2019; 58(1):93-101. DOI:10.5633/amm.2019.0113

    2. Catić Djordjević A, Stefanović N, Spasić A, Damnjanović I, Veličković Radovanović R, Djindjić B, Pavlović D. Current overview of COVID-19 vaccination process in Serbia. Acta medica Medianae 2021; 60(3): 20-29. DOI: 10.5633/amm.2021.0303
    3. Nikola Stefanović, Ivana Damnjanović, Maja Koraćević, Aleksandar Jovanović, Aleksandra Catić Djordjević, Dragana Pavlović, Radmila Veličković-Radovanović. Pharmaceutical care in community pharmacies during COVID-19 pandemic: pharmacists experience in Serbia

    Acta Medica Medianae 2024;63(1):14-28
    4. Kostić E, Catić Đorđević A, Milosavljević B, Simić J, Vujović M. Therapeutic drug intoxication pattern in the female population in the COVID-19 pandemic in the Southeast Serbia. Acta Medica Medianae. Accepted for publishing. doi: 10.5633/amm.2024.0305.

    5. Veličković S, Vučić M, Stefanović N, Veličković F, Mauroudi E, Papadaki HA, Catić Djordjević A. Steps in diagnosis of chronic idiopathic neutropenia: is it the time for serbian patient registry? Acta Medica Medianae 2022; 61(1):85-90. DOI:10.5633/amm.2022.0112

    6. Koraćević M, Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Damnjanović I, Stošić I, Veličković-Radovanović R. The justification of clinical pharmacy skills and knowledge for modern community pharmacist. Acta medica Medianae 2020; 59(1): 14-22. DOI:10.5633/amm.2020.0102

    7. Catic–Dordevic A, Stefanovic N, Stosic I, Damnjanovic I, Milanovic I, Bojanic N, Velickovic – Radovanovic R. Application of the STOPP/ START criteria in the survey of medication use in elderly patients with renal failure. Arch Balk Med Union. 2019; 53(4): 685-691. DOI: 10.31688/ABMU.2019.54.4.10

    8. Stefanović NZ, Cvetković TP, Dinić KS, Mitić BP, Paunović GJ, Damnjanović ID, Catić-Đorđević AK, Veličković-Radovanović RM. Influence of Different Formulations of Tacrolimus on Dosage Regimen and Drug Exposure Within the First Year After Kidney Transplantation. Hospital Pharmacology - International Multidisciplinary Journal 2019; 6(2):774-784. DOI:10.5937/hpimj1902774S

    9. Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Damnjanović I, Dinić K, Mitić B, Jevtović-Stoimenov T, Bašić J, Despotović M, Cvetković T. Interindividual and intraindividual pharmacokinetic variability of tacrolimus within the first year after renal transplantation: effect of CYP3A5 gene polymorphism.Acta Medica Medianae 2019; 58(1): 93-101.
    10. Catic-Đorđević A, Pavlovic D, Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Stojanovic D. Probiotics: rational applications, patient opinion and the role of healthcare professionals in their proper selection and use. Acta Medica Medianae 2018. 57(3): 107-13.
    11. Damnjanović I, Kitić D, Stefanović N, Zlatković–Guberinić S, Catić–Đorđević A, Veličković–Radovanović R.The use of herbal dietary supplements in diabetic patients: role of healthcare professionals. Acta Medica Medianae 2017; 56(4):25-30.
    12. Džodić P, Veličković-Radovanović R, Šmelcerović A, Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Spasić A, Ilić D, Živanović S, Ilijev I. Validation of hplc method for the determination of mycophenolic acidin human plasma obtained from renal transplant recipients. Acta Medica Medianae. 2016; 55(4): 28-36.
    13. Veličković-Radovanović R, Stefanović N, Damnjanović I, Petrović J, Mitić R, Lilić R, Kocić B, Antić S, Dinić M, Catić-Đorđević A. Monitoring of the cephalosporins consumption in the tertiary care hospital. ActaMedica Medianae 2015; 54(2): 31-36.

