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Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Ivan Mančev
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 31. januar 1960.
- Mesto rođenja: Dimitrovgrad, Srbija
- Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nisu
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: fizika
- Godina diplomiranja: 1983
Spisak publikacija
Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:
1. Ivan Mančev, Kvantna teorija brzih jon-atomskih sudara, 204str., Izdavac: PMF Nis, 2004.
2. Dž Belkić, I Mančev and N Milojević, "Critical Assessment of Theoretical Methods for Li Collisions with He at Intermediate and High Impact Energies", in book: Fast Ion-Atom and Ion-Molecule Collisions, Pages 189- 230, Series Interdisciplinary Research on Particle Collisions and Quantitative Spectroscopy, Series Editor Dž. Belkić, 2012 World Scientific Publishing.
3.Ненад Милојевић и Иван Манчев, Електронски захват у брзим јон-атомским сударима, ISBN 978-86-6275-153-9, у штампи-монографија.
Knjige i udžbenici:
1. M. Nikolić, I. Mančev, A. Tancic, Zbirka zadataka iz kvantne mehanike, Filozofski fakultet, Nis, 1997.
2. I. Mančev, Zbirka zadataka iz atomske fizike, PMF Nis, 2001.
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
- Dž. Belkić and I. Mančev, “Single Electron Capture from Carbon by Completely Stripped Projectiles'', Physica Scripta, 42, 285 (1990).
- Dž. Belkić and I. Mančev, ''Formation of H by Double Charge Exchange in Fast Proton - Helium Collisions'', Physica Scripta, 45, 35 (1992).
- Dž. Belkić and I. Mančev , '' Four-body CDW Approximation: Dependence of prior and post total cross sections for double charge exchange upon bound-state wave-functions'', Physica Scripta, 46, 18 (1993).
- Dž. Belkić, I. Mančev and M. Mudrinić, “Two – electron capture from helium by fast particles'', Phys. Rev. A, 49, 3646 (1994).
- I. Mančev , ''Four - Body Corrected First Born Approximation for Single Charge Exchange at High Impact Energies'', Physica Scripta, 51, 762 (1995).
- I. Mančev, ''Single - electron capture by hydrogen atoms and helium ions from helium atoms'', Phys. Rev. A, 54, 423 (1996).
- Dž. Belkić, I. Mančev and V. Mergel , ''Four - body model for transfer ionization in fast ion – atom collisions'', Phys. Rev. A, 55, 378 (1997).
- Dž. Belkić, I. Mančev and V. Mergel , ''Transfer ionization in energetic collisions'', Hyperfine Interactions, 108, 141 (1997).
- Dž. Belkić, R. Gayet, J. Hanssen, I. Mančev and A. Nunez , ''Dynamic Electron Correlations in Single Capture from Helium by Fast Protons'', Phys. Rev. A, 56, 3675 (1997).
- I. Mančev, ''Transfer ionization in fast collisions'', Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 154, 291 (1999).
- I. Mančev, '' Electron Correlations in Single Capture from Helium—like Atomic Systems by Completely Stripped Projectiles'', Phys. Rev. A, 60, 351 (1999).
- I. Mančev, '' Single-electron capture and transfer ionization in collision of ions with helium'', Phys. Rev. A, 64, 012708 (2001).
- I. Mančev, '' Single charge exchange in fast collision of alpha particles with helium'', J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 36, 93 (2003).
- I. Mančev, V. Mergel and L. Schmidt, '' Electron capture from helium atoms by fast protons'', J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 36, 2733 (2003).
- I. Mančev, '' Continuum Distorted Wave – Born Initial State (CDW-BIS) model for single charge exchange'', J. Comp. Meth. Sci. Eng. (JCMSE), Cambridge Intern. Sci. Publ. 5, 73 (2005).
- I. Mančev, '' Single-electron capture from helium-like atomic systems by bare projectiles'', Europhysics Letters 69, 200 (2005).
- I. Mančev, '' Four-body continuum- distorted wave model for charge exchange between hydrogenlike projectiles and atoms'' , Phys. Rev. A, 052716, 75 (2007).
