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Datum kreiranja: 30.01.2014.

Vladimir Rakočević

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 1953.
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Univerzitet u Nišu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Dragan S. Djordjević, Vladimir Rakočević: Lecture on generalized inverses, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2008.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Vladirmir Rakočević: Funkcionalna analiza, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1994.

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. V. Rakočević, Approximate point spectrum and commuting compact perturbations, Glasgow Math.J. 28 (1986), no. 2, 193–198.

    2. V. Rakočević, Moore-Penrose inverse in Banach algebras. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. Sect. A 88 (1988), no. 1, 57–60.

    3. V. Rakočević and J. Zemanek, Lower s-numbers and their asymptotic behaviour. Studia-Math. 91 (1988), no. 3, 231–239.

    4. V. Rakočević, Spectral radius formulae in quotient C-algebras. Proc. Amer. Math . Soc. 113 (1991), no. 4, 1039–1040.

    5. V. Rakočević, Generalized spectrum and commuting compact perturbations. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 36 (1993), no. 2, 197–209.

    6. V. Rakočević, Semi-Fredholm operators with finite ascent or descent and perturbations. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), no. 12, 3823–3825.

    7. V. Rakočević, Semi-Browder operators and perturbations. Studia Math. 122 (1997), no. 2, 131–137.

    8. V. Kordula, V. Muller and V. Rakočević, On the semi-Browder spectrum, Studia Math. 123 (1997), 1-13.

    9. V. Rakočević, Measures of noncompactness and some applications, Filomat, 12, 2,(1998), 87-120.

    10. J. J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Continuity of the Drazin inverse II, Studia Math., 131 (1998), 167-177

    11. E. Malkowsky and V. Rakočević, The measure of noncompactness of linear operators between certain sequence spaces, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 64(1998), 151-170.

    12. V. Rakočević, Continuity of the Drazin inverse, J. Operator Theory, 41(1999), 55-68.

    13. E. Malkowsky and V. Rakočević, The measure of noncompactness of linear operators between spaces of mth -order difference sequences, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.,35(1999), 381-395.

    14. V. Rakočević and S. Živković, Lower analogues of Gelfand and Kolmogorov numbers, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 30(8)(1999), 777-785.

    15. V. Rakočević, On the norm of idempotent operators in a Hilbert space, Amer. Math. Monthly, 107(2000), 748-750.

    16. E. Malkowsky and V. Rakočević, The measure of noncompactness of linear operators between spaces of strongly C1 summable and bounded sequences,Acta. Math. Hungar., 89(2000)29-45.

    17. V. Rakočević, Quasi contraction nonself mappings on Banach spaces and common fixed point theorems, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 58(2001), 451-460.

    18. E. Malkowsky and V. Rakočević, Measure of noncompactness of linear operators between spaces of sequences that are (N, q) summable or bounded, Czechoslovak Math. J., 51(126)(2001), 505-522.

    19. V. Rakočević and Yimin Wei, The perturbation theory for the Drazin inverse and its applications II, J. Aust. Math. Soc., 70(2001), 189-197.

    20. V. Rakočević, Koliha-Drazin invertible operators and commuting Riesz perturbations, Acta. Sci. Math. (Szeged) 68(2002), 291–301.

    21. V. Rakočević and Yimin Wei, The W–weighted Drazin inverse, Linear Algebra Appl., 350(2002), 25-39.

    22. N. Castro Gonzalez, J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Continuity and general perturbation of the Drazin inverse of for closed linear operatoras, Abstr. Appl. Anal., 7(2002), 335-347.

    23. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Invertibility of the sum of idempotents, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 50(2002), 285-292.

    24. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Invertibility of the difference of idempotents, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 51(2003), 97-110.

    25. V. Rakočević and H. K. Wimmer, A variational characterization of canonical angles between subspaces, J. Geom. 78(2003), 122-124.