    14. Veličković-Radovanović R, Stefanović N,Damnjanović I, Petrović J, Mitić R, Kocić B, Antić S, Dinić M, Catić-Đorđević A. The Analysis of Antibiotic Consumption and Bacterial Resistance in Tertiary Healthcare Centre Niš. Hospital Pharmacology 2016; 3(1):341-347.
    15. Spasić A, Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Cvetković T. Quality of Life in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis. 2014; 31 (3):193–200.
    16. Dimitrijević M, Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Pavlović D, Veličković-Radovanović R. Self-medication in primary healthcare in the territory ofthe city of niš. Acta Medica Medianae 2014; 53(3): 19-24.
    17. Catić-Đorđević A, Niklolić V, Živanović S, Stefanović N, Veličković- Radovanović R. Carvedilol population pharmacokinetic analysis – applied validation
    procedure. Acta Medica Medianae. 2013; 52(3):18-24.
    18. Veličković- Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Paunović G, Đorđević V. Značaj terapijskog praćenja imunosupresivnih lekova kod bolesnika sa presađenim bubregom. Acta Medica Medianae, 2009; 48 (2): 22-7.
    19. Damnjanović I, Veličković- Radovanović R, Catić- Đorđević A, Kocić R, Ćirić V, Conić I, Bjelaković Lj. Farmakokinetičko i farmakodinamičko modeliranje bazalnih insulina i analoga. Acta Medica Medianae 2009; 48 (1): 15-9.
    20. Veličković- Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Dimić M. Klinički značajne farmakokinetičke interakcije antiepileptika, Acta Medica Medianae, 2007;46(4):55-60.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1. Jurišić V, Veličković S, Marjanović G, Catić Đorđević A. Immunophenotype in leukopenia, our experience. Final Conference and Working groups Meeting of EUNet-INNOCHRON 4-6 April, 2024, Chania, Greece (Abstract Book: 35).
    2. Kapor S, Kapor S, Apostolović Stojanović M, Ljuboja A, Vukomanović V, Catić Đorđević A, Radojković M. Overall survivor and infection risk in patients with severe neutropenia and myelodysplastic syndrome in the Serbian cohort group. Final Conference and Working groups Meeting of EUNet-INNOCHRON 4-6 April, 2024, Chania, Greece (Abstract Book: 36).
    3. Mavroudi I, Damianaki A, Tsaknakis G, Boutakoglou E, Catić Đorđević A, Papadaki H. Investigation of leptin and adiponectin levels in patients with Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia (CIN). Final Conference and Working groups Meeting of EUNet-INNOCHRON 4-6 April, 2024, Chania, Greece (Abstract Book: 39).
    4. Romina Herodek, Mladen Živković, Aleksandra Ilić, Katarina Herodek, and Aleksandra Catić Đorđević. Effects of combined exercise program on happiness and life satisfaction on physically active older adults: Systematic review. 6th International scientific conference EQOL, 11-13 April 2024, Novi Sad, Srbija, (poster br 24).
    5. Catić Đorđevic A, Herodek R. Polypharmacy as a factor of influence for physical activity in older. PhysAgeNet & EGRAPA Conference, 18-19 April 2024, Kaunas, Lithuania (poster br 22).
    6. Herodek R, Živković M, Ilić A, Catić Đorđević A. Changes in body composition under the influence of different dietary patterns-systematic review. XXIV International scientific Conference Fis Communications 2023, Book of abstracts, 19-21 October 2023, Niš:111.
    7. Catić-Đorđević A, Radulović O. Safe pharmacotherapy during lactation – knowledge support breastfeeding. 55th Days of Preventive Medicine, International Congress, Book of papers and abstracts, 26-29 September 2023, Niš: 175.
    8. Jovanović A, Kundalić A, Džodić P, Catić-Đorđević A, Krajnović D. Analysis of diabetes mortality rate among older adults in Serbia and surrounding countries. 55th Days of Preventive Medicine, International Congress, Book of papers and abstracts, 26-29 September 2023, Niš: 138
    9. Jovanović A, Stefanović Vojinović J, Petrović S, Drobac M, Tadić I, Catić Đorđević A, Kukić Marković J. Awareness of elderly patients on herbal products in Serbia. FIP Pharmacy Practice Research summer meeting, 3-4 July 2023, Granada, Spain; Pharmacy Education 23(5), p. 29.
