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Datum kreiranja: 20.01.2020.
Marko Nikolić
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 30.05.1989
- Mesto rođenja: Leskovac
- Fakultet: Prirodno-matematički fakultet
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Biologija
- Godina diplomiranja: 2014
Spisak publikacija
Knjige i udžbenici:
- Nikolić, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. Uticaj lokalnog folklora i kulturnog nasleđa na odnos čoveka prema šumskoj kornjači u Srbiji. 2016, The Rufford Foundation & Biological Society “Dr. Sava Petrović”, Faculty of Science and Mathematics Niš, Niš, 19 pp.
- Nikolić, M., Cvetković, J., Đurđević, A., Vukojević, Đ. Divlji svet niških parkova. 2017, Biological Society “Dr. Sava Petrović”, Niš.
- Nikolić, M., Đurđević, A., Petković, S., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. Narodna verovanja i divlje životinje u Srbiji. 2018, The Rufford Foundation & Biological Society “Dr. Sava Petrović”, Faculty of Science and Mathematics Niš, Niš, 24 pp.
- Đurđević, A., Nikolić, M. Popović, M. 2020: Dragonflies of Serbia, Field guide, Institute for nature conservation of Serbia, Belgrade, 153pp.
- Nikolić, M., Marković, S. 2021: Ptice Parka prirode Radan. Biological Society “Dr. Sava Petrović” and State Enterprise “Srbijašume”, Niš.
- Savić-Zdravković, D., Nikolić, M. 2024: Spomenik prirode “Lalinačka slatina”. Direkcija za izgradnju grada Niša i Biološko drušvo “Dr Sava Petrović”. Niš.
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
- Golubović, A., Tomović, Lj., Nikolić, M., Nikolić, S., Anđelković, M., Arsovski, D., Iković, V., Gvozdenović, S., Popović, M. 2019: Distribution of Hermann’s tortoise across Serbia with implications for conservation. Archiv Biological Science, 71(3): 509-516.
- Nikolić, M., Cvetković, J., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. 2020: Macro- and microhabitat preferences of Eastern Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri). Amphibia-Reptilia, 41(3): 313–322.
- Đurđević, A., Popović, M., Medenica, I., Nikolić, M. 2023: New finding of Cordulegaster insignis Schneider, 1845 (Odonata: Cordulegastridae) in Serbia. Kragujevac Journal of Science, 45: 335-339.
- Stojanović, J., Nikolić, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Žabar-Popović, A., Milovanović, A., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. 2023: Blood cell morphology of Testudo hermanni boettgeri wild populations from Serbia. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 9 (2): 147-154.
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
- Zlatković, B., Nikolić, M., Drndarević, M., Jovanović, M., Niketić, M. Revision of the Genus Hypericum L. (Hypericaceae) in three Herbarium Collections from Serbia. 2014, Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, 7: 93-127.
- Nikolić, M., Savić, D., Ilić, M., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. A note on scavenging behaviour of adult Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni). 2016, Biologica Nyssana, 7: 53-55.
- Savić Zdravković, D., Stanković, J., Stamenković, O., Nikolić, M. Pionirska hidrobiološka istraživanja Spomenika prirode “Slapovi sopotnice”. Zbornik radova Spomenika prirode “Slapovi Sopodnice”. 2017, Naučno-istraživačko društvo studenata biologije i ekologije “Josif Pančić”, Novi Sad, 11-16
- Nikolić, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. 2021: Evaluation of ecological awareness and superstition on Hermann’s tortoise in Eastern And Southern Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 12(2): 159-165.
- Marković, S., Nikolić, M. 2020: Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni). Short notes “From the ornithological notebook”. Acrocephalus, 41(186-187): 154.
- Nikolić, M., Ilić, M. 2021: Bogatstvo ornitofaune Spomenika prirode “Lalinačka slatina” kod Niša (The wealth of the ornithofauna of the Natural Monument "Lalinačka slatina" Saltmarsh near Niš). Zaštita prirode/Nature conservation, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, 71(1-2): 19-34.
- Nikolić, M., Ilić, M. 2021: Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus). Short notes “From the ornithological notebook”. Acrocephalus, 42(188-189): 44-45.
- Nikolić, M. 2021: European Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria). Short notes “From the ornithological notebook”. Acrocephalus, 42(188-189): 45-46.
- Đurđević, A., Stanojević, S., Matejić, Đ., Nikolić, M., Martinović, M., Plevnik, V., Lukšić, G., Stojanović, I., Koren, T., Šćiban, M., Popović, M. 2022: BIOLOGER & BOOM 2022, Stara planina (Serbia): Results of the odonata survey. Erjavecia, 37: 95-102.
- Nikolić, M., Medenica, I. 2024: Expanding the knowledge of Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea Pallas, 1764) distribution in Serbia: New findings and implications for conservation. Kragujevac Journal of Science, 46(2): 125-132.
- Nikolić, M., Samardžić, A. 2024: A Survey of Odonata Diversity in Continental Saltmarshes of Serbia. International Dragonfly Fund, IDF-Report [in press]
- Đurđević, A., Medenica, I., Samardžić, A., Nikolić, M. 2024: Trithemis annulata (Palisot de Beauvois, 1807) and Selysiothemis nigra (Vander Linden, 1825) (Odonata: Libellulidae): New Members of the Dragonfly Fauna of Serbia. Acta Entomologica Serbica 29(2): 1-10.
