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Datum kreiranja: 30.01.2014.

Marina Jušković

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 20.05.1969.
  • Mesto rođenja: Medvedja
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Biološki fakultet
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Primenjena genetika
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1996.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:



  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Jušković, M. (2021): Morfologija i anatomija biljaka. Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu.

    Ranđelović V., Zlatković B., Jušković M., Nikolić D., Mitić Z., Jenačković D., Jovanović M., Raca I., Jovanović M., Stojanović J. (2019): Jedan botanički dan na Staroj planini. Priručnik za identifikaciju biljaka. Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Nišu i Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije. ISBN: 978-86-80877-66-2

    Jušković, M., Ranđelović Vladimir (2017): Praktikum iz morfologije i anatomije biljaka. Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu.

    Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Zlatković Bojan (2006): Praktikum iz Botanike 1 (Anatomija i morfologija biljaka). Biološko društvo “Dr Sava Petrović”, Niš.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Mitić Z.S., Nikolić J.S., Jušković M.Z., Ranđelović V.N., Nikolić B.M., Zlatković B.K. (2023): Geographic differentiation of Abies albaA. x borisii‑regis, and A. cephalonica populations at the Balkan Peninsula based on needlemorpho‑anatomy. Trees - Structure andFunction.

    2. Ranđelović, V., Jenačković Gocić, D., Stojanović,J., Raca, I., Nikolić, D., Jušković, M. (2021): An insight into the ecology of Woodsia alpina newly recorded for the flora of the Balkan Peninsula. Botanica Serbica, 45 (2): 311-319.

    3. Petrović, A., Madić, V., Jušković, M., Đorđević, Lj., Vasiljević, P. (2021). Osteoprotective effects of ‘anti-diabetic’ polyherbal mixture in type 1 diabetic rats. Acta Veterinaria, 71 (3): 256-272.

    4. Madić, V., Petrović, A., Jušković, M., Jugović, D., Djordjević, Lj., Stojanović, G., Vasiljević, P. (2021): Polyherbal mixture ameliorates hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and histopathological changes of pancreas, kidney and liver in a rat model of type 1 diabetes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 265: 113210.

    5. Jenačković, D., Lakušić, D., Zlatković, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N.V. (2019): Emergent wetland vegetation data recording: Does an optimal period exist? Applied vegetation science, 22: 200–212.

    6. Nikolić, D., Gocić, D. J., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Morphological differentiation of populations of Bolboschoenus taxa in Serbia. Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 1-15.

    7. Raca, I., Jovanović, M., Ljubisavljević, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Morphological and leaf anatomical variability of  Crocus cf. heuffelianus Herb. (Iridaceae) populations from the different habitats of the Balkan Peninsula. Turkish Journal of Botany, 43(5): 645-658.

    8. Madić, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Jušković, M., Jugović, D., Žabar-Popović, A., Vasiljević, P. (2019): Genotoxic and antigenotoxic potential of herbal mixture and five medicinal plants used in ethnopharmacology. South African Journal of Botany, 125: 290-297.

    9. Savić, A., Pešić, V., Đorđević, M., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Andrzej, G. (2018): Effects of nutrients and turbidity on grazer-periphyton interactions: a case study from the Nišava River, Balkan Peninsula. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 14 (2): 226-231.

    10. Jušković, Ž. M., Vasiljević, J. P., Savić, V. A., Jenačković, D. D., Stevanović, M. B. (2017): Comparative morphoanatomical analysis of the leaves and stems of Daphne (Thymelaeaceae) species. Biologia, 72/7: 709—721.

    11. Jušković, M., Žabar-Popović, A., Matejić, J., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Manojlović, N., Vasiljević, P. (2017): Phytochemical screening, antioxidants and antimicrobial potential of leaves of Daphne laureola L. Oxidation Communications, 40(3):1058–1069.

    12. Jušković, M. Ž., Vasiljević, P. J., Savić, A. V., Tomović, G. M., Stevanović, B. M. (2017): Variability of morpho-anatomical characteristics of species Daphne oleoides Schreb. (Thymelaeaceae) from the Balkan Peninsula. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 46(4):1357-1365.