    26. V. Rakočević and Yimin Wei, The Representation and Approximation of the W–weighted Drazin inverse of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space, Appl. Math. Comput. 141(2003), 455-470.

    27. I. Jovanović, E. Malkowsky and V. Rakočević, Bounded point evaluations and cyclic polynomials on the space F, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 52(2003),308-314.

    28. J.J. Koliha, V. Rakočević and I. Straškraba, The difference and sum of projectors, Linear Algebra Appl., 388(2004), 279-288.

    29. E. Malkowsky, V. Rakočević and S. Živković–Zlatanović, Matrix Transformations between the sequence space wp o(Λ), vp

    o(Λ), cpo (Λ), 1 < p < and BK spaces, Appl. Math. Comput. 147(2004), 377-396.

    30. V. Rakočević, Koliha-Drazin inverse and perturbations, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, (2) 73(2004),101-125.

    31. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, On the norms of idempotents in C–algebras, Rocky Mountain J. Math, 34 (2004), 685-697.

    32. G. Dirr, V. Rakočević and H. K. Wimmer, Estimates for projections in Banach spaces and existence of direct complements, Studia Math., 170(2005), 211-216.

    33. D. S. Cvetković, D. S. Djordjević and V. Rakočević, Schur complements in C–algebras, Mathematische Nachrichten, 278(2005), 808-814.

    34. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Fredholm properties of the difference of orthogonal projections in a Hilbert space, Integral Equation and Operator Theory, 52(2005), 125-134.

    35. Lj. Gajić and V. Rakočević, Quasi contractive nonself mappings on convex metric spaces and common fixed point theorems, Fixed Point Theory Appl., 3(2005), 365-375.

    36. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Differentiability of the g-Drazin inverse , Studia Mathematica, 168(2005), 193-201.

    37. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Holomorphic and meromorphic properties of the g- Drazin inverse , Demonstratio Mathematica, 38(2005), 657-666.

    38. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, The nullity and rank of linear combinations of idempotent matrices , Linear Algebra and its Applications, 418(2006), 11-14.

    39. B. de Malafosse and V. Rakočević, Applications of measure of noncompactness in operators on the spaces s_, s_, s(c)

    _ , ℓp _, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 323(2006), 131-145.

    40. B. de Malafosse, E. Malkowsky and V. Rakočević, Measure of noncompactness of operators and matrices on the spaces c and c0. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., 2006, Art ID, 5 pp.

    41. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Stability theorems for linear combinations of idempotents, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 58(2007), 597-601.

    42. J.J. Koliha and V. Rakočević, Range projections and the Moore-Penrose inverse in rings with involution , Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 55(2007), 103-112.

    43. B. de Malafosse and V. Rakočević, Matrix Transformation and Statistical Convergence, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 420 (2007), 377-387.

    44. B. de Malafosse and V. Rakočević, A generalization of a Hardy theorem, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 421(2007), 306-314.

    45. E. Malkowsky and V. Rakočević, On Matrix domains of triangles, Appl. Math. Comput.,189(2007), 1146-1163.

    46. V. Rakočević, Perturbations of direct complements in Hilbert spaces, Applied Mathematics Letters, 20(2007), 450-454.

    47. Lj. Gajić and V. Rakočević, Pair of non-self-mappings and common fixed points, Appl. Math. Comput., 187 (2007), 999-1006.

    48. D. Ilić and V. Rakočević, Common fixed points for maps on metric space with wdistance,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 199(2008), 599-610.

    49. D. Ilić and V. Rakočević, Common fixed points for maps on cone metric space, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 341(2008), 876-882.

    50. Julio Benitez and V. Rakočević, Applications of CS decomposition in linear combinations of two orthogonal projectors, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 203(2008), 761-769.

    51. D. Ilić and V. Rakočević, Quasi-contraction on cone metric space, Applied Mathematics Letters, (2009), vol. 22 br. 5, str. 728-731.