- Dž. Belkić, I. Mančev and J. Hanssen , '' Four-body methods for high-energy ion-atom collisions'' Phys. Mod. Rev., 80, 249 (2008).
- M. S. Schoffler, J. Tidze, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, N. Neumann, O. Jagutzki, H. Schmidt-Bocking, R, Dorner and I. Mančev, “State-selective differential cross sections for single and double electron capture in He+,2+-He and p-He collisions”, Phys. Rev. A, 79, 064701 (2009).
- I. Mančev, “Charge transfer in energetic and collisions”, European Physical Journal D, 51 , 213 (2009).
- I. Mančev and N. Milojević, “Electron correlations in ingle electron capture from helium by fast protons and alpha particles”, Phys. Rev. A, 81, 022710, (2010).
- Dž. Belkić and I. Mančev, “Transfer ionization in fast ion-atom collisions: Four-body Born distorted-wave theory”, Phys. Rev. A 83, 012703, (2011).
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević and Dž. Belkić, “Four-body corrected first Born approximation for single-electron capture into arbitrary states of energetic projectiles “, Phys. Rev. A 86, 022704 (2012 ).
- Dž. Belkić, I. Mančev, and N. Milojević, “Four-Body Theories for Transfer Ionization in Fast Ion-Atom Collisions”, Advances in Quantum Chemistry, 65, Pages 339–362 (2013).
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević and Dž. Belkić, “State-Selective and Total Single-Capture Cross Sections for Fast Collisions of Multiply Charged Ions with Helium Atoms “ Few Body Systems, 54, 1889-1900, (2013).
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević and Dž. Belkić, “Mutual neutralization in H+ − H− collisions by electron capture”, EPL (Europhysics Letters) , 103, 23001 (2013).
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević and Dž. Belkić, “Electron correlations in single-electron capture into any state of fast projectiles from heliumlike atomic systems”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 052706 (2013)
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević and Dž. Belkić, “Theoretical state-selective and total cross sections for electron capture from helium atoms by fully stripped ions”, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 102, Pages 6–41, (2015)
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević and Dž. Belkić, “ Boundary-corrected four-body continuum-intermediate-state method: Single-electron capture from heliumlike atomic systems by fast nuclei”, Phys. Rev. A 91, 062705 (2015)
- N. Milojević, I. Mančev and Dž. Belkić, “Boundary-corrected four-body continuum-intermediate-state method for charge exchange between hydrogenlike projectiles and atoms ”, Phys. Rev. A 96, 032709 (2017)
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević and Dž. Belkić, “Electron capture by bare projectiles from multi-electron targets“, Eur. Phys. J. D 72, 209 (2018).
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević and Dž. Belkić, “State-selective and total cross sections for electron capture from the K-shell of multi-electron atoms by fully stripped projectiles“, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 129-130, 101282 (2019).
- I. Mančev, N. Milojević, D. Delibašić and Dž. Belkić, “Electron capture by fast projectiles from lithium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and neon“, Phys. Scr. 95, 065403 (2020).
- N. Milojević, I. Mančev, D. Delibašić and Dž. Belkić, “Three-body boundary-corrected continuum-intermediate-state method for single charge exchange with the general transition amplitude (1s → nlm) applied to the p-H(1s), α-H(1s), and p-He(1s2) collisions with n ≤ 4“, Phys. Rev. A 102, 012816 (2020).