    13. Manojlović, T. N., Bursać-Mitrović, M., Dragan R. Milovanović, R. D., Jušković, M., Vasiljević, J. P.  (2017): Effects of Combination of L-Ascorbic acid and Alpha-Tocopherol on Biochemical Parameters of Swimming-Induced Oxidative Stress in Guinea Pigs. Oxidation Communications 40(2): 722-730.

    14. Sovrlić, M., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Mašković, P., Manojlović, N. (2015): Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Profiles of Extracts of Daphne alpina (Thymelaeaceae) L. Leaf and Twig from Mt Kopaonik (Serbia). Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 14(7): 1239-1248.

    15. Harpke, D., Peruzzi, L., Kerndorff, H., Karamplianis, Th., Constantinidis, Th., Ranđelović, V., Ranđelović, N., Jušković, M., Pasche, E., Blattner, F. R. (2014): Phylogeny, geographic distribution and new taxonomic circumscription of the Crocus reticulatus species group (Iridaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany 38(6): 1182-1198.

    16. Manojlović, N. T., Mašković, P. Z., Vasiljević, P. J., Jelić, R. M., Jušković, M. Z., Sovrlić, M., Mandić, L., Radojković, M. (2012): HPLC Analysis, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Daphne cneorum L. Hemijska industrija 66(5): 709-716.

    17. Nedeljko T. Manojlović, Perica J. Vasiljević, Mašković Z. Pavle, Marina Jušković, and Gordana Bogdanović-Dušanović (2012): Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Lichen Umbilicaria cylindrica (L.) Delise (Umbilicariaceae). Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2012, Article ID 452431, 8 pages DOI:10.1155/2012/452431

    18. Jušković, M.,  Vasiljević,  P.,  Manojlović,  T.  N.,  Mihailov-Krstev,  T.,  Stevanović,  B. (2012):  Phytochemical and antimicrobial screening  of  leaves  and  stems  of  Balkan endemic  species Daphne  malyana  Blečić. Biotechnology and Biotechnological equipment 26 (3): 3010-3015.

    19. Matović, M., Bojović, B., and Jušković M. (2011): Composition of essential oils from three classes of juniper fruit from Serbia. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5(26): 6160-6163.

    20. Manojlović, N., Vasiljević, P.,  Jušković, M., Najman, S., Janković, S., Milenković-Anđelković, A. (2010): HPLC analysis and cytotoxic potential of extracts from the lichen, Thamnolia vermicularis  var. subuliformis.  Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 4(9): 817-823.

    21. Jušković,  M.,  Vasiljević,  P.,  Ranđelović,  V.,  Stevanović,  V.,  Stevanović,  B. (2010): Comparative  analysis  of  populations  of  the  Balkan  endemic  species  Daphne  malyana Blečić (Thymeleaceae). Archives of Biological Sciences 62 (4): 1151-1162.

    22. Marinkovic, D. M., Cvjeticanin, S.,  Stanojevic (Jušković), M. (2008): Population genetic analyses of susceptibility to developing alcohol dependence. Addiction Research & Theory, 16 (4), 331-337.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1. Jušković, M., Jenačković Gocić, D., Nikolić, D. Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V. (2021): A comparative anatomical study on two closely related Astragalus L. taxa from the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. Biologica Nyssana, 12 (1):11-21.

    2. Jenačković-Gocić, D., Bolbotinović, Lj., Jušković, M., Nikolić, D., Ranđelović, V. (2020): Insight into the chorology of some endangered, rare and potentially invasive plant species in Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 11 (2): 71-84.

    3. Stojanović, J., Raca, I., Jevtić, J., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Comparative morphoanatomical analysis of Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dumort. (Liliaceae) from Serbia and Montenegro. Biologica Nyssana, 10 (2): 125-133.

    4. Nikolić, D., Veličković, M., Raca, I., Jenačković Gocić, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Morphometric analysis of vegetative and reproductive organs of the Fragaria species. Biologica Nyssana, 10(1): 9-16.

    5. Madić, V., Jovanović, J., Stojilković, A., Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P. (2017): Evaluation of cytotoxicity of ‘anti-diabetic’ herbal preparation and five medicinal plants: an Allium cepa assay. Biologica Nyssana, 8(2):151-158.

