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Datum kreiranja: 31.01.2014.

Dragan Gajić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 8.4.1955.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Fizika
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1979.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    D.Ž . Gajić, "Udarni talasi u Kosmosu", Klub NT, Beograd, 1999, str. 145.

    D.Ž . Gajić, "Fizika Sunca", Prosveta i PMF, Niš, 2005, str. 270.

    D.Ž . Gajić, Lj. Stevanović, "Zbirka zadataka iz teorijske mehanike", PMF, Niš, 2009, str. 291.


  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić, "The significance of off-resonance terms for ion-cyclotron modes at lower harmonics in weakly-ionized plasmas with Te/Ti<10,  Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 33 (1991) 1161-1185. 

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić, "Excitation of QPESIC instabilities in weakly ionized plasmas placed in non-parallel fields",  Physica Scripta 45 (1992) 264-274. 

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić, "On the kinetic theory of QPEMIC instabilities in weakly ionized plasmas placed in non-parallel fields", Physica Scripta 50 (1994) 542-549.

    N.V. Novaković, B.S. Milić, S.M. Stojilković, D.Ž . Gajić, "Evaluation of Plasma composition and Mobilities in Argon Plasma with Chlorine as Additive", Contrib. Plasma Phys.  38 (1998) 5-6, 623-628.

    N.V. Novaković, B.S. Milić, S.M. Stojilković, D.Ž . Gajić, "Evaluation of transport coefficients in plasmas containing argon and sodium",  Europhysics Letters  44 (1998) 4, 454-458.

    N.V. Novaković,  S.M. Stojilković, B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić,"Contribution to the evaluation of transport coefficients in plasmas containing krypton and sodium", Czech. J. Phys48 (1998) 12, 1569-1574.

    N.V. Novaković, S.M. Stojilković, B.S. Milić,  D.Ž . Gajić, "Electron and ion mobilities in argon plasma with fluorine as additive",  Czech. J. Phys. 50 (2000) 3, 425-432.

    N.V. Novaković, S.M. Stojilković,  D.Ž . Gajić, "Some transport characteristics in plasmas in the mixtures of xenon, argon and caesium",  J. Plasma Physics 71 (2005) 6, 889-897.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić, "On the possibility of the threshold drift inversion in QPESIC instabilities in weakly ionized plasmas with electric current  flowing along the magnetic lines of force", Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics,Chemistry and Technology 1 (1994) 3-11.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "Some characteristics of the ion-ion hybrid instability in weakly ionized two-ion plasmas", Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and

    Technology 1 (1994) 12-17.

    N.V. Novaković, S.M. Stojilković, B.S. Milić,  D.Ž . Gajić,  "Some transport properties in plasmas containing argon and fluorine", Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology 2 (2003) 5,  285-291.

    D. Simić, D. Gajić, "Kinetic theory of  electrostatic ion cyclotron waves (QPESIC) in multicomponent plasmas with negative ions", Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics,Chemistry and Technology,  Vol. 5, No1, 2007, pp.  45-55.

    D.Ž. Gajić, "Potencijalni kvazi-transverzalni jono-ciklotronski talasi u beskolizionoj plazmi u neparalelnim poljima E0  i B0", Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu, Serija fizika i hemja 1 (1988) 25-34.

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić, "Uticaj nerezonantnih članova u disperzionoj jednačini na karakteristike kvazi-perpendikularne elektrostatičke jono-ciklotronske nestabilnosti u dugotalasnom području kod slabo jonizovane plazme",  Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu, Serija fizika  1 (1990) 3-26.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić,  "Spontaneous excitation of quasi-perpendicular electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves in collisionless plasmas placed in constant and non-parallel electric and magnetic fields",  Contributed Papers, 13th SPIG, (Šibenik, 1986) pp. 537-540.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić,  "The comparison of threshold electron drifts for spontaneous onset of electrostatic and electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves in collisionless plasmas placed in constant and non-parallel electric and magnetic fields",  Contributed Papers, 14th SPIG, (Sarajevo, 1988) pp. 522-525.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "On the kinetic theory of the electrostatic ion-cyclotron instability in collisionless plasmas placed in constant and non-parallel electric and magnetic fields",  Contributed Papers, 19th ICPIG, (Beograd, 1989) pp. 786-787.

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić,  "On the significance of the ionic off-resonance terms for excitation of electrostatic ion-cyclotron instability in two-ion plasmas", Contributed Papers, 15th SPIG, (Dubrovnik, 1990) pp. 354-355. 

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić,  "Long-wave electrostatic ion-cyclotron instability in weakly ionized plasmas placed in non-parallel stationary magnetic and d.c. electric fields", Contributed Papers, 20th ICPIG, (Pisa, 1991) pp. 605-606. 

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić,"On the excitation of QPEMIC instabilities in weakly ionized plasmas placed in non-parallel fields", Contributed Papers, 21st ICPIG, (Bochum, 1993) pp.281-282.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "On the kinetic theory of the ion-ion hybrid waves and instabilities",  Contributed Papers, 16th SPIG, (Beograd, 1993) pp. 334-337. 

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić,  , "Threshold drift inversion in spontaneous excitation of QPESIC instabilities at various IC harmonics", Contributed Papers, 16th SPIG, (Beograd, 1993) pp. 338-341. 

