Ukoliko želite, kartone naučnog osoblja ovog fakulteta možete da pogledate i na sajtu Prirodno - matematičkog fakulteta
Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Marina Jušković
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 20.05.1969.
- Mesto rođenja: Medvedja
- Fakultet: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Biološki fakultet
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Primenjena genetika
- Godina diplomiranja: 1996.
Spisak publikacija
Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:
Knjige i udžbenici:
Jušković, M. (2021): Morfologija i anatomija biljaka. Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu.
Ranđelović V., Zlatković B., Jušković M., Nikolić D., Mitić Z., Jenačković D., Jovanović M., Raca I., Jovanović M., Stojanović J. (2019): Jedan botanički dan na Staroj planini. Priručnik za identifikaciju biljaka. Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Nišu i Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije. ISBN: 978-86-80877-66-2
Jušković, M., Ranđelović Vladimir (2017): Praktikum iz morfologije i anatomije biljaka. Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu.
Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Zlatković Bojan (2006): Praktikum iz Botanike 1 (Anatomija i morfologija biljaka). Biološko društvo “Dr Sava Petrović”, Niš.
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
Mitić Z.S., Nikolić J.S., Jušković M.Z., Ranđelović V.N., Nikolić B.M., Zlatković B.K. (2023): Geographic differentiation of Abies alba, A. x borisii‑regis, and A. cephalonica populations at the Balkan Peninsula based on needlemorpho‑anatomy. Trees - Structure andFunction.
Ranđelović, V., Jenačković Gocić, D., Stojanović,J., Raca, I., Nikolić, D., Jušković, M. (2021): An insight into the ecology of Woodsia alpina newly recorded for the flora of the Balkan Peninsula. Botanica Serbica, 45 (2): 311-319.
- Petrović, A., Madić, V., Jušković, M., Đorđević, Lj., Vasiljević, P. (2021). Osteoprotective effects of ‘anti-diabetic’ polyherbal mixture in type 1 diabetic rats. Acta Veterinaria, 71 (3): 256-272.
- Madić, V., Petrović, A., Jušković, M., Jugović, D., Djordjević, Lj., Stojanović, G., Vasiljević, P. (2021): Polyherbal mixture ameliorates hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and histopathological changes of pancreas, kidney and liver in a rat model of type 1 diabetes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 265: 113210.
- Jenačković, D., Lakušić, D., Zlatković, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N.V. (2019): Emergent wetland vegetation data recording: Does an optimal period exist? Applied vegetation science, 22: 200–212.
- Nikolić, D., Gocić, D. J., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Morphological differentiation of populations of Bolboschoenus taxa in Serbia. Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 1-15.
- Raca, I., Jovanović, M., Ljubisavljević, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Morphological and leaf anatomical variability of Crocus cf. heuffelianus Herb. (Iridaceae) populations from the different habitats of the Balkan Peninsula. Turkish Journal of Botany, 43(5): 645-658.
- Madić, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Jušković, M., Jugović, D., Žabar-Popović, A., Vasiljević, P. (2019): Genotoxic and antigenotoxic potential of herbal mixture and five medicinal plants used in ethnopharmacology. South African Journal of Botany, 125: 290-297.
- Savić, A., Pešić, V., Đorđević, M., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Andrzej, G. (2018): Effects of nutrients and turbidity on grazer-periphyton interactions: a case study from the Nišava River, Balkan Peninsula. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 14 (2): 226-231.
- Jušković, Ž. M., Vasiljević, J. P., Savić, V. A., Jenačković, D. D., Stevanović, M. B. (2017): Comparative morphoanatomical analysis of the leaves and stems of Daphne (Thymelaeaceae) species. Biologia, 72/7: 709—721.
- Jušković, M., Žabar-Popović, A., Matejić, J., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Manojlović, N., Vasiljević, P. (2017): Phytochemical screening, antioxidants and antimicrobial potential of leaves of Daphne laureola L. Oxidation Communications, 40(3):1058–1069.