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
- Drndarević, M., Nikolić, M., Milošević, Đ., Jenačković, D., Zlatković, B. Spatial distribution and abundance of Stachys milanii in Serbia: disturbed vs. referent habitats. 11th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions. 2013, Book of Abstracts. Vlasina lake.
- Ilić, M., Nikolić, M., Savić, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. Amphibians on the territory of Niš. 2016, 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Kopaonik Mt.
- Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ilić, M., Milićević, J., Milojević, M., Savić, A., Ćosić, N., Ćorović, J., Jovanović, B., Ilić, M, Nikolić, M., Savić, D., Čubrić, T., Lazić, M.M., Milošević, Đ., Stojadinović, D. Political transition, urbanization approaches and degree of impoverishment of local batracho- and herpetofauna. 2016, The 8th World Congress of Herpetology. Hanzhou, China, 15-21 August 2016.
- Zlatković B., Jenačković D., Milošević Đ., Drndarević, M., Nikolić, M. Abundance of Critically Endangered Stachys milanii decline with increasing density of vegetation from native habitats. 2016, The 2nd International Symposium on Nature Conservation: „Nature Conservation – Experiences and Perspectives“. Novi Sad.
- Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Stojadinović, D., Jovanović B., Ćorović J., Ilić M., Mijatović, J., Nikolić, M., Čubrić T., Milošević DJ. Do fluctuations of local climate have impact on phenology, activity patterns and habitat requirements of selected European amphibian and reptile species? 2017, 3rd Workshop "Ecophysiology: Interactions of organisms with their environment", San Juan, Argentina, March 15th-17th 2017, 24.
- Nikolić, M., Cvetković, J., Savić-Zdravković, D., Conić, J., Ilić, M., Marković, S., Vučković, A., Macura, B., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. Wildlife conservation and local folklore. 2019, 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Stara planina Mt. June 20-23 2019.
- Jovanović, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Ilić, M., Nikolić, M. 2022: Preliminary taxonomic study of vascular flora of Natural Monument “Lisine”. 14th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Kladovo, June 26-29 2022.
- Jovanović, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Stojanović, J., Ilić, M., Popović, D., Nikolić, M. 2024: Assessing plant species distribution in the Natural Monument ,Lalinačka Slatina“ for prioritizing fire protection zones. 40th EADSVE Meeting, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19-22 June 2024
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
- Ivanović, D., Nikolić, M., Veličković, V., Jović, S., Radulović, O. Differences in knowladge and acceptance of genetically modified food between students of Faculty of science and mathematics and Faculty of philosophy, University of Niš. 2013, 47. days of preventive medicine. Public Health Institute Niš and Faculty of medicine Niš.
- Nikolić, M., Ivanović, D., Veličković, V., Višnjić, A., Šagrić, Č. Knowledge and acceptance of genetically modified food among students of Faculty of Science and Mathematics University of Nis. 2013, 47. days of preventive medicine. Public Health Institute Niš and Faculty of medicine Niš.
- Nikolić, M., Cvetković, J., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. Preferencija staništa istočne podvrste šumske kornjače (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) u Srbiji. 2018, Drugi kongres biologa Srbije. Kladovo, 25-30 September 2018.
- Nikolić, M., Ilić, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Đurđević, A. Prilog poznavanju distribucije vrsta Cordulegaster bidentata i C. heros (ODONATA: CORDULEGASTRIDAE) u Srbiji. 2019, XII Symposium of entomologists of Serbia with international participation. Book of abstracts, Niš, University of Niš 25-29th IX 2019
- Đurđević, A., Nikolić, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Ilić, M., Popović, M., Milošević, Dj. Pregled faune vilinskih konjica (ODONATA) grada Niša (Srbija). 2019, XII Symposium of entomologists of Serbia with international participation. Book of abstracts, Niš, University of Niš 25-29th IX 2019
- Savić-Zdravković, D., Nikolić, M., Ilić, M., Đurđević, A.Preliminarni prikaz faune vilinih konjica (ODONATA) sliva Timoka u Srbiji. XII Symposium of entomologists of Serbia with international participation. 2019, Book of abstracts, Niš, University of Niš 25-29th IX 2019
- Ilić, M., Nikolić, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Đurđević, A., Popović, M. Afinitet vrsta Zerynthia cerisy i Z. polyxena prema određenim tipovima staništa (LEPIDOPTERA: PAPILIONIDAE). 2019, XII Symposium of entomologists of Serbia with international participation. Book of abstracts, Niš, University of Niš 25-29th IX 2019
- Nikolić, M., Đurđević, A. 2022: Pregled faune vilinskih konjica (ODONATA) jezera Pariguz (Beograd, Srbija). XIII Symposium of entomologists of Serbia with international participation. Book of abstracts, Pirot 14-16th IX 2022
- Ilić, M, Stojanović, I., Nikolić, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Jovanović, M., Popović, M. 2023: Procena sezonske veličine populacije vrste Lycaena helle na Ponoru – Park prirode Stara planina. XIV Symposium of entomologists of Serbia with international participation. Book of abstracts, Novi Sad 13-16th IX 2023
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Prirodno - matematički fakultet