    6. Savić, A., Đorđević, M., Jušković, M., Pešić, V. (2017): Ecological analysis of macroinvertebrate communities based on functional feeding groups: a case study in southeastern Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 8(2):159-166.

    7. Raca, I., Ljubisavljević, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N.,  Ranđelović, V. (2017): Comparative anatomical study of the taxa from series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 8(1):15-22. 

    8. Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P., Savić, A., Jenačković, D., Stevanović, B. (2016): Morpho-anatomical differentiation of the populations of Daphne cneorum L. (Thymelaeaceae) from Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 7(1): 1-9.

    9. Rančić, A., Tomović, J., Vasiljević, P., Aleksić, M., Jušković, M., Najman, S., Manojlović, N. (2015): Effects of the toluene and methanol extract of Senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl) on viability and proliferation HeLa cells. Praxis Medica, 44(4): 1-4.

    10. Manojlović, N., Sovrlić, M., Mašković, P., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M. (2014): Phenolic and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of Daphne blagayana growing in Serbia. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 15(1): 21-27.

    11. Sovrlić, M., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Mašković, P., Manojlović, N. (2014): Antimicrobial activity and HPLC analysis of Daphne blagayana L. (THYMELAECEAE) extracts. Praxis Medica, 43(4): 93-97.

    12. Jušković, M.,  Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Stevanović, V. (2010): Diversity of the vascular flora of Mt Šljivovički Vis in E Serbia. Phytologia Balcanica, 16(3)361 – 367.

    13. Zlatković, B. K., Ranđelović, V.,  Jušković, M. (2007): Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Fimbristylis bisumbellata  (Forssk.) Bubani, Typha  laxmannii Lepech.  -  In: Vladimirov, V., Dane, F., Stevanović, V., Tan, K. (eds.): New floristic records in the Balkans 6.  Phytologia Balcanica 13(3): 452-453.

    14. Ranđelović, V.,  Zlatković, B. K., Ranđelović, N.,  Jušković, M. (2006):  Campanula moravica  (Spitzn.) Kovanda,  Lindernia dubia  (L.) Pennell,  Cyperus rotundus  L.,  Poa timoleontis Heldr. ex Boiss.  -  In: Vladimirov, V., Tan, K., Stevanović, V. (eds.): New floristic records in the Balkans 1. Phytologia Balcanica 12(1): 123.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1.  Nikolić, D., Žabar Popović, A., Vidanović, M., Jušković, M., Jenačković Gocić, D., Ranđelović, V. (2020): Antioxidant activity of different extracts from rhizome of species Bolboschoenus laticarpus Marhold Hroudova, Zakravsky & Duchaček. IV Symposium of biologists and ecologists of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, 12-14 November 2020, vol. Book of abstracts, 40.

    2. Jušković, M., Nešić, M., Stojanović, J., Jenačković Gocić, D., Nikolić, D., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Anatomical differentiation of populations Trollius europaeus L. (Ranunculaceae) from Serbia. In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 55-56.

    3. Nikolić, D., Marinković, J., Jušković, M., Jenačković Gocić, D., Raca, I., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Anatomical study of Bolboschoenus taxa distributed in Serbia. 13th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions. Stara planina, Abstracts, p. 34-35.

    4. Jenačković Gocić, D., Jušković, M., Nikolić, D., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Ecological differentiation of marshland communities recorded in the area of Central Balkan Peninsula. 13th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions. Stara planina, Abstracts, p. 66.

    5. Bolbotinović, Lj., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Nikolić, D., Jenačković Gocić, D. (2019): Flora of Danube River in vicinity of Tekija (Northeast Serbia): Taxonomical, ecological and phytogeographic analysis. 13th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions. Stara planina, Abstracts, p. 67.

    6. Raca, I., Manić, J., Harpke, D., Jušković, M., Jovanović, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Crocus randjeloviciorum Kernd., Pasche, Harpke & Raca in Serbia - State of the art. In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 21.

    7. Stojanović, J., Raca, I., Jevtić, J., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2019): Comparative analysis of morphological and anatomical characters of species Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dumort. (Liliaceae) from Serbia and Montenegro. In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 33.