    B.S. Milić, D.Ž . Gajić,  "QPESIC instabilities in weakly ionized two-ion plasmas with different ion temperatures and", Contributed Papers, 17th SPIG, (Beograd, 1994) pp. 358-361.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "Comparision of basic properties of QPESIC and QPESIIH modes in two-ion weakly ionized plasmas", Contributed Papers, 17th SPIG, (Beograd, 1994) pp. 362-365.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić,  "Spontaneous excitation of QPESIIH instabilities in weakly ionized two-ion plasmas with different ion temperatures", Contributed Papers 3, 22th ICPIG (Hoboken, New Jersey, 1995) pp. 57-58.

    N.R. Brajušković, D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić,  "Basic characteristics of QPESIC modes in weakly ionized plasmas containing singly, doubly and triply charged ions", Contributed Papers, 18th SPIG, (Kotor, 1996) pp. 556-559.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "Kinetic theory of spontaneous excitation of the longwave QPESIIH instabilities in weakly ionized plasmas", Contributed Papers, 18th SPIG, (Kotor, 1996) pp. 560-563. 

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "On the influence of relative ion concentrations on QPESIC modes in weakly ionized plasmas with singly, doubly and triply charged ions", Contributed Papers 1, 23th ICPIG, (Toulouse, 1997) pp. 222-223.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "Some properties of the QPESIC instabilities in weakly ionized plasmas with ions and   possessing different temperatures", Contributed Papers 1, 23th ICPIG, (Toulouse, 1997) pp. 224-225.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "QPEMIC instabilities in weakly ionized two-ion plasmas", Suppl. of the Balkan Phys. Lett. 5 (1997)1423.

    N.V. Novaković, B.S. Milić, S.M. Stojilković, D.Ž . Gajić,  "Electron and ion mobilities in argon plasma with fluorine as additive",  Contributed Papers, 19th SPIG, (Zlatibor, 1998) pp. 513-516.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, N.V. Novaković, "Longwave QPESIC modes in plasmas with ions possessing two temperatures I: higher non-isothermalities",  Contributed Papers, 19th SPIG, (Zlatibor, 1998) pp. 709-712.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, N.V. Novaković, "Longwave QPESIC modes in plasmas with ions possessing two temperatures II: lower non-isothermalities", Contributed Papers, 19th SPIG, (Zlatibor, 1998) pp. 713-716.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, N.V. Novaković, "Kinetic theory of QPESIC waves in a plasmas with ions A+ and A-    having different temperatures", Contributed Papers, 20th SPIG, (Zlatibor, 2000) pp. 543-546. 

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, N.V. Novaković, "QPESIC waves and instabilities in plasmas with one sort of light positive and one sort heavy negative ions having different temperatures", Contributed Papers, 21st SPIG, (Sokobanja, 2002) pp. 621-624.

    N.V. Novaković, B.S. Milić, S.M. Stojilković, D.Ž. Gajić, "Diffusion coefficients of low-pressure and low-temperature thermal argon plasma with chlorine as additive", Contributed Papers, 21st SPIG, (Sokobanja, 2002) pp. 609-624.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, N.V. Novaković,  "Kinetic theory of QPESIC waves in collision plasmas with negative ions",  BPU-5: Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, (Vrnjačka Banja, 2003) pp.1177-1180.

    N.V. Novaković, B.S. Milić, S.M. Stojilković, D.Ž. Gajić, "Diffusion coefficients of low-pressure thermal argon plasma with fluorine as additive", BPU-5: Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, (Vrnjačka Banja, 2003) pp. 1057-1060. 

    D. Simić, D.Ž. Gajić, "Short Wave Instabilities of Electrostatic Ion-Cyclotron Waves in the Complex Plasma", Contributed Papers, 23th SPIG, (Tara, 2006) pp. 627-629.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, "Specifičnosti dugotalasnog dela jon-jonske hibridne mode u zamagnetisanoj plazmi sa jonima A+ i A++", Zbornik radova IX kongresa fizičara Jugoslavije, (Petrovac na Moru, 1995) str. 377-380.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, N.V. Novaković, "Kinetička teorija KPJC talasa u plazmi sa A+ i A- jonima istih temperatura", Zbornik radova 10. kongresa fizičara Jugoslavije - II knjiga, (Vrnjačka Banja, 2000) str. 737-740.

    N.V. Novaković, B.S. Milić,  S.M. Stojilković, D.Ž. Gajić, "Korišćcenje Landauove dužine pri izračunavanju pokretljivosti u termalnoj plazmi", Zbornik radova 10. kongresa fizičara Jugoslavije - II knjiga, (Vrnjačka Banja, 2000) str. 687-690..

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, N.V. Novaković, "Kinetic theory of QPESIC waves in isothermal ionospheric plasmas with resonant negative ions",  Proceedings of the XIII National conference of Yugoslav Astronomers, Belgrade 2002, Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade75 (2003) 101-104.

    N.V. Novaković, B.S. Milić,  S.M. Stojilković, D.Ž. Gajić, "Modifikacija Debye-evog radijusa primenljiva u plazmi i teoriji elektrolita", Kongres fizičara Srbije i Crne Gore, (Petrovac na Moru, 2004) 3 str. 115-118.

    D.Ž. Gajić, B.S. Milić, N.V. Novaković, "Uticaj sudarnih procesa na pobuđivanje KPJC talasa u plazmama sa rezonantnim negativnim jonima", Kongres fizičara Srbije i Crne Gore, (Petrovac na Moru, 2004) 3 str.  63-66.