    52. G. Jungck, S. Radenović, S. Radojević and V. Rakočević, Common Fixed Point Theorems for Weakly Compatible Pairs on Cone Metric Spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (2009)

    53. Z. Kadelburg, S. Radenovi´c and V. Rakočević, Remarks on ”Quasi-contraction on a cone metric space”, Applied Mathematics Letters, (2009), vol. 22 br. 11, str. 1674-1679.

    54. Julio Benitez and V. Rakočević, On the spectrum of linear combinations of two projections in C algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, (2010), vol. 58 br. 6, str. 673-679.

    55. I. Altun and V. Rakočević, Ordered cone metric spaces and fixed point results, Computer and mathematics with Applications, (2010), vol. 60 br. 5, str. 1145-1151.

    56. A. Razani, V. Rakočević and G. Zahraa, n-self mappings in modular spaces and common fixed point theorems, Central European Journal of Mathematics, (2010), vol. 8 br. 2, str. 357-366.

    57. Lj. Ćirić, V. Rakočević, S. Radenović, M. Rajović and R. Lazović, Common fixed point theorems for non-self-mappings in metric spaces of hyperbolic type, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, (2010), vol. 233 br. 11, str. 2966-2974.

    58. J. Benitez and V. Rakočević, Matrices A such that AAAA are nonsingular, Applied Mathematics and Computation, (2010), vol. 217 br. 7, str. 3493-3503.

    59. Lj. Gajić, D. Ilić and V. Rakočević, On Ćirić maps with a generalized contractive iterate at a point and Fisher’s quasi-contractions in cone metric spaces, Applied Mathematics

    and Computation, (2010), vol. 216 br. 8, str. 2240-2247.

    60. J. Benitez and V. Rakočević, Invertibility of the commutator of an element in a C*-algebra and its Moore-Penrose inverse, Studia Mathematica, (2010), vol. 200 br. 2,str. 163-174.

    61. Z. Kadelburg, S. Radenović and V. Rakočević, Topological Vector Space-Valued Cone Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (2010).

    62. B. de Malafosse and V. Rakočević, Calculations in New Sequence Spaces and Application to Statistical Convergence , CUBO, A Mathematical Journal, 12(2010), 121-138.

    63. M. Mansour, Sh. Vaezpour, V. Rakočević and B. Rhoades, Fixed point theorems for contractive mapping in cone metric spaces, Mathematical Communications, (2011), vol. 16 br. 1, str. 147-155.

    64. M. Alimohammady, J. Balooee, S. Radojević, V. Rakočević and M. Roohi, Conditions of regularity in cone metric spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, (2011), vol. 217 br. 13, str. 6359-6363.

    65. A. Razani, V. Rakočević and G. Zahra, Generalized phi-contraction for a pair of mappings on cone metric spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, (2011), vol. 217 br. 22, str. 8899-8906.

    66. S. Radenović, V. Rakočević and Sh. Resapour, Common fixed points for (g,f) type maps in cone metric spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, (2011), vol. 218 br. 2, str. 480-491.

    67. Z. Kadelburg, S. Rdenović and V. Rakočević, A note on the equivalence of some metric and cone metric fixed point results, Applied Mathematics Letters, (2011), vol. 24 br. 3, str. 370-374.

    68. D. Ilić, V. Pavlović and V. Rakočević, Some new extensions of Banach’s contraction principle to partial metric space, Applied Mathematics Letters, (2011), vol. 24 br. 8, str. 1326-1330.

    69. E. Boasso and V. Rakočević, Characterizations of EP and normal Banach algebra elements and Banach space operators, Linear Algebra and its Applications, (2011), vol. 435 br. 2, str. 342-353.

    70. B. de Malafosse and V. Rakočević, Matrix Transformation and Statistical Convergence II, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications , Volume 6, Number 1, pp. 71-89 (2011)

    71. N. Subramanian, U. Misra and V. Rakoˇcevi´c, The χ2 sequence spaces defined by amodulus, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics Volume 35 Number 1 (2011), Pages 25-43.