- D. Delibašić, N. Milojević, I. Mančev, and Dž. Belkić, "Electron transfer from atomic hydrogen to multiply-charged nuclei at intermediate and high energies", Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 139, 101417 (2021)
- Delibašić D, Milojević N, Mančev I, Belkić Dž., Electron removal from hydrogen atoms by impact of multiply charged nuclei, European Physical Journal D 2021, 75 115.,
Delibašić D, Milojević N, Mančev I, Belkić Dž., Single-electron transfer from helium atoms to energetic multiply-charged nuclei , Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 2022, 148 101530.,
- Milojević N, Mančev I, Delibašić D, Belkić Dž, Cross sections for single-electron capture from heliumlike targets by fast heavy nuclei, Phys. Rev. A 2023, 107, 052806.,
Milojević N, Mančev I, Delibašić D, Belkić Dž., The BCIS-4B method for state-selective and state-summed total cross sections: Proton-helium charge exchange at 10-4000 keV, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 2023, 150 101566.,
- Ivan Mančev and Ljiljana Kostić, Various methods for solving the pursuit problem with two objects on a plane, 2023 Eur. J. Phys. 44 035002 ttps://
- Milojević N, Mančev I, Delibašić D, Belkić Dž., One-electron transfer from helium targets to protons: the BCIS-4B and CDW-3B methods for state-selective and state-summed total cross sections vs measurements, The European Physical Journal D volume 77, Article number: 81 (2023) ,
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
1. Danilo Delibašić, Nenad Milojević, Ivan Mančev, "SINGLE-ELECTRON CAPTURE IN ION-ION COLLISIONS", FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology Vol. 18, No 2, 2020, pp. 131 - 139.
2. N. Milojevic and I. Mancev, ''SINGLE ELECTRON CAPTURE INTO ARBITRARY STATES OF BARE PROJECTILES FROM MULTI-ELECTRON TARGETS'' , FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology Vol. 16, No 2, 2018, pp. 239 - 247
3. I. Mancev,'Angular - differential cross section for single electron capture to H(2p) in proton - helium collisions', Facta Universitatis Ser. Physics, Chemistry and
Technology, 1, 51 (1994).
4. I. Mancev, 'Four-body one channel Distorted-wave Theories for Single Electron Transfer, Facta Universitatis
Ser. Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 2, 309 (2003).
5. M.Nikolic and I. Mancev, Calculation of the static potential for the arbitrary states of the hydrogen atom,
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta, Serija fizika i hemija,
2, 11 (1989).
6. I. Mancev, Comparative study of the first and second - order approximations in the theory of charge exchange, Zbornik
radova Filozofskog fakulteta, Serija fizika 1, 67 (1990). -
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
I) Invited lectures/progress report at international conferences and symposiums
1. I. Mancev, Two electron transitions in fast ion atom collisions, Progress report, 18th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG), September 2nd - 6th 1996, Kotor, Yugoslavia, Contributed Papers and Abstract of Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Physics, Novi Sad,
Yugoslavia; (Editors: B Vujicic and S. Djurovic p. 14)
II) Contributed papers in international conference:
1 D. Delibasic, N. Milojevic and I. Mancev,
'Single-Electron Capture in p - He^+ Collisions.'' in Book of Contributed Papers, 30th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics
of Ionized Gases, \v Sabac, Serbia, August 24 -28, 2020, Editors: Luka C. Popovic, Dusko Borka, Dragana Ilic and Vladimir Sreckovic, Page 71-75
2 I. Mancev and N. Milojevic, ''Charge Exchange in Fast p-O Collisions.'' The 10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU10), 26-30 August 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria, AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 050007 (2019); Editors: Todor M. Mishonov and Albert M. Varonov, ISBN: 978-0-7354-1803-5,
3. N. Milojevic and I. Mancev, ''Single Electron Capture in $H^+ – N$ Collisions.'' in Book of Contributed Papers, 29th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Aug. 29 – Sep. 2, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, in CONTRIBUTED PAPERS, Page 43-47, Editors Goran Poparic, Bratislav Obradovic, Dusko Borka and Milan Rajkovic.
4. I. Mancev and N. Milojevic, ''Projectile angular distribution in single electron capture from helium by protons'' in Book of Contributed Papers, 28$th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Aug. 29 - Sep. 2, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, in CONTRIBUTED PAPERS, Page 79-83, Editors D. Maric, A. Milosavljevic B. Obradovic and G. Poparic.
5. N. Milojevic and I. Mancev ''Thomas peak in fast H^+-He collisions'' in Book of Contributed Papers, 28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Aug. 29 - Sep. 2, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, in CONTRIBUTED PAPERS, Page 83-87, Editors D. Maric, A. Milosavljevic B. Obradovic and G. Poparic.