- Jušković, M. Ž., Vasiljević, P. J., Savić, A. V., Tomović, G. M., Stevanović, B. M. (2017): Variability of morpho-anatomical characteristics of species Daphne oleoides Schreb. (Thymelaeaceae) from the Balkan Peninsula. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 46(4):1357-1365.
- Manojlović, T. N., Bursać-Mitrović, M., Dragan R. Milovanović, R. D., Jušković, M., Vasiljević, J. P. (2017): Effects of Combination of L-Ascorbic acid and Alpha-Tocopherol on Biochemical Parameters of Swimming-Induced Oxidative Stress in Guinea Pigs. Oxidation Communications 40(2): 722-730.
- Sovrlić, M., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Mašković, P., Manojlović, N. (2015): Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Profiles of Extracts of Daphne alpina (Thymelaeaceae) L. Leaf and Twig from Mt Kopaonik (Serbia). Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 14(7): 1239-1248.
- Harpke, D., Peruzzi, L., Kerndorff, H., Karamplianis, Th., Constantinidis, Th., Ranđelović, V., Ranđelović, N., Jušković, M., Pasche, E., Blattner, F. R. (2014): Phylogeny, geographic distribution and new taxonomic circumscription of the Crocus reticulatus species group (Iridaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany 38(6): 1182-1198.
- Manojlović, N. T., Mašković, P. Z., Vasiljević, P. J., Jelić, R. M., Jušković, M. Z., Sovrlić, M., Mandić, L., Radojković, M. (2012): HPLC Analysis, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Daphne cneorum L. Hemijska industrija 66(5): 709-716.
- Nedeljko T. Manojlović, Perica J. Vasiljević, Mašković Z. Pavle, Marina Jušković, and Gordana Bogdanović-Dušanović (2012): Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Lichen Umbilicaria cylindrica (L.) Delise (Umbilicariaceae). Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2012, Article ID 452431, 8 pages DOI:10.1155/2012/452431
- Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P., Manojlović, T. N., Mihailov-Krstev, T., Stevanović, B. (2012): Phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of leaves and stems of Balkan endemic species Daphne malyana Blečić. Biotechnology and Biotechnological equipment 26 (3): 3010-3015.
- Matović, M., Bojović, B., and Jušković M. (2011): Composition of essential oils from three classes of juniper fruit from Serbia. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5(26): 6160-6163.
- Manojlović, N., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Najman, S., Janković, S., Milenković-Anđelković, A. (2010): HPLC analysis and cytotoxic potential of extracts from the lichen, Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 4(9): 817-823.
- Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P., Ranđelović, V., Stevanović, V., Stevanović, B. (2010): Comparative analysis of populations of the Balkan endemic species Daphne malyana Blečić (Thymeleaceae). Archives of Biological Sciences 62 (4): 1151-1162.
- Marinkovic, D. M., Cvjeticanin, S., Stanojevic (Jušković), M. (2008): Population genetic analyses of susceptibility to developing alcohol dependence. Addiction Research & Theory, 16 (4), 331-337.
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
- Jušković, M., Jenačković Gocić, D., Nikolić, D. Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V. (2021): A comparative anatomical study on two closely related Astragalus L. taxa from the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. Biologica Nyssana, 12 (1):11-21.
- Jenačković-Gocić, D., Bolbotinović, Lj., Jušković, M., Nikolić, D., Ranđelović, V. (2020): Insight into the chorology of some endangered, rare and potentially invasive plant species in Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 11 (2): 71-84.
- Stojanović, J., Raca, I., Jevtić, J., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Comparative morphoanatomical analysis of Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dumort. (Liliaceae) from Serbia and Montenegro. Biologica Nyssana, 10 (2): 125-133.
- Nikolić, D., Veličković, M., Raca, I., Jenačković Gocić, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Morphometric analysis of vegetative and reproductive organs of the Fragaria species. Biologica Nyssana, 10(1): 9-16.