    10. Kostic E, Catic Đorđevic A, Milosavljevic B, Simic J, Vujovic M. Potential of pharmaceutical consultation regarding the prevention of drug intoxication in the female population over 51 years. FIP Pharmacy Practice Research summer meeting, 3-4 July 2023, Granada, Spain; Pharmacy Education 23(5):14.
    11. Jovanović A, Kundalić A, Miladinović B, Džodić P, Catić-Đorđević A, Krajnović D, Tadić I. Diabetes in Serbia: trends in antidiabetic drug consumption from 2012 to 2021. 3rd Scientific Symposium SFUS, Arhiv za farmaciju 2023; 73(4):S51-S52
    12. Jovanović A, Dimić N, Catić Đordević A, Tadić I, Milosević Georgiev A. Urinary tract health in the male population in the Republic of Serbia-part I. 13th PCNE Working Conference „Pharmacies’ new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice“. Hilleroed, Denmark; 8-11 February 2023.
    13. Jovanović A, Catić Đordević A, Dimić N, Milosević Georgiev A, Tadić I. Urinary tract health in the male population in the Republic of Serbia-part II. 13th PCNE Working Conference „Pharmacies’ new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice“. Hilleroed, Denmark; 8-11 February 2023.
    14. Koraćević M, Jovanović A, Pavlović D, Odalović M, Tadić I, Catić – Đorđević A. Do we understand online information given by healthcare providers during the COVID19 pandemic?. Pharmacy practice research summer meeting for PhD students. Utrecht, Netherland, 4-5. July 2022. Pharmacy Education 22(5):48.
    15. Antić Stanković J, Catić-Đorđević A, Stojanović D. Dietary supplementation of probiotic and vitamin D during pandemic of COVID-19. 54th Days of preventive medicine, 27-30 September, 2022, Niš, Serbia (Abstract Book: 32)
    16. Catić-Đorđević A, Kovačević M, Vezmar Kovačević S, Stanković Lj, Petrović B, Anđelković J, Milošević J, Nedeljković M, Miljković B. Safe pharmacotherapy management of breastfeeding woman in community pharmacy-new pharmaceutical care service. 80th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18-22 September, 2022, Seville, Spain; Pharmacy Education 23(5):27-28.
    17. Papadakis S, Kanellou P, Boutakoglou E, Tsaknakis G, Damianaki A, Fragiadaki I, Velickovic S, Catic-Dordevic A, Mavroudi I, Pontikoglou C, Gali A, Malcovati L, Xalkiadakis G, Papadaki H. Longitudinal Clinical and Laboratory Data and Outcome of Patients with Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia EHA 2021 Virtual Congress, 9-17 June, 2021. (e poster 588)
    18. Catić Đorđević A, Veličković S, Vučić M, Veličković F. Steps in diagnosis of chronic idiopathic Neutropenia. 1st Early Career Investigators Workshop EuNet INNOCHRON, 2-3 September, 2021, Genova, Italy (Abstract book:16)
    19. A Spasić, A Catić Đorđević, N Stefanović. Readiness ot the elderly for smart technology solutions in everyday pharmacotherapy. FIP digital event- Pharmacy practice research virtual summer meeting for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and supervisors. 24 June 2021.
    20. Stefanovic N, Cvetkovic T, Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Mitic B, Damnjanovic I, Catic-Djordjevic A, Pavlovic D. The influence of tacrolimus intraindividual variability and CYP3A5 gene polymorphism on kidney function in late period after kidney transplantation. 5th ESPT Congress “Precision medicine and personalised health”, 16-18 October, 2019, Seville, Spain (Poster presentation: 077)
    21. Damnjanovic I, Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Stefanovic N, Catic-Djordjevic A, Damnjanovic Z, Milic D. Self-medication frequency in the patient with chronic venous diseases. 10th Balkan Venous Forum, 1-2 November 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Oral presentation)
    22. Catić-Đorđević A, Spasić A, Stefanović N, Damnjanović I, Velicković-Radovanović R, Pavlović D. Self-medication in pregnant and breastfeeding women. 53rd Days of preventive medicine, 24-27 September, 2019, Niš, Serbia (Abstract Book: 58)
    23. Pavlović D, Kundaković-Vasović T, Jevtić-Ranđelović J, Catić-Đorđević A, Kovačević N. Use of herbal medicinal products in prevention and management of urinary complaints. 53rd Days of preventive medicine, 24-27 September, 2019, Niš, Serbia (Abstract Book: 142)