    8. Madić, V., Petrović, A., Jušković, M., Žabar Popović, A., Aleksić, M., Vasiljević, P. (2019): Hypoglycemic effect of traditionally used herbal mixture in normal and diabetic rats. In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 172.

    9. Savić, A., Đorđević, M., Milošević, Đ., Jušković, M., Đorđević, M., Pešić, V. (2019): A contribution to the knowledge of ecology of the species Serratella ignita (Poda, 1761). In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Nikolić, D. (eds.): 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Stara planina Mt., Serbia, 210.

    10. Jušković, M., Zlatković, B., Jenačković, D., Nikolić, D., Lilić, J. (2018): Micromorphological and anatomical variability of Astragalus monspessulanus L. and A. spruneri Boiss. (Fabaceae) from the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, Novi Sad, September 10-14, Book of abstracts, pp 14.

    11. Nikolić, D., Jenačković, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. 2018. Morphological variability of Bolboschoenus glaucus (Lam.) S.G. Smith (Cyperaceae) populations from Serbia. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, Novi Sad, September 10-14, Book of abstracts, pp 48.

    12. Jenačković, D., Lakušić, D., Jušković, M., Nikolić, D., Raca, I., Ranđelović, V. (2018): Marshland vegetation (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941) of the Central Balkan Peninsula: floristic differentiation of associations. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, Novi Sad, September 10-14, Book of abstracts, pp 95.

    13. Nikolić, D., Lazarević, M., Jenačković, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. 2018. Analiza oblika ahenija kod vrsta roda Bolboschoenus (Ach.) Palla (Cyperaceae J. St. Hill.) primenom geometrijske morfometrije. Drugi kongres biologa Srbije, Kladovo, 25. – 30.09.2018., Knjiga sažetaka, str. 58.

    14. Žabar Popović, A., Conić, J., Aleksić, M., Madić, V., Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P. (2018): Biološka aktivnost različitih ekstrakata mahuna vrste Gleditsia triacanthos L. - Drugi kongres biologa Srbije. Osnovna istraživanja, metodika nastave, Knjiga sažetaka, Kladovo, Srbija, 132.

    15. Joković, N., Jušković, M., Kostić, M., Stamenković, O., Veljković, V. (2017): Potential of industrial hemp for removing heavy metals from soil. - 12th Symposium "Novel Technologies and Economic Development" with international participation, Book of abstracts, Leskovac, Republika Srbija, 59.

    16. Savić, A., Đorđević, M., Jušković, M. (2016): The use of the Index of Trophic Completeness – ITC as an indication of water quality along the river Nišava river (eastern Serbia). - 5th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Abstract book, Ohrid, Macedonia, 115.

    17. Ljubisavljević, I., Raca, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Comparative morpho - anatomical analysis of species Crocus reticulates Steven ex Adam (Iridaceae) from Serbia. - 5th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Abstract book, Ohrid, Macedonia, 100.

    18. Maksimović, M., Nikolić, D., Jušković, M., Jenačković, D., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Does differentiation between Typha species in terms of micromorphological characters exist? - 5th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Abstract book, Ohrid, Macedonia, 84.

    19. Raca, I., Ljubisavljević, I., Miljković, M., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Morpho-anatomical differentiation of the southeast European population of Crocus heuffelianus Herb. (Iridaceae). In: Barina, Z., Buczkó, K., Lökös, L., Papp, B., Pifkó, D., Szurdoki, E. (eds.): 11th International Conference „Advances in research on the flora and vegetation of the Carpato-Pannonian region”, Book of abstracts, Budapest, Hungary, 215.

    20. Jenačković, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Effects of physicochemical properties of habitats on morphological variability species of monotypic genus Typha. In: Barina, Z., Buczkó, K., Lökös, L., Papp, B., Pifkó, D., Szurdoki, E. (eds.): 11th International Conference „Advances in research on the flora and vegetation of the Carpato-Pannonian region”, Book of abstracts, Budapest, Hungary, 162.

    21. Savić, A., Đorđević, M., Jušković, M. (2016): Ecological analysis of macroinvertebrate communities based on functional feeding types: a case study in southeastern Serbia. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 150.