- Madić, V., Jovanović, J., Stojilković, A., Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P. (2017): Evaluation of cytotoxicity of ‘anti-diabetic’ herbal preparation and five medicinal plants: an Allium cepa assay. Biologica Nyssana, 8(2):151-158.
- Savić, A., Đorđević, M., Jušković, M., Pešić, V. (2017): Ecological analysis of macroinvertebrate communities based on functional feeding groups: a case study in southeastern Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 8(2):159-166.
- Raca, I., Ljubisavljević, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V. (2017): Comparative anatomical study of the taxa from series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 8(1):15-22.
- Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P., Savić, A., Jenačković, D., Stevanović, B. (2016): Morpho-anatomical differentiation of the populations of Daphne cneorum L. (Thymelaeaceae) from Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 7(1): 1-9.
- Rančić, A., Tomović, J., Vasiljević, P., Aleksić, M., Jušković, M., Najman, S., Manojlović, N. (2015): Effects of the toluene and methanol extract of Senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl) on viability and proliferation HeLa cells. Praxis Medica, 44(4): 1-4.
- Manojlović, N., Sovrlić, M., Mašković, P., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M. (2014): Phenolic and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of Daphne blagayana growing in Serbia. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 15(1): 21-27.
- Sovrlić, M., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Mašković, P., Manojlović, N. (2014): Antimicrobial activity and HPLC analysis of Daphne blagayana L. (THYMELAECEAE) extracts. Praxis Medica, 43(4): 93-97.
- Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Stevanović, V. (2010): Diversity of the vascular flora of Mt Šljivovički Vis in E Serbia. Phytologia Balcanica, 16(3)361 – 367.
- Zlatković, B. K., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M. (2007): Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Fimbristylis bisumbellata (Forssk.) Bubani, Typha laxmannii Lepech. - In: Vladimirov, V., Dane, F., Stevanović, V., Tan, K. (eds.): New floristic records in the Balkans 6. Phytologia Balcanica 13(3): 452-453.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B. K., Ranđelović, N., Jušković, M. (2006): Campanula moravica (Spitzn.) Kovanda, Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell, Cyperus rotundus L., Poa timoleontis Heldr. ex Boiss. - In: Vladimirov, V., Tan, K., Stevanović, V. (eds.): New floristic records in the Balkans 1. Phytologia Balcanica 12(1): 123.
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
- Nikolić, D., Žabar Popović, A., Vidanović, M., Jušković, M., Jenačković Gocić, D., Ranđelović, V. (2020): Antioxidant activity of different extracts from rhizome of species Bolboschoenus laticarpus Marhold Hroudova, Zakravsky & Duchaček. IV Symposium of biologists and ecologists of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, 12-14 November 2020, vol. Book of abstracts, 40.
- Jušković, M., Nešić, M., Stojanović, J., Jenačković Gocić, D., Nikolić, D., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Anatomical differentiation of populations Trollius europaeus L. (Ranunculaceae) from Serbia. In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 55-56.
- Nikolić, D., Marinković, J., Jušković, M., Jenačković Gocić, D., Raca, I., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Anatomical study of Bolboschoenus taxa distributed in Serbia. 13th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions. Stara planina, Abstracts, p. 34-35.
- Jenačković Gocić, D., Jušković, M., Nikolić, D., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Ecological differentiation of marshland communities recorded in the area of Central Balkan Peninsula. 13th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions. Stara planina, Abstracts, p. 66.
- Bolbotinović, Lj., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Nikolić, D., Jenačković Gocić, D. (2019): Flora of Danube River in vicinity of Tekija (Northeast Serbia): Taxonomical, ecological and phytogeographic analysis. 13th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions. Stara planina, Abstracts, p. 67.
- Raca, I., Manić, J., Harpke, D., Jušković, M., Jovanović, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Crocus randjeloviciorum Kernd., Pasche, Harpke & Raca in Serbia - State of the art. In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 21.