    24. Zdravković M, Đorđević J, Catić-Đorđević A, Pavlović S, Ivković M. Case study: univariate time series analysis and forecasting of pharmaceutical products’ sales data at small scale. In: Zdravković, M., Konjović, Z., Trajanović, M. (Eds.) ICIST 2020 Proceedings, pp.1-4, 2020

    25. Catic-Đorđević A, Stefanovic N, Damnjanovic I, Bojanic N, Velickovic-Radovanovic R. Medication review as a tool to optimize prescribing in residential home center for elderly. 35th BALKAN MEDICAL WEEK, 25 - 27 September 2018, Athens, Greece, Archives of the BALKAN MEDICAL UNION) 2018; 53 (1): 155 -6.

    26. Stefanovic N, Cvetkovic T, Paunovic G, Jevtovic-Stoimenov T, Catic-Djordjevic A, Velickovic-Radovanovic R. Relationship Between Gene Variability of Antioxidative Enzymes and Renal Function Decline in Renal Transplant Recipients: Two Year Post-Transplant Follow-Up, Paris, France, Transplant international 2017; 30 (2): 376

    27. Stefanovic NZ, Cvetkovic TP, Tatjana M Jevtovic-Stoimenov TM, Catic-Djordjevic AK, Cvetkovic MB, Vujic SS, Velickovic-Radovanovic RM. Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase genotypes as potential predictors of renal function decline in renal transplant recipients. 53 rd ERA – EDTA Congress, 21-24 May, 2016, Vienna, Austria (Abstract Book: Nephrol Dial Transpl 2016; 31 (1): 1575
    28. Velickovic–Radovanovic R, Paunovic G, Mitic B, Stefanovic N, Catic-Đorđević A, Spasic A, CvetkovicT. : Population pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant patients. 12th Congress BANTAO, 15-18 October, 2015, Croatia (Abstract Book: 65)
    29. Stefanovic N, Velickovic–Radovanovic R, Jevtovic–Stoimenov T, Catic-Djordjevic A, Cvetkovic T. The Effect of CYP3A5 and ABCB1 gene polymorphisms on the tacrolimus exposure and renal function in long-term period after renal transplantation. 12th Congress BANTAO, 15-18 October, 2015, Croatia (Abstract Book: 59)
    30. Spasić A, Veličković-Radovanović R, Stefanović N, Janković M, Milovanović J, Catić-Đorđević A, Džodić P. Population pharmacokinetic analysis of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant recipiens. 18th International research conference: Fundamental sciences and clinical medicine - man and health, 18 April 2015, Sankt- Peterburg, Russia, Abstract book, ISSN/ISBN 2221-5654, 638-9.
    31. Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Mitić B, Stefanović N, Cvetković T. Gender pharmacokinetics analysis of tacrolimus in kidney transplantation patients. ERA-EDTA. 2013; 642.
    32. Lalić J, Spasić A, Catić- Đorđević A, Koraćević M, Veličković-Radovanović R. Patient adherence in arterial hypertension therapy. International Centennial Congress of FIP. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3-8 October 2012 (abstract available online).
    33. Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Mitić B, Cvetković T, Stefanović N. Racionalna imunosupresivna terapija kod bolesnika sa translplantiranim bubregom. 13. Kongres farmakologa i 3. Kongres kliničke farmakologije sa međunarodnim učešćem.Palić 2011. 157.
    34. Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić – Đorđević A, Cvetković T. Influence of immunosuppressive therapy on biochemical parameters in kidney transplant patients. 5th Congress of Pharmacy of Macedonia with international participation, 21-25 September, 2011
    35. Lalić J, Catić-Đorđević A, Veličković-Radovanović R, Cvetković T, Paunović G, Đorđević V. Interaction between corticosteroids and tacrolimus in kidney transplant patients. 70th International Congress of FIP. Lisbon, Portugal, 28 August-2 September 2010. Abstract book, 2010 (P073).
    36. Veličković- Radovanović R, Catic-Djordjevic A, Paunovic G, Djordjevic V. Pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus after the first oral administration in renal transplant recipients. Evropski kongres kliničke farmakologije i farmakoterapije (EACPT). Edinburg. 2009;105: 127-8.
    37. Catić-Djordjević A, Veličković- Radovanović R, Paunović G. Therapeutic drug monitoring of cyclosporin at renal transplantation patients. Pharmaca Iugoslavica. Knjiga apstrakata I Kongresa kliničke farmakologije i farmakoterapije jugoistočne Evrope,Novi Sad 2008;43 (1-2): 42-43.
    38. Dimic M, Veličković- Radovanović R, Dimic A, Vojinović J, Catic A, Jovic N: Influence of antiepileptic drugs on bone mineral density and alkaline phosphatase in adolescents with epilepsy. Evropski kongres kliničke farmakologije i farmakoterapijе. Amsterdam. BCPT. 2007;101 (1): 169-70.