    72. R.H. Haghi, V. Rakočević, S. Rezapour, N. Shahzad, Best proximity results in regular cone metric spaces, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2011) 60:323–327.

    73. F. Khojasteh and V. Rakočević, Some new common fixed point results of generalized contractive non-self multi-valued mappings, Applied Mathematics, Letters 25(2012), 287–293.

    74. Julio Benitez , Xiaoji Liu and Vladimir Rakočević,Invertibility in rings of the commutator ab ba, where aba = a and bab = b, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 60(2012), 449-463.

    75. Lj. Gajić and V. Rakočević, Quasi-contraction on a non-normal cone metric space, FunctiŻonal analysis and its applications,46 62–65 (2012).

    76. Lj. B. Ćirić, H. Lakzian and V. Rakočević, Fixed point theorems for w-cone distance contraction mappings in TVS- cone metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2012, 2012:3.

    77. B. de Malafose, V. Rakočević, Series summable (C, λ, μ) and applications, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 436(2912)4089-4100.

    78. D. Ilić, V. Pavlović and V. Rakočević, Extensions of Zamfirescu theorem to partial metric spaces, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 55(2012),801–809.

    79. Julio Benitez and V. Rakočević, Canonical angles and limits of sequences of EP and co-EP matrices,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(2012), 8503-8512.

    80. B. de Malafosse and V. Rakočević, Matrix Transformation and Sequence spaces equations , Banach J. Math. Anal. 7 (2013), no. 2, 1–14.

    81. D. Ilić, V. Pavlović and V. Rakočević, Three extensions of Ćirić quasi-contraction on partial metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2013.

    82. H. Alikhani, V. Rakočević, Sh. Resapour, N. Shahzad, Fixed points of proximinal valued beta-psi-contractive multifunctions,Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis.

    83. E. Karapinar, V. Rakoˇcevi´c, On Cyclic Generalized Weakly -Contractions on Partial Metric Spaces, Journal of Applied  Mathematics, vol. 2013, Article ID 831491, 7 pages,

    2013. doi:10.1155/2013/831491.

    84. R. D. Bisht, V. Rakočević, Some notes on PD-operator pairs, Mathematical Communications,(2013) 18, 2, 441-445.

    85. D. Ilić, V. Pavlović and V. Rakočević, Fixed points of mappings with a contractive iterate at a point in partial metric spaces , Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2013, 2013:335. DOI: 10.1186/10.1186/1687-1812-2013-335

    86. Julio Benitez, E. Boasso and V. Rakočević, Co-EP Banach algebra elements,Banach J. Math. Anal.

    87. M. Cvetković and V. Rakočević,Extensions of Perov theorem,Carpathian Journal of Mathematics.

    88. Gulyaz Selma, Karapinar Erdal, V. Rakočević and Salimi Peyman, Existence of a solution of integral equations via fixed point theorem, Journal of inequalities and applications, (2013)

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1. V. Rakočević, On one subset of M. Schechter’s essential spectrum, Mat. Vesnik 5(18)(33) (1981), no. 4, 389–391.

    2. V. Rakočević, Measures of non-strict-singularity of operators, Mat. Vesnik 35 (1983), no. 1, 79–82.

    3. V. Rakočević, On the essential approximate point spectrum. II. Mat. Vesnik 36 (1984), no. 1, 89–97.

    4. V. Rakočević, Polynomially compact elements of Banach algebras, Mat. Vesnik 36 (1984), no. 2, 167–172.

    5. V. Rakočević, On J. C. Alexander’s theorem, Mat. Vesnik 36 (1984), no. 3, 249–250.

    6. V. Rakočević, Remarks on locally q-contraction operators, Mat. Vesnik 36 (1984), 357–360.

    7. V. Rakočević, On a class of operators, Mat. Vesnik 37 (1985), no. 4, 423–426.

    8. V. Rakočević, Weyl’s theorem for a bundle of operators, Zb.-Rad. (1986), No. 10, 189–192.

    10. V. Rakočević, On a class of operators. II. Rad. Mat. 2 (1986), no. 1, 75–80.

    9. Rakočević, Operators obeying a-Weyl’s theorem, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 34 (1989), no. 10, 915–919.