- Stojanović, J., Raca, I., Jevtić, J., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Comparative analysis of morphological and anatomical characters of species Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dumort. (Liliaceae) from Serbia and Montenegro. In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 33.
- Madić, V., Petrović, A., Jušković, M., Žabar Popović, A., Aleksić, M., Vasiljević, P. (2019): Hypoglycemic effect of traditionally used herbal mixture in normal and diabetic rats. In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 172.
- Savić, A., Đorđević, M., Milošević, Đ., Jušković, M., Đorđević, M., Pešić, V. (2019): A contribution to the knowledge of ecology of the species Serratella ignita (Poda, 1761). In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 210.
- Jušković, M., Zlatković, B., Jenačković, D., Nikolić, D., Lilić, J. (2018): Micromorphological and anatomical variability of Astragalus monspessulanus L. and A. spruneri Boiss. (Fabaceae) from the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, Novi Sad, September 10-14, Book of abstracts, pp 14.
- Nikolić, D., Jenačković, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. 2018. Morphological variability of Bolboschoenus glaucus (Lam.) S.G. Smith (Cyperaceae) populations from Serbia. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, Novi Sad, September 10-14, Book of abstracts, pp 48.
- Jenačković, D., Lakušić, D., Jušković, M., Nikolić, D., Raca, I., Ranđelović, V. (2018): Marshland vegetation (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941) of the Central Balkan Peninsula: floristic differentiation of associations. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, Novi Sad, September 10-14, Book of abstracts, pp 95.
- Nikolić, D., Lazarević, M., Jenačković, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. 2018. Analiza oblika ahenija kod vrsta roda Bolboschoenus (Ach.) Palla (Cyperaceae J. St. Hill.) primenom geometrijske morfometrije. Drugi kongres biologa Srbije, Kladovo, 25. – 30.09.2018., Knjiga sažetaka, str. 58.
- Žabar Popović, A., Conić, J., Aleksić, M., Madić, V., Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P. (2018): Biološka aktivnost različitih ekstrakata mahuna vrste Gleditsia triacanthos L. - Drugi kongres biologa Srbije. Osnovna istraživanja, metodika nastave, Knjiga sažetaka, Kladovo, Srbija, 132.
- Joković, N., Jušković, M., Kostić, M., Stamenković, O., Veljković, V. (2017): Potential of industrial hemp for removing heavy metals from soil. - 12th Symposium "Novel Technologies and Economic Development" with international participation, Book of abstracts, Leskovac, Republika Srbija, 59.
- Savić, A., Đorđević, M., Jušković, M. (2016): The use of the Index of Trophic Completeness – ITC as an indication of water quality along the river Nišava river (eastern Serbia). - 5th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Abstract book, Ohrid, Macedonia, 115.
- Ljubisavljević, I., Raca, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Comparative morpho - anatomical analysis of species Crocus reticulates Steven ex Adam (Iridaceae) from Serbia. - 5th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Abstract book, Ohrid, Macedonia, 100.
- Maksimović, M., Nikolić, D., Jušković, M., Jenačković, D., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Does differentiation between Typha species in terms of micromorphological characters exist? - 5th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Abstract book, Ohrid, Macedonia, 84.
- Raca, I., Ljubisavljević, I., Miljković, M., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Morpho-anatomical differentiation of the southeast European population of Crocus heuffelianus Herb. (Iridaceae). In: Barina, Z., Buczkó, K., Lökös, L., Papp, B., Pifkó, D., Szurdoki, E. (eds.): 11th International Conference „Advances in research on the flora and vegetation of the Carpato-Pannonian region”, Book of abstracts, Budapest, Hungary, 215.
- Jenačković, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Effects of physicochemical properties of habitats on morphological variability species of monotypic genus Typha. In: Barina, Z., Buczkó, K., Lökös, L., Papp, B., Pifkó, D., Szurdoki, E. (eds.): 11th International Conference „Advances in research on the flora and vegetation of the Carpato-Pannonian region”, Book of abstracts, Budapest, Hungary, 162.