    39. 1. Velickovic D, Catić-Đorđević A, Herodek R. Evaluation of knowledge and attitudes on doping in sport among students.XXI International Scientific Conference FIS, 16-19 October 2018, Nis, Serbia, COMMUNICATIONS 2018;53(1): 2002-2005.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Цатић-Ђорђевић А. Безбедна примена лекова у терапији болести респираторног система код дојиља. 15th Serbian congress of farmacologists and 5th Serbian congress of clinical pharmacology with international participation, Vrnjačka Banja 2023, Engrami 45(1): 10-11.
    2. Catić-Đorđević A. Aplication of evidence-based tools for optimization of geriatric pharmacotherapy. VIII Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia with international participation, Arhiv za farmaciju 2022; 72(4): S26–S27.
    3. Catić-Đorđević A. Efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy from the pharmacist's point of view. Prvi Kongres PharmaNaissa, Acta Medica Medianae 2022; 61(3): 5-6.

    4. Величковић Радовановић Р, Пауновић Г, Митић Б, Стефановић Н, Цатић-Ђорђевић А, Цветковић Т. Фармаколошки профил такролимуса код пацијената са трансплантираним бубрегом. Монографије научних скупова АМН СЛД 2020; 9(2): 25-41.

    5. Kundalić A, Stefanović N, Živanović S, Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A. Saliva as analternative biological fluid for therapeutic drug monitoring of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant recipients. VIII Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia with international participation, Arhiv za farmaciju 2022; 72(4): S436–S437.
    6. Koraćević M, Jovanović A, Pavlović D, Catić Đorđević A. Mobile health applications - untapped potential. VIII Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia with international participation, Arhiv za farmaciju 2022; 72(4): S347–S348.
    7. Kundalić A, Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A. Adverse effects of immunosuppressive drugs in renal transplant recipients. Prvi Kongres PharmaNaissa, Acta Medica Medianae 2022; 61(3): 79-80.
    8. Ivana Milanović I, Mitić B, Veličković Radovanović R, Stošić I, Catić Đorđević A. Pharmacotherapy review in geriatric patients with chronic renal disease. Prvi Kongres PharmaNaissa, Acta Medica Medianae 2022; 61(3): 65-66.
    9. Dimić N, Catić Đorđević A, Milošević Georgiev A. The significance of determining the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms in the male population in the republic of Serbia. Prvi Kongres PharmaNaissa, Acta Medica Medianae 2022; 61(3): 83-84.
    10. Zdravković M, Catić-Đorđević A, Nedeljković S. Case study: Univariate time series analysis and forecasting of pharmaceutical products’ sales data at small scale. Prvi Kongres PharmaNaissa, Acta Medica Medianae 2022; 61(3): 85-86.
    11. Nedeljković S, Koraćević M, Antonijević I, Catić-Đorđević A. Case report – The role of the pharmacist in treatment of the post covid syndrome. Prvi Kongres PharmaNaissa, Acta Medica Medianae 2022; 61(3): 95-96.
    12. Damnjanović I, Stefanović N, Damnjanović Z, Catić-Đorđević A, Veličković-Radovanović R. Pharmacotherapy and risk factors of intermittent claudication in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Drugi naučni simpozijum saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28. oktobar, 2021, Beograd, Srbija. Arh. farm. 2021; 71: S108 – S109
    13. Danković K, Stefanović N, Damnjanović I, Catić-Đorđević A, Veličković-Radovanović R, Cvetković T. Potential significance of Bradykinin receptor and/or angiotensin‐converting enzyme genotyping in kidney transplant recipients. Drugi naučni simpozijum saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28. oktobar, 2021, Beograd, Srbija. Arh. farm 2021; 71: S110 – S113
    14. Stefanović N, Danković K, Damnjanović I, Catić-Đorđević A, Cvetković T, Veličković-Radovanović R. Significance of simultaneous analysis of CYP3A5 genotype, concentration/dose ratio and intraindividual variability of tacrolimus in kidney transplant recipients. Drugi naučni simpozijum saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28. oktobar, 2021, Beograd, Srbija. Arh. farm. 2021; 71: S116 – S117
    15. Veličković Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Mitić B, Paunović G, Spasić A, Džodić P, Cvetković T. Pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid in patients with transplanted kidney. 14. kongres farmakologa i 4. kongres kliničke farmakologije srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 18-21. septembar, 2019, Novi Sad, Srbija (Knjiga sažetaka: 106-107)
    16. Catić-Đorđević Aleksandra, Veličković-Radovanović Radmila, Spasić Ana, Mitić Branka, Paunović Goran, Damjanović Ivana. Gastrointestinalni neželjeni efekti nakon primene mikrofenolne kiseline kod pacijenata sa presađenim bubregom - polne razlike Gender-related differences in gastrointestinal adverse effects after mycophenolic acid therapy in renal transplant recipients. 14. kongres farmakologa i 4. kongres kliničke farmakologije Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 18-21. septembar, 2019, Novi Sad, Srbija (Knjiga sažetaka: 82-83)
    17. Krtinić D, Živadinović R, Jović Z, Pešić S, Veličković-Radovanović R, Stokanović D, Catić-Đorđević A, Nedin Ranković G, Trandafilović M, Živadinović A, Radovanović V. Značaj nekih citoloških morfometrijskih parametara u proceni farmakoterapijskog odgovora na hemioterapiju cisplatinom kod uznapredovalog cervikalnog karcinoma. 14. kongres farmakologa i 4. kongres kliničke farmakologije srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 18-21. septembar, 2019, Novi Sad, Srbija (Knjiga sažetaka: 201-202)