    22. Conić, J., Žabar Popović, A., Nikolić, M., Jušković, M., Zlatković, B., Vasiljević, P. (2016): Antihemolytic effects of water extract of Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss. on rat erythrocytes. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 130-131.

    23. Raca, I., Ljubisavljević, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Comparative anatomical study of the taxa from series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Serbia. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 15.

    24. Sovrlić, M., Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Mašković, P., Manojlović, N. (2016): Phytochemical and antibacterial screening of methanol and chloroform extracts of the leaves of Daphne kosaninii (Stoj.) Stoj. (Thymeleaceae). - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 129-130.

    25. Jušković, M., Savić, A., Manić, A., Vasiljević, P. (2016): Comparative analysis of leaf epidermis of three species of the genus Paeonia L. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 22.

    26. Jušković, M., Mitić, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V. (2016): Comparative leaf anatomical investigations of species Crocus alexandrii Ničić ex Velen. (Iridaceae) from Serbia. - 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 27.

    27. Zlatković, B., Jušković, M., Jovanović, B., Šarac, Z. (2015): Morphological and anatomical variability of Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss. in relation to elevation, spatial and climatic conditions. - In: Kukavica Jovanović, B. (ed.): III Simpozijum biologa i ekologa Republike Srpske, Zbornik sažetaka, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, 95.

    28. Zlatković, B., Jušković, M., Vukojević, Đ., Petrović, N. (2015): Morphological and anatomical differentiation of endemic Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss.: multivariate study. In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 125-126.

    29. Jušković, M., Vasiljević, P., Savić, A., Stevanović, B. (2015): Comparative morpho-anatomical analysis of populations species Daphne blagayana Freyer (Thymelaeaceae) from Serbia and Montenegro. In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 74-75.

    30. Jušković, M., Cvijetan, I., Stevanović, V., Stevanović, B. (2013): Morpho-anatomical differentiation populations of Daphne cneorum L. (Thylelaeaceeae) from Serbia. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 55-56.

    31. Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Stevanović, V. (2013): Endemična i reliktna flora Šljivovičkog Visa u istočnoj Srbiji. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 56.

    32. Cvijetan, I., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N. (2013): Diversity of macromycetes of Mt. Suva planina in the Quercetum frainetto-cerris association. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 52-53.

    33. Vasiljević, P., Jušković, M., Aleksić, M., Žabar, A., Manojlović, N., Najman, S. (2013): Ispitivanja uticaja metanolskih ekstrakta vrsta Daphne laureola i Daphne malyana na vijabilnost HeLa ćelija. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 108.

    34. Urošević, J., Davidović, A., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V. (2013): Morphological differentiation within section Biflori Mathew from genus Crocus L. on territory of Serbia. - 11th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Vlasinsko jezero. Proceedings, 44.

    35. Vasiljević, P., Veljković, N., Jušković, M. (2013): Population genetic analysis of students from Surdulica and Niš. 52nd Congress Of Serbian Anthropological Society Novi Sad, June 5-8.

    36. Manojlović, N. T., Mašković, P.Z., Manojlović, I.,  Bogdanović-Dušanović,  G.,  Jušković, M., Aleksić, M., Žabar, A. (2011): Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the lichen Toninia candida (Weber) Th. Fr (Catillariaceae).- Planta Medica. 77 (12): 1440-1440.

    37. Bojović,  B.,Matović,  M.,  Jušković,  M.  (2011):  Composition  of  physiological  metabolites  of  mint (Mentha  logifolia)  and  their  antimicrobial  activity,  19th Symposium  of  the  Serbian  Plant  Physiology Society, Banja Vrujci, 56.

    38. Manojlović, N. T., Vasiljević,  P. J., Jušković,  M., Najman, S.J.,  Bogdanović-Dušanović,  G.,Joksimović, Z., Milenković-Andjelković,  A. (2010): Screening of Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis for antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. - Planta Medica. 76 (12): 1304-1304.

    39. Jušković, M.,Vasiljević, P., Rajković, J., Stevanović, B., Stevanović, V. (2010): Morfološke karakteristike epidermisa lista balkanske endemične vrste Daphne malyana Blečić (Thymeleaceae). - 10th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš, Proceedings, 52-53.