- Savić, A., Đorđević, M., Jušković, M. (2016): Ecological analysis of macroinvertebrate communities based on functional feeding types: a case study in southeastern Serbia. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 150.
- Conić, J., Žabar Popović, A., Nikolić, M., Jušković, M., Zlatković, B., Vasiljević, P. (2016): Antihemolytic effects of water extract of Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss. on rat erythrocytes. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 130-131.
- Raca, I., Ljubisavljević, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Comparative anatomical study of the taxa from series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Serbia. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 15.
- Sovrlić, M., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Mašković, P., Manojlović, N. (2016): Phytochemical and antibacterial screening of methanol and chloroform extracts of the leaves of Daphne kosaninii (Stoj.) Stoj. (Thymeleaceae). - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 129-130.
- Jušković, M., Savić, A., Manić, A., Vasiljević, P. (2016): Comparative analysis of leaf epidermis of three species of the genus Paeonia L. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 22.
- Jušković, M., Mitić, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Comparative leaf anatomical investigations of species Crocus alexandrii Ničić ex Velen. (Iridaceae) from Serbia. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 27.
- Zlatković, B., Jušković, M., Jovanović, B., Šarac, Z. (2015): Morphological and anatomical variability of Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss. in relation to elevation, spatial and climatic conditions. - In: Kukavica Jovanović, B. (ed.): III Simpozijum biologa i ekologa Republike Srpske, Zbornik sažetaka, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, 95.
- Zlatković, B., Jušković, M., Vukojević, Đ., Petrović, N. (2015): Morphological and anatomical differentiation of endemic Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss.: multivariate study. In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 125-126.
- Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P., Savić, A., Stevanović, B. (2015): Comparative morpho-anatomical analysis of populations species Daphne blagayana Freyer (Thymelaeaceae) from Serbia and Montenegro. In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 74-75.
- Jušković, M., Cvijetan, I., Stevanović, V., Stevanović, B. (2013): Morpho-anatomical differentiation populations of Daphne cneorum L. (Thylelaeaceeae) from Serbia. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 55-56.
- Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Stevanović, V. (2013): Endemična i reliktna flora Šljivovičkog Visa u istočnoj Srbiji. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 56.
- Cvijetan, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N. (2013): Diversity of macromycetes of Mt. Suva planina in the Quercetum frainetto-cerris association. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 52-53.
- Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Aleksić, M., Žabar, A., Manojlović, N., Najman, S. (2013): Ispitivanja uticaja metanolskih ekstrakta vrsta Daphne laureola i Daphne malyana na vijabilnost HeLa ćelija. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 108.
- Urošević, J., Davidović, A., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V. (2013): Morphological differentiation within section Biflori Mathew from genus Crocus L. on territory of Serbia. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 44.
- Vasiljević, P., Veljković, N., Jušković, M. (2013): Population genetic analysis of students from Surdulica and Niš. 52nd Congress Of Serbian Anthropological Society Novi Sad, June 5-8.
- Manojlović, N. T., Mašković, P.Z., Manojlović, I., Bogdanović-Dušanović, G., Jušković, M., Aleksić, M., Žabar, A. (2011): Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the lichen Toninia candida (Weber) Th. Fr (Catillariaceae).- Planta Medica. 77 (12): 1440-1440.
- Bojović, B.,Matović, M., Jušković, M. (2011): Composition of physiological metabolites of mint (Mentha logifolia) and their antimicrobial activity, 19th Symposium of the Serbian Plant Physiology Society, Banja Vrujci, 56.
- Manojlović, N. T., Vasiljević, P. J., Jušković, M., Najman, S.J., Bogdanović-Dušanović, G.,Joksimović, Z., Milenković-Andjelković, A. (2010): Screening of Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis for antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. - Planta Medica. 76 (12): 1304-1304.