6 I. Mancev and N. Milojevic, ''Single electron capture in $p-Li^+$ collisions '' in Book of Contributed Papers, 27th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, August, 26 - 29, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, in CONTRIBUTED PAPERS, Page 98-102, Editors D. Maric, A. Milosavljevic and Z. Mijatovic.
7. I. Mancev and M. Mudrinic, 'Formation of H^- in Fast H - H Collisions, in Book of Contributed Papers, 17th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Belgrade, 1994. (Edited by B.Marinkovic and Z.Petrovic) p.55
8. I. Mancev, Single electron capture from Li^+ ions by protons, 3rd General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, September 1997, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Published in the journal:
Balkan Physics Letters, Vol. 5, part one, p.139 (1997).
9. I. Mancev, Transfer ionization in fast Li^{3+}-He ', 7th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions, 9-11 September 1998, Debrecen, Hungary. In Book of Abstracts pp.48
10. Dz. Belkic, R. Gayet, J. Hanssen, I. Mancev and A. Nunez, Correlations electroniques dynamiques dans la capture d'un seul electron de l'helium par des protons rapides, Dynamique des Ions des Atomes et des Molecules (DIAM '98), Reims, France, July 8-10, (1998), Tome 2, p. 105
11. I. Mancev, Single charge exchange in fast hydrogen-helium collisions, in Book of Contributed Papers, 19th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 1998, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia. (Edited by N.Konjevic, M. Cuk and I. Videnovic) p.151
12. I. Mancev, 'Differential cross sections for proton-helium scattering, in Book of Contributed Papers, 21st Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, 2002, Sokobanja, Yugoslavia. (Edited by M. Radovic and M. Jovanovic) p. 84
13. I. Mancev, Charge exchange in fast collisions of lithium ion with helium, XXIII International Conference on Photonic,
Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2003), July 23-29, Stockholm, Sweden, Abstract of Contributed paper, Eds. J.Anton et al, We151.
14. I. Mancev, Single electron capture in fast collisions of lithium ion with helium, in Book of Contributed Papers, BPU-5: Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union,
August 25-29, 2003, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, SP04-008
15. M. S. Schoffler, J. Tidze, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, N. Neumann, O. Jagutzki, H. Schmidt-Bocking, R, Dorner and I. Mancev, State-selective differential cross sections for
single electron capture in H^+, He^{+} and He^{2+} collisions with He'', 9th European Conference on Atoms
Molecules \& Photons (ECAMP), 6-11th May 2007., Heraklion, Crete, Greece. (Session: Few body dynamics).
16. I. Mancev, Charge Transfer In Energetic Li^{2+}-H Collisions, 24TH SUMMER SCHOOL AND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE PHYSICS OF IONIZED GASES, CONTRIBUTED PAPERS [Novi Sad, Date: Aug. 25-29, 2008.] Book Series: PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY OF BELGRADE--SERIES Issue: 84 Pages: 79-82 Published: 2008. Editor(s): G. Malovic, L.C. Popovic, and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
17. I. Mancev and N. Milojevic, Charge exchange in fast Li^{3+}-He collisions, in Book of Contributed Papers, 26th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, August, 27 – 31, 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia, in CONTRIBUTED PAPERS, Page 19-22, Editors M. Kuraica, Z. Mijatovic
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
1. I. Mančev, ''Izmene naelektrisanja u brzim sudarima He^+ jona sa atomima helijuma '', IX Kongres fizicara Jugoslavije, Petrovac na Moru, May 1995, p.81
2. I. Mančev, Elektronske korelacije u procesu zahvata elektrona iz helijumu slčnih atoma, X Kongres fizi\v cara Jugoslavije, Vrnja\v cka Banja, March 2000, p.75
3. I. Mančev, Diferencijalni preseci za jednostruki zahvat elektrona
Kongres fizicara Srbije i Crne Gore, Petrovac na Moru,
June 2004, p.59
4. I. Mančev, N. Milojević, Neutralizacija jona H^- u sudarima sa protonima, XII Kongres fizičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 28. april
- 2. maj 2013, p.300