    10. V. Rakočević, On the continuity of the Moore-Penrose inverse in Banach algebras. Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. (1991), No. 6 133–138.

    11. V. Rakočević, A note on regular elements in Calkin algebras, Collect. Math. 43 (1992), no. 1, 37–42.

    12. V. Rakočević, On the essential spectrum. Zb. Rad. (1992), No. 6, 39–48.

    13. V. Rakočević, On a formula for the jumps in the semi-Fredholm domain. Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 5 (1992), no. 2-3, 225–232.

    14. V. Rakočević, On the equality · e = · w. Zb. Rad. (1992), No. 6, part 2, 411–412.

    15. V. Rakočević, On a Riesz part of the spectrum of Atkinson (B) type operator. Riv. Mat. Pura Appl. (1993), No. 12, 27–31.

    16. V. Rakočević, On the continuity of the Moore-Penrose inverse in C-algebras. Math. Montisnigri 2 (1993), 89–92.

    17. V. Rakočević, On a conjecture of P. Nylen and L. Rodman, Mat. Bilten 43 (1993), no. 17, 51–52.

    18. V. Aleksić and V. Rakočević, Approximate properties of the Moore-Penrose inverse, VIII Conference on Applied Mathematics (Tivat, 1993), 1–14 Univ. Montenegro, Podgorica, 1994.

    19. I. Jovanović and V. Rakočević, Multipliers of mixed-norm sequence spaces and measures of noncompactness. Publ. Inst. Math.(Beograd) (N.S.) 56(70) (1994), 61–68.

    20. V. Rakočević, Extremal perturbations of bounded operators, IX Conference on Applied Mathematics (Budva, 1994), 209–212, Univ. Novi Sad, Novi Sad, 1995.

    21. V. Rakočević, On Harte’s theorem for regular boundary elements. Filomat, (1995), No. 9, part 3, 899–910.

    22. V. Rakočević, A note on Maeda’s inequality, Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform., 11(1996), 93 – 100.

    23. V. Rakočević, On continuity of the Moore–Penrose and Drazin inverses, Mat. Vesnik, 49(1997), 163-172.

    24. I. Jovanović and V. Rakočević, Multipliers of mixed-norm sequence spaces and measures of noncompactness II. Mat. Vesnik, 49(1997), 197-206.

    25. V. Rakočević, A note on two indices of semigroup elements, Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N.S), 65(79)(1999), 109-111.

    26. V. Rakočević, A note on generalized inverse functions, Mathematica Moravica, 3(1999), 49-52.

    27. V. Rakočević, Apostol spectrum and generalizations: a brief survey, Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform., 14(1999), 79-108.

    28. I. Jovanović and V. Rakočević, A note on the range of compact multipliers of mixednorm sequence spaces, Matematica Moravica, 3(1999), 29-32.

    29. V. Rakočević, A note on a theorem of I. Vidav, Publ. Inst. Math.(Beograd) (N.S.) 68(82) (2000), 105–107.

    30. E. Malkowsky and V. Rakočević, An Introduction in to the Theory of Sequence Spaces and Measures of Noncompactness, Zb. Rad. (Beogr.) 9(17)(2000), 143-234.

    31. E. Malkowsky, V. Rakočević and S. Živković–Zlatanović, Matrix Transformations between some sequence spaces and their measures of noncompactness, Bull. Cl. Sci. Math. Nat. Sci. Math. 27(2002), 33-46.