    40. Vasiljević, P., Najman, S., Manojlović, N., Aleksić, M., Jušković, M.,Vukelić, M. (2010): Ispitivanje uticaja metanolskog ekstrakta tri vrste roda Cassia (Cassia angustifolia, Cassia tora, Cassia siamea) na vijabilnost HeLa ćelija. - 10th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš. Proceedings, 73-74.

    41. Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2009): Two new recorded species of genus Ophrys from Macedonia. In: Stevanović, V. (ed.): 5th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of Abstracts, Belgrade, Serbia, 53.

    42. Vasiljević, J. P., Najman, S.,  Manojlović,  N.,  Vukelić, M. D.,  Jušković,  M. (2009):  In vitro cytotoxic activity of lichen Laurera benguelensis. - Planta Medica 75 (9): 1047-1048.

    43. Ranđelović, V., JuškovićM., Šarac, Z. (2008): Horološke i ekološke karakteristike stepskih elemenata flore na području istočne i jugoistočne Srbije. - 9th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Niš, Proceedings, 83-100.

    44. Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, N., Zlatković, B. (2006): The elements of steppe flora of calcareus massifs in western part of E Moesian floristic province. - IV Balkan Botanical Congress, “Plant, fungal and habitats diversity, investigation and conservation”, Book of Abstracts, Sofia, Bulgaria, 192.

    45. Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2005): Diverzitet flore jugoistočne Srbije. - 8 th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja, Abstrakti, Niš, 18.

    46. Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Marković, M. (2005): Novi podaci o rasprostranjenju biljnih vrsta u Srbiji. - 8 th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja, Abstrakti, Niš, 35-36.

    47. Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2005): Lekovite biljke planine Radan u južnoj Srbiji. - 8th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš, Proceedings, 75-81.

    48. Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2005): Analiza korovske flore jugoistočne Srbije. - 8th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš, Proceedings, 47-61.

    49. Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Marković, M. (2005): New floristic records in Serbia and northern Macedonia. - 8th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Niš, Proceedings, 1-5.

    50. Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M., Zlatković, B. (2004): Phytogeographical analysis of the flora of Vlasina plateau (SE Serbia). - XI OPTIMA Meeting, Abstracts, Beograd, Serbia and Montenegro, 67.

    51. Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2003): Peat-bog vegetation on mountains in the southeastern Serbia. - Third International Balkan Botanical Congress, “Plant Resourses in the creation of new velues”, Abstracts, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 72.

    52. Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2003): Synecological analysis of endemic plants on Vlasina plateau in southeastern Serbia. - Third International Balkan Botanical Congress, “Plant Resourses in the creation of new velues”, Abstracts, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 73.

    53. Mitrović, T., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M. (2002): Anticancer Compounds from Medicinal Plants. - 7th Symposium on Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Dimitrovgrad,  Proceedings, 61-64.

    54. Ranđelović, V., JuškovićM.,  Mitrović, T. (2002): Farmakodinamska analiza lekovitih biljaka Vlasinske visoravni. - 7th Symposium on Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Dimitrovgrad, Proceedings, 111-116.

    55. Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Jušković, M. (2002): Fitocenološke karakteristike staništa vrste Astragalus monspessulanus L. ssp. illyricus Bernh. u klisuri Jerme. - 7th  Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik rezimea, Dimitrovgrad, 46.

    56. Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B. (2002): Stepski elementi u flori Suve planine kod Niša. - 7th Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik rezimea, Dimitrovgrad, 31-32.

    57. Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Jušković, M. (2002): Astragalus wilmottianus Stoj. - nova vrsta u flori Srbije. - VII Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik rezimea, Dimitrovgrad, 25.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Ranđelović, V.,  Zlatković, B., Jušković, M., Živojinović, Lj., (2000): Ugroženost flore Suve planine. - 6 th  Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja, Soko Banja, Niš, Zbornik radova, 303-322.

    2. Ranđelović, V.,  Zlatković, B.,  Jušković, M., (2000): Endemična flora Suve planine u istočnoj Srbiji. - 6 th  Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja, Soko Banja, Niš, Zbornik radova, 61-73.

Poslednji put izmenjeno sreda, 06 septembar 2023 20:42