    18. Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R, STOPP/START criteria for optimization of pharmacotherapy in elderly, VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation, 10- 14 October 2018, Belgrade, 68(2): 218 – 219.
    19. Catić-Đorđević A, Cvetković T, Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R. Monitoring of biochemical parameters in the assessment of immunosuppressive therapy safety. XX Congress of medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine with international participation, 25-27 May 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, Abstract Book in Journal of Medical Biochemistry 2016; 35(2): 186-7.

    20. Catić-Đorđević A, Kocić D, Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R. Adherence in patients with chronic kidney disease. VI week of the hospital clinical pharmacology, 28 - 29 November, 2014, Serbia (Abstract book: 20-21).
    22. Pavlović D, Stojković J, Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Arsić I, Catić-Đorđević A. The importance of Pharmacy students’ motivation for the future career. III Scientific Symposim”Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy” Central& Eastern European Symposium. Belgrade 2018, 61-2.
    23. Catić-Đorđević A, Velickovic-Radovanovic R,Stojanović D. Review of medication use and adherence evaluation in elderly patients. III Scientific Symposim”Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy” Central& Eastern European Symposium. Belgrade 2018, 63-4.
    24. Damnjanović I, Kitic D, Stefanovic N, Zlatkovic-Guberinić, Catic-Djordjevic A, Velicković-Radovanović R. Use of herbal dietary supplements in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. 49. Days of preventive medicine, 22th-25thSeptember, 2015, Niš, Serbia (Abstract Book: 54)
    25. Pavlović D, Stojanović D, Catić-Đorđević A. Self-medication: a current challenge for health professionals. III Scientific Symposim”Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy” Central& Eastern European Symposium. Belgrade 2018, 45-6
    26. Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Dimitrijevic M, Damnjanovic I, Nincic J, Veličković-Radovanović R. The role of clinical pharmacist in community pharmacy. VI Serbian congress of pharmacy with international participation, 15 – 10 October, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia (Abstract Book: 231)
    27. Damnjanović I, Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Zlatković-Guberinić S, Milošević D, Veličković-Radovanović R.Influence of health care professionals in preventing medication errors. 50. Days of preventive medicine, 27th-30th September, 2016, Niš, Serbia (Abstract Book: 234)
    28. Spasić A, Catić-Đorđević A, Stefanović N, Veličković-Radovanović R. The influence of mycophenolic acid formulation on the adverse effects in renal transplant recipients. VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation, 10- 14. October 2018, Belgrade, Arh. farm. 68(3): 658-659.
    29. Veličković-Radovanović R, Catić-Đorđević A, Paunović G, Đorđević V. Farmakokinetička analiza takrolimusa kod pacijenata sa transplantiranim bubregom. II nedelja bolničke kliničke farmakologije. Beograd. 2010:17
    30. Catic-Djordjevic A, Velickovic-Radovanovic R, Stefanovic N, Mitic B, Mikov M.
    Tacrolimus pharmacokinetic profile in renal transplant patients. V week of the hospital clinical pharmacology, 29 November-1 December, 2013, Serbia (oral presentation): 42

Poslednji put izmenjeno petak, 28 jun 2024 11:53