- Jušković, M.,Vasiljević, P., Rajković, J., Stevanović, B., Stevanović, V. (2010): Morfološke karakteristike epidermisa lista balkanske endemične vrste Daphne malyana Blečić (Thymeleaceae). - 10th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš, Proceedings, 52-53.
- Vasiljević, P., Najman, S., Manojlović, N., Aleksić, M., Jušković, M.,Vukelić, M. (2010): Ispitivanje uticaja metanolskog ekstrakta tri vrste roda Cassia (Cassia angustifolia, Cassia tora, Cassia siamea) na vijabilnost HeLa ćelija. - 10th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš. Proceedings, 73-74.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2009): Two new recorded species of genus Ophrys from Macedonia. In: Stevanović, V. (ed.): 5th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of Abstracts, Belgrade, Serbia, 53.
- Vasiljević, J. P., Najman, S., Manojlović, N., Vukelić, M. D., Jušković, M. (2009): In vitro cytotoxic activity of lichen Laurera benguelensis. - Planta Medica 75 (9): 1047-1048.
- Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Šarac, Z. (2008): Horološke i ekološke karakteristike stepskih elemenata flore na području istočne i jugoistočne Srbije. - 9th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Niš, Proceedings, 83-100.
- Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N., Zlatković, B. (2006): The elements of steppe flora of calcareus massifs in western part of E Moesian floristic province. - IV Balkan Botanical Congress, “Plant, fungal and habitats diversity, investigation and conservation”, Book of Abstracts, Sofia, Bulgaria, 192.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2005): Diverzitet flore jugoistočne Srbije. - 8 th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja, Abstrakti, Niš, 18.
- Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Marković, M. (2005): Novi podaci o rasprostranjenju biljnih vrsta u Srbiji. - 8 th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja, Abstrakti, Niš, 35-36.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2005): Lekovite biljke planine Radan u južnoj Srbiji. - 8th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš, Proceedings, 75-81.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2005): Analiza korovske flore jugoistočne Srbije. - 8th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš, Proceedings, 47-61.
- Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Marković, M. (2005): New floristic records in Serbia and northern Macedonia. - 8th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš, Proceedings, 1-5.
- Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Zlatković, B. (2004): Phytogeographical analysis of the flora of Vlasina plateau (SE Serbia). - XI OPTIMA Meeting, Abstracts, Beograd, Serbia and Montenegro, 67.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2003): Peat-bog vegetation on mountains in the southeastern Serbia. - Third International Balkan Botanical Congress, “Plant Resourses in the creation of new velues”, Abstracts, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 72.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2003): Synecological analysis of endemic plants on Vlasina plateau in southeastern Serbia. - Third International Balkan Botanical Congress, “Plant Resourses in the creation of new velues”, Abstracts, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 73.
- Mitrović, T., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M. (2002): Anticancer Compounds from Medicinal Plants. - 7th Symposium on Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Dimitrovgrad, Proceedings, 61-64.
- Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Mitrović, T. (2002): Farmakodinamska analiza lekovitih biljaka Vlasinske visoravni. - 7th Symposium on Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Dimitrovgrad, Proceedings, 111-116.
- Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M. (2002): Fitocenološke karakteristike staništa vrste Astragalus monspessulanus L. ssp. illyricus Bernh. u klisuri Jerme. - 7th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik rezimea, Dimitrovgrad, 46.
- Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B. (2002): Stepski elementi u flori Suve planine kod Niša. - 7th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik rezimea, Dimitrovgrad, 31-32.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2002): Astragalus wilmottianus Stoj. - nova vrsta u flori Srbije. - VII Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik rezimea, Dimitrovgrad, 25.
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M., Živojinović, Lj., (2000): Ugroženost flore Suve planine. - 6 th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja, Soko Banja, Niš, Zbornik radova, 303-322.
- Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M., (2000): Endemična flora Suve planine u istočnoj Srbiji. - 6 th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja, Soko Banja, Niš, Zbornik radova